scholarly journals Satellite-based time-series of sea-surface temperature since 1981 for climate applications

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Christopher J. Merchant ◽  
Owen Embury ◽  
Claire E. Bulgin ◽  
Thomas Block ◽  
Gary K. Corlett ◽  

Abstract A climate data record of global sea surface temperature (SST) spanning 1981–2016 has been developed from 4 × 1012 satellite measurements of thermal infra-red radiance. The spatial area represented by pixel SST estimates is between 1 km2 and 45 km2. The mean density of good-quality observations is 13 km−2 yr−1. SST uncertainty is evaluated per datum, the median uncertainty for pixel SSTs being 0.18 K. Multi-annual observational stability relative to drifting buoy measurements is within 0.003 K yr−1 of zero with high confidence, despite maximal independence from in situ SSTs over the latter two decades of the record. Data are provided at native resolution, gridded at 0.05° latitude-longitude resolution (individual sensors), and aggregated and gap-filled on a daily 0.05° grid. Skin SSTs, depth-adjusted SSTs de-aliased with respect to the diurnal cycle, and SST anomalies are provided. Target applications of the dataset include: climate and ocean model evaluation; quantification of marine change and variability (including marine heatwaves); climate and ocean-atmosphere processes; and specific applications in ocean ecology, oceanography and geophysics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (16) ◽  
pp. 2554
Christopher J. Merchant ◽  
Owen Embury

Atmospheric desert-dust aerosol, primarily from north Africa, causes negative biases in remotely sensed climate data records of sea surface temperature (SST). Here, large-scale bias adjustments are deduced and applied to the v2 climate data record of SST from the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative (CCI). Unlike SST from infrared sensors, SST measured in situ is not prone to desert-dust bias. An in-situ-based SST analysis is combined with column dust mass from the Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 to deduce a monthly, large-scale adjustment to CCI analysis SSTs. Having reduced the dust-related biases, a further correction for some periods of anomalous satellite calibration is also derived. The corrections will increase the usability of the v2 CCI SST record for oceanographic and climate applications, such as understanding the role of Arabian Sea SSTs in the Indian monsoon. The corrections will also pave the way for a v3 climate data record with improved error characteristics with respect to atmospheric dust aerosol.

2020 ◽  
Vol 236 ◽  
pp. 111485 ◽  
Emy Alerskans ◽  
Jacob L. Høyer ◽  
Chelle L. Gentemann ◽  
Leif Toudal Pedersen ◽  
Pia Nielsen-Englyst ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 165-176 ◽  
Viva Banzon ◽  
Thomas M. Smith ◽  
Toshio Mike Chin ◽  
Chunying Liu ◽  
William Hankins

Abstract. This paper describes a blended sea-surface temperature (SST) data set that is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Data Record (CDR) program product suite. Using optimum interpolation (OI), in situ and satellite observations are combined on a daily and 0.25° spatial grid to form an SST analysis, i.e., a spatially complete field. A large-scale bias adjustment of the input infrared SSTs is made using buoy and ship observations as a reference. This is particularly important for the time periods when volcanic aerosols from the El Chichón and Mt. Pinatubo eruptions are widespread globally. The main source of SSTs is the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), available from late 1981 to the present, which is also the temporal span of this CDR. The input and processing choices made to ensure a consistent data set that meets the CDR requirements are summarized. A brief history and an explanation of the forward production schedule for the preliminary and science-quality final product are also provided. The data set is produced and archived at the newly formed National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) in Network Common Data Form (netCDF) at doi:10.7289/V5SQ8XB5.

