scholarly journals The social assistance system – One of the ingredients of social inclusion policy

2014 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 00042
I. Skrodele-Dubrovska

The article is the result of a complex research activity. The starting point was to make a diagnosis of the Iasi community on the needs of social assistance. The interest of local authorities is to ensure optimal conditions for the provision of quality social services, leading to an improvement in the quality of life of people at social risk. This article makes a complex assessment of the social problems faced by the local community in Iasi, using the analysis of documents, questionnaires and focus groups. The special contribution is given by the development strategy of the resulting local social assistance system, with emphasis on the category of elderly beneficiaries.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-83
Beata Mańkowska

The purpose of the article is to draw attention to the challenges and threats faced by social assistance institutions in the face of the second month of the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland, with particular emphasis on disturbing phenomena and behaviours involving employees of these institutions. The text, on the one hand, supported by examples derived from personal experiences and reports of the social workers themselves, on the other, by the author's observations and reflections, can serve as a warning against hasty, chaotic actions undermining the morale and reputation of the social assistance system. In the current particularly difficult time for all, it should pass the test in responsible management, coherent cooperation, developing effective solutions and missionary character – serving the ones in need.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (4) ◽  
pp. 51-67
Marek Klimek

The obligation to develop a county (powiat) strategy for solving social problems results from the provisions of the Act of March 12, 2004 on social assistance. This article presents the role of this strategy in the process of reducing social problems: unemployment, poverty, homelessness, addictions, problems of the elderly and disabled, orphans, etc. It indicates the role of social participation in the process of developing the strategy and implementing its objectives. The cooperation of local authorities, social assistance units, NGOs and many other institutions remains a basic condition for the effective implementation of the strategy.

VUZF Review ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-197
Piotr Fraczek ◽  
Mateusz Kaczmarski

Most developed countries in the world strive to provide their citizens with adequate living conditions and ensure a high level of social security. This security system also includes social assistance, which is the last level of state policy in supporting its citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Apart from fulfilling a protective role, the social welfare system also plays a stabilizing role in the socio-economic policy of the state. Problems related to the social system and financial resources allocated to their functioning from the state budget are the subject of many scientific publications around the world. Meanwhile, in Poland, there are few scientific publications on the effectiveness and financing of expenditure for social purposes, including the social assistance system. Identifying the level of financial resources allocated to the social assistance system may be the first step to rationalizing the system of financial transfers from the state budget. The article aims is to identify the level of budgetary expenditure allocated in Poland in 2015-2018 to the social assistance system. The analyzes carried out indicate that in the period 2015-2018, budget expenditure on the social assistance system and supporting families increased. In 2018, these expenses accounted for as much as 12.7% of the total state budget expenditure. There is a noticeable tendency consisting of reducing financial resources allocated to social assistance while increasing budgetary transfers directed to families with children - government's "Family 500+" program.

2019 ◽  
Vol 68 (10) ◽  
pp. 791-817
Ralph Henger ◽  
Judith Niehues

Zusammenfassung Für Haushalte mit niedrigen Einkommen können Veränderungen der Haushaltsstruktur oder eine Einkommenserhöhung durch Arbeitsaufnahme oder -ausweitung einzelner Haushaltsmitglieder einen Systemwechsel von der Grundsicherung zum Wohngeld oder umgekehrt nach sich ziehen. Hinzu kommt das Problem, dass das Wohngeldsystem nicht wie die Regelsätze der Grundsicherung jedes Jahr angepasst wird. Durch die Nichtanpassung wechseln Haushalte aus dem Wohngeld in die Grundsicherung hinein oder in den Nicht-Transferbezug. Werden die Wohngeldleistungen im Rahmen einer Reform erhöht, dann werden viele dieser Haushalte wieder ins Wohngeldsystem zurückgeholt. Dieser Wechsel kann als Drehtüreffekt bezeichnet werden. Mit Hilfe von Mikrosimulationsrechnungen wird gezeigt, wie groß der Drehtüreffekt ist. Zudem werden Wirkungen verschiedener Varianten einer möglichen Dynamisierung des Wohngeldsystems abgeschätzt. Abstract: The Swing-Door Effect between Housing Allowances and the Social Assistance System in Germany For low-income households, changes in the household structure or an increase in their income through taking up or expanding work for individual household members may result in a change from the social assistance system (Grundsicherung) to the housing allowances system (Wohngeld) or vice versa. In addition, there is the problem that the housing benefit system is not adjusted every year like the payments in the subsistence welfare system. The non-adjustment cause households to grow out of housing subsidies and into subsistence welfare system. When housing benefits are increased in a reform, many households come back into the housing benefit system. This change can be called the swing door effect. We show with a microsimulation model the size and relevance of this effect. In addition, the decline in the number of recipients and in expenditure is broken down into various components. Also effects of different variants of a dynamization of the housing benefit system are estimated.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (42) ◽  
Antônio Carlos de Oliveira ◽  
Ariane Rego de Paiva ◽  
Sindely Chahim de Avellar Alchorne

