The Frequency of Type I Heterozygous Protein S and Protein C Deficiency in 141 Unrelated Young Patients with Venous Thrombosis

1988 ◽  
Vol 59 (01) ◽  
pp. 018-022 ◽  
C L Gladson ◽  
I Scharrer ◽  
V Hach ◽  
K H Beck ◽  
J H Griffin

SummaryThe frequency of heterozygous protein C and protein S deficiency, detected by measuring total plasma antigen, in a group (n = 141) of young unrelated patients (<45 years old) with venous thrombotic disease was studied and compared to that of antithrombin III, fibrinogen, and plasminogen deficiencies. Among 91 patients not receiving oral anticoagulants, six had low protein S antigen levels and one had a low protein C antigen level. Among 50 patients receiving oral anticoagulant therapy, abnormally low ratios of protein S or C to other vitamin K-dependent factors were presented by one patient for protein S and five for protein C. Thus, heterozygous Type I protein S deficiency appeared in seven of 141 patients (5%) and heterozygous Type I protein C deficiency in six of 141 patients (4%). Eleven of thirteen deficient patients had recurrent venous thrombosis. In this group of 141 patients, 1% had an identifiable fibrinogen abnormality, 2% a plasminogen abnormality, and 3% an antithrombin III deficiency. Thus, among the known plasma protein deficiencies associated with venous thrombosis, protein S and protein C. deficiencies (9%) emerge as the leading identifiable associated abnormalities.

1987 ◽  
A W Broekmans ◽  
F J M der Meer ◽  
K Briët

Hereditary antithrombin III deficiency,protein C deficiency, and protein S deficiency predispose to the occurrence of venous thrombotic disease at a relatively youngage and often without an apparent cause. These disorders inherit as an autosomal dominant trait. Heterozygotes are at risk fosuperficial thrombophlebitis, thrombosis atnearly every venous site, and pulmonary embolism. Homozygous protein C deficiency may present itself with a purpura fulminans syndrome shortly after birth.In the acute phase of venous thromboembolism heparin is effective for preventing extension of the thrombotic process, and pulmonary embolism. In patients with antithrombin III deficiency the concomittant useof antithrombin III concentrate is controversial, although some patients may requirehigher doses of heparin.Substitution therapy is only indicated in homozygous protein C deficient patientswith purpura fulminans. Fresh frozen plasma i.v. is the treatment of choice, in a dosage of 10 ml/kg once or twice daily. The current prothrombin complex concentrates may induce new skin lesions and disseminated intravascular coagulation. After the lesions have been healed(mostly in 4 to6 weeks)coumarin therapy may effectively prevent new episodes of purpura fulminans, provided the prothrombin time is kept within 2,5 - 4,0 INR. Heparin is ineffective for preventing purpura fulminans due to homozygous protein C deficiency.The thrombotic manifestations in heterozygotes are effectively prevented by coumarin therapy. This is supported by the observation that patients may remain free of thrombosis during long-term treatment and may have recurrences shortly after the withdrawal of the coumarin drug. The therapeutic range for the prothrombin time should be within 2,0 - 4,0 INR, target value 3,0 INR. In the initial phase of oral anticoagulant therapy protein C deficient patients are prone to the development of coumarin induced hemorrhagic skin (tissue) necrosis.In the patients studied in Leiden, it occurred in about 3% of the treated patients. Heparin appears to be ineffective for the prevention of coumarin-induced skin necrosis; high loading doses of coumarin should be avoided and the prothrombin timeshouldbe checked dialy during the initial phase of oral anticoagulant treatment. Tissue necrosis may contribute to bleeding complications after fibrinolytic therapy, ashas been observed in two protein C deficient patients.In clinical situations with an increased risk for thrombosis such as surgery and pregnancy, heparin (in-low-doses) alone orin combination with coumarins have been used succesfully for the prevention of thrombosis. The need for antithrombin III concentrates in patients with hereditary antithrombin III deficiency in such situations is not substantiated.Although anabolic steroids are capable to increase the plasma concentrations of antithrombin III and of protein C in the respective deficiency states, its efficacy in preventing thrombotic episodes remains to be established.An optimal strategy for preventing thrombosis in congenital thrombotic syndromes is to identify still asymptomatic patients. In case of antithrombin III, protein C, and protein S deficiency this search is feasible. During risk situations for thrombosis patients are to be protected against the development of thrombosis.In Leiden pregnant women with one of the deficiencies are treated from the 14th week of pregnancy, initially with a shortacting coumarin drug, after the 34th week withheparin s.c. b.i.d. at therapeutic dosages,and after delivery coumarin therapy is reTnstituted during 6 weeks. The use of oralcontraceptives should be avoided, unlesspatients are under coumarin treatment. As long as deficient patients remain asymptomatic no antithrombotic treatment is indicated. After the first documented thromboticincident patients are treated indefinitelywith oral anticoagulants.

