scholarly journals Fishing Ground Mapping Based on Chlorophyll-A Distribution Using Aqua Modis Satellite Imagery in The Fisheries Management Area (FMA) 712

2021 ◽  
Vol 324 ◽  
pp. 01007
Yulius Yulius ◽  
Vaninda Aidina ◽  
Muhammad Ramdhan ◽  
August Daulat

The fishing ground is identical and closely related to chlorophyll-a abundance in the waters, associated with its fisheries potential. This research has been conducted to determine the concentration and distribution of chlorophyll-a in the seas, especially in the Fisheries Management Area (FMA) 712 encompassing the Java Sea. The analysis used monthly time-series data collected from the satellite imagery over the last 11 years, taken through the ERDDAP website. The mean concentration of chlorophyll-a in the study area was 1.13 mg/l in June 2013. Based on 11 years of data processing, it can be concluded that the highest concentration of chlorophyll-a occurred in the west monsoon season from November to April, where increased rainfall caused the nutrient wash from terrestrial to the open waters. The lowest chlorophyll-a concentration happened in the east monsoon season from April to November, where the dry season arrived. The existence of pelagic fishes in FMA 712, such as Sardinella Lemurs and Sardinella Fimbriata, in waters highly influenced by the chlorophyll-a concentration, while Thunnus Sp. and Exocoetidae Sp. not affected significantly to the existence of chlorophyll-a concentration and its distribution.

. Safruddin ◽  
Rachmat Hidayat ◽  
Mukti Zainuddin

This study aimed to map the oceanographic conditions and, based on that, to determine the favorable condition of skipjack tuna fishing ground in Fisheries Management Area (FMA) 713. This condition includes sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a concentration. The primary data, such as fishing ground position and fish catch per trip, was collected by following the fishing operations that utilized pole and line (in Bone Gulf and Flores Sea) and purse seine fishing operations (in Makassar Strait). The secondary data, such as SST and chlorophyll-a, was derived from oceanographic satellite image data. The result showed that from January to August 2019, the skipjack tuna tends to occupy off shore areas where the sea surface temperature is between 29 - 29.5 oC and the chlorophyll-a density is between 0.10 to 0.15 mg.m3.

Hydrobiologia ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 661 (1) ◽  
pp. 235-250 ◽  
Yuchao Zhang ◽  
Shan Lin ◽  
Xin Qian ◽  
Qin’geng Wang ◽  
Yu Qian ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 343-349
Alianto Alianto ◽  
Baigo Hamuna

Chlorophyll-a is one of the parameters determining the primary productivity of water. In the fisheries sector, information on chlorophyll-a concentration in marine waters is very important for the prediction of fishing grounds. This study aims to analyze the variability of chlorophyll-a concentrations in Cenderawasih Bay and the surrounding waters, both spatial and temporal variability. Data from the Aqua-MODIS Level 3 monthly composite period from January to December 2019 was used to determine the concentration of chlorophyll-a. Time-series data are used to determine fluctuations of chlorophyll-a concentrations, while interpolation with the kriging method is used to determine the spatial distribution of chlorophyll-a. The analysis showed that the monthly average value of chlorophyll-a concentration in the study area ranged from 0.1988 – 0.3415 mg.m-3. The average value of chlorophyll-a concentration increases from March to June and then decreases in July or August. The highest average chlorophyll-a concentration was in March and the lowest in January. The maximum chlorophyll-a concentration in April and the minimum in August, which is around 9.1089 mg.m-3 and 0.0975 mg.m-3, respectively. The concentration of chlorophyll-a in Cenderawasih Bay and its surrounding waters is dominated by a low concentration, which ranges 0.1482 – 0.3158 mg.m-3. Generally, the variability of chlorophyll-a concentrations in the study area is influenced by seasons. The average chlorophyll-a concentration is high in the Transition I (West-east) and East seasons and will decrease in Transition II (East-West) until the West season. Spatially, chlorophyll-a concentrations in coastal areas are higher than in offshore waters. High chlorophyll-a concentrations are found around the border between Nabire Regency and Waropen Regency. The amount of run-off flow that supplies nutrients from the mainland greatly affects the high concentration of chlorophyll-a in the coastal area.

