scholarly journals Interval estimation of trigonometrical splines

2019 ◽  
Vol 292 ◽  
pp. 03001
I.G. Burova ◽  
E.G. Ivanova ◽  
V.A. Kostin

Quite often, it is necessary to quickly determine variation range of the function. If the function values are known at some points, then it is easy to construct the local spline approximation of this function and use the interval analysis rules. As a result, we get the area within which the approximation of this function changes. It is necessary to take into account the approximation error when studying the obtained area of change of function approximation. Thus, we get the range of changing the function with the approximation error. This paper discusses the features of using polynomial and trigonometrical splines of the third order approximation to determine the upper and lower boundaries of the area (domain) in which the values of the approximation are contained. Theorems of approximation by these local trigonometric and polynomial splines are formulated. The values of the constants in the estimates of the errors of approximation by the trigonometrical and polynomial splines are given. It is shown that these constants cannot be reduced. An algorithm for constructing the variation domain of the approximation of the function is described. The results of the numerical experiments are given.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  

This work is one of a series of papers that is devoted to the further investigation of polynomial splines and trigonometric splines of the third order approximation. Polynomial basis splines are better known and therefore more commonly used. However, the use of trigonometric basis splines often provides a smaller approximation error. In some cases, the use of the trigonometric approximations is preferable to the polynomial approximations. Here we continue to compare these two types of approximation. The Lebesgue functions and constants are discussed for the polynomial splines and the trigonometric splines. The examples of the applications of the splines to image enlargement are given.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (1) ◽  
Marin Marin ◽  
M. M. Bhatti

AbstractThe present study deals with the head-on collision process between capillary–gravity solitary waves in a finite channel. The present mathematical modeling is based on Nwogu’s Boussinesq model. This model is suitable for both shallow and deep water waves. We have considered the surface tension effects. To examine the asymptotic behavior, we employed the Poincaré–Lighthill–Kuo method. The resulting series solutions are given up to third-order approximation. The physical features are discussed for wave speed, head-on collision profile, maximum run-up, distortion profile, the velocity at the bottom, and phase shift profile, etc. A comparison is also given as a particular case in our study. According to the results, it is noticed that the free parameter and the surface tension tend to decline the solitary-wave profile significantly. However, the maximum run-up amplitude was affected in great measure due to the surface tension and the free parameter.

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (01) ◽  
pp. 1550021 ◽  
Heekyu Woo ◽  
Young S. Shin

In this paper, a new third-order approximation model for an acoustic-structure interaction problem is introduced. The new approximation model is designed to be an accurate and a stable model for predicting the response of a submerged structure. The proposed model is obtained by combining two lower order approximation models instead of using an operator matching method. The stability of this model is checked by a modal analysis. Finally, the approximation model is coupled to the spherical shell structure, and its performance is checked by a shock analysis.

1982 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 204-209 ◽  
W. G. S. Hines

The changes in diversity of competitive strategies in a Maynard Smith population model with mixed strategies are related to the changes in population mean strategy. The effects of slight mutations in strategy frequencies, and of slight perturbations of the contest payoff rules are then investigated, and found to increase and decrease diversity respectively (to a third-order approximation). A relation among mutational effects, payoff perturbation effects and stable population diversity is suggested.

2010 ◽  
Vol 2010 ◽  
pp. 1-15 ◽  
Gianni Mattioli ◽  
Massimo Scalia ◽  
Carlo Cattani

This paper deals with the analysis of a nonlinear dynamical system which characterizes the axons interaction and is based on a generalization of FitzHugh-Nagumo system. The parametric domain of stability is investigated for both the linear and third-order approximation. A further generalization is studied in presence of high-amplitude (time-dependent) pulse. The corresponding numerical solution for some given values of parameters are analyzed through the wavelet coefficients, showing both the sensitivity to local jumps and some unexpected inertia of neuron's as response to the high-amplitude spike.

1998 ◽  
Vol 109 (12) ◽  
pp. 4734-4744 ◽  
J. Schirmer ◽  
A. B. Trofimov ◽  
G. Stelter

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