scholarly journals ATOMIUM: A high-resolution view on the highly asymmetric wind of the AGB star π1Gruis

2020 ◽  
Vol 644 ◽  
pp. A61
Ward Homan ◽  
Miguel Montargès ◽  
Bannawit Pimpanuwat ◽  
Anita M. S. Richards ◽  
Sofia H. J. Wallström ◽  

The nebular circumstellar environments of cool evolved stars are known to harbour a rich morphological complexity of gaseous structures on different length scales. A large part of these density structures are thought to be brought about by the interaction of the stellar wind with a close companion. The S-type asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star π1Gruis, which has a known companion at ∼440 au and is thought to harbour a second, closer-by (< 10 au) companion, was observed with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array as part of the ATOMIUM Large programme. In this work, the brightest CO, SiO, and HCN molecular line transitions are analysed. The continuum map shows two maxima, separated by 0.04″ (6 au). The CO data unambiguously reveal that π1Gru’s circumstellar environment harbours an inclined, radially outflowing, equatorial density enhancement. It contains a spiral structure at an angle of ∼38 ± 3° with the line-of-sight. The HCN emission in the inner wind reveals a clockwise spiral, with a dynamical crossing time of the spiral arms consistent with a companion at a distance of 0.04″ from the AGB star, which is in agreement with the position of the secondary continuum peak. The inner wind dynamics imply a large acceleration region, consistent with a beta-law power of ∼6. The CO emission suggests that the spiral is approximately Archimedean within 5″, beyond which this trend breaks down as the succession of the spiral arms becomes less periodic. The SiO emission at scales smaller than 0.5″ exhibits signatures of gas in rotation, which is found to fit the expected behaviour of gas in the wind-companion interaction zone. An investigation of SiO maser emission reveals what could be a stream of gas accelerating from the surface of the AGB star to the companion. Using these dynamics, we have tentatively derived an upper limit on the companion mass to be ∼1.1 M⊙.

2020 ◽  
Vol 642 ◽  
pp. A93
Ward Homan ◽  
Emily Cannon ◽  
Miguel Montargès ◽  
Anita M. S. Richards ◽  
Tom J. Millar ◽  

Cool evolved stars are known to be significant contributors to the enrichment of the interstellar medium through their dense and dusty stellar winds. High resolution observations of these outflows have shown them to possess high degrees of morphological complexity. We observed the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star EP Aquarii with ALMA in band 6 and VLT/SPHERE/ZIMPOL in four filters the visible. Both instruments had an angular resolution of 0.025″. These are follow-up observations to the lower-resolution 2016 ALMA analysis of EP Aquarii, which revealed that its wind possesses a nearly face-on, spiral-harbouring equatorial density enhancement, with a nearly pole-on bi-conical outflow. At the base of the spiral, the SiO emission revealed a distinct emission void approximately 0.4″ to the west of the continuum brightness peak, which was proposed to be linked to the presence of a companion. The new ALMA data better resolve the inner wind and reveal that its morphology as observed in CO is consistent with hydrodynamical companion-induced perturbations. Assuming that photodissociation by the UV-field of the companion is responsible for the emission void in SiO, we deduced the spectral properties of the tentative companion from the size of the hole. We conclude that the most probable companion candidate is a white dwarf with a mass between 0.65 and 0.8 M⊙, though a solar-like companion could not be definitively excluded. The radial SiO emission shows periodic, low-amplitude perturbations. We tentatively propose that they could be the consequence of the interaction of the AGB wind with another much closer low-mass companion. The polarised SPHERE/ZIMPOL data show a circular signal surrounding the AGB star with a radius of ∼0.1″. Decreased signal along a PA of 138° suggests that the dust is confined to an inclined ring-like structure, consistent with the previously determined wind morphology.

2008 ◽  
Vol 4 (S251) ◽  
pp. 175-184
Sun Kwok

AbstractThrough the techniques of millimeter-wave and infrared spectroscopy, over 60 species of gas-phase molecules and a variety of inorganic and organic solids have been detected in the short phase of stellar evolution between the asymptotic giant branch and planetary nebulae. The chemical pathways that lead to the synthesis of complex organic compounds in such low-density environments are therefore important topics of astrochemistry. In this review, we summarize the observational evidence for the existence of complex aliphatic and aromatic compounds in these circumstellar environments, and discuss the nature of their possible carriers. Also discussed are a number of unidentified emission features which may also have an organic origin. The possible relations between these circumstellar organic matter with Solar System organic matter are explored.