Rayhan Nuris ◽  
Jonson Lumban Gaol ◽  
Teguh Prayogo

This study aimed to estimate the concentration of chlorophyll-a from satellite imagery of National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Preparatory Project (NPP) in the south Java Sea waters and compare it to the concentrations of chlorophyll-a estimation result from the MODIS-Aqua satellite. NPP satellite had Visible/Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) sensors which performance was same as Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor with a better spatial resolution. This study used daily satellite imagery of VIIRS-NPP for the period of September 2012 to August 2013. The algorithm that was used to estimate the concentration of chlorophyll-a was Ocean Color 3-band ratio (OC-3). The results showed that the spatial distribution pattern of chlorophyll-a concentration between VIIRS - NPP sensor and MODIS had the same pattern, but the estimation of chlorophyll-a concentration from the MODIS sensor was higher than VIIRS -NPP sensor. The concentration of chlorophyll-a showed that there were spatial and temporal variation in the south Java Sea waters. Generally, concentrations of chlorophyll-a was higher in East monsoon than West monsoon.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 109 ◽  
I Gusti Agung Bagus Wisesa Sastra ◽  
I Wayan Gede Astawa Karang ◽  
Abd. Rahman As-syakur ◽  
Yulianto Suteja

Mackerel fish that classified pelagic fish and an export commodity in Indonesia. Distribution of mackerel fish are foundn all Indonesian waters, one of them in the Bali Strait. Distribution of mackerel fish influenced by oceanographic condition such as sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a concentration. SST and chlorophyll-a concentrations are environmental parameters that can provide information on fishing ground. The purpose of this research is explained the temporal fluctuation and relationship between SST and chlorophyll-a concentration with mackerel fish had been catch in Bali Strait waters during 2011-2016. Data were analyzed using simple correlation analysis with 95% confidence interval. Temporally, the highest average SST occurred during the transition season I (March-May) and the lowest in the east season (June-August). The highest average chlorophyll-a concentration occurs in the east season and the lowest in the west season (December-February). The highest catch of mackerel fish occurred during transitional season II (September-November) and lowest in west season. The association between SST and chlorophyll-a concentration on mackerel fish catch showed low correlation with significant relationship, whereas concentration between SST and chlorophyll-a concentration strong with significant correlation

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (8) ◽  
pp. 3767-3789
Zoltan Szantoi ◽  
Andreas Brink ◽  
Andrea Lupi

Abstract. Natural resources are increasingly threatened in the world. Threats to biodiversity and human well-being pose enormous challenges in many vulnerable areas. Effective monitoring and protection of sites with strategic conservation importance require timely monitoring, with a particular focus on certain land cover classes that are especially vulnerable. Larger ecological zones and wildlife corridors also warrant monitoring, as these areas are subject to an even higher degree of pressure and habitat loss as they are not “protected” compared to protected areas (national parks, nature reserves, etc.). To address such a need, a satellite-imagery-based monitoring workflow was developed to cover at-risk areas. The first phase of the programme covered a total area of 560 442 km2 in sub-Saharan Africa. In this update, we remapped some of the areas using the latest satellite images available, and in addition we included some new areas to be mapped. Thus, in this version we have updated and mapped an additional 852 025 km2 in the Caribbean, African and Pacific regions, involving up to 32 land cover classes. Medium- to high-spatial-resolution satellite imagery was used to generate dense time series data, from which the thematic land cover maps were derived. Each map and change map was fully verified and validated by an independent team to meet our strict data quality requirements. The independent validation datasets for each key landscape for conservation (KLC) are also described and presented here (all datasets presented are available at; Szantoi et al., 2021a).