1987 ◽  
B Grossman ◽  
A Duncan

Hereditary causes of thrombosis are becoming more evident as assays (and antibodies) for antithrombin III, protein C, and protein S become more widely available. From March 1986 to January 1987, ninety-nine patients with venous thrombosis were referred to our laboratory for evaluation.This included 55 males and 42 females (age ranges:(1- 79 years). In 79 patients protein C antigens and activities were performed and 24 abnormally low values were obtained. Fourteen of these patients had multiple low values of other vitamin K dependent coagulation factors, reflecting warfarin therapy. Ten patients (12.7%) had isolated protein C deficiency with the other vitamin K dependent factors being within our normal ranges. Of 75 free protein S antigens performed there were 32 abnormally low values. Thirteen (17.3%) were isolated deficiencies. Of 62 antithrombin III antigens and activities measured, there were 8 (12.9%) abnormally low values. The prevelance of these hereditary deficiencies are higher in our referral population than previously reported. This may represent a true increase prevelance in our referral population or reflect a selection bias because of our careful screening of the patient́s history prior to performing the test, or an increased availability of the test to the clinicians. These test should be performed routinely in young patients with venous thrombosis and without predisposing risk factors. These results confirm that all patients with thrombosis should have a comprehensive evaluation done. Not only will the etiology be determined but given the cost of these evaluations, it is more efficient to profile rather than to order isolated request for one factor, as has often been the habit in the past

1989 ◽  
Vol 61 (01) ◽  
pp. 144-147 ◽  
A Girolami ◽  
P Simioni ◽  
A R Lazzaro ◽  
I Cordiano

SummaryDeficiency of protein S has been associated with an increased risk of thrombotic disease as already shown for protein C deficiency. Deficiencies of any of these two proteins predispose to venous thrombosis but have been only rarely associated with arterial thrombosis.In this study we describe a case of severe cerebral arterial thrombosis in a 44-year old woman with protein S deficiency. The defect was characterized by moderately reduced levels of total and markedly reduced levels of free protein S. C4b-bp level was normal. Protein C, AT III and routine coagulation tests were within the normal limits.In her family two other members showed the same defect. All the affected members had venous thrombotic manifestations, two of them at a relatively young age. No other risk factors for thrombotic episodes were present in the family members. The patient reported was treated with ASA and dipyridamole and so far there were no relapses.

