Evaluating optimism in children and adolescents: Adaptation, factor structure, convergent validity, and invariance of the Brazilian version of the Youth Life Orientation Test (YLOT).

2021 ◽  
Cyntia Mendes de Oliveira ◽  
Cristian Zanon ◽  
Claudia de Moraes Bandeira ◽  
Patrick J. Heath ◽  
Claudia Hofheinz Giacomoni
2019 ◽  
Vol 123 (6) ◽  
pp. 2617-2636
Vivian Huang ◽  
Kitty Ching Lo ◽  
Alexandra J. Fiocco

The current study examined the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Revised Life Orientation Test (CLOT-R) in a sample of 342 community-dwelling older Chinese immigrants in Canada (mean age = 71.99, SD = 5.62; 58.5% female). Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the CLOT-R yields a two-factor model with one item cross-loading on two latent constructs of optimism and pessimism. Analysis further revealed poor internal consistency and convergent validity. Evidence for discriminant and convergent validity was found between optimism and perceived stress, as well as optimism and quality of life. Compared with the factor structure reported in previous Chinese-speaking samples, the modified two-factor structure found in the current group of older Chinese immigrants could be attributed to the heterogeneity of the sample and possible configural variance across culture and age. Overall, the current findings suggest that the CLOT-R may not be a reliable and valid measure to assess dispositional optimism and pessimism among older Chinese immigrants. Theoretical implications and suggestions for further scale development and research is discussed.

Psico-USF ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 523-531 ◽  
Micheline Roat Bastianello ◽  
Juliana Cerentini Pacico ◽  
Claudio Simon Hutz

Optimism can be defined in terms of positive and negative expectations regarding future life events. The aims of this study were to adapt and validate the Revised Life Orientation Test (LOT-R) for the Brazilian population, verify its psychometric characteristics, assess whether there are gender differences, and verify its relationships with self-esteem and personality. The participants were 844 university students from two public universities in the southern of Brazil, which answered the following tests: LOT-R, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and Baterial Fatorial de Personalidade (BFP). Factor analysis extracted a single factor, corroborating the findings of the original scale and indicating that optimism and pessimism are probably polar opposites of a single continuum. The results showed positive correlation between self-esteem and optimism in life orientation, and negative correlation between optimism and neuroticism. In conclusion, the Brazilian version of the LOT-R is an instrument that presents appropriate psychometric characteristics and that is ready for use in the Brazilian population.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-148 ◽  
Francisco J. Cano-García ◽  
Susana Sanduvete-Chaves ◽  
Salvador Chacón-Moscoso ◽  
Luis Rodríguez-Franco ◽  
Jesús García-Martínez ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 258-268
Daniela Lopes Angelo ◽  
Diógenes Bido ◽  
Mariana Corrêa ◽  
Bruno Hupfer ◽  
Maria Regina Brandão

