scholarly journals Halobacterium cutirubrum ribosomes. Properties of the ribosomal proteins and ribonucleic acid

1972 ◽  
Vol 130 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-110 ◽  
L. P. Visentin ◽  
C. Chow ◽  
A. T. Matheson ◽  
M. Yaguchi ◽  
F. Rollin

1. The 30S ribosomal subunit of the extreme halophile Halobacterium cutirubrum is unstable and loses 75% of its ribosomal protein when the 70S ribosome is dissociated into the two subunits. A stable 30S subunit is obtained if the dissociation of the 70S particle is carried out in the presence of the soluble fraction. 2. A fractionation procedure was developed for the selective removal of groups of proteins from the 30S and 50S subunits. When the ribosomes, which are stable in 4m-K+ and 0.1m-Mg2+, were extracted with low-ionic-strength buffer 75–80% of the 30S proteins and 60–65% of the 50S proteins as well as the 5S rRNA were released. The proteins in this fraction are the most acidic of the H. cutirubrum ribosomal proteins. Further extraction with Li+–EDTA releases additional protein, leaving a core particle containing either 16S rRNA or 23S rRNA and about 5% of the total ribosomal protein. The amino acid composition, mobility on polyacrylamide gels at pH4.5 and 8.7, and the molecular-weight distribution of the various protein fractions were determined. 3. The s values of the rRNA are 5S, 16S and 23S. The C+G contents of the 16S and 23S rRNA were 56.1 and 58.8% respectively and these are higher than C+G contents of the corresponding Escherichia coli rRNA (53.8 and 54.1%).

1973 ◽  
Vol 133 (4) ◽  
pp. 739-747 ◽  
A. Robinson ◽  
J. Sykes

1. The behaviour of the large ribosomal subunit from Rhodopseudomonas spheroides (45S) has been compared with the 50S ribosome from Escherichia coli M.R.E. 600 (and E. coli M.R.E. 162) during unfolding by removal of Mg2+ and detachment of ribosomal proteins by high univalent cation concentrations. The extent to which these processes are reversible with these ribosomes has also been examined. 2. The R. spheroides 45S ribosome unfolds relatively slowly but then gives rise directly to two ribonucleoprotein particles (16.6S and 13.7S); the former contains the intact primary structure of the 16.25S rRNA species and the latter the 15.00S rRNA species of the original ribosome. No detectable protein loss occurs during unfolding. The E. coli ribosome unfolds via a series of discrete intermediates to a single, unfolded ribonucleoprotein unit (19.1S) containing the 23S rRNA and all the protein of the original ribosome. 3. The two unfolded R. spheroides ribonucleoproteins did not recombine when the original conditions were restored but each simply assumed a more compact configuration. Similar treatments reversed the unfolding of the E. coli 50S ribosomes; replacement of Mg2+ caused the refolding of the initial products of unfolding and in the presence of Ni2+ the completely unfolded species (19.1S) again sedimented at the same rate as the original ribosomes (44S). 4. Ribosomal proteins (25%) were dissociated from R. spheroides 45S ribosomes by dialysis against a solution with a Na+/Mg2+ ratio of 250:1. During this process two core particles were formed (21.2S and 14.2S) and the primary structures of the two original rRNA species were conserved. This dissociation was not reversed. With E. coli 50S approximately 15% of the original ribosomal protein was dissociated, a single 37.6S core particle was formed, the 23S rRNA remained intact and the ribosomal proteins would reassociate with the core particle to give a 50S ribosome. 5. The ribonuclease activities in R. spheroides 45S and E. coli M.R.E. 600 and E. coli M.R.E. 162 50S ribosomes are compared. 6. The observations concerning unfolding and dissociation are consistent with previous reports showing the unusual rRNA complement of the mature R. spheroides 45S ribosome and show the dependence of these events upon the rRNA and the importance of protein–protein interactions in the structure of the R. spheroides ribosome.

