Protein array reveals different protein levels in subcutaneous adipose tissue of patients with growth hormone deficiency in adulthood

2007 ◽  
Vol 2 (04) ◽  
D Gasperikova ◽  
J Ukropec ◽  
A Penesova ◽  
M Skopkova ◽  
M Vlcek ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 29 (12) ◽  
pp. 1045-1052 ◽  
Samra ◽  
Clark ◽  
Humphreys ◽  
Macdonald ◽  
Bannister ◽  

1993 ◽  
Vol 128 (4) ◽  
pp. 334-338 ◽  
K Devriendt ◽  
G Massa ◽  
F de Zegher ◽  
M Vanderschueren-Lodeweyckx ◽  
JJ Cassiman ◽  

Serum levels of pregnancy zone protein were measured in children with growth hormone deficiency and in girls with Turner syndrome, before and during treatment with recombinant human growth hormone and in healthy controls. The pregnancy zone protein serum levels in growth hormone deficiency patients before treatment were significantly higher than in controls (median value 2420 μg/l vs 434 μg/l; p≤0.001). In Turner syndrome patients they were within the normal range. The administration of rhGH to both growth hormone deficiency and Turner syndrome patients resulted in a significant decrease in the serum pregnancy zone protein levels by approximately 50%. The addition of 50 ng·kg−1·d −1 ethinylestradiol to the growth hormone treatment in Turner syndrome patients led to an increase in pregnancy zone protein concentrations in four out of five patients. Elevated pregnancy zone protein levels were also found in two children with growth hormone resistance (Laron type dwarfism). In one patient with placental growth hormone deficiency, pregnancy zone protein serum levels during pregnancy were within the normal range. These results suggest that the serum pregnancy zone protein levels are down-regulated by growth hormone.

Obesity ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (5) ◽  
pp. 1090-1096 ◽  
Kalypso Karastergiou ◽  
Miriam A. Bredella ◽  
Mi-Jeong Lee ◽  
Steven R. Smith ◽  
Susan K. Fried ◽  

И.А. Побожева ◽  
А.А. Пантелеева ◽  
Е.А. Полякова ◽  
К.В. Драчева ◽  
Н.Д. Разгильдина ◽  

