scholarly journals Research on the Fusion Mechanism of Innovation Chain and Fund Chain in Strategic Emerging Industries

2021 ◽  
Vol 235 ◽  
pp. 03072
Siqi Fu ◽  
Yudong Wang

In order to achieve the fusion of innovation chain and fund chain in strategic emerging industries, improve industrial innovation performance, and realize capital appreciation, based on the connotation and structural characteristics of the two chains, this research analyzes and summarizes the fusion mechanism from three aspects, including the elements, the process of fusion as well as the law of evolution. After research, it is found that the fusion of the innovation chain and fund chain is to integrate on the basis of synergy, then, deepen the synergy and form a spiral system. Lastly, from the point of view of fusion elements, a strategy which can promote the incorporation of the two chains is proposed. This research can be regarded as a reference for the fusion development of the innovation chain and fund chain in strategic emerging industries.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-92 ◽  
Masdar Masdar

Cash waqf in Indonesia has been long enough implemented based on some rules enacted by government and other rules defined by The Waqf Board of Indonesia (BWI). However, the implementation of cash waqf has not reached the level of success. Therefore, this article studies the application of cash waqf law in Indonesia according to Friedman’s legal system theory. The legal system theory of Friedman firstly looks at the substance of the law, which is the rules or regulations; and secondly it examines the structure of the law, encompassing the law enforcement agencies, such as judge, prosecutor, police and legal counselors. And lastly the theory examines the element of legal culture, which is a response from Muslim society. The first two examinations indicate that there is nothing to be a problem. But from the last examination there is a problem regarding the trust from Muslim society. From the legal culture point of view, the implementation of cash waqf by the government, which is performed by BWI, needs attracting society’s credentials in order to improve and maximize the performance of cash waqf in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
pp. 136078042110184
Leja Markelj ◽  
Alisa Selan ◽  
Tjaša Dolinar ◽  
Matej Sande

The research comprehensively identifies the needs and problems of sex workers in Slovenia from the point of view of three groups of actors in a decriminalized setting. The objective of the rapid needs assessment was to identify the needs of sex workers as perceived by themselves. In order to gain a deeper insight into this topic, we analyzed the functioning of the organizations working with the population, and examined the perspective of the clients. The results of the study show that no aid programmes have been developed for sex workers, even though organizations from various fields often come in contact with this population. Sex workers express the need to be informed about various topics (health, the law, legal advice) and emphasize client relations as the primary issue. The findings indicate the need for the development of a specialized aid programmes to address the fields of advocacy, reducing social distress and providing psychosocial assistance.

Krystyna Szczepanowska-Kozłowska

AbstractOne form of industrial property right infringement is stocking for the purpose of offering or marketing. This form of infringement appears both in EU legal acts on trademarks or designs, as well as in national regulations, including those concerning patents. What is specific to stocking when compared to other activities comprising the stipulated exclusivity of the holder of industrial property rights is the fact that the literal meaning of “stocking” does not explain whether the infringing party or the warehouse keeper is the entity that places the goods in storage. The structure of industrial property rights as absolute rights would theoretically permit the view that the law is violated by both the entity that accepts the goods for storage and the entity that places such goods in storage. To determine if there is an infringement, it must be established what the goods being stocked are further intended for. It is not without significance that the finding of an infringement of industrial property rights does not depend on fault or awareness. From the point of view of the industrial property law regime, it is difficult to find arguments against this understanding of infringement by stocking. Since the offeror of goods infringing industrial property rights may be held liable even if the goods have not yet been manufactured, it is conceivable that the entity accepting such goods for stocking is also liable. This interpretation of the concept of stocking would certainly correspond to the absolute nature of liability for infringement.In a recent judgment the CJEU confirmed that the warehouse keeper who, on behalf of a third party, stores goods which infringe trademark rights only creates the technical conditions for trademark use by this third party provided that the warehouse keeper is not aware of that infringement. The CJEU also confirmed that only the person who decides about the purpose of storing the goods can be treated as an infringer. However, the CJEU did not respond to the question regarding whether the warehouse keeper could be treated as an infringer if it pursues the aims of storing the goods at the request of the entity that put the goods into storage.

