scholarly journals Refining the maturity principle of personality development by examining facets, close others, and comaturation.

Ted Schwaba ◽  
Wiebke Bleidorn ◽  
Christopher J. Hopwood ◽  
Stephen B. Manuck ◽  
Aidan G. C. Wright
David Ephraim

Abstract. A history of complex trauma or exposure to multiple traumatic events of an interpersonal nature, such as abuse, neglect, and/or major attachment disruptions, is unfortunately common in youth referred for psychological assessment. The way these adolescents approach the Rorschach task and thematic contents they provide often reflect how such experiences have deeply affected their personality development. This article proposes a shift in perspective in the interpretation of protocols of adolescents who suffered complex trauma with reference to two aspects: (a) the diagnostic relevance of avoidant or emotionally constricted Rorschach protocols that may otherwise appear of little use, and (b) the importance of danger-related thematic contents reflecting the youth’s sense of threat, harm, and vulnerability. Regarding this last aspect, the article reintroduces the Preoccupation with Danger Index ( DI). Two cases are presented to illustrate the approach.

2005 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 320-329 ◽  
Ursula M. Staudinger ◽  
Ute Kunzmann

Abstract. Does personality stay stable after young adulthood or is there continued change throughout middle and later adulthood? For decades, this question has caused heated debate. Over the last couple of years, a consensus has emerged based on recent cross-cultural as well as longitudinal evidence. This consensus confirms that indeed there is personality change in middle and later adulthood. Many authors have labeled this change personality maturation or growth. In somewhat simplified terms the observed pattern is as follows: neuroticism declines, conscientiousness and agreeableness increase. At the same time it has been argued that this pattern of personality change is the result of coping with the developmental tasks of adulthood and, thus, increased adjustment. We would like to examine this practice of equating developmental adjustment with growth and ask how to define personality growth. To answer this question, we consult theories of personality development as well as lifespan theory.

1984 ◽  
Vol 29 (10) ◽  
pp. 832-832
No authorship indicated

2004 ◽  
Vol 49 (Supplement 14) ◽  
Irving Alexander

2011 ◽  
Vol 56 (3) ◽  
Bruce B. Henderson ◽  
Leonardo Bobadilla

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