scholarly journals Prostaglandins E2 and F2α affect glycogen synthase and phosphorylase in isolated hepatocytes

1989 ◽  
Vol 261 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-97 ◽  
A M Gómez-Foix ◽  
J E Rodriguez-Gil ◽  
J J Guinovart ◽  
F Bosch

Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) inactivated glycogen synthase and activated glycogen phosphorylase in rat hepatocytes in a dose- and time-dependent manner. These effects were dependent on the presence of Ca2+ in the incubation medium. When glycogen synthase was immunoprecipitated from cells incubated with [32P]Pi and then treated with PGE2 or PGF2 alpha, there was increased phosphorylation of the 88 kDa subunit of the enzyme. This phosphorylation affected two CNBr fragments of the glycogen synthase, CB-1 and CB-2, the same fragments that are phosphorylated by different glycogenolytic hormones. No phosphorylation of glycogen synthase by prostaglandins was observed in the absence of Ca2+. Thus the effect of PGE2 and PGF2 alpha on these glycogen-metabolizing enzymes supports a role for regulation by prostaglandins of glucose metabolism in parenchymal liver cells.

1991 ◽  
Vol 274 (1) ◽  
pp. 309-312 ◽  
A M Gómez-Foix ◽  
J E Rodríguez-Gil ◽  
J J Guinovart ◽  
F Bosch

In hepatocytes isolated from fed rats, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) increased, in a time- and dose-dependent manner, fructose 2,6-bisphosphate [Fru(2,6)P2] levels and stimulated the glycolytic flux. The rise in Fru(2,6)P2 was related to an increase in glucose 6-phosphate levels which resulted from the stimulation of glycogenolysis. In cells obtained from 24 h-starved rats, no effects of either PGE2 or PGF2 alpha could be observed. In addition, when the stimulation of glycogenolysis was abolished by incubation of fed-rat hepatocytes in a Ca2(+)-depleted medium, Fru(2,6)P2 levels did not increase. Furthermore, no effects of PGs on 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase activity could be observed. These results indicate that PGE2 and PGF2 alpha show similar actions to Ca2(+)-dependent hormones on hepatic glucose metabolism.

1987 ◽  
Vol 243 (2) ◽  
pp. 405-412 ◽  
T W Stephens ◽  
R A Harris

The sensitivity of carnitine palmitoyltransferase I to inhibition by 4-hydroxyphenylglyoxylate was decreased markedly in liver mitochondria isolated from either 48 h-starved or streptozotocin-diabetic rats. These treatments of the rat also decreased the sensitivity of fatty acid oxidation by isolated hepatocytes to inhibition by this compound. Furthermore, incubation of hepatocytes prepared from fed rats with N6O2′-dibutyryl cyclic AMP also decreased the sensitivity, whereas incubation of hepatocytes prepared from starved rats with lactate plus pyruvate had the opposite effect on 4-hydroxyphenylglyoxylate inhibition of fatty acid oxidation. The sensitivity of carnitine palmitoyltransferase I of mitochondria to 4-hydroxyphenylglyoxylate increased in a time-dependent manner, as previously reported for malonyl-CoA. Likewise, oleoyl-CoA activated carnitine palmitoyltransferase I in a time-dependent manner and prevented the sensitization by 4-hydroxyphenylglyoxylate. Increased exogenous carnitine caused a moderate increase in fatty acid oxidation by hepatocytes under some conditions and a decreased 4-hydroxyphenylglyoxylate inhibition of fatty acid oxidation at low oleate concentration, without decreasing the difference in 4-hydroxyphenylglyoxylate inhibition between fed- and starved-rat hepatocytes. Time-dependent changes in the conformation of carnitine palmitoyltransferase I or the membrane environment may be involved in differences among nutritional states in 4-hydroxyphenylglyoxylate-sensitivity of carnitine palmitoyltransferase I.

1992 ◽  
Vol 282 (3) ◽  
pp. 659-663 ◽  
C Fillat ◽  
J E Rodríguez-Gil ◽  
J J Guinovart

In rat hepatocytes, molybdate and tungstate inactivate glycogen synthase by a mechanism independent of Ca2+ and activate glycogen phosphorylase by a Ca(2+)-dependent mechanism. On the other hand, both molybdate and tungstate increase fructose 2,6-bisphosphate levels and counteract the decrease in this metabolite induced by glucagon. These effectors do not directly modify 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase activity, even though they partially counteract the inactivation of this enzyme induced by glucagon. These effects are related to an increase on the glycolytic flux, as indicated by the increase in L-lactate and CO2 production and the decrease in glucose 6-phosphate levels in the presence of glucose. All these effects are similar to those previously reported for vanadate, although molybdate and tungstate are less effective than vanadate. These results could indicate that molybdate, tungstate and vanadate act on glucose metabolism in isolated hepatocytes by a similar mechanism of action.

