On-Line Calculation of Pulmonary Mechanics by Digital Computer

1978 ◽  
Vol 17 (04) ◽  
pp. 261-272 ◽  
Y. Brault ◽  
G. Atlan ◽  
H. Lorino ◽  
A. Harf ◽  
A.-M. Lorino ◽  

A system was built up around a minicomputer to process in real time pressure and flow signals collected during the course of three ventilatory mechanics tests: the calculation of the lung volume, the evaluation of the static lung compliance, the analysis of the forced expiratory performance. The subject is seated in an open body Plethysmograph, which allows for the instantaneous calculation of changes in the volume of his thorax and abdomen. The system is controlled through a graphics console which displays the sampled curves and the results of data processing. In addition, the signals can be stored on demand onto a magnetic tape so that the method can be tested and improved off line. The results obtained in healthy volunteers are highly reproducible. A close correspondence is found both in patients and volunteers between computer-derived and hand-calculated results. The computerized system has become a standard equipment of our Lung Function Department, where it allows for a rapid quantitative analysis of lung volumes, lung elasticity and bronchial airflow.

2000 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 24-25

The BMJ has always been recognised as a leading medical journal for a wide range of subjects, and has always been useful for nurses to access for up to date and current medical opinion. Recently the BMJ has diversified to take on a more political nature, with its content reflecting a more proactive approach to influencing health care policy in the United Kingdom by the medical profession. As such the BMJ has become extremely useful for identifying opinions of current ‘hot topics’ for nurses that are headline news such as nurse consultants, hospital administration and central government policy. However, one problem remains, trying to find the original copy in the library will remain difficult. After spending the best part of an hour to suddenly realise that ‘how silly you are for not realising that BMJ March 1997 is filed in the British Journal of Nursing section 1998!!’ is often a frustrating and demoralising experience - particularly if after finding the article you find it has nothing to do with the subject that you are researching. This problem is to be banished forever with the BMJ website. The full BMJ is available free on line. The excellent search engine is particularly useful and is accurate when matching target articles. All articles are available for ‘full text’ downloads free of charge.

PMLA ◽  
1948 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 293-326
Evelyn H. Scholl

Although hundreds of books and articles have been written on the subject, there is still no agreement upon the question: What is the basis of English metre? There have been three schools of metrics: that of a strict count of syllables; that of accent; and that of equal times. The latest work which I have found to consider a strict count of syllables the sole basis of English metre was published in Heidelberg in 1902. But both of the other schools have their representatives today. It is my purpose to raise the question once more, and to throw light upon it from a hitherto unexplored source of unusual value, The English School of Lutenist Song Writers. I hope to show that the theory of equal times marked by stress best explains the varying phenomena of modern English verse, and especially the inclusion in metrical verse of such extremely irregular poems as “The Listeners” by De la Mare. And I hope also to clarify several metrical terms: the so-called “trochaic substitution” in iambic metre, the “caesura,” and the “run-on line.”

1977 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-122 ◽  
Dale A. Miller ◽  
James H. Johnson ◽  
Daniel E. Klingler ◽  
Thomas A. Williams ◽  
Ronald A. Giannetti
On Line ◽  

As its title suggests, the purpose of this Discussion Meeting is to review the present state of the art in industrial electrochemistry. We have sought to bring together academic and industrial workers in this field as well as other interested participants. I hope that as the meeting proceeds, a cross-fertilization of ideas will occur both in the formal sessions and during the breaks. The organizers of this Meeting have given considerable thought to the order in which the different aspects of electrochemistry should be presented. Evidently we had to begin with the fundamentals, after which we decided to deal with the general aspects of electrosynthesis including the developing possibilities of supplying energy to biological processes by electrochem ical means. This led naturally to consideration of electrochemical engineering and electroanalytical methods for on-line control. In one session we shall move to a very practical application of electrochemistry, namely batteries. Beginning with Volta’s simple cell, this application is one of the oldest in electrochemistry. In spite of all the advances in the subject, the possibilities of new primary and secondary battery systems remain as wide as ever. I, for one, shall be most interested to hear the progress reports of our three speakers.

