scholarly journals Risk analysis of production process for food SMEs using FMEA method: a case study

2021 ◽  
Vol 331 ◽  
pp. 02010
Prima Fithri ◽  
Muhammad Rafi ◽  
Pawenary ◽  
A. S. Prabuwono

The increasing development of the industry makes every industry have to compete with other competitors to gain an edge. The advantages of competition are influenced by several factors, one of which is good human resource management. Where if a company has good human resources, it will increase profits indirectly and can increase productivity. This research discusses case studies about the potential dangers of IKM Heppy Bakery’s potential dangers that can harm workers in bread production. The method used is Failure Mode And Effect Analysis (FMEA). Later, the data will be filled and given a rating distinguished into three parts: severity, occurrence, and detection. The data were obtained through questionnaires given to 3 workers at IKM Heppy Bakery and filled in rating values based on the provisions that have been given to the questionnaire. This Value helps determine the Risk Priority Number (RPN) obtained from multiplication between severity, occurrence, and detection. After processing the RPN multiplication data, the highest RPN value was obtained by 193 with the danger factor of the operator overheating and dehydrating due to high temperatures. Furthermore, the calculation of critical Value was obtained by 109. Based on the critical Value obtained seven hazard factors above the critical value, these seven hazard factors need to be improved so that workers do not avoid accidents when conducting the production process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-58
Muhammad Ramadan ◽  
Sukanta Sukanta ◽  
Risma Fitriani

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is important to maintain and improve so that the quality of human resources in the company is always in prime condition. Every company has a different level or level of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). PT. XYZ is a company that uses corrosive materials, therefore Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) analyst at PT XYZ is needed. The Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) analysis carried out in this study used the FMEA method to determine which part of the production process had Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) that needed repair the most. From the research results, it was found that the highest Risk Priority Number (RPN) value was the pickling and degreasing production process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 171-176
Nurul Retno Nurwulan ◽  
Wilcha Anatasya Veronica

A good quality control system is important to be implemented to increase productivity and minimize defects in products. One of the quality control methods is failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). This study uses the FMEA to identify the causes of the defects and recommend the prevention methods to overcome the causes of the defects in an Indonesian paper mill. The risk priority number (RPN) is calculated by multiplying the severity, occurrence, and detection of the failures that have been determined. Unsymmetrical and tainted products are the most dominant defects in the paper mill. An inappropriate machine setting is the cause of unsymmetrical products with the highest RPN of 343. The second highest RPN is problems with bleaching machines that caused tainted products with an RPN value of 216. This study offers suggestions to Indonesian paper mill to prevent and minimize defective products. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 154 ◽  
pp. 01084 ◽  
Taufiq Immawan ◽  
Wahyudhi Sutrisno ◽  
Annisa Kamilia Rachman

Industrial development in Indonesia, manufacturing and services, are required to be able to manage the company very well. However, in practice, the company’s activities are always faced with risks. In general, the risk can be defined as a situation faced by a person or a company in which there is a possibility that harm. The level of risk faced losses due to highly variable depending on the cause and effect influence. To be able to manage (risk management), it can use FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis). FMEA is a method of analyzing potential failure are applied in product development, system engineering and operational management and is one of a qualitative risk assessment. Using FMEA can also note the value of the RPN (Risk Priority Number) to determine improvement priorities at risk. But there are weaknesses in the use of FMEA, namely RPN calculation is only done by multiplying the severity, occurence and detection alone and irrespective of the degree of importance of each input, to the FMEA method is integrated using fuzzy logic. Fuzzy FMEA is aimed at obtaining the highest fuzzyRPN value which will be used as the focus of improvements to minimize the possibility of these risks occur back. The results were obtained 7 out of 18 types of risks that have a high priority for repairs. Risk troublesome computer (hank / die) while doing photo editing scored the highest RPN 540 (scale 1-1000) and also the highest FRPN 9 (scale 1-10). There is a difference in value between RPN and FRPN. FRPN value obtained from the fuzzification, generate value by taking into account the degree of interest of any given input.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Ikhwan Syahtaria ◽  
Ali Mashudi ◽  
Bambang Suharjo

Product defects are a natural thing in a production process, but it would be better to avoid them. XYZ Industries is a company that produces glassware in the form of the glass bowl. The production failure experienced by this company is still high at 3.1% of the total production while the defect target that the company wants is 2%. The purpose of this study was to identify the types of defects that occur in glass bowl products on the production floor based on the results of searches of literature studies and deep interviews with employees, get the risk of failure of the largest production process in the RPN (Risk Priority Number) value of the FMEA method then analyzed again using the FTA method and determine the proposed improvements needed based on the analysis of defects that occur in glass bowl products, thus minimizing product defects and increasing company profits. In this study using the method of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) method to identify failures that occur and provide prevention solutions. Based on the results of data processing, the proposed improvements given to the company as a whole are the company in order to pay more attention to the maintenance of the machine so that the machine can avoid the failure of its function