2021 ◽  
pp. 41-60
Necmiye Merve Sahin ◽  
Merve Sena Uz

In this article, an algorithm has been introduced that enables judges to see the decisions that should be made in a way that is closest to the conscience and the law, without transferring the cases to the higher authorities, without anyone objecting to their decisions. This algorithm has been introduced depending on the generalized set-valued neutrosophic quadruple numbers and the Euclidean similarity measure in sets, what the decision is made by considering all the situations, regardless of which case the defendants come before the judge, how similar these decisions are to the legal decisions that should be made. In this way, we can easily see the decisions given to the accused in all kinds of cases, and we can arrange the decisions according to the similarity value. The closer the similarity value is to 1, the more correct the judge's decision from a legal point of view.

Marcel Buß

Abstract Immanuel Kant states that indirect arguments are not suitable for the purposes of transcendental philosophy. If he is correct, this affects contemporary versions of transcendental arguments which are often used as an indirect refutation of scepticism. I discuss two reasons for Kant’s rejection of indirect arguments. Firstly, Kant argues that we are prone to misapply the law of excluded middle in philosophical contexts. Secondly, Kant points out that indirect arguments lack some explanatory power. They can show that something is true but they do not provide insight into why something is true. Using mathematical proofs as examples, I show that this is because indirect arguments are non-constructive. From a Kantian point of view, transcendental arguments need to be constructive in some way. In the last part of the paper, I briefly examine a comment made by P. F. Strawson. In my view, this comment also points toward a connection between transcendental and constructive reasoning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-75
Silviu Dumitru PAUN ◽  
Sinziana-Elena BIRSANU ◽  
Codrut Andrei NANU ◽  

The general practitioners (GPs’) practice faced serious challenges as a result of COVID-19 pandemic, including from a legal point of view. In this context, a series of questions related to the GPs’ professional activities might arise such as: (i) what happens if a doctor makes a mistake because he/she is exhausted, as a result of overtime or (ii) if he/she performs medical acts outside the boundaries of his/her own specialty or without consent, as requested by his/her own conscience, by the situation, by the authorities and by his/her principal? In all these special circumstances this could mean that the doctor fails to comply with the applicable law. Moreover, because he/she breaches the law, the professional insurance policy will cease to be applicable. With new roles and responsibilities, the GPs should adjust their practice to the current conditions.

Максим Владимирович Кремлев

Автор, основываясь на ранее проведенных исследованиях, определяет место и роль пенитенциарной информации в процессе раскрытия и расследования преступлений. Указывается, что пенитенциарная информация превращается в процессуальную и, соответственно, в доказательственную посредством поэтапного прохождения через комплекс действий, облеченных в формы пенитенциарного, оперативно-розыскного и процессуального законодательства. Устанавливаются наиболее уязвимые места с точки зрения содержательного наполнения и процессуального оформления получаемых в рамках режимной деятельности сведений. Таковыми выступают места «сочленения» видов деятельности. Основой для подобного рода высказывания выступает разница в нормативном регулировании, в сменяемости и целеполагании исполнителей, а также их представлении о критериях успешности выполненной работы. В качестве подтверждения выдвинутого тезиса приводится пример из правоохранительной практики использования пенитенциарной информации в процессе доказывания, имеющий негативные последствия. Предлагаются направления совершенствования получения пенитенциарной информации с целью усиления ее доказательственного потенциала. In this article, the author, based on previous research determines the place and role of penitentiary information in the process of disclosure and investigation of crimes. It is specified that penitentiary information turns into procedural and, accordingly, into proofs by means of step-by-step passing through a complex of actions exposed in forms of the penitentiary, operational-search and procedural legislation. The most vulnerable places from the point of view of substantial filling and procedural registration of the data received within regime activity are established. These are the places of “articulation” of activities. It is concluded that the basis for this kind of statement is the difference in regulatory regulation, in the turnover and goal-setting of performers, as well as their representation of the criteria for the success of the work performed. As a confirmation of the proposed thesis, an example from the law enforcement practice of using penitentiary information in the process of proving having negative consequences is given. Directions of improvement of receiving penitentiary information for the purpose of strengthening of its evidentiary potential are offered.

2010 ◽  
pp. 7-11
József Antal ◽  
Gábor Grasseli

Both the European and the Hungarian rural areas suffer multi dimensional problems. Beside infrastructural under development the most important difficulty is employment. Unemployment is significant in the rural areas, while other structural characteristics like education, profession, work circumstances and seasonality worsen this unfavourable situation. It can be stated that the challenge with the highest priority in rural and spatialdevelopment is to create jobs and to strengthen local employment. The authors examine the job generating possibilities of energetic biomass of agricultural origin in a structural point of view. The aim is to develop spatial biomass product line models that permanently support the raise of employment by utilizing the possibilities of the European Union support policy and the popularity of this branch.

