scholarly journals Digitalization as a Key Factor of Increasing Investment Attractiveness and Innovative Development of Industrial Enterprises

2019 ◽  
Vol 62 ◽  
pp. 03001
O.A. Bulavko ◽  
B.Ya. Tatarskih ◽  
L.R. Tuktatova ◽  
I.A. Naugolnova

The relevance of the study is stipulated by the need to increase the in-vestment attractiveness of the real sector of the economy in the context of global changes associated with the new industrial revolution "Industry 4.0". In this regard, the article is aimed at identifying indicators that determine the innovative potential of industrial complex enterprises, identifying factors and criteria for the effective development of industrial enterprises based on the introduction of innovative and digital technologies and increasing the investment attractiveness of high-tech industries. The leading approach to the study of this problem is a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the reasons of technological lag of industrial enterprises and the factors restraining their effective development. As a result, the possibilities of the economy growth at the account of the tools of the industrial investment policy were proved. The materials of the article are of practical value for researchers and specialists involved in the problems of increasing the investment attractiveness and economic efficiency of industrial enterprises in conditions of economy digitalization. The materials of the article are of practical value for researchers and specialists involved in the problems of increasing the investment attractiveness and economic efficiency of industrial enterprises in conditions of digitalization of the economy.

2021 ◽  
pp. 71-79
Yu. S. Polozhentseva ◽  
M. G. Klevtsova

In the modern conditions of economic development, the development of the industrial complex is being transformed with emphasis on digital technologies and high-tech production. The article considers new principles of the implementation of the state’s economic policy taking into account the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution, as well as the results of the analysis of the main indicators of industrial development, both in the world and in Russia in particular, including the assessment of the current state of innovation and technological activity of the industrial sector of the Russian economy. At the same time the authors pay special attention to the analysis of modern trends in the development of industry in countries with both a high level of high-tech production and a low level. The paper analyses the prospects of Russian industry development to justify the need for technological breakthrough strategies and technological modernization of industrial enterprises. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 288-297
Yu. V. Vertakova ◽  
T. N. Babich ◽  
A. V. Bragina

In the age of technological and social transformation aimed at establishing basic principles of implementing state economic policy under the challenges of the 4th industrial revolution the role of modernization process in the Russian industry is increasing. The authors justify strategic landmarks for technological modernization of industrial enterprises of Russia. To this end they made comparative analysis of innovation and technological, economic development of a number of countries and Russian Federation as well as estimated the preparedness of certain world countries to transformations in economics caused by changes of technological patterns during the 4th industrial revolution. It has been stated that Russian Federation has structural disproportions slowing down economic development of the country. It also demonstrates the need for performing structural transformations to carry out disruptive development and achieve global leadership. At present there is no single methodology of controlling disruptive development in transformation conditions caused by the need for reindustrialization and digitalization of the country’s economy. Besides, there are not any projects on creating a set of theoretical and practical tools adapted to the Russian institutional specificity aimed at increasing strategic technological competitiveness of the industrial complex and achieving global technological leadership including justification of the practicability of technological modernization of industrial enterprises which would take into account the specificity of the modern stage of the Russian economics’ development. So, the authors have conducted research to reveal the essence of the technological modernization of industrial enterprises by means of grouping basic approaches to this definition. As a result they also suggested classification of the basic types of strategies for technological modernization at the national enterprises.

2020 ◽  
pp. 201-211
Nilufar Ba

The aim of the article is the theoretical justifcation and development of the organizational and economic mechanism for the formation and development of a regional intentional complex, where innovative components dominate. It should be noted that in recent years in the region there have been trends in the deepening of the newest forms of relations and interconnections based on the expansion of inter-sectoral and sectoral integration of industrial enterprises, the progress of the formation of forms of regional industrial systems is traced, prerequisites are created for the emergence of new forms of integrated cooperation of the subjects of the innovation process. In modern conditions, the current model of the competitive development of the industrial complex of the region is based on the broad and effective interaction of various participants in the development and commercialization of innovations, which requires a search for forms and directions of its strengthening. The need to strengthen the innovative component of the industrial complex, contributing to its innovative development, involves the search for new modifed organizational and economic mechanisms for the innovative development of the industrial system based on the assessment of trends and development features of new system interactions. Meanwhile, the process of transition to a model of innovative development is objectively closely related to the need to concentrate efforts on the formation of a systematic methodology for managing the innovative development of the region. The article focuses on the development of organizational and economic mechanisms for the innovative development of the regional industrial complex. In particular, attention is paid to the intensive factors of industrial production growth. To achieve the goal, several main tasks were set and solved in the article.. The state of fxed assets for the development of industrial production in the region has been studied. The region was also evaluated based on the influence of innovation and investment factors. The current state and trends in the development of industry in the Tashkent region are analyzed, the basic prerequisites for the creation of an innovative industrial system in the region are studied, and trends in the innovative development of industry in the Tashkent region are evaluated. In conclusion, recommendations are given for eliminating the imbalance between the existing regions, as well as for accelerating the development of new high-tech industries of the industrial complex

