Comprehensive Assessment of Speech Sound Production in Preschool Children
This paper describes a comprehensive speech sound assessment for preschool children suspected of having a speech sound disorder (SSD). Recommended components include standardized single-word testing, additional single-word testing, connected speech sampling, phonological analyses, stimulability testing, and inconsistency testing. While data collection and some cursory analyses take place during the evaluation session, allowing the speech-language pathologist (SLP) to share key information with the parents/caregivers, much of the in-depth analysis takes place later. Since most preschool children's SSDs are phonological in nature, a phonological approach to analysis, target selection, and treatment is required. Two examples of phonological analyses, a place-voice-manner (PVM) analysis and an error pattern analysis, are discussed. Both allow the SLP to identify patterns of difficulty in the child's speech with regards to the place, voicing, and/or manner characteristics of target consonants. Phonological analyses can be performed using the child's single-word and connected speech samples. This information, along with the results from the stimulability and inconsistency testing, will allow the SLP to gain a complete picture of the child's speech sound abilities and difficulties, determine prognosis for change, and identify treatment targets.