1983 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-197
J J Madjar ◽  
M Frahm ◽  
S McGill ◽  
D J Roufa

Four two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis systems were used to identify 78 Chinese hamster cell ribosomal proteins by the uniform nomenclature based on rat liver ribosomal proteins. The 40S ribosomal subunit protein affected by Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell one-step emetine resistance mutations is designated S14 in the standard nomenclature. To seek unambiguous genetic evidence for a cause and effect relationship between CHO cell emetine resistance and mutations in the S14 gene, we mutagenized a one-step CHO cell mutant and isolated second-step mutant clones resistant to 10-fold-higher concentrations of emetine. All of the highly resistant, two-step CHO cell mutants obtained displayed additional alterations in ribosomal protein S14. Hybridization complementation tests revealed that the two-step CHO cell emetine resistance mutants were members of the same complementation group defined by one-step CHO cell mutants, EmtB. Two-step mutants obtained from a Chinese hamster lung cell emetine-resistant clone belong to the EmtA complementation group. The two-step and EmtB mutants elaborated 40S ribosomal subunits, which dissociated to 32S and 40S core particles in buffers containing 0.5 M KCl at 4 degrees C. In contrast, 40S ribosomal subunits purified from all EmtA, one-step EmtB EmtC mutants, and wild-type CHO and lung cells were stable at this temperature in buffers containing substantially higher concentrations of salt. Thus, two-step emtB mutations affect the structure of S14 protein directly and the stability of the 40S ribosomal subunit indirectly.

2002 ◽  
Vol 46 (9) ◽  
pp. 2956-2962 ◽  
Catherine Clark ◽  
Bülent Bozdogan ◽  
Mihaela Peric ◽  
Bonifacio Dewasse ◽  
Michael R. Jacobs ◽  

ABSTRACT Abilities of amoxicillin-clavulanate, cefpodoxime, cefprozil, azithromycin, and clarithromycin to select resistant mutants of Haemophilus influenzae were tested by multistep and single-step methodologies. For multistep studies, 10 random strains were tested: 5 of these were β-lactamase positive. After 50 daily subcultures in amoxicillin-clavulanate, MICs did not increase more than fourfold. However, cefprozil MICs increased eightfold for one strain. Clarithromycin and azithromycin gave a >4-fold increase in 8 and 10 strains after 14 to 46 and 20 to 50 days, respectively. Mutants selected by clarithromycin and azithromycin were associated with mutations in 23S rRNA and ribosomal proteins L4 and L22. Three mutants selected by clarithromycin or azithromycin had alterations in ribosomal protein L4, while five had alterations in ribosomal protein L22. Two mutants selected by azithromycin had mutations in the gene encoding 23S rRNA: one at position 2058 and the other at position 2059 (Escherichia coli numbering), with replacement of A by G. One clone selected by clarithromycin became hypersusceptible to macrolides. In single-step studies azithromycin and clarithromycin had the highest mutation rates, while amoxicillin-clavulanate had the lowest. All resistant clones were identical to parents as observed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The MICs of azithromycin for azithromycin-resistant clones were 16 to >128 μg/ml, and those of clarithromycin for clarithromycin-resistant clones were 32 to >128 μg/ml in multistep studies. For strains selected by azithromycin, the MICs of clarithromycin were high and vice versa. After 50 daily subcultures in the presence of drugs, MICs of amoxicillin-clavulanate and cefpodoxime against H. influenzae did not rise more than fourfold, in contrast to cefprozil, azithromycin, and clarithromycin, whose MICs rose to variable degrees.