J Malm ◽  
M Laurell ◽  
I M Nilsson ◽  
B Dahlbäck

Consecutive patients with a history of thrombo-embolic disease (n = 241, 109 males, 132 females, mean age 46 y), referred to the Coagulation Laboratory during an 18 month period, were analysed for defects in their coagulation and fibrinolytic systems. The diagnosis of thrombosis had been verified with phlebography and that of pulmonary embolus with scintigraphy or angiography. Retinal venous thrombosis was found in 15 of the patients. In 15 cases the thrombotic episodes occurred postoperatively, in 15 during pregnancy, in 12 during the postpartum period and in 20 during use of oral contraceptives. In the remaining cases no clinical riskfactors were identified.The concentration of protein C zymogen was measured with an immunoradiometric assay. Functional protein C was determined with a clotting inhibition assay. Protein C deficiency was found in 8 cases. Two of these had a functional protein C deficiency with normal zymogen levels. The concentration of total, as well as free (not in complex with C4b-binding protein), protein S was determined with a radioimmunoassay. Two cases of protein S deficiency were detected. Three patients with antithrombin III deficiency and two with plasminogen deficiency were found.The fibrinolytic activity after venous occlusion was analysed in 216 patients. Decreased levels were found in 32 %. The concentration of tissue plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI) was measured in 110 patients and found to be increased in 65 % of the cases. In 99 patients both the fibrinolytic activity and the PAI concentration were measured. A combination of decreased fibrinolytic activity and increased levels of PAI was found in 44 cases. The concentration of tissue plasminogen activator antigen was decreased in 22 % of 105 cases analysed.Thus, in this material of patients with thrombo-embolic disease, abnormalities were found in 47 %. Defects in the fibrinolytic system were the most common findings. Protein C or protein S deficiency was diagnosed in less than 5 % of the cases.

1987 ◽  
E Briët ◽  
L Engesser ◽  
E J P Brommer ◽  
A W Broekmans ◽  
R M Bertina

Idiopathic venous thrombosis and embolism have gained widespread interest since the discovery that, deficiencies of antithrombin III, protein C, and protein S are associated with familial venous thrombophilia. The purpose of our study was to obtain an estimate of the prevalence of this syndrome and to establish the etiology in as many cases as possible.We collaborated with specialists from 37 Dutch hospitals, covering about 10% of the Dutch population. A history as well as blood samples were obtained from 113 unrelated cases with familial thrombophilia and from 90 isolated cases. Assuming that each proband in a family with thrombophilia has an average of four affected relatives, a rough estimate of the prevalence of familial thrombophilia in The Netherlands is 40 cases per 100.000. The prevalence of non-familial thrombophilia is probably lower.In 35 out of the 113 familial cases we established a diagnosis of hereditary antithrombin III deficiency (n=5), protein C deficiency (type I: n=9; type II: n=4), protein S deficiency (n=15) and dysfibrinogenemia (n=2). In 36 cases we found no abnormality at all and in the remaining 42 cases abnormalities were found in one or more of the following: heparin cofactor II, factor V, factor VII, factor VIII, von Willebrand factor, plasminogen, tissue plasminogen activator, plasminogen activator inhibitor, alpha 2 antiplasmin and histidine rich glycoprotein. In most of these cases, however, the hereditary nature of the abnormalities could not be demonstrated and the causal relationships remain to be established.In the 90 isolated cases, we diagnosed hereditary deficiencies of anti thrombin III, protein C and protein S each in one case and a lupus anticoagulant in two cases. In 54 cases no abnormality was found and in the remaining 31 cases various abnormalities were found in one or more of the proteins mentioned above.We conclude that the syndrome of thrombophilia is not rare but its true prevalence needs to be established by more rigorous means. An etiological diagnosis can be made with confidence in only one third of the familial cases and in less than 10 percent of the isolated cases.