2020 ◽  
Vol 495 (1) ◽  
pp. 726-733 ◽  
Mark D Gorski ◽  
Pauline Barmby

ABSTRACT It is imperative to map the strength and distribution of feedback in galaxies to understand how feedback affects galactic ecosystems. H2O masers act as indicators of energy injection into the interstellar medium. Our goal is to measure the strength and distribution of feedback traced by water masers in the Milky Way. We identify optical counterparts to H2O masers discovered by the HOPS survey. The distribution and luminosities of H2O masers in the Milky Way are determined using parallax measurements derived from the second Gaia Data Release. We provide evidence of a correlation between evolved stars, as traced by H2O masers, and the spiral structure of the Milky Way, suggesting a link between evolved stars and the Galactic environment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 116 (29) ◽  
pp. 14471-14478 ◽  
Tao Yang ◽  
Luke Bertels ◽  
Beni B. Dangi ◽  
Xiaohu Li ◽  
Martin Head-Gordon ◽  

Complex organosilicon molecules are ubiquitous in the circumstellar envelope of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star IRC+10216, but their formation mechanisms have remained largely elusive until now. These processes are of fundamental importance in initiating a chain of chemical reactions leading eventually to the formation of organosilicon molecules—among them key precursors to silicon carbide grains—in the circumstellar shell contributing critically to the galactic carbon and silicon budgets with up to 80% of the ejected materials infused into the interstellar medium. Here we demonstrate via a combined experimental, computational, and modeling study that distinct chemistries in the inner and outer envelope of a carbon star can lead to the synthesis of circumstellar silicon tricarbide (c-SiC3) as observed in the circumstellar envelope of IRC+10216. Bimolecular reactions of electronically excited silicon atoms (Si(1D)) with allene (H2CCCH2) and methylacetylene (CH3CCH) initiate the formation of SiC3H2molecules in the inner envelope. Driven by the stellar wind to the outer envelope, subsequent photodissociation of the SiC3H2parent operates the synthesis of the c-SiC3daughter species via dehydrogenation. The facile route to silicon tricarbide via a single neutral–neutral reaction to a hydrogenated parent molecule followed by photochemical processing of this transient to a bare silicon–carbon molecule presents evidence for a shift in currently accepted views of the circumstellar organosilicon chemistry, and provides an explanation for the previously elusive origin of circumstellar organosilicon molecules that can be synthesized in carbon-rich, circumstellar environments.

2014 ◽  
Vol 9 (S307) ◽  
pp. 291-292
A. Domiciano de Souza ◽  
M. Borges Fernandes ◽  
A. C. Carciofi ◽  
O. Chesneau

AbstractThe research of stars with the B[e] phenomenon is still in its infancy, with several unanswered questions. Physically realistic models that treat the formation and evolution of their complex circumstellar environments are rare. The code HDUST (developed by A. C. Carciofi and J. Bjorkman) is one of the few existing codes that provides a self-consistent treatment of the radiative transfer in a gaseous and dusty circumstellar environment seen around B[e] supergiant stars. In this work we used the HDUST code to study the circumstellar medium of the binary system GG Car, where the primary component is probably an evolved B[e] supergiant. This system also presents a disk (probably circumbinary), which is responsible for the molecular and dusty signatures seen in GG Car spectra. We obtained VLTI/MIDI data on GG~Car at eight baselines, which allowed to spatially resolve the gaseous and dusty circumstellar environment. From the interferometric visibilities and SED modeling with HDUST, we confirm the presence of a compact ring, where the hot dust lies. We also show that large grains can reproduce the lack of structure in the SED and visibilities across the silicate band. We conclude the dust condensation site is much closer to the star than previously thought. This result provides stringent constraints on future theories of grain formation and growth around hot stars.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (S334) ◽  
pp. 296-297
Soumavo Ghosh ◽  
Chanda J. Jog

AbstractThe persistence of the spiral structure in disk galaxies has long been debated. In this work, we investigate the dynamical influence of interstellar gas on the persistence of the spiral arms in disk galaxies. We show that the gas helps the spiral arms to survive for longer time-scale (~ a few Gyr). Also, we show that the addition of gas in calculation is necessary for getting a stable density wave corresponding to the observed pattern speed of the spiral arms.