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-159
Listiani Nurul Huda

Permasalahan produk cacat menjadi hal yang sangat penting untuk segera diatasi karena dapat menimbulkan kerugian. Produk yang cacat adalah sumber utama pemborosan salah satu penyebabnya akibat proses produksi yang dijalankan tidak sesuai prosedur operasi seperti yang diamati pada salah satu perusahaan penghasil botol minuman sirup. Pada proses sterilisasi botol sering terjadi produk cacat seperti keretakan, sompel bagian atas botol, pecah bagian bawah dan pecah keseluruhan bagian botol. Nilai kecacatan botol dapat mencapai sekitar 10% dari jumlah produksi sehingga mengakibatkan jumlah produksi perusahaan menjadi menurun. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa yang mengakibatkan sering terjadi kecacatan botol. Proses identifikasi potensial kecacatan dilakukan dengan metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) yang akan menentukan Nilai Resiko Prioritas (RPN) yang merupakan perkalian antara nilai keparahan (severity), kejadian (occurence), dan deteksi (detection). Dari hasil pengamatan diperoleh jenis kecacatan paling dominan pada proses sterilisasi botol adalah retak botol, faktor penyebab kerusakan botol yang disebabkan oleh operator yang kurang konsentrasi dan resiko kegagalan/kecacatan faktor penyebab kecacatan terbesar dalam nilai RPN (Risk Priority Number) sebesar 245. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa harus dilakukan penanganan untuk memperkecil kemungkinan terjadinya kecacatan dan dampaknya serta pengendalian deteksinya khusus bagi operator sterilisasi botol. Bentuk penanganan ditentukan oleh kepala tim atau oleh manajemen antara lain melalui inspeksi ketat terhadap pekerja. Defective product problems are very important matters to overcome immediately because they could cause losses. Defective products are the main source of waste; one of the causes was the production process that was not carried out in accordance with operating procedures as observed in one of the companies producing bottles of syrup. In the bottle sterilization process, there were often defective products with cracks, broken parts in the top or bottom or the entire parts of the bottle. The value of bottle defects could reach around 10% of the total production, resulting in a decrease in the company's production. This research was conducted to determine what factors resulted frequent bottle defects. The process of identifying potential disabilities was done by the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method determining the Priority Risk Value (RPN) which was a multiplication of severity, occurrence, and detection. From the results of the observations, it was obtained that the most dominant type of disability in the bottle sterilization process was bottle cracking due to the lack of concentration of the operators. The risk of failure/disability was the biggest cause of disability in the RPN (Risk Priority Number) value of 245. This indicated that handling must be done to minimize the possibility of disability and its impact and control the detection specifically for bottle sterilization operators. Forms of handling were determined by the head of the team or by management through strict inspections of workers. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-47
Lukman Hakim

ABSTRACT: Human resources' existence plays a significant role in the success of a company, so many companies realize that human resources in the company can provide a competitive advantage. In the company of labor is the motor of the company, the assets of the company, which is an investment for a company to increase productivity. As a company asset, the welfare guarantee given by the company to workers or employees is an obligation that must be adjusted to their needs. Also, to realize the goals of the company, of course, there needs to be compensated as one of the motivations for employees In this study, the author used a research method based on descriptive statistics with a quantitative approach. The sample in this study consisted of 30 employees of the Bandung City Fire Department. The analysis used was multiple regression analysis. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the Occupational Health Insurance and Financial Compensation jointly had an effect of 85.8% on employee work motivation. The remaining 14.2% caused   ABSTRAK: Keberadaan sumber daya manusia memiliki peranan besar bagi kesuksesan sebuahperusahaan, sehingga banyak perusahaan menyadari bahwa unsur manusia dalam perusahaan itu dapat memberikan keunggulan daya saing. Di dalam perusahaan tenaga kerja merupakan motor penggerakperusahaan, aset perusahaan yang merupakan investasi bagi suatu perusahaan untuk meningkatkan pruduktivitas. Sebagai aset perusahaan, maka jaminan kesejahteraan yang diberikan oleh perusahaan terhadap buruh atau karyawan adalah kewajiban yang harus disesuaikan dengan kebutuhannya. Selain itu guna mewujudkan tujuan perusahaan, tentu perlu adanya kompensasisebagai salah satu motivasi bagi para karyawan Dalam penelitian ini Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian berdasarkan statistik deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, sample dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 30orang pegawai Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran Kota Bandung, analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis regresi berganda. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui Jaminan Kesehatan Kerja Dan Kompensasi Finansial secara bersama-sama berpengaruh sebesar 85,8% terhadap motivasi kerja pegawai. Adapun sebesar 14,2% sisanya disebabkan oleh variabel-variabel lain diluar variabel tersebut yang tidak dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini.