New technology trends, mainly related to the development of Industry 4.0 and the digital economy, have created significant prerequisites for changing the priorities of industrial policy. This topic is particularly relevant for countries with economies in transition or developing economies, including Russia. The accumulated structural gap, expressed in the level of industries' digitalization, indicates a low willingness of industrial enterprises to introduce digital and related advanced technologies. The data obtained show that this gap is especially pronounced (more than 50% of the average for the EU countries) in the manufacturing industry, oil and gas industry, and transport. In mining, this gap approaches 70%. These circumstances predetermined the need to identify the strategic vector of Russian industrial policy against the background of the developing modern technologies that predetermine the adjustment of industrial policy priorities. To assess the potential of industrial transformation, the authors conducted a comparative analysis of changed targets for the formation of industrial policy in the developed countries and Russia. The analysis showed a sharp evolution in the priorities of industrial policy in Russia – those changed six times during the period from 2014 through 2019. The strategic policy focus has shifted from supporting projects in the production of high-tech civilian and/or dual-use products by enterprises of the military-industrial complex and the transition of enterprises to the best available technologies to supporting the digital economy and artificial intelligence technologies. Based on the results, the researchers suggested the development of industrial policy instruments adapted to the new priorities.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 (5) ◽  
pp. 156-163 ◽  
Вероника Исайченкова ◽  
Veronika Isaychenkova

At the present stage of innovative economy for-mation in Russia the solution of problems of effective industrial complex development of the country is of the utmost importance. The Russian Federation, having the considerable potential for maintaining effective development of the industrial enterprises, is at the initial stage of innovative industry modernization. For efficiency increase of industrial enterprises activity, and, in particular, mechanical engineering, it is offered to use the following events: business process reengineering of some enterprises; creation of industrial clusters on the basis of the most effectively functioning enterprises; monitoring of the strategic development level and potential of the industrial enterprises with the purpose of detecting the most and the least promising. Business process reengineering involves strong, revolutionary reorganization of the organization processes which must be accompanied by the implementation of a new information system at the enterprise. Its purpose is a sharp improvement of key activity indicators. Industrial clusters represent modern form of enterprises associations on mesolevel of economy. For the purpose of achievement of maximum effectiveness of the industry it is also necessary to monitor the enterprises of the industry based on growth rates of business cost and potential. Using the listed methods will allow to rebuild radically both the separate enterprises of the industry, and the whole industry in general and made it the leading one for economic development of the country.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 2222-2232
K.S.O. Vekilov ◽  

Basing on the strategic approaches, the article investigates the role of innovative entrepreneurship in forming the knowledge economy. The importance of intensifying the development of the knowledge economy in the context of global changes and modern challenges has been substantiated. The need for the formation and development of the country’s knowledge economy, taking into account the deepening development of innovative entrepreneurship, is considered. The expediency of accelerating the commercialization of the results and discoveries of scientific research works is noted. Strategic directions of mutual activities of universities, research institutions, investment funds, industrial enterprises and other subjects of innovative entrepreneurship are given. The necessity of ensuring the effective and efficient application of the results, developments and innovations is substantiated. The progressive world experience in ensuring the development of the national innovation system and the formation of an innovationoriented economy of the country is considered. An objective approach is considered the creation and commissioning of modern technological parks, industrial parks and high-tech parks for an intensive transition to innovative development of the economy and deepening the basic principles of the knowledge economy. The essence and effectiveness of innovative entrepreneurship is revealed, which covers intellectual resources, more productive inventions and discoveries. The importance of developing the market for research services and thereby ensuring the dynamism of the market for science, technology and innovation was noted. The processes and approaches to the development of important elements of the knowledge economy and to strengthening the role of innovative entrepreneurship in this direction are analyzed. The multiplicative effect of targeted measures and the use of state support mechanisms for deepening the development of innovative entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan were assessed. The need to improve and develop organizational and economic factors, the institutional framework for accelerating the creation of an innovation system and multifunctional innovation zones in the country is considered. The role of digitalization and the use of elements of information and communication technologies for strengthening the processes of creating a knowledge economy is shown. Recommendations and proposals were prepared on the strategic role of innovative entrepreneurship in the formation of the knowledge economy in Azerbaijan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 1589-1599
G.U. Akimbekova ◽  
A.B. Baimukhanov ◽  
U.R. Kaskabaev ◽  
D.V. Serdobintsev ◽  