2020 ◽  
Vol 640 ◽  
pp. A72
M. Riener ◽  
J. Kainulainen ◽  
J. D. Henshaw ◽  
H. Beuther

Knowledge about the distribution of CO emission in the Milky Way is essential to understanding the impact of the Galactic environment on the formation and evolution of structures in the interstellar medium. However, our current insight as to the fraction of CO in the spiral arm and interarm regions is still limited by large uncertainties in assumed rotation curve models or distance determination techniques. In this work we use the Bayesian approach from Reid et al. (2016, ApJ, 823, 77; 2019, ApJ, 885, 131), which is based on our most precise knowledge at present about the structure and kinematics of the Milky Way, to obtain the current best assessment of the Galactic distribution of 13CO from the Galactic Ring Survey. We performed two different distance estimates that either included (Run A) or excluded (Run B) a model for Galactic features, such as spiral arms or spurs. We also included a prior for the solution of the kinematic distance ambiguity that was determined from a compilation of literature distances and an assumed size-linewidth relationship. Even though the two distance runs show strong differences due to the prior for Galactic features for Run A and larger uncertainties due to kinematic distances in Run B, the majority of their distance results are consistent with each other within the uncertainties. We find that the fraction of 13CO emission associated with spiral arm features ranges from 76 to 84% between the two distance runs. The vertical distribution of the gas is concentrated around the Galactic midplane, showing full-width at half-maximum values of ~75 pc. We do not find any significant difference between gas emission properties associated with spiral arm and interarm features. In particular, the distribution of velocity dispersion values of gas emission in spurs and spiral arms is very similar. We detect a trend of higher velocity dispersion values with increasing heliocentric distance, which we, however, attribute to beam averaging effects caused by differences in spatial resolution. We argue that the true distribution of the gas emission is likely more similar to a combination of the two distance results discussed, and we highlight the importance of using complementary distance estimations to safeguard against the pitfalls of any single approach. We conclude that the methodology presented in this work is a promising way to determine distances to gas emission features in Galactic plane surveys.

2009 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 161-167 ◽  
S. Palmerini ◽  
M. Busso ◽  
E. Maiorca ◽  
R. Guandalini

AbstractWe present computations of nucleosynthesis in red giants and Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars of Population I experiencing extended mixing. The assumed physical cause for mass transport is the buoyancy of magnetized structures, according to recent suggestions. The peculiar property of such a mechanism is to allow for both fast and slow mixing phenomena, as required for reproducing the spread in Li abundances displayed by red giants and as discussed in an accompanying paper. We explore here the effects of this kind of mass transport on CNO and intermediate-mass nuclei and compare the results with the available evidence from evolved red giants and from the isotopic composition of presolar grains of AGB origin. It is found that a good general accord exists between predictions and measurements; in this framework we also show which type of observational data best constrains the various parameters. We conclude that magnetic buoyancy, allowing for mixing at rather different speeds, can be an interesting scenario to explore for explaining together the abundances of CNO nuclei and of Li.

1970 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 87-90
E. Ye. Khachikian ◽  
K. A. Sahakian

The associations of NGC 6946 outline its spiral arms. There is no relation between the colour or magnitude of the associations and their distance from the centre. Their mean absolute magnitude is −11m.1 and their mean colour index near zero.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (S344) ◽  
pp. 77-80
Seyed Azim Hashemi ◽  
Atefeh Javadi ◽  
Jacco Th. van Loon

AbstractDetermining the star formation history (SFH) is key to understand the formation and evolution of dwarf galaxies. Recovering the SFH in resolved galaxies is mostly based on deep colour–magnitude diagrams (CMDs), which trace the signatures of multiple evolutionary stages of their stellar populations. In distant and unresolved galaxies, the integrated light of the galaxy can be decomposed, albeit made difficult by an age–metallicity degeneracy. Another solution to determine the SFH of resolved galaxies is based on evolved stars; these luminous stars are the most accessible tracers of the underlying stellar populations and can trace the entire SFH. Here we present a novel method based on long period variable (LPV) evolved asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and red supergiants (RSGs). We applied this method to reconstruct the SFH for IC1613, an irregular dwarf galaxy at a distance of 750 kpc. Our results provide an independent confirmation that no major episode of star formation occurred in IC1613 over the past 5 Gyr.

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