O presente trabalho tem por objetivos discutir desafios envolvidos na conceituação de acompanhamento familiar e problematizar elementos dos processos para sua efetivação nas unidades da política de assistência social no Rio de Janeiro, tendo por referências as diretrizes da Política Nacional de Assistência Social e as normativas do trabalho social com famílias do Sistema Único de Assistência Social, a análise bibliográfica e a experiência de extensão desenvolvida pela PUC-Rio em parceria com o órgão gestor da assistência social do município do Rio de Janeiro. Identificou-se pontos de convergência e divergência nos processos de acompanhamento familiar entre os diferentes serviços e as principais questões e dificuldades levantadas pelos profissionais.Palavras-Chave: assistência social; Rio de Janeiro; acompanhamento familiar; trabalho social.  Abstract – This study aims to discuss the challenges involved in the conceptualization of family support and to problematize elements of the processes for its effectiveness in the units of the social assistance policy in Rio de Janeiro. The guidelines of the National Social Assistance Policy, the norms of social work with the families of the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS), and the bibliographic analysis and experience developed by PUC-Rio in partnership with the social assistance agency of the city of Rio de Janeiro were used as references. Points of convergence and divergence were identified in the family support processes between the different services and the main issues and difficulties raised by professionals.Keywords: social assistance; Rio de Janeiro; family accompaniment; social work.

Galina Beiger

Dysfunctional families are families that fail to fulfill the protective and educational function of their children. They are conflicted, affected by addictions, unadapted to life, inefficient in education. The situation of these families is a challenge for the Polish social assistance system. As part of social work with these families, a number of different methods are used, among others empowerment, interdisciplinary work model, work with family assistants, psychological therapies, school for parents, Family Group Conference and day support facilities. The work methods used involve family members based on their resources and aim to ensure that families use their strengths and acquire appropriate care and upbringing skills, achieve balance and gain greater independence in functioning, and regain control over their own lives. Сhanges that take place in social life cause weakening of social ties and the role of the family as a basic environment of human upbringing. Many Polish families are unable to perform the protective, educational, economic, preventative functions of their members, including children. Particularly disadvantaged families - affected by addictions, illnesses, disorders, unadapted to life and ineffective in education - pose a serious threat to the development of children, but also a great challenge for the social assistance system. For many years, social assistance institutions have usually been a source of financial resources to support these families. The current development of the family support system tends to develop effective methods of working with families, these pedagogical tools can be used by social workers and family assistants. Their essence is to influence the restoration of relationships between family members, the improvement of relations and communication, the desire for family reintegration. To this end, actions are taken based on the developed procedures based on the resources inherent in the family to make changes in the functioning of the family system through the forces of its members. The effectiveness of social work with disadvantaged families is enhanced by interdisciplinary activities that involve the use of the knowledge, experience and professional skills of various institutions and non-governmental organizations. Nowadays, the best way to work with such a family is to involve the so-called human factor, which embodies the professionalism and effectiveness of the assistance provided. A crisis family is increasingly perceived as an entity responsible for their own destiny. Working with the family using the above mentioned methods takes into account not only the deficiency of its functioning, but above all its strengths and potentials, which allows it to gradually regain balance, stability and take control of their life.

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