2020 ◽  
Vol 117 (19) ◽  
pp. 10271-10277
Ling Zhang ◽  
Ying-Hui Wang ◽  
Xing Zhang ◽  
Laura Lancaster ◽  
Jie Zhou ◽  

Viomycin, an antibiotic that has been used to fight tuberculosis infections, is believed to block the translocation step of protein synthesis by inhibiting ribosomal subunit dissociation and trapping the ribosome in an intermediate state of intersubunit rotation. The mechanism by which viomycin stabilizes this state remains unexplained. To address this, we have determined cryo-EM and X-ray crystal structures of Escherichia coli 70S ribosome complexes trapped in a rotated state by viomycin. The 3.8-Å resolution cryo-EM structure reveals a ribosome trapped in the hybrid state with 8.6° intersubunit rotation and 5.3° rotation of the 30S subunit head domain, bearing a single P/E state transfer RNA (tRNA). We identify five different binding sites for viomycin, four of which have not been previously described. To resolve the details of their binding interactions, we solved the 3.1-Å crystal structure of a viomycin-bound ribosome complex, revealing that all five viomycins bind to ribosomal RNA. One of these (Vio1) corresponds to the single viomycin that was previously identified in a complex with a nonrotated classical-state ribosome. Three of the newly observed binding sites (Vio3, Vio4, and Vio5) are clustered at intersubunit bridges, consistent with the ability of viomycin to inhibit subunit dissociation. We propose that one or more of these same three viomycins induce intersubunit rotation by selectively binding the rotated state of the ribosome at dynamic elements of 16S and 23S rRNA, thus, blocking conformational changes associated with molecular movements that are required for translocation.

2011 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 603-612 ◽  
Katherine S. Long ◽  
Birte Vester

ABSTRACTLinezolid is an oxazolidinone antibiotic in clinical use for the treatment of serious infections of resistant Gram-positive bacteria. It inhibits protein synthesis by binding to the peptidyl transferase center on the ribosome. Almost all known resistance mechanisms involve small alterations to the linezolid binding site, so this review will therefore focus on the various changes that can adversely affect drug binding and confer resistance. High-resolution structures of linezolid bound to the 50S ribosomal subunit show that it binds in a deep cleft that is surrounded by 23S rRNA nucleotides. Mutation of 23S rRNA has for some time been established as a linezolid resistance mechanism. Although ribosomal proteins L3 and L4 are located further away from the bound drug, mutations in specific regions of these proteins are increasingly being associated with linezolid resistance. However, very little evidence has been presented to confirm this. Furthermore, recent findings on the Cfr methyltransferase underscore the modification of 23S rRNA as a highly effective and transferable form of linezolid resistance. On a positive note, detailed knowledge of the linezolid binding site has facilitated the design of a new generation of oxazolidinones that show improved properties against the known resistance mechanisms.

1990 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 4590-4595 ◽  
T W McMullin ◽  
P Haffter ◽  
T D Fox

Mitochondrial translation of the mRNA encoding cytochrome c oxidase subunit III (coxIII) specifically requires the action of three position activator proteins encoded in the nucleus of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Some mutations affecting one of these activators, PET122, can be suppressed by mutations in an unlinked nuclear gene termed PET123. PET123 function was previously demonstrated to be required for translation of all mitochondrial gene products. We have now generated an antibody against the PET123 protein and have used it to demonstrate that PET123 is a mitochondrial ribosomal protein of the small subunit. PET123 appears to be present at levels comparable to those of other mitochondrial ribosomal proteins, and its accumulation is dependent on the presence of the 15S rRNA gene in mitochondria. Taken together with the previous genetic data, these results strongly support a model in which the mRNA-specific translational activator PET122 works by directly interacting with the small ribosomal subunit to promote translation initiation on the coxIII mRNA.

2000 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 3777-3789 ◽  
Tracy Stage-Zimmermann ◽  
Ute Schmidt ◽  
Pamela A. Silver