1995 ◽  
Vol 311 (3) ◽  
pp. 845-852 ◽  
M Board ◽  
M Bollen ◽  
W Stalmans ◽  
Y Kim ◽  
G W J Fleet ◽  

A series of glucose-analogue inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase b (GPb) has been designed, synthesized and investigated in crystallographic binding and kinetic studies. The aim is to produce a compound that may exert more effective control over glycogen metabolism than the parent glucose molecule and which could alleviate hyperglycaemia in Type-II diabetes. N-Acetyl-beta-D-glucopyranosylamine (1-GlcNAc) has a Ki for muscle GPb in crude extracts of 30 microM, 367-fold lower than that of beta-D-glucose [Board, Hadwen and Johnson (1995) Eur. J. Biochem. 228, 753-761]. In the current work, the effects of 1-GlcNAc on the activation states of GP and glycogen synthase (GS) in cell-free preparations and in isolated hepatocytes are reported. In gel-filtered extracts of liver, which lack ATP for kinase activity, 1-GlcNAc produced a rapid and time-dependent inactivation of GP with a subsequent activation of GS. Effects of 1-GlcNAc on both enzymes were stronger than those of glucose, with 0.8 mM 1-GlcNAc being equipotent with 50 mM glucose. At 1 mM, 1-GlcNAc enhanced the dephosphorylation of exogenous GPa by liver extracts (600%) and by muscle extracts (75%). This represents an approximately 500-fold improvement on glucose for the liver activity and 40-fold for the muscle activity. In whole hepatocytes, 1-GlcNAc showed an approximately 5-fold enhancement of glucose effects for GP inactivation but failed to elicit activation of GS. Glucose-induced activation of GS in whole hepatocytes was reversed by subsequent addition of 1-GlcNAc. However, when GS activation was achieved via the adenosine analogue and kinase inhibitor, 5′-iodotubercidin (ITU), subsequent addition of 1-GlcNAc allowed continued activation of GS. Phosphorylation of 1-GlcNAc in rat hepatocytes was established using radiolabelled material. The rate of phosphorylation was 1.60 nmol/min per 10(6) cells at 20 mM 1-GlcNAc but was reduced by the presence of 50 microM ITU (0.775 nmol/min per 10(6) cells). It is suggested that the phosphorylated derivative of 1-GlcNAc formed in hepatocytes is 1-GlcNAc 6-phosphate and that the presence of this species is responsible for the failure of 1-GlcNAc to activate GS. The relative importance of the reduction in concentration of GPa versus increased glucose 6-phosphate levels for activation of GS is discussed.

1986 ◽  
Vol 240 (2) ◽  
pp. 367-371 ◽  
S Keppens ◽  
H De Wulf

Evidence has been presented for the existence in rat liver of P2-purinoceptors which are involved in the control of glycogenolysis. Isolated rat hepatocytes and purified liver plasma membranes have been used to study the binding of the ATP analogue adenosine 5′-[alpha- [35S]thio]triphosphate (ATP alpha [35S]) to these postulated P2-purinoceptors. The nucleotide analogue behaves as a full agonist for the activation of glycogen phosphorylase in isolated hepatocytes, 0.3 microM being required for half-maximal activation. Specific binding of ATP alpha [35S] to hepatocytes and plasma membranes occurs within 1 min and is essentially reversible. The analysis of the dose-dependency at equilibrium indicates the presence of binding sites with Kd of 0.23 microM with hepatocytes and Kd of 0.11 microM with plasma membranes. The relative affinities of 10 nucleotide analogues were deduced from competition experiments for ATP alpha [35S] binding to hepatocytes, and these correlated highly with their biological activity (activation of glycogen phosphorylase in hepatocytes). For all the agonists, binding occurs in the same concentration range as the biological effect. These data clearly suggest that the detected binding sites correspond to the physiological P2-purinoceptors involved in the regulation of liver glycogenolysis. The rank order of potency of some ATP analogues suggests that liver possesses the P2Y-subclass of P2-purinoceptors.

1988 ◽  
Vol 255 (4) ◽  
pp. R539-R546
C. Morand ◽  
C. Yacoub ◽  
C. Remesy ◽  
C. Demigne

The purpose of this study was to characterize the glycogenolytic response to catecholamines and glucagon in isolated sheep hepatocytes. In this species, epinephrine appeared to exert its action on hepatic glycogenolysis by altering the cytosolic concentrations of both adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) and Ca2+. In contrast to results obtained in rat hepatocytes, glucagon failed to induce a rise in free cytosolic Ca2+ in sheep liver. Experiments on isolated hepatocytes or on liver plasma membranes showed that in sheep, glucagon was more efficient than epinephrine in promoting the production of cAMP. In the presence of glucagon or epinephrine, the activation of the glycogen phosphorylase a always appeared greater in sheep than in rat liver cells, whereas the variations in cellular cAMP were quite limited in sheep. The alpha 1- and beta-agonists (phenylephrine and isoproterenol) were alone as efficient as epinephrine in promoting phosphorylase a activation in sheep hepatocytes. All these results indicate the existence in sheep liver of a glycogen phosphorylase highly responsive to hormones.