Дисбаланс в секреции адипокинов жировой тканью может играть роль в развитии сердечно-сосудистой патологии при ожирении. Оментин-1, один из адипокинов жировой ткани, обладает противовоспалительным, антиоксидантным, антиатерогенным эффектами. Снижение концентрации оментина-1 в сыворотке крови может рассматриваться как биомаркер сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний. Цель работы - исследование экспрессии гена оментина-1 (ITLN1) в подкожной жировой ткани (ПЖТ) у пациентов с ишемической болезнью сердца (ИБС) и в группе сравнения, включающее сравнительный анализ уровня мРНК и белка в ПЖТ, концентрации оментина-1 в сыворотке крови, а также оценку корреляции экспрессии гена ITLN1 и гена ключевого транскрипционного регулятора адипогенеза - рецептора, активируемого пероксисомным пролифератором, гамма (PPARG). Были исследованы образцы ПЖТ и сыворотки крови 74 пациентов с ИБС, перенесших операцию коронарного шунтирования, и 16 пациентов (группа сравнения), оперированных по поводу клапанных пороков сердца. Уровень мРНК генов ITLN1 и PPARG в ПЖТ оценивали методом ПЦР в реальном времени. Уровень белка оментина-1 в ПЖТ определяли методом вестерн-блот. Концентрацию оментина-1 в сыворотке крови измеряли методом ИФА. Концентрация оментина-1 в сыворотке крови была ниже в группе пациентов с ИБС, чем у обследованных из группы сравнения (р<0,01), и отрицательно коррелировала с окружностью талии у всех обследованных (r=-0,307, p<0,01). Не было выявлено различий в содержании мРНК гена ITLN1 и белка оментина-1 в ПЖТ между исследуемыми группами. Уровень мРНК гена ITLN1 коррелировал с уровнем белка оментина-1 в ПЖТ (r=0,373, р<0,05). Более высокий уровень белка оментина-1 в ПЖТ был выявлен у мужчин по сравнению с этим показателем у женщин (р<0,05), однако у женщин концентрация оментина-1 в сыворотке крови была выше, чем у мужчин (р<0,05). Уровень мРНК гена PPARG в ПЖТ был ниже у пациентов с ИБС (р<0,05). Концентрация оментина-1 в сыворотке крови положительно коррелировала с уровнем мРНК гена PPARG в ПЖТ (r=0,338, p<0,05). Среди всех обследованных уровень мРНК гена ITLN1 и уровень белка оментина-1 в ПЖТ отрицательно коррелировали с мРНК гена PPARG в ПЖТ (r=-0,444, p<0,01 и r=-0,475, p<0,01, соответственно). Аналогичные корреляции сохранялись для подгруппы мужчин (r= -0,422, p<0,05 и r= -0,609, p<0,01, соответственно). ИБС, ожирение и мужской пол ассоциированы со снижением концентрации оментина-1 в сыворотке крови. Установлены гендерные особенности регуляции экспрессии гена оментина-1 в ПЖТ. Imbalance in secretion of adipose tissue adipokines may play a role in the development of cardiovascular pathology associated with obesity. Omentin-1 is an adipokine with antiinflammatory, antioxidant and antiatherogenic properties, therefore it’s serum concentration is considered as a biomarker of cardiovascular diseases. Objective: Investigation of omentin-1 gene (ITLN1) expression in SAT in coronary artery disease (CAD) patients and in the control group, including сomparative analysis of ITLN1 mRNA and protein levels in SAT, omentin-1 serum concentration, as well as an assessment of the correlation of the ITLN1 gene expression with the mRNA level of PPARG gene encoding peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma as the key regulator of adipogenesis. Subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) biopsies and serum samples from 74 patients with CAD, undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting, and 16 persons of the control group, were included in the study. ITLN1 and PPARG mRNA levels were detected by quantitative real-time PCR. Omentin-1 protein level in SAT was measured by western-blot. Serum omentin-1 concentration was determined by ELISA. Serum omentin-1 concentration was decreased in the CAD group compared to controls (p<0,01), and inversely correlated with waist circumference among all examined individuals (r = -0.307, p <0.01). No differences were found in the ITLN1 mRNA and omentin-1 protein levels in SAT between the studied groups. The ITLN1 mRNA and omentin-1 protein levels in SAT were positively correlated (r=0,373, p<0.05). A higher level of omentin-1 protein in SAT was detected in men compared with women (p <0.05), however, omentin-1 serum concentration was higher in women (p <0.05). The PPARG mRNA level in SAT was lower in patients with CAD (p <0.05). Omentin-1 serum concentration was positively correlated with the PPARG mRNA level in SAT (r =0.338, p <0.05). The ITLN1 mRNA and omentin-1 protein levels were negatively correlated with the PPARG mRNA in SAT among all examined individuals (r = -0.444, p <0.01 and r = -0.475, p <0.01, respectively). These correlations persisted only in men subgroup when men and women were analyzed separately (r= -0,422, p<0,05 and r= -0,609, p<0,01, respectively). CAD, adiposity and male gender are associated with reduced omentin-1 serum concentration. Gender differences of omentin-1 gene expression regulation in SAT were demonstrated.

2008 ◽  
Vol 295 (2) ◽  
pp. E385-E392 ◽  
Madhusmita Misra ◽  
Miriam A. Bredella ◽  
Patrika Tsai ◽  
Nara Mendes ◽  
Karen K. Miller ◽  

Although body composition, insulin sensitivity, and lipids are markedly altered in overweight adolescents, hormonal associations with these parameters have not been well characterized. Growth hormone (GH) deficiency and hypercortisolemia predispose to abdominal adiposity and insulin resistance, and GH secretion is decreased in obese adults. We hypothesized that low-peak GH on the GH-releasing hormone (GHRH)-arginine stimulation test and high cortisol in overweight adolescents would be associated with higher regional fat, insulin resistance, and lipids. We examined the following parameters in 15 overweight and 15 bone age-matched control 12- to 18-yr-old girls: 1) body composition using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and MR [visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue at L4–L5 and soleus intramyocellular lipid (1H-MR spectroscopy)], 2) peak GH on the GHRH-arginine stimulation test, 3) mean overnight GH and cortisol, 4) 24-h urinary free cortisol (UFC), 5) fasting lipids, and 6) an oral glucose tolerance test. Stepwise regression was the major tool employed to determine relationships between measured parameters. Log peak GH on the GHRH-arginine test was lower ( P = 0.03) and log UFC was higher ( P = 0.02) in overweight girls. Log mean cortisol (overnight sampling) was associated positively with subcutaneous adipose tissue and, with body mass index standard deviation score, accounted for 92% of its variability, whereas log peak GH and body mass index standard deviation score accounted for 88% of visceral adipose tissue variability and log peak GH for 34% of the intramyocellular lipid variability. Log mean cortisol was independently associated with log homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance, LDL, and HDL and explained 49–59% of the variability. Our data indicate that lower peak GH and higher UFC in overweight girls are associated with visceral adiposity, insulin resistance, and lipids.

2013 ◽  
Vol 27 (S1) ◽  
Kalypso Karastergiou ◽  
Miriam A Bredella ◽  
Steven R Smith ◽  
Karen K Miller ◽  
Susan K Fried

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