EAD em FOCO ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Fernanda Roda Cassundé ◽  
Edson Gomes Silva ◽  
Laís da Silva Santos ◽  
Adler Henrique Santos Souza ◽  
Graça Suely Gomes Souza ◽  

O presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar as expectativas e experiências dos estudantes em relação à disciplina O Estado e os problemas contemporâneos, do Curso de Especialização em Gestão Pública da Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (Univasf). Para isso, foi realizada a aplicação do questionário de autoavaliação Colles (Constructivist Online Learning Environment Survey) verificando-se as possíveis mudanças na percepção e comparando-se os resultados do antes e do depois referente a seis dimensões: relevância, reflexão, interação, apoio dos tutores, apoio dos colegas e compreensão. Participaram da pesquisa 97 alunos, em dois momentos diferentes: no início das aulas, para conhecer as expectativas dos estudantes e no final delas, para se ter uma compreensão da realidade vivenciada. Os resultados revelaram que a análise da experiência sempre foi inferior quando comparada à análise da expectativa em todos os aspectos apresentados, evidenciando que alguns participantes sentenciaram não ter alcançado os objetivos pretendidos.Palavras-chave: Colles, Educação a distância, Avaliação, Pós-graduação, PNAP.  Social Constructivist Evaluation of an Experience in Distance Education: the use of Colles as Data Collection InstrumentAbstract This study aims to evaluate the students expectations and experiences regarding the subject "The State and the contemporary problems", in Public Management post-graduation from the Federal University of São Francisco Valley (UNIVASF). For this, the application carried out the self-assessment questionnaire COLLES (Constructivist On-line Learning Environment Survey) checking for possible changes in perception and comparing the results before and after referring to the six dimensions: relevance, reflection, interaction, support tutors, peer support and understanding. The participants were 97 students in two different times at the beginning of classes, to meet the expectations of students and at the end of these, to have an understanding of experienced reality. The results showed that the students' experience overcame the negative assessment in all aspects presented, showing that some participants sentenced not have achieved the intended objectives.Keywords: COLLES, Distance education, Evaluation, Postgraduate studies, PNAP. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (Especial 2) ◽  
pp. 96-101
Zelina Cardoso Grund ◽  
Renata Portela Rinaldi

This article aims to present the survey of academic production on "teacher training and teaching work" in higher education, produced in the period from 2007 to 2017 and published by the National Association of politics and administration of Education (ANPAE). The methodology used was bibliographical research online from carefully defined parameters in order to support a broader study on the "State of knowledge". The following descriptors were used: teacher training, teaching, higher education work. Select the complete works of the Ibero-American Congress of policy and school administration and the Brazilian Symposium of politics and Administration. The treatment and analysis of the information was systematized from a bibliographical analysis protocol. The result shows that there are a small number of publications on the subject in the relevant axis to higher education in national and international scientific events.

Elsa M. Macías ◽  
Alvaro Suarez ◽  
Fernando Calvo

Improved 4G communication technologies in conjunction to Web 2.0 technologies are contributing to design and implement new and exciting healthcare services for citizens that can be accessed any time and any place. Tobacco is a risk factor causing increased morbidity and mortality in developed countries. Smoking cessation is a hard challenge for several people that can be achieve with the help of Web 2.0 and wireless access technologies to multimedia information. There are a lot of basic Web 1.0 portals for smoking cessation. The authors present an overview of serious damages or even death provoked by nicotine poisoning, an overview of on-line group therapies, and their user-centric Web 2.0 Portal intended for smoking cessation. They demonstrate innovative and effective facts of their Web 2.0 portal: Wireless access, scheduled agendas, and video on-demand services.

Karine Guiderdoni-Jourdain

The subject of our communication will be a better understanding of how the regulation between the on line HR designers and HR experts is built, and to know about the consequences on the HR intranet’s enrichment and the HR reengineering. The author’s communication will articulate in two parts. Firstly, she will come back on the e-HR concept in a way to enrich the definition proposed above by a systematic approach. Secondly, individuals will see how this model, mentioned in all the speeches, meets the logic of the different actors and how the differences between them could be managed; which raises an issue to resolve.

1959 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-186 ◽  
C. D. Cook ◽  
J. Mead ◽  
G. L. Schreiner ◽  
N. R. Frank ◽  
J. M. Craig

In order to study the mechanisms underlying the changes in the mechanical properties of the lungs during pulmonary edema, pulmonary vascular congestion was produced in spontaneously breathing, anesthetized dogs by partial aortic obstruction and intravenous infusion. Brief periods of congestion were associated with small changes in the lung compliance compared with the progressive and striking compliance reduction (-78%) noted with more prolonged congestion. Lung volume at end-expiration showed little change if edema fluid and trapped gas as well as the ventilated gas volume were taken into account. When edematous lungs were forcibly inflated beyond the tidal range, it was found that the overall compliance at a distending pressure of 30 cm H2O was not much less (-6%) than that of normal lungs. Furthermore, edematous lungs manifested marked ‘static’ hysteresis during such maneuvers. These findings suggested that surface phenomena were responsible for the mechanical behavior of edematous lungs rather than vascular congestion, per se, or intrinsic tissue changes. This was borne out by experiments on excised lungs which showed that the elastic properties of edematous lungs were not significantly different from normal lungs when surface forces were minimized. Submitted on August 25, 1958

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