scholarly journals On the Development Community of Foreign Language Teachers in Colleges and Universities Based on the Internet

2021 ◽  
Vol 236 ◽  
pp. 05047
Juan Liu ◽  
Kun Ni

With the continuous development and progress of science and technology in China, more and more schools and teachers are beginning to combine the "Internet" technology for teaching. Under the background of the Internet, teachers should strive to create a relaxed, equal and democratic atmosphere in the classroom, so that they can impart knowledge to students well and students can master it better. In campus, both tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge need teachers to keep pace with the times, give full play to the advantages of computer and Internet, and effectively impart knowledge to students. By the combination of "Internet" and foreign language teaching in colleges and universities, the community teaching mode has made the foreign language curriculum in colleges and universities better developed. Under the background of "Internet ", the community construction of teachers' professional development makes teachers' professional development closely related to the Internet, which is the inevitable trend of teachers' professional development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 340
Emilda Roseni ◽  
Alnida Koroshi-Shano

This research paper aims to provide a summary based on the scientic findings of the study and to present the respective recommendations. The issues addressed in this study relate to the effect that teachers’ professional development has in the assessment component of the foreign language curriculum and effective evaluation of the students. In the study analysis, an important role in evaluating teachers' opinions regarding the evaluation component in the foreign language curriculum is devoted to analytical analysis through factor analysis, Alpha coefficient measurement, construction of multiple linear regression equation, various tests etc. This is due to the fact that the conclusions of this study are as clear and complete as possible to simultaneously fulfil the "gap" of information on this topic. This research is based on the evidence collected from 260 foreign language teachers interviewed.Three research questions were built to obtain the opinion of teachers on assessment, training, qualification and experience issues in the foreign language curriculum. Among the conclusions drawn in this paper, it seems that the evaluation element in the Core Curriculum is present and like other previously analyzed documents, valuable guidelines are given although general and repetitive from one manual to another. Even the element of measurement begins to appear crystallized, offering an interesting and necessary optics that separate and unite measurement from evaluation.   Received: 9 April 2021 / Accepted: 27 July 2021 / Published: 5 September 2021

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (4) ◽  
Dinh Minh Thu

Washback, i.e., test effects on teaching and learning, has been emerging as an attractive research topic in language training and assessment for over the past 20 years for its significant implications of test validation and fairness for both policy-makers and practitioners. Presently, it deserves more Vietnamese researchers' interest in the context of the enactment of the National Foreign Language Project 2020 (extended to 2025), which puts language assessment as a key innovation requirement. Washback operates either positively or negatively; i.e. promoting or inhibiting learning. Teachers are considered the precursor in the washback mechanism. There is only one washback model on the washback effects on teachers, which is proposed by Shih (2009). This paper aims to critically browse other washback models besides Shin’s (2009) to generate a washback framework on teachers' perceptions and practices. Previous empirical washback research on teachers in and beyond Vietnam is, then, investigated in alignment with the aspects illustrated in the framework to point out achievements and gaps in the field. A qualitative approach of document analysis of over forty studies of differing types, i.e. books, dissertations and articles, has been adopted to reach the research aim. The discussion is divided into two major parts, including the washback models pertaining to teachers to scaffold a model for teachers' perceptions and practices, and the results in empirical research in terms of the aspects mentioned in the model. Findings show that washback on teachers' perceptions ranges from perceptions of the test itself, students' language ability, teaching contents and methodology to teachers' professional development. Plus, washback on teachers' practices concerns their selections of teaching contents and methodology in class as well as their involvement in professional development. The element of professional development can be considered a new light in the reviewed washback model. This has a significant meaning by raising teachers' awareness of developing themselves professionally. The current paper expects to contribute to elaborating the scenario of washback research for interested researchers, practitioners and policymakers not only in but beyond the context of Vietnam.

