scholarly journals An eight-camera fall detection system using human fall pattern recognition via machine learning by a low-cost android box

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Francy Shu ◽  
Jeff Shu

AbstractFalls are a leading cause of unintentional injuries and can result in devastating disabilities and fatalities when left undetected and not treated in time. Current detection methods have one or more of the following problems: frequent battery replacements, wearer discomfort, high costs, complicated setup, furniture occlusion, and intensive computation. In fact, all non-wearable methods fail to detect falls beyond ten meters. Here, we design a house-wide fall detection system capable of detecting stumbling, slipping, fainting, and various other types of falls at 60 m and beyond, including through transparent glasses, screens, and rain. By analyzing the fall pattern using machine learning and crafted rules via a local, low-cost single-board computer, true falls can be differentiated from daily activities and monitored through conventionally available surveillance systems. Either a multi-camera setup in one room or single cameras installed at high altitudes can avoid occlusion. This system’s flexibility enables a wide-coverage set-up, ensuring safety in senior homes, rehab centers, and nursing facilities. It can also be configured into high-precision and high-recall application to capture every single fall in high-risk zones.

Komal Singh ◽  
Akshay Rajput ◽  
Sachin Sharma

Human fall due to an accident can cause heavy injuries which may lead to a major medical issue for elderly people. With the introduction of new advanced technologies in the healthcare sector, an alarm system can be developed to detect a human fall. This paper summarizes various human fall detection methods and techniques, through observing people’s daily routine activities. A human fall detection system can be designed using one of these technologies: wearable based device, context-aware based and vision based methods. In this paper, we discuss different machine learning models designed to detect human fall using these techniques. These models have already been designed to discriminate fall from activities of daily living (ADL) like walking, moving, sitting, standing, lying and bending. This paper is aimed at analyzing the effectiveness of these machine learning algorithms for the detection of human fall.

Nishanth P

Falls have become one of the reasons for death. It is common among the elderly. According to World Health Organization (WHO), 3 out of 10 living alone elderly people of age 65 and more tend to fall. This rate may get higher in the upcoming years. In recent years, the safety of elderly residents alone has received increased attention in a number of countries. The fall detection system based on the wearable sensors has made its debut in response to the early indicator of detecting the fall and the usage of the IoT technology, but it has some drawbacks, including high infiltration, low accuracy, poor reliability. This work describes a fall detection that does not reliant on wearable sensors and is related on machine learning and image analysing in Python. The camera's high-frequency pictures are sent to the network, which uses the Convolutional Neural Network technique to identify the main points of the human. The Support Vector Machine technique uses the data output from the feature extraction to classify the fall. Relatives will be notified via mobile message. Rather than modelling individual activities, we use both motion and context information to recognize activities in a scene. This is based on the notion that actions that are spatially and temporally connected rarely occur alone and might serve as background for one another. We propose a hierarchical representation of action segments and activities using a two-layer random field model. The model allows for the simultaneous integration of motion and a variety of context features at multiple levels, as well as the automatic learning of statistics that represent the patterns of the features.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (5-6) ◽  
pp. 801-817 ◽  
Diana Yacchirema ◽  
Jara Suárez de Puga ◽  
Carlos Palau ◽  
Manuel Esteve

Electronics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 1777
Muhammad Ali ◽  
Stavros Shiaeles ◽  
Gueltoum Bendiab ◽  
Bogdan Ghita

Detection and mitigation of modern malware are critical for the normal operation of an organisation. Traditional defence mechanisms are becoming increasingly ineffective due to the techniques used by attackers such as code obfuscation, metamorphism, and polymorphism, which strengthen the resilience of malware. In this context, the development of adaptive, more effective malware detection methods has been identified as an urgent requirement for protecting the IT infrastructure against such threats, and for ensuring security. In this paper, we investigate an alternative method for malware detection that is based on N-grams and machine learning. We use a dynamic analysis technique to extract an Indicator of Compromise (IOC) for malicious files, which are represented using N-grams. The paper also proposes TF-IDF as a novel alternative used to identify the most significant N-grams features for training a machine learning algorithm. Finally, the paper evaluates the proposed technique using various supervised machine-learning algorithms. The results show that Logistic Regression, with a score of 98.4%, provides the best classification accuracy when compared to the other classifiers used.