1987 ◽  
C Boyer-Neumann ◽  
M Wolf ◽  
J Amiral ◽  
A M Guyager ◽  
D Meyer ◽  

Protein S deficiency has been demonstrated in 5 members from the same family with a history of severe recurrent venous thrombosis over three generations. The propositus, a 16 year old female, had a first spontaneous thrombotic episode at age 15. Phlebography revealed a total obstruction of her left ilio-femoral vein with an extension to the vena cava. She was treated with heparin followed by oral anticoagulant therapy. The four other affected members (mother, aunts and uncle of the propositus) had also presented recurrent thrombosis with onset at a young age. The grandfather, not tested, had died from massive pulmonary embolism at age 54. The immunological assay of protein S was performed in plasma by Laurell, using a monospecific antiserum to human protein S, or by an ELISA, using a kit from Diagnostica Stago (Asserachrom Protein S). In order to separate free protein S, the functionally active form, from protein S complexed with C4-binding protein, plasma was adsorbed with 3.75 % polyethyleneglycol (PEG 6000). Following PEG precipitation, the levels of free protein S antigen remaining in the supernatant were quantitated by the usual immunological methods. In addition, two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis (DDIE) also provided information on the distribution of both forms. In plasma protein S levels were decreased (40 to 55 % of the normal range) in two untreated patients and lower levels (17 to 20 96) were observed in the three others, including the propositus, who were under dicoumarol therapy. In PEG treated-plasma, protein S was undetectable (less than 5 %) in all patients, indicating a lack of free protein S. This was confirmed by DDIE : whereas protein S migrated as two distinct peaks, corresponding to free and complexed protein S in normal plasma, only a single peak of complexed protein S was observed in all affected patients. These results clearly demonstrate a total lack of free protein S which appears to be responsible for the thromboembolic disorder in this family as there was no deficiency of the other plasma inhibitors (antithrombin III, heparin cofactor II and protein C). According to the classification recently proposed by Comp et al., this family belongs to type I protein S deficiency, with an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance.

Blood ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 106 (11) ◽  
pp. 4111-4111
Damanjit K. Ghuman ◽  
Alice J. Cohen

Abstract The association of genetic risk factors with hypercoagulable states in minority populations has not been well defined. With an estimated prevalence of anywhere between 2-15% in healthy individuals, activated protein C resistance (APCR/Factor V Leiden) is considered to be the most common risk factor for venous thromboembolism( VTE) in the white population. It has also been postulated that this mutation is extremely rare in non-white populations. The prevalence of the prothrombin gene mutation G20210A in the white population is estimated at 0.7–4%, protein C and S deficiencies at 2% each and antithrombin III deficiency at 0.1–0.5% but unknown in Blacks with VTE though case control studies have identified protein C and protein S deficiencies in this population. This study is a retrospective review of all patients with thrombophilia registered at the Hemophilia Treatment Center between 1999–2005. 45/164(27%) of patients with thrombophilia were identified to be from minority groups. Of these minority patients 23/45(51%) had an identifiable primary hypercoagulable state. This group included 7/23(30%) males and 16/23(70%) females. The mean age of the patients was 35 years (range 12–80 years ). 4/23( 17%) were smokers and only 4/23(17%) had a family history of thrombosis with no documented hypercoagulable states in any family members. The majority of the patients were of African American descent 16/23(69%), 5/23(22%) were Hispanic and 2/23(9%) were Asians. 16/23(69%) of the patients had documented deep venous thrombosis/pulmonary embolus, 1/23(4%) had arterial thrombosis, 3/23(13%) had fetal loss, and 2/23(9%) were asymptomatic. APCR was the most common diagnosis in 8/23(35%) of the patients, followed by antiphospholipid antibody syndrome in 7/23(30%) of the patients. Protein S deficiency was diagnosed in 5/23(22%), hyperhomocysteinemia in 4/23(17%), Protein C deficiency in 1/23(4%), antithrombin III in 1/23(4%), and prothrombin gene mutation in 1/23(4%) of the patients. 4/23(17%) of the patients were found to have two coexisting hypercoagulable diagnoses. Recurrent VTE occurred in 7/23(30%) of the patients. Conclusion: Primary hypercoagulable states are not rare in minorities. In this study, APCR was found to be the most common identified abnormality, followed by antiphospholipid antibody and protein S deficiency. Similar to the white population, thrombophilia in minorities occurred more commonly in young female patients. Work up for primary hypercoagulable states should be considered in minority patients with unexplained thrombosis. Further studies are warranted to determine the true prevalence of hypercoagulable states in minority populations.