2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Jaume Batlle ◽  
Paul Seedhouse

AbstractThe growing use of peer observation in teacher professional development has created an interest in understanding how it is carried out and what the benefits are. Post-observation feedback is a crucial component of peer observation practices. This study seeks to contribute to a better understanding of peer observation feedback in foreign language teacher’s professional development. Adopting a conversation analysis perspective, we aim to establish how the interactional infrastructure is developed between observers and observees after a negative assessment during peer observation feedback. The results show that, when the observer is assessing a specific teaching action negatively and the observee expresses alignment with the observer’s position, the observer adopts an affiliative stance through the use of his/her epistemic expertise in two ways: either putting his/her self in the shoes of the observee or, in other cases, expressing the affiliative stance by appealing to the epistemic community to which they both belong.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (33) ◽  
pp. e15125
Galina V. Tretyakova ◽  
Natalya V. Chernyishkova ◽  
Rosaria Rosaria Filone

The aim of the study is to find ways to expand teacher efficacy by participating in foreign internships. Survey methods were used to collect the data from students. Descriptive statistics was used to examine the overall trends in foreign language teachers’ professional development. Thus, passing a training abroad leads to the development and improvement of language, professional, and cultural competencies of not only teachers, but also students; improving the skills of teachers, their motivation; increasing not only the prestige of the educational organization, but also the publication activity of university employees in world scientific publications; improving educational technologies. And most importantly, students, as direct participants of the educational process, are more than satisfied with their results. The article is of interest for the foreign language teachers.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 89-97
Olesia Sadovets

Abstract Research conducted by the British Council concerning modern continuous professional development of teachers has been analyzed. The issue concerning foreign language teachers’ professional development has been considered. Productive approach to this process that gives a teacher the opportunities to define aspects of their professional activities that are in need of improvement and introduce appropriate strategies of their own professional development has been characterized. Direct connection between continuous teachers’ professional development and the level of students’ academic achievements has been stressed. Key characteristics of effective professional development have been defined, namely: being correspondent to actual needs of teachers and students; teachers’ involvement into the decision making concerning the content and the fulfillment of professional development; provision of cooperation and teachers’ experience exchange; collegiality presupposing common work of teachers and educational establishments in general; practicality, that is the fulfillment of professional development directly in the process of teachers’ work in class; obligatory character of professional development as indispensable part of teachers’ work; constant reflection and research; prioritizing academic achievements of students as the main stimulus for professional learning of teachers; continuity of professional development and its consideration not as separate forms of work. Modern widely used forms of teacher professional development have been analyzed, namely: self-education, common lessons planning with their further analysis; professional discussions concerning new teaching techniques and the appropriateness of their application; reflexive groups for teaching experience exchange and lessons analysis (video recording of lessons or students’ works), observation/attending teachers’ lessons with their further discussion in constructive form and without formal evaluation; participation in professional learning communities to solve urgent issues concerning school work and teachers’ professional activities; common work of teachers with curricula for detailed studying of problematic issues and their elimination; common teachers’ elaboration of learning materials for definite groups of students; participation in mentoring programs; work in online educational communities It has been proved that modern professional development of foreign language teachers shifts its focus from the competency of a teacher to the level of students’ academic achievements which is the direct indicator of a teacher’s competency.

2013 ◽  
Vol 427-429 ◽  
pp. 2083-2088
Rong Yuan Wang

With the introduction of frequent curriculum reform and information technology, it has changed the nature of foreign language teaching work to a certain extent. Foreign language teachers are shaken and overturned by the original teachers identity. Now foreign language teachers identity research has become the current hot topic in new era. This paper uses seven-layers model of educational service to analyze the current situation of foreign language teachers identity, then uses hardware and software to research on the training courses and teachers professional development community and other resources. Finally, the teaching method, school and district levels service facilities will be integrated into efficient teaching, in order to improve teaching quality. This method can solve the identity of the foreign language teachers professional development. At the same time, it also provides a certain degree of reference on other subjects teachers identity.

2019 ◽  
pp. 30-35
Tetiana Kolodko

The study was aimed to determine the importance of pursuing professional development of foreign language teachers. Three approaches to professional development such as theory-to-practice, coaching/mentoring and reflection are identified. The scientists’ outlooks on the given issue are analyzed. Some recommendations for using mobile technologies in professional development are highlighted. Characteristics of effective professional development are substantiated in the study. Teachers’ effective professional development activities are outlined.

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