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the 60S ribosomal subunit assembles in the nucleolus and then is exported to the cytoplasm, where it joins the 40S subunit for translation. Export of the 60S subunit from the nucleus is known to be an energy-dependent and factor-mediated process, but very little is known about the specifics of its transport. To begin to address this problem, an assay was developed to follow the localization of the 60S ribosomal subunit inS. cerevisiae. Ribosomal protein L11b (Rpl11b), one of the ∼45 ribosomal proteins of the 60S subunit, was tagged at its carboxyl terminus with the green fluorescent protein (GFP) to enable visualization of the 60S subunit in living cells. A panel of mutant yeast strains was screened for their accumulation of Rpl11b–GFP in the nucleus as an indicator of their involvement in ribosome synthesis and/or transport. This panel included conditional alleles of several rRNA-processing factors, nucleoporins, general transport factors, and karyopherins. As predicted, conditional alleles of rRNA-processing factors that affect 60S ribosomal subunit assembly accumulated Rpl11b–GFP in the nucleus. In addition, several of the nucleoporin mutants as well as a few of the karyopherin and transport factor mutants also mislocalized Rpl11b–GFP. In particular, deletion of the previously uncharacterized karyopherin KAP120 caused accumulation of Rpl11b–GFP in the nucleus, whereas ribosomal protein import was not impaired. Together, these data further define the requirements for ribosomal subunit export and suggest a biological function for KAP120.

2009 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 1792-1802 ◽  
Lixia Jia ◽  
Jasvinder Kaur ◽  
Rosemary A. Stuart

ABSTRACT The Oxa1 protein plays a central role in facilitating the cotranslational insertion of the nascent polypeptide chains into the mitochondrial inner membrane. Mitochondrially encoded proteins are synthesized on matrix-localized ribosomes which are tethered to the inner membrane and in physical association with the Oxa1 protein. In the present study we used a chemical cross-linking approach to map the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Oxa1-ribosome interface, and we demonstrate here a close association of Oxa1 and the large ribosomal subunit protein, MrpL40. Evidence to indicate that a close physical and functional relationship exists between MrpL40 and another large ribosomal protein, the Mrp20/L23 protein, is also provided. MrpL40 shares sequence features with the bacterial ribosomal protein L24, which like Mrp20/L23 is known to be located adjacent to the ribosomal polypeptide exit site. We propose therefore that MrpL40 represents the Saccharomyces cerevisiae L24 homolog. MrpL40, like many mitochondrial ribosomal proteins, contains a C-terminal extension region that bears no similarity to the bacterial counterpart. We show that this C-terminal mitochondria-specific region is important for MrpL40's ability to support the synthesis of the correct complement of mitochondrially encoded proteins and their subsequent assembly into oxidative phosphorylation complexes.

2014 ◽  
Vol 58 (4) ◽  
pp. 2459-2462 ◽  
W. Dong ◽  
S. Chochua ◽  
L. McGee ◽  
D. Jackson ◽  
K. P. Klugman ◽  

ABSTRACTThree invasiveStreptococcus pneumoniaestrains nonsusceptible to linezolid were isolated in the United States between 2001 and 2012 from the CDC's Active Bacterial Core surveillance. Linezolid binds ribosomal proteins where structural changes within its target site may confer resistance. Our study identified mutations and deletions near the linezolid binding pocket of two of these strains within therplDgene, which encodes ribosomal protein L4. Mutations in the 23S rRNA alleles or therplVgene were not detected.

eLife ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Zoe L Watson ◽  
Fred R Ward ◽  
Raphaël Méheust ◽  
Omer Ad ◽  
Alanna Schepartz ◽  

Using cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), we determined the structure of the Escherichia coli 70S ribosome with a global resolution of 2.0 Å. The maps reveal unambiguous positioning of protein and RNA residues, their detailed chemical interactions, and chemical modifications. Notable features include the first examples of isopeptide and thioamide backbone substitutions in ribosomal proteins, the former likely conserved in all domains of life. The maps also reveal extensive solvation of the small (30S) ribosomal subunit, and interactions with A-site and P-site tRNAs, mRNA, and the antibiotic paromomycin. The maps and models of the bacterial ribosome presented here now allow a deeper phylogenetic analysis of ribosomal components including structural conservation to the level of solvation. The high quality of the maps should enable future structural analyses of the chemical basis for translation and aid the development of robust tools for cryo-EM structure modeling and refinement.

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