2009 ◽  
Vol 62 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 53-62 ◽  
Gorana Mitic ◽  
Ljubica Povazan ◽  
Radmila Lazic ◽  
Dragan Spasic ◽  
Milana Maticki-Sekulic

Inherited thrombophilia can be defined as a predisposition to thrombosis caused by heritable defects, such as mutations in genes encoding the natural anticoagulants or clotting factors. Pregnancy related risk of VTE is sixfold increased comparing to non pregnant age matched women. Pregnancy is an independent risk factor for the development of venous thromboembolism and this risk is further increased by the presence of thrombophilia. Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to evaluate the association between deficiency of natural anticoagulants: antithrombin, protein C and protein S and pregnancy related thromboembolism. We have determined the activities of antithrombin, proten C and protein S in 74 women with pregnancy related thrombosis and in 45 healthy women who had at least two uncomplicated pregnancies. Among the women with the history of venous thromboembolism antithrombin deficiency was found in 4 (5.4%), protein C deficiency in 2 (2.7%) and protein S deficiency in 5 (6.76%). The total of 11 (14.6%) women was found to be deficient. Not a single woman in the control group was found to be deficient in natural anticoagulants. Deficiencies of coagulation inhibitors are associated with an increased risk of venous thrombosis during pregnancy and puerperium (p= 0.006). Antithrombin, protein C and protein S deficient women are at higher risk of developing venous thromboembolism during antepartal period (p= 0.0097). Prophylactic treatment with heparin should be recommended from the very beginning of the following pregnancy in women with antithrombin, protein C or protein S deficiency.

1994 ◽  
Vol 71 (05) ◽  
pp. 548-552 ◽  
Ingrid Pabinger ◽  
Barbara Schneider ◽  
I Scharrer ◽  
V Hach-Wunderle ◽  
K Lechner ◽  

SummaryThe thrombotic risk of women with a heterozygous natural clotting inhibitor deficiency taking oral contraceptives (OC) has not been evaluated. Therefore, a retrospective collaborative controlled cohort-study was carried out in 8 coagulation laboratories and thrombosis units in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.The incidence of thromboembolism in 48 females heterozygous for hereditary type I deficiency of antithrombin ITT (n = 1.5), protein C. (n = 16) or protein S (n = 17), who had taken OC at least once in their life were compared with that of 48 deficient women, who had never taken OC (controls). Diagnosis of the deficiency state was made in the participating centers. Data on the onset and duration of OC intake and the date and site of thrombotic events were obtained from a questionnaire filled in by the patient or a physician during a visit at a participating center. The observation period in the OC patients was started with onset of OC intake and was terminated when a thromboembolic event had occurred or when OC medication were discontinued. In the patients without OC, the observation period began at an age matched to that of the OC patient and ended when a thromboembolic event had occurred or was continued as long as the corresponding OC patient was on treatment.In AT Ill-deficient females the probability for thrombosis was significantly higher for patients taking OC compared to the non-OC-patients (Wilcoxon test p = 0.004, Log Rank test p = 0.005). In patients with protein C- ((3-error 0.8) and protein S-deficiency ((3-error 0.05) there was no significant difference between the OC- and non-OC-group. The incidence of thrombosis/patient year in AT III-, PC- and PS-deficient females on OC was 27.5%, 12% and 6.5%, respectively and 3.4%, 6.9% and 8.6%, respectively, in the control patients.We conclude that females with hereditary antithrombin Ill-deficiency are at high risk for venous thromboembolism when taking OC. Therefore, OC should be strictly avoided in these females and AT III measurement is mandatory in female relatives of AT Ill-deficient patients at young age before starting OC. There is no evidence for an excess thrombotic risk by OC intake in PS-deficient females. In protein C-deficient women OC medication was not associated with a significant increase of thrombosis, but an increased risk cannot be excluded.

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