In-situ Experiments to Capture the Evolution of Microstructure During Phase Transformation of Titanium Under Dynamic Loading
Under sufficient stresses, such as during dynamic loading, titanium experiences a phase transformation from hcp alpha phase to hexagonal omega phase. Omega phase is often retained in the microstructure after unloading, and has a strong influence on subsequent mechanical properties. Simulations suggest there are multiple pathways and underlying mechanisms for this transformation. Due to the incredibly short timescales involved, experimental measurements for model validation have been difficult. However, new capabilities at the Advanced Photon Source have enabled diffraction measurements during plate impact experiments to study the evolution of titanium during transformation. These high-rate data allow us to probe the mechanism and kinetics of phase transformations in new ways. Recent results will be presented and compared to post-mortem characterization of soft-recovered shocked specimens. Comparisons are made with previous tests where material was shock-loaded and soft recovered for microstructural analysis. Together these techniques create a consistent picture of material behavior during the shock-induced ff–! phase transformation in titanium.