1987 ◽  
Vol 247 (3) ◽  
pp. 779-783 ◽  
J C Stanley ◽  
J Markovic ◽  
A M Gutknecht ◽  
F J Lozeman

The adenosine analogues 5′-(N-ethyl)carboxamidoadenosine (NECA) and N6-(phenylisopropyl)adenosine (PIA) activate glycogen phosphorylase 5-fold and 4.2-fold respectively in rat hepatocytes incubated in the absence of endogenous adenosine. Half-maximally effective concentrations are 0.5 microM for NECA and 20 microM for PIA, demonstrating the presence of A2-adenosine receptors. Exogenous adenosine activates phosphorylase 4.6-fold, but high rates of adenosine disappearance from the medium render estimates of its half-maximally effective concentration unreliable. These effects of NECA and adenosine are inhibited by 0.1 mM-caffeine. Activation of phosphorylase by a physiological concentration of adenosine (3.3 microM) was 50% inhibited by a physiological concentration of caffeine (35 microM).

2002 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-48 ◽  
N Somchit ◽  
S M Hassim ◽  
S H Samsudin

This current study was to investigate the in vitrocytotoxicity of rat hepatocytes induced by the antifungal drugs, itraconazole and fluconazole. Both antifungal drugs caused dose-dependent cytotoxicity. In vitro incubation of hepatocytes with itraconazole revealed significantly higher lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage when compared to fluconazole. Phenobarbital pretreated hepatocytes contained significantly higher total cytochrome P450 content than the control hepatocytes. P450 content was reduced approximately 30% for both types of hepatocytes after 6 hours incubation. Interestingly, cytotoxicity of itraconazole was reduced significantly by phenobarbital pretreatment. Phenobarbital did not have any effect on the cytotoxicity induced by fluconazole. These results demonstrate the in vitro toxicity of hepatocytes induced by itraconazole and fluconazole that were expressed in a dose and time-dependent manner. Phenobarbital plays a role in the cytoprotection of hepatocytes to itraconazole-induced but not fluconazole-induced cytotoxicity in vitro.

1981 ◽  
Vol 240 (3) ◽  
pp. E226-E232
K. A. Freude ◽  
L. S. Sandler ◽  
F. J. Zieve

To examine the role of ionic factors in the regulation of glycogen metabolism, we examined the effects of electrical stimulation on liver glycogen cycle enzymes. Passage of electric current through a suspension of rat hepatocytes caused the conversion of glycogen phosphorylase to its active (a) form and the simultaneous conversion of glycogen synthase to its inactive (D) form. The rise in phosphorylase a activity was dependent on the magnitude of current flow, was detectable after 5 s of current flow, and was rapidly reversible on cessation of stimulation. The activation of phosphorylase by shocking was completely eliminated by depletion of cellular Ca2+ and was restored by readdition of Ca2+. Cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP levels were unaffected by shocking. It is concluded that shocking, in the absence of any hormone or exogenous chemical, causes an increase in cytosol Ca2+, which in turn leads to activation of phosphorylase and inactivation of synthase. Electrical stimulation may serve as a model system for studying the role of ions in metabolic regulation.

2001 ◽  
Vol 358 (3) ◽  
pp. 665-671 ◽  
Mies NEEFT ◽  
Dirk-Jan REIJNGOUD ◽  
Folkert KUIPERS ◽  

We studied the influence of glucose/glucose 6-phosphate cycling on glycogen deposition from glucose in fasted-rat hepatocytes using S4048 and CP320626, specific inhibitors of glucose-6-phosphate translocase and glycogen phosphorylase respectively. The effect of amino acids and oleate was also examined. The following observations were made: (1) with glucose alone, net glycogen production was low. Inhibition of glucose-6-phosphate translocase increased intracellular glucose 6-phosphate (3-fold), glycogen accumulation (5-fold) without change in active (dephosphorylated) glycogen synthase (GSa) activity, and lactate production (4-fold). With both glucose 6-phosphate translocase and glycogen phosphorylase inhibited, glycogen deposition increased 8-fold and approached reported in vivo rates of glycogen deposition during the fasted → fed transition. Addition of a physiological mixture of amino acids in the presence of glucose increased glycogen accumulation (4-fold) through activation of GS and inhibition of glucose-6-phosphatase flux. Addition of oleate with glucose present decreased glycolytic flux and increased the flux through glucose 6-phosphatase with no change in glycogen deposition. With glucose 6-phosphate translocase inhibited by S4048, oleate increased intracellular glucose 6-phosphate (3-fold) and net glycogen production (1.5-fold), without a major change in GSa activity. It is concluded that glucose cycling in hepatocytes prevents the net accumulation of glycogen from glucose. Amino acids activate GS and inhibit flux through glucose-6-phosphatase, while oleate inhibits glycolysis and stimulates glucose-6-phosphatase flux. Variation in glucose 6-phosphate does not always result in activity changes of GSa. Activation of glucose 6-phosphatase flux by fatty acids may contribute to the increased hepatic glucose production as seen in Type 2 diabetes.

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