El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue adaptar y evaluar culturalmente las propiedades psicométricas del Life Orientation Test para el contexto deportivo (LOT-S). La muestra consistió en 953 jóvenes atletas brasileños de ambos sexos, con una edad media de 16 años. Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio produjeron dos dimensiones correlacionadas, que reflejan optimismo y pesimismo, y brindaron apoyo para un modelo de dos factores. Se encontró un ajuste satisfactorio para LOT-S con 6 ítems (χ2=10.96, df=8; RMSEA=.020 (IC 90%=.021-.049); CFI=.995; TLI=990; NFI=.980; GFI=.996; SRMR=.032). También se generaron pruebas satisfactorias de consistencia interna a través del análisis de cargas factoriales y valores t. Los índices alfa de Cronbach (.68/ .65) y la Fiabilidad Compuesta (.72/ .65) fueron adecuados en las variables latentes Optimismo y Pesimismo, respectivamente. Los valores de varianza promedio extraídos fueron insatisfactorios, sin embargo, las correlaciones positivas con Optimismo y las correlaciones negativas con Pesimismo entre Motivación, Resiliencia y Bienestar fueron indicativas de validez convergente. Las correlaciones entre las variables latentes en comparación con las raíces cuadradas de los valores de varianza promedio extraídos de cada constructo mostraron que el modelo tiene validez discriminante. Se logró la invariancia configuracional, métrica y escalar, lo que indica que LOT-S puede medir atletas de ambos sexos por igual. Aunque se necesitan más estudios para confirmar las propiedades psicométricas del instrumento, la adaptación de LOT al contexto deportivo fue el primer paso en el futuro sobre la influencia del Optimismo en el rendimiento deportivo Palabras clave: optimismo; pesimismo; dimensionalidad; estudio de validación   The main objective of this research was to culturally adapt and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Life Orientation Test version for the sports context (LOT-S). The sample consisted of 953 young Brazilian athletes of both sexes, with a mean age of 16 years. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis produced two correlated dimensions, reflecting optimism and pessimism, and provided support for a two-factor model. A satisfactory fit for LOT-S with six items was found (χ2=10.96, df=8; RMSEA=.020 (IC 90%=.021-.049); CFI=.995; TLI=990; NFI=.980; GFI=.996; SRMR=.032). Satisfactory tests of internal consistency were also generated through the analysis of factorial loads and t-values. Cronbach's alpha (.68/ .65) and Composite Reliability (.72/ .65) were adequate in Optimism and Pessimism, respectively. The values of average variance extracted were unsatisfactory, however, positive correlations with optimism and negative with pessimism between Motivation, Resilience and Well-Being were indicative of convergent validity. The correlations between the latent variables compared to the square roots of the average variance extracted values of each construct showed that the model has discriminant validity. The configural, metric and scalar invariance was achieved, indicating that the LOT-S can measure athletes of both sexes equally. Although more studies are needed to confirm the psychometric properties of the instrument, adapting the LOT to the sport context was the first step in the future works about the influence of Optimism on sports performance. Keywords: optimism; pessimism; dimensionality; validation study. O principal objetivo desta pesquisa foi adaptar culturalmente e avaliar as propriedades psicométricas do Life Orientation Test para o contexto esportivo (LOT-S). A amostra foi composta por 953 jovens atletas brasileiros de ambos os sexos, com idade média de 16 anos. Os resultados da análise fatorial confirmatória produziram duas dimensões correlacionadas, refletindo otimismo e pessimismo e forneceram suporte para um modelo de dois fatores. Foi encontrado um ajuste satisfatório para LOT-S com seis itens (χ2=10.96, df=8; RMSEA=.020 (IC 90%=.021-.049); CFI=.995; TLI=990; NFI=.980; GFI=.996; SRMR=.032). Testes satisfatórios de consistência interna foram gerados através da análise de cargas fatoriais e valores-t. Os índices alfa de Cronbach (.68/ .65) e de Confiabilidade Composta (72/ .65) foram adequados para Otimismo e Pessimismo, respectivamente. Os valores de variância média extraída foram insatisfatórios, no entanto, correlações positivas entre Otimismo e negativas entre Pessimismo e Motivação, Resiliência e Bem-Estar foram indicativos de validade convergente. As correlações entre as variáveis latentes comparadas às raízes quadradas dos valores de variância média extraída de cada construto mostraram que o modelo possui validade discriminante. A invariância configural, métrica e escalar foi alcançada, indicando que o LOT-S pode medir atletas de ambos os sexos igualmente. Embora sejam necessários mais estudos para confirmar as propriedades psicométricas do instrumento, a adaptação do LOT ao contexto esportivo foi o primeiro passo no futuro para a influência do otimismo no desempenho esportivo Palavras-chave: otimismo; pessimismo; dimensionalidade; estudo de validação.  

Diagnostica ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-74
Sakari Lemola ◽  
Antje von Suchodoletz ◽  
Katri Räikkönen ◽  
Catherine Gunzenhauser

Zusammenfassung. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist die Untersuchung der psychometrischen Eigenschaften, faktoriellen Struktur und konvergenten Validität der deutschsprachigen Version des Parent Rated Life Orientation Test of Children (PLOT) zur Messung von Optimismus und Pessimismus bei 4 bis 6-jährigen Vorschulkindern. Eltern von 145 Kindergartenkindern (77 Mädchen; Alter: M = 5.0, SD = 0.6 Jahre) schätzten Optimismus und Pessimismus sowie Emotionsregulation der Kinder ein. Außerdem wurde das Problemverhalten der Kinder (Eltern- und Erzieherinneneinschätzung) erfasst. Konsistent zu Studien mit Schulkindern und Jugendlichen zeigte sich eine zweidimensionale Faktorenstruktur mit einem Optimismus- und einem Pessimismusfaktor. Die Ergebnisse ergaben theoriekonforme Zusammenhänge mit Problemverhalten und Emotionsregulation der Kinder. Insgesamt weisen die gefundenen Reliabilitäts- und Validitätswerte auf eine gute Verwendbarkeit des PLOT bei Vorschulkindern hin. Das neue Messverfahren kann einen Beitrag zum besseren Verständnis von Zukunftserwartungen bei Vorschulkindern leisten und als Screening-Instrument zur Identifikation von Kindern mit einem Entwicklungsrisiko dienen.

Michael F. Scheier ◽  
Charles S. Carver ◽  
Michael W. Bridges

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