2021 ◽  
pp. 187-192
Natalia Jankowska

Human capital management in an organisation is one of the key areas of company success and its competitive advantage, particularly in a service company such as Raben (Zając, 2014). As an entity operating in the Transport Forwarding Logistics (TFL) sector, its decisions in the area of human resources management depend on industry factors. This is evidenced, among others, by the structure of employees. The aim of this case study is: first, to draw attention to the problems that companies operating in specific sectors may face. The second goal is to identify their ability to implement the concept of a company responsible to employees. The company strives to take the goals set by the United Nations (SDGs) into account. These include taking care of appropriate employment structure, ensuring employee development, ensuring diversity, caring for work-life balance as well as safety in the workplace, and building relations with external stakeholders. The specificity of the industry in which the presented company operates makes it pursue a number of Sustainable Development Goals—both with regard to employees and in terms of environmental protection. Some need to be adapted accordingly.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 88
Rogério Da Silva Nunes ◽  
Alessandra De Linhares Jacobsen ◽  
Rodrigo Dos Santos Cardoso

The use of lean production in organizations, which aims to broaden your results using fewer resources, that is, to increase productivity producing essentially necessary and eliminating what does not add value to clients, requires actions that include mapping of success environments and organization's readiness for change management. Hence we have the current case study, descriptive, which presents the implementation of lean manufacturing in the textile plant in Blumenau (Santa Catarina) that manufactures medical products from a company with three manufacturing units. Next, there were interviews with thirteen managers and staff who participated in the lean manufacturing implementation process in the unit in focus. As a result, we identified that the requirements and preparations for the deployment mentioned are directed to a behavioral change that includes preparation of leadership, aligned with the organization's strategy, which needs to be deployed to all areas. Also featured are the stages of implementation and attempts to institutionalize the environment provided by the principles of lean manufacturing. It concludes with the identification of categories of analysis for the changes arising from the aforementioned deployment.

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 1005-1019
Jalal Rezaeenour ◽  
Mohammad Mousavi-Saleh ◽  
Abdol Rahman Kolahkaj

Abstract To compensate for the lack of funds for investment in private sector and infrastructure projects, governments may propose public–private partnerships (PPPs) to be able to use share capital and establish the necessary infrastructure of the country. The current study was undertaken to identify and determine the risk factors in PPPs for water supply projects in Iran. After identifying the risk factors using failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA), the risk priority number of each was assessed. This identified the most critical risk factors, which were then categorized into experimental, legal, financial, and technological subcategories. The fuzzy synthetic evaluation (FSE) technique and FMEA method were then blended and the FSE technique was modified for measuring the overall risk level. The computational results show that the levels of risk were ranked as follows (highest to lowest): financial, experimental, technological and legal. The level of risk in the financial subcategory was 6.11, in the experimental was 6.05 and in the technological and legal was 5.94 and 5.83, respectively. The overall risk level in PPPs for Iranian water supply projects considering linguistic variables as the criteria was 5.98, which is high. This level of risk confirms the applicability and suitability of the model.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Abdul Manan ◽  
Firdanis Setyaning Handika ◽  
Ahmad Nalhadi

A yarn company strives to produce good and quality products, but the production process that is carried out by each person will produce products targeted at a target that has been set at 5%. This study uses the Six Sigma method but only until the improvement stage. The research is to determine the DPMO value and sigma level in the spinning production process, to know what factors cause defects and new parameters to reduce the defect. Based on the results of the study that the DPMO on the type of CD thread in the spinning section is 17,130 and the sigma level is 3,6. The level of sigma that has dominated the Indonesian industry average, but has a defect of 8.7%, the target set at 5%. Damaged and dirty apron, clogged trumpet, and leaky hose are factors that plan defects. Furthermore, with Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA), the highest value of Risk Priority Number (RPN) in tangled defects is that the apron is damaged (140) and clogged trumpet (120), while the highest RPN value is gross dirty, i.e., dirty apron (150) and hose leaking lubricant (120).

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