2016 ◽  
V. Banzon ◽  
T. M. Smith ◽  
C. Liu ◽  
W. Hankins

Abstract. This paper describes a blended sea-surface temperature (SST) dataset that is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Data Record (CDR) Program product suite. Using optimum interpolation (OI), in situ and satellite observations are combined on a daily and 0.25° spatial grid to form an SST analysis, i.e., a spatially complete field. A large-scale bias adjustment of the input infrared SSTs is made using buoy and ship observations as a reference. This is particularly important for the time periods when volcanic aerosols from the El Chichon and Mt. Pinatubo eruptions are widespread globally. The main source of SSTs is the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), available from late 1981 to the present, which is also the temporal span of this CDR. The input and processing choices made to ensure a consistent dataset that meets the CDR requirements is summarized. A brief history and an explanation of the forward production schedule for the preliminary and science-quality final product is also provided. The dataset is produced and archived at the newly formed National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) in Network Common Data Form (netCDF) at .

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 2431
Yasumasa Miyazawa ◽  
Sergey M. Varlamov ◽  
Toru Miyama ◽  
Yukio Kurihara ◽  
Hiroshi Murakami ◽  

We have developed an ocean state nowcast/forecast system (JCOPE-T DA) that targets the coastal waters around Japan and assimilates daily remote sensing and in situ data. The ocean model component is developed based on the Princeton Ocean Model with a generalized sigma coordinate and calculates oceanic conditions with a 1/36-degree (2–3 km) resolution and an hourly result output interval. To effectively represent oceanic phenomena with a spatial scale smaller than 100 km, we adopted a data assimilation scheme that explicitly separates larger and smaller horizontal scales from satellite sea surface temperature data. Our model is updated daily through data assimilation using the latest available remote-sensing data. Here we validate the data assimilation products of JCOPE-T DA using various kinds of in situ observational data. This validation proves that the JCOPE-T DA model output outperforms those of a previous version of JCOPE-T, which is based on nudging the values of temperature and salinity toward those provided by a different coarse grid data-assimilated model JCOPE2M. Parameter sensitivity experiments show that the selection of horizontal scale separation parameters considerably affects the representation of sea surface temperature. Additional experiments demonstrate that the assimilation of daily-updated satellite sea surface temperature data actually improves the model’s efficiency in representing typhoon-induced disturbances of sea surface temperature on a time scale of a few days. Assimilation of additional in situ data, such as temperature/salinity/ocean current information, further improves the model’s ability to represent the ocean currents near the coast accurately.

2020 ◽  
Addisu Gezahegn Semie ◽  
Adrian Mark Tompkins

<p><span>We present results of radiative convective equilibrium runs using the WRF model coupled to an interactive slab ocean model, for which a relaxation term removes energy to constrain the domain mean sea surface temperature to a target value over a given timescale. By using a short adjustment timescale of one minute, drift in the mean temperature is constrained and the impact of the slab ocean is only through the spatial heterogeneity in sea<span>  </span>surface flux. We show how thin slabs slow the onset of organization, and conduct sensitivity experiments to determine the relative contributions of the radiative, sensible and latent surface fluxes, with surface fluxes key. Once clustering starts, the surface feedback acts to aid organization onset due to the drying atmosphere, although the speed of clustering onset is not significantly changed, indicating that it could be determined by a water vapour diffusive timescale as suggested by Windmiller and Craig.<span>  </span>An additional set of experiments that permit the mean surface temperature to undergo a diurnal adjustment show how diurnal variations in SST oppose the atmospheric radiative forcing and also act to prevent clustering onset. We show the mechanism for this acts through the reduction of the diurnal variation of convective mass flux and the distance between updraft towers. </span></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
Bambang Sukresno ◽  
Dinarika Jatisworo ◽  
Rizki Hanintyo

Sea surface temperature (SST) is an important variable in oceanography. One of the SST data can be obtained from the Global Observation Mission-Climate (GCOM-C) satellite. Therefore, this data needs to be validated before being applied in various fields. This study aimed to validate SST data from the GCOM-C satellite in the Indonesian Seas. Validation was performed using the data of Multi-sensor Ultra-high Resolution sea surface temperature (MUR-SST) and in situ sea surface temperature Quality Monitor (iQuam). The data used are the daily GCOM-C SST dataset from January to December 2018, as well as the daily dataset from MUR-SST and iQuam in the same period. The validation process was carried out using the three-way error analysis method. The results showed that the accuracy of the GCOM-C SST was 0.37oC.

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