2017 ◽  
Donald G. MacDiarmid ◽  
Sean J. Korney ◽  
Melanie Teetaert ◽  
Julie J.M. Taylor ◽  
Robert Martz ◽  

Rights of first refusal and other preferential or pre-emptive rights (together, ROFRs, and individually a ROFR) routinely find their way into oil and gas industry agreements. Disputes often arise because of the complex nature and significant economic consequences of ROFRs. In recent years, a number of reported cases, either relating directly to ROFRs or more generally relating to contractual interpretation, have clarified (or at times muddied) the waters surrounding the use, application, and interpretation of ROFRs. However, most ROFR disputes never result in a reported decision because the parties typically negotiate solutions long before trial.The authors consider current trends involving ROFRs in oil and gas agreements, and how they believe the law and legal practice surrounding ROFRs might continue to evolve in the years to come. The authors do not attempt to rehash the fundamentals of the law surrounding ROFRs; instead, they focus on how the courts have dealt with ROFRs in recent cases as well as how corporate lawyers and in-house counsel grapple with ROFRs day-today. The authors utilize the ROFR provisions found in industry standard contracts to analyze outstanding areas of uncertainty as well as what lawyers should contemplate prior to including a ROFR in an agreement. Additionally, the article examines the implications of recent rulings on the duty of good faith that may affect ROFRs. Finally, the article considers selected subjects of topical interest, including ROFRs in the context of busted butterfly transactions, insolvency proceedings, and package deals.

Ilya Inishev

В статье идёт речь о формах образного, которые во всё возрастающей степени становятся характерными для современной культуры. Центральная характеристика этих форм – распределённость в пространстве и времени, их способность сопровождать нас практически повсеместно, не будучи привязанными к каким-либо организационным формам. Распределённые разновидности образного противопоставляются «традиционным», нераспределённым образам, «репрезентирующим» некоторое идентифицируемое содержание. Одна из базовых черт нераспределенного образного – заключённое в нём нормативное притязание, затрагивающее не только способы его интерпретации, но и телесные практики воспринимающего «субъекта», релевантные для его восприятия. В отличие от репрессивного характера нераспределённого образа, являющегося его структурной характеристикой, связанной с характерным для него режимом восприятия, распределённая образность базируется не на редукции и контроле телесности воспринимающего, но – напротив – на интенсификации (и в этом смысле эмансипации) его эмоционально-телесного самоприсутствия. В диахронической перспективе отношение между нераспределённой и распределённой образностью опосредовано сложной социально-исторической и материально-технологической динамикой развитого и позднего модерна. Реконструкция этой динамики позволяет выстроить генетическую связь (континуальность) между нераспределённой и распределённой образностью. В синхронической перспективе распределённая и нераспределенная разновидности образности генерируют несовместимые типы опыта с взаимоисключающими структурными характеристиками и социально-политическими импликациями (дискретность).Main theme of the article are the types of imagery becoming increasingly characteristic of contemporary culture. The core feature of these types is their being distributed across time and space, their ability to accompany us virtually everywhere, without being tied to any organizational form. Distributed imagery opposes “traditional”, non-distributed images “representing” some identifiable subject-matter. One of the essential traits of non-distributed imagery is its normative claim addressing not only the ways of its interpretation but also bodily practices of the perceiving subject, relevant for experiencing images of this kind. In contrast to the inherent oppressiveness of non-distributed image connected to a perceptual regime characteristic of it, the distributed imagery draws not on reduction and control of body of the perceiving subject but – on the contrary – on intensifying (and in this sense, on emancipating) its bodily emotional self-presence. From a diachronic point of view, the relationship between distributed and non-distributed imageries is mediated by quite a complicated socio-historical and material-technological dynamic of the developed and late modernity. Reconstruction of this dynamic enables us to identify the genetic interrelation (continuity) between non-distributed and distributed imagery. From a synchronic point of view, distributed and non-distributed imagery forms generate incompatible experience types with mutually exclusive structural characteristics and social-political implications (discontinuity).

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