Electronics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 1771
Muhammad Ashfaq Khan ◽  
Juntae Kim

Recently, due to the rapid development and remarkable result of deep learning (DL) and machine learning (ML) approaches in various domains for several long-standing artificial intelligence (AI) tasks, there has an extreme interest in applying toward network security too. Nowadays, in the information communication technology (ICT) era, the intrusion detection (ID) system has the great potential to be the frontier of security against cyberattacks and plays a vital role in achieving network infrastructure and resources. Conventional ID systems are not strong enough to detect advanced malicious threats. Heterogeneity is one of the important features of big data. Thus, designing an efficient ID system using a heterogeneous dataset is a massive research problem. There are several ID datasets openly existing for more research by the cybersecurity researcher community. However, no existing research has shown a detailed performance evaluation of several ML methods on various publicly available ID datasets. Due to the dynamic nature of malicious attacks with continuously changing attack detection methods, ID datasets are available publicly and are updated systematically. In this research, spark MLlib (machine learning library)-based robust classical ML classifiers for anomaly detection and state of the art DL, such as the convolutional-auto encoder (Conv-AE) for misuse attack, is used to develop an efficient and intelligent ID system to detect and classify unpredictable malicious attacks. To measure the effectiveness of our proposed ID system, we have used several important performance metrics, such as FAR, DR, and accuracy, while experiments are conducted on the publicly existing dataset, specifically the contemporary heterogeneous CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset.

Sensors ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (12) ◽  
pp. 3558 ◽  
Miroslav Schneider ◽  
Zdenek Machacek ◽  
Radek Martinek ◽  
Jiri Koziorek ◽  
Rene Jaros

This article deals with the design and implementation of a prototype of an efficient Low-Cost, Low-Power, Low Complexity–hereinafter (L-CPC) an image recognition system for person detection. The developed and presented methods for processing, analyzing and recognition are designed exactly for inbuilt devices (e.g., motion sensor, identification of property and other specific applications), which will comply with the requirements of intelligent building technologies. The paper describes detection methods using a static background, where, during the search for people, the background image field being compared does not change, and a dynamic background, where the background image field is continually adjusted or complemented by objects merging into the background. The results are compared with the output of the Horn-Schunck algorithm applied using the principle of optical flow. The possible objects detected are subsequently stored and evaluated in the actual algorithm described. The detection results, using the change detection methods, are then evaluated using the Saaty method in order to determine the most successful configuration of the entire detection system. Each of the configurations used was also tested on a video sequence divided into a total of 12 story sections, in which the normal activities of people inside the intelligent building were simulated.

2014 ◽  
Liang Liu

Fall among elders is a main reason to cause accidental death among the population over the age 65 in United States. The fall detection methods have been brought into scene by implemented on different fall monitoring devices. For the advantages in privacy protection and non-invasive, independent of light, I design the fall detection system based on Doppler radar sensor. This dissertation explores different Doppler radar sensor configurations and positioning in both of the lab and real senior home environment, signal processing and machine learning algorithms. Firstly, I design the system based on the data collected with three configurations: two floor radars, one ceiling and one wall radars, one ceiling and one floor radars in lab. The performance of the sensor positioning and features are evaluated with classifiers: support vector machine, nearest neighbor, naïve Bayes, hidden Markov model. In the real senior home, I investigate the system by evaluating the detection variances caused by training dataset due to the variable subjects and environment settings. Moreover, I adjust the automatic fall detection system for the actual retired community apartment. I examine different features: Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), local binary patterns (LBP) and the combined version of features with RELIEF algorithm. I also improve the detection performance with both pre-screener and features selection. I fuse the radar fall detection system with motion sensors. I develop a standalone fall detection system and generate a result to display on a designed webpage.

Sensors ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (17) ◽  
pp. 3768 ◽  
Kong ◽  
Chen ◽  
Wang ◽  
Chen ◽  
Meng ◽  

Vision-based fall-detection methods have been previously studied but many have limitations in terms of practicality. Due to differences in rooms, users do not set the camera or sensors at the same height. However, few studies have taken this into consideration. Moreover, some fall-detection methods are lacking in terms of practicality because only standing, sitting and falling are taken into account. Hence, this study constructs a data set consisting of various daily activities and fall events and studies the effect of camera/sensor height on fall-detection accuracy. Each activity in the data set is carried out by eight participants in eight directions and taken with the depth camera at five different heights. Many related studies heavily depended on human segmentation by using Kinect SDK but this is not reliable enough. To address this issue, this study proposes Enhanced Tracking and Denoising Alex-Net (ETDA-Net) to improve tracking and denoising performance and classify fall and non-fall events. Experimental results indicate that fall-detection accuracy is affected by camera height, against which ETDA-Net is robust, outperforming traditional deep learning based fall-detection methods.

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