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Johanis Hiariey ◽  
Mulyono Sumitro Baskoro

Kapasitas penangkapan berlebih merupakan suatu masalah kritis padaperikanan tangkap. Berkaitan dengan isu kapasitas tersebut, kajian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan kapasitas penangkapan ikan pelagis kecil di wilayah pengelolaan perikanan-714 Laut Banda, dengan menggunakan data runtun waktu periode tahun 1985-2006 yang dianalisis dengan teknik data envelopment analysis. Terdapat indikasi excess capacity pada perikanan pelagis kecil, dan pada periode tahun 1989-1998 kondisi perikanan menunjukan over capacity. Dengan demikian, dibutuhkan alternatif kebijakan pengelolaan perikanan untuk mengurangi input penangkapan pada perikanan di wilayah pengelolaan perikanan-714 Laut Banda.Excessive fishing capacity is a critical problem in marine capture fisheries. In line with the capacity issue, this study was conducted to determine fishing capacity of the small pelagic fishery at fishery management area-714 Banda Sea using time series data of 1985-2006 analyzed using technique of data envelopment analysis. There was indication of excess capacity on the small pelagic fishery, and the fishery in the period of 1989-1998 was found to be over capacity. Therefore, alternative fishery management policies were needed to reduce fishing inputs from the fishery of the fishery management area-714 Banda Sea.


The investigation is aimed to know the relationship between chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentration and the abundance of Oily sardine (Sardinella lemuru), in Bali Strait. A time series of monthly mean chl-a data derived from Ocean Color Thermal Scanner (OCTS) sensor and Sea-viewing Wide Field-of View Sensor (SeaWiFS) during 1997-1999 are used in this study. Monthly Sardinella lemuru catch during 1997-1999 are obtained from fish landing data. The abundance of Sardinella lemuru is determined from acoustic data conducted in Bali Strait in September 1998 and May 1999. The result shows that the fluctuation of chlorophyll-a concentration in Bali Strait is influenced by monsoon and global climate change phenomena such as Dipole Mode (DM) event. During southeast Monsoon the upwelling process occurred around Bali Strait, so that the chl-a concentration is increased and during DM event occurred positive anomaly of chl-a concentration. The catch of Sardinella lemuru in Bali Strait is fluctuated during 1997-1999. The correlation between chl-a concentration and lemuru catch is positive and significant with certain time lag. Key words: Chlorophyll-a, Sardinella lemuru, Bali Strait, Satellite imagery

2020 ◽  
Zoltan Szantoi ◽  
Andreas Brink ◽  
Andrea Lupi ◽  
Claudio Mannone ◽  
Gabriel Jaffrain

Abstract. Threats to biodiversity pose an enormous challenge for Africa. Mounting social and economic demands on natural resources increasingly threaten key areas for conservation. Effective protection of sites of strategic conservation importance requires timely and highly detailed geospatial monitoring. Larger ecological zones and wildlife corridors warrant monitoring as well, as these areas have an even higher degree of pressure and habitat loss. To address this, a satellite imagery based monitoring workflow to cover at-risk areas at various details was developed. During the program's first phase, a total of 560,442 km2 area in Sub-Saharan Africa was covered, from which 153,665 km2 were mapped with 8 land cover classes while 406,776 km2 were mapped with up to 32 classes. Satellite imagery was used to generate dense time series data from which thematic land cover maps were derived. Each map and change map were fully verified and validated by an independent team to achieve our strict data quality requirements. The independent validation datasets for each KLCs are also described and presented here (The complete dataset available at Szantoi et al., 2020B, and a demonstration dataset at Szantoi et al., 2020C

Alexander Gilerson ◽  
Mateusz Malinowski ◽  
Eder Herrera ◽  
Michelle C. Tomlinson ◽  
Richard P. Stumpf ◽  

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