The article presents the economic efficiency of the use of innovative technologies in dairy farms, in particular, the technology of keeping calves on the example of three dairy farms containing 1000 or more dairy cows (AIC “Adal” JSC, Aidarbayev farm, LLP “Agrofirm“ Dinara-Ranch “of the Almaty region), which made it possible to determine the development potential of these farms, to give an economic assessment of the level of production. The presented calculation of the economic efficiency of model farms for the dairy industry of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan made it possible to ensure a reasonable transfer and adaptation of technologies for the automation of technological processes for the production of livestock products in dairy cattle breeding in Kazakhstan, which will contribute to the achievement of goals, objectives and indicators as part of the implementation of the State Program for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017-2021 Reducing the volume of milk production and the level of its consumption is a technological backwardness, since the share of dairy farms using modern technologies and equipment is 10-15% of their total number. In addition, the equipment of new and reconstructed dairy complexes and farms does not always correspond to modern technological requirements for keeping and feeding highly productive livestock. As a result, their biological potential is far from being fully realized, which negatively affects the provision of the population with milk and dairy products of domestic production. Taking into account the long duration of the reproduction cycle and the low rate of capital turnover in dairy cattle breeding, the introduction of innovations occurs in the sub-industry with some delay compared to other sub-sectors (pig and poultry farming). One of the tools for modernizing dairy farming in the current conditions is the introduction of modern digital, information and intelligent technologies (artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and the industrial Internet). Their implementation can turn milk production into a high-tech business, increase labor productivity due to the emergence of super-productive animal breeds, solutions for accelerated selection; high quality feed and veterinary drugs; innovative delivery services.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 9-17
Быстров ◽  
Andrey Bystrov ◽  
Пименов ◽  
Vladimir Pimenov

The article describes a scenario of strategic breakthrough in technological development of the country’s economy through the use of innovative poten- tial of high-tech enterprises of defence-industrial complex (DIC). The remain- ing period up to 2020 is shown to open a «window» for possible use of DIC innovative potential for such a breakthrough.

2018 ◽  
Vol 55 ◽  
pp. 01020 ◽  
Arutyun Khachaturyan ◽  
Svetlana Ponomareva

The research paper focuses on a complex study of scientific and technological development of high-tech companies of the Russian Federation in the context of introducing the conception “INDUSTRY 4.0”, which involves six main phases: 1) Computerisation; 2) Connectivity; 3) Visibility; 4) Transparency; 5) Predictive capacity; 6) Adaptability. The article describes external factors – with the help of such marketing tool as the STEP-analysis – that have an impact on scientific and technological development of Russia’s high-tech companies in the context of introducing the digital economy and conception “INDUSTRY 4.0.” The authors of the research paper present the scheme for cooperation components of scientific and technological development of industrial enterprises in the Russian Federation which includes such important aspects as the forming process a progressive technological base; development methods of objective assessment for the technical development prospects; using of artificial intelligence and neural network; making more efficient use of industrial enterprises; searching for new energy sources and their using; accelerate biotechnologies; research on the new breakthrough technologies; application of achievements in science and technology; development of new design solutions; development of aerospace industry in the military-industrial complex; development of new kinds of materials and their using in the production process and others. The authors present data indicating the number of organizations which perform research and developments. The authors’ research perspectives present practical aspects of scientific and technical development of military-industrial complex as a whole and aerospace industry of the Russian Federation in general.

2020 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 13026
Stanislav Poloskov ◽  
Alexander Zheltenkov ◽  
Irina Braga ◽  
Irina Kuznetsova

In order to succeed in a competitive environment, enterprises and organizations must quickly respond to external influences, such as digitalization, expansion of information exchange, and challenges caused by Industry 4.0. High-tech knowledge-intensive enterprises that develop and commercialize their original innovative products and technologies as well as provide intellectual services in the field of high technologies are the first to respond to such challenges. A number of works on how the digitalization in economy impacts organizational and managerial activities of enterprises, their R&D, and creation, production and commercialization of innovative products are analyzed. As the results of the study, a number of properties and patterns that determine the successful adaptation of innovative enterprises to the challenges of Industry 4.0 wereidentified. Among them there are material resources, including technology and equipment, scientific and technological achievements, financial, personnel and information support and adaptive organizational and economic capabilities. It is shown that in order to adapt to the challenges of Industry 4.0, enterprises must match capabilities of the digital economy with their material, intellectual and production resources using innovative potential as a measurement tool. It is determined that the procedures for assessing the innovative potential of enterprises can become an effective tool for assessing both quantitative/qualitative indicators of enterprises and degree of their adaptation to the challenges of Industry 4.0. The proposed methodology for a comprehensive assessment of industrial enterprises’ innovative potential as the degree of their adaptation to the challenges of Industry 4.0 was implemented at the high-tech knowledge-intensive enterprises “Shtorm” and “Tekhnotron”. Both of them are well known for their innovative developments in the field of welding production. It was demonstrated that the proposed methodology allows not just assessing the degree of adaptation to the digital economy and the challenges of Industry 4.0, but also assessing the impact of planned activities on innovations and determine methods and means of responding to the changes in external and internal environment of enterprises.

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