Exploring community psychological praxis in a value-laden world

2003 ◽  
J. Hess ◽  
P. Dokecki
P. L. Burnett ◽  
W. R. Mitchell ◽  
C. L. Houck

Natural Brucite (Mg(OH)2) decomposes on heating to form magnesium oxide (MgO) having its cubic ﹛110﹜ and ﹛111﹜ planes respectively parallel to the prism and basal planes of the hexagonal brucite lattice. Although the crystal-lographic relation between the parent brucite crystal and the resulting mag-nesium oxide crystallites is well known, the exact mechanism by which the reaction proceeds is still a matter of controversy. Goodman described the decomposition as an initial shrinkage in the brucite basal plane allowing magnesium ions to shift their original sites to the required magnesium oxide positions followed by a collapse of the planes along the original <0001> direction of the brucite crystal. He noted that the (110) diffraction spots of brucite immediately shifted to the positions required for the (220) reflections of magnesium oxide. Gordon observed separate diffraction spots for the (110) brucite and (220) magnesium oxide planes. The positions of the (110) and (100) brucite never changed but only diminished in intensity while the (220) planes of magnesium shifted from a value larger than the listed ASTM d spacing to the predicted value as the decomposition progressed.

Patrick P. Camus

The theory of field ion emission is the study of electron tunneling probability enhanced by the application of a high electric field. At subnanometer distances and kilovolt potentials, the probability of tunneling of electrons increases markedly. Field ionization of gas atoms produce atomic resolution images of the surface of the specimen, while field evaporation of surface atoms sections the specimen. Details of emission theory may be found in monographs.Field ionization (FI) is the phenomena whereby an electric field assists in the ionization of gas atoms via tunneling. The tunneling probability is a maximum at a critical distance above the surface,xc, Fig. 1. Energy is required to ionize the gas atom at xc, I, but at a value reduced by the appliedelectric field, xcFe, while energy is recovered by placing the electron in the specimen, φ. The highest ionization probability occurs for those regions on the specimen that have the highest local electric field. Those atoms which protrude from the average surfacehave the smallest radius of curvature, the highest field and therefore produce the highest ionizationprobability and brightest spots on the imaging screen, Fig. 2. This technique is called field ion microscopy (FIM).

2014 ◽  
Vol 84 (Supplement 1) ◽  
pp. 25-29 ◽  
Guangwen Tang

Humans need vitamin A and obtain essential vitamin A by conversion of plant foods rich in provitamin A and/or absorption of preformed vitamin A from foods of animal origin. The determination of the vitamin A value of plant foods rich in provitamin A is important but has challenges. The aim of this paper is to review the progress over last 80 years following the discovery on the conversion of β-carotene to vitamin A and the various techniques including stable isotope technologies that have been developed to determine vitamin A values of plant provitamin A (mainly β-carotene). These include applications from using radioactive β-carotene and vitamin A, depletion-repletion with vitamin A and β-carotene, and measuring postprandial chylomicron fractions after feeding a β-carotene rich diet, to using stable isotopes as tracers to follow the absorption and conversion of plant food provitamin A carotenoids (mainly β-carotene) in humans. These approaches have greatly promoted our understanding of the absorption and conversion of β-carotene to vitamin A. Stable isotope labeled plant foods are useful for determining the overall bioavailability of provitamin A carotenoids from specific foods. Locally obtained plant foods can provide vitamin A and prevent deficiency of vitamin A, a remaining worldwide concern.

2013 ◽  
Sarah J. Turner ◽  
Matthew G. Rhodes

1999 ◽  
Vol 81 (06) ◽  
pp. 906-909 ◽  
Marie-Hélène Aurousseau ◽  
Danielle Gozin ◽  
Fernand Daffos ◽  
Armando D’Angelo ◽  
François Forestier ◽  

SummaryThrombomodulin (TM) is an endothelial cell surface proteoglycan with anticoagulant functions, also implicated in cell proliferation, cell-cell adhesion and differentiation. In this study we determined circulating plasma TM (pTM) levels in human foetuses at different stages of pregnancy, at birth and in childhood. TM levels increased with gestational age, the median level reaching a peak of approximately 165 ng/ml between the 23rd and 26th week, thereafter decreasing gradually, reaching a value of 108 ng/ml at birth. pTM continues to decrease progressively during childhood, reaching in the 5-15 years group a median of 56 ng/ml which approaches the adult value. The pTM peak was statistically significant and represents a specific foetal phenomenon as it was independent of the corresponding maternal values. As a whole, the pTM pattern during foetal maturation appears totally different from that of protein C, prothrombin and other coagulation activators and inhibitors and thus, TM may play in the foetus another role in addition to its well-known anticoagulant function.

CCIT Journal ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-176
Anggit Dwi Hartanto ◽  
Aji Surya Mandala ◽  
Dimas Rio P.L. ◽  
Sidiq Aminudin ◽  
Andika Yudirianto

Pacman is one of the labyrinth-shaped games where this game has used artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence is composed of several algorithms that are inserted in the program and Implementation of the dijkstra algorithm as a method of solving problems that is a minimum route problem on ghost pacman, where ghost plays a role chase player. The dijkstra algorithm uses a principle similar to the greedy algorithm where it starts from the first point and the next point is connected to get to the destination, how to compare numbers starting from the starting point and then see the next node if connected then matches one path with the path). From the results of the testing phase, it was found that the dijkstra algorithm is quite good at solving the minimum route solution to pursue the player, namely by getting a value of 13 according to manual calculations

Calin GURAU ◽  

 The classic brand design literature presents and illustrates best practices in developing the physical, graphical and semiotic aspects of a brand. However, both practitioners and academics outline that brand design is only the starting point of the brand strategy, which has to be completed and complemented by designing and effectively managing meaningful brand experiences. The success of the brand depends on a value co-creation process in which the intentions and offerings of producers and vendors encounter, and interact with, the customer experiences of the brand and of the associated product. A brand experience designed for the customer can therefore be multi-dimensional and not just product led.

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