scholarly journals The Impact of the Internet Economy in Europe A study into the social implications of the Internet

2000 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 440-443
Robin Fairlie
2011 ◽  
pp. 3371-3388
Pippa Norris

The core issue for this study concerns less the social than the political consequences of the rise of knowledge societies; in particular, the capacity of the Internet for strengthening democratic participation and civic engagement linking citizens and government. To consider these issues, Part I summarizes debates about the impact of the Internet on the public sphere. The main influence of this development, as it is theorized in a market model, will be determined by the “supply” and “demand” for electronic information and communications about government and politics. Demand, in turn, is assumed to be heavily dependent upon the social characteristics of Internet users and their prior political orientations. Given this understanding, the study predicts that the primary impact of knowledge societies in democratic societies will be upon facilitating cause-oriented and civic forms of political activism, thereby strengthening social movements and interest groups, more than upon conventional channels of political participation exemplified by voting, parties, and election campaigning. Part II summarizes the sources of survey data and the key measures of political activism used in this study, drawing upon the 19-nation European Social Survey, 2002. Part III examines the evidence for the relationship between use of the Internet and indicators of civic engagement. The conclusion in Part IV summarizes the results and considers the broader implications for governance and democracy.

Pippa Norris

The core issue for this study concerns less the social than the political consequences of the rise of knowledge societies; in particular, the capacity of the Internet for strengthening democratic participation and civic engagement linking citizens and government. To consider these issues, Part I summarizes debates about the impact of the Internet on the public sphere. The main influence of this development, as it is theorized in a market model, will be determined by the “supply” and “demand” for electronic information and communications about government and politics. Demand, in turn, is assumed to be heavily dependent upon the social characteristics of Internet users and their prior political orientations. Given this understanding, the study predicts that the primary impact of knowledge societies in democratic societies will be upon facilitating cause-oriented and civic forms of political activism, thereby strengthening social movements and interest groups, more than upon conventional channels of political participation exemplified by voting, parties, and election campaigning. Part II summarizes the sources of survey data and the key measures of political activism used in this study, drawing upon the 19-nation European Social Survey, 2002. Part III examines the evidence for the relationship between use of the Internet and indicators of civic engagement. The conclusion in Part IV summarizes the results and considers the broader implications for governance and democracy.

Cem Zafer ◽  
Pelin Vardarlier

The industrial revolution, which took place in the 20th century, is the first step of similar developments in the ongoing centuries. In the first steps of this century, the use of steam machines in production is the first steps of a more serial and systematic production structure. With the advancing developments up to the industrial revolution or Industry 4.0, a structure quite different from the initial stage was formed. In the most general sense, the Industry 4.0 structure, defined as the internet of objects, emerges with a more systematic and self-functioning structure discourse in its production activities, but its effects are not only related to production activities. As a matter of fact, the use of Industry 4.0 at the point reached, human resources, employment, social classes, communities, and so on. It is thought to be effective on the structures. In this context, in this study, the effects of the social impacts of these processes and the ways in which Industry 4.0 can create a social structure have been explained.

Pippa Norris

The core issue for this study concerns less the social than the political consequences of the rise of knowledge societies; in particular, the capacity of the Internet for strengthening democratic participation and civic engagement linking citizens and government. To consider these issues, Part I summarizes debates about the impact of the Internet on the public sphere. The main influence of this development, as it is theorized in a market model, will be determined by the “supply” and “demand” for electronic information and communications about government and politics. Demand, in turn, is assumed to be heavily dependent upon the social characteristics of Internet users and their prior political orientations. Given this understanding, the study predicts that the primary impact of knowledge societies in democratic societies will be upon facilitating cause-oriented and civic forms of political activism, thereby strengthening social movements and interest groups, more than upon conventional channels of political participation exemplified by voting, parties, and election campaigning. Part II summarizes the sources of survey data and the key measures of political activism used in this study, drawing upon the 19-nation European Social Survey, 2002. Part III examines the evidence for the relationship between use of the Internet and indicators of civic engagement. The conclusion in Part IV summarizes the results and considers the broader implications for governance and democracy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-57
Mutia Rahmi Pratiwi ◽  
Mukaromah Mukaromah ◽  
Wulan Herdiningsih

The amount of social media user in Indonesia is highly increasing, both for adult and children such as the elementary school student. The social media have its own policy about the age restriction to legally access the social media and elementary student is not one of them. Nevertheless, the datas show that elementary school student is one of the active user in social media. Cyberbullying and cyberporn are the impact of those unideal condition. This problem brings another concern to the parents of elementary school student user. The aim of this research is to describe the parents’s surveillance role towards the under age user. This research used the phenomenoogy method. While the results show that the parents’s surveillance role is only in the preventive stage without further analysis into the social media itself. The parents become supervisor in several conditions: the social media using restriction, being friend to their children in the social media, limiting the internet data, approaching personally and using the religious approachment. The result of this research can be the reference for the parents in educating their children in using the social media. For the future research, strongly recommended to search for the relationship of the parent’s supervising role and the school in minimalizing the bad impact of the internet and social media for the children.Keywords: Media Literation, Social Media, Children, Parents ABSTRAKJumlah pengguna media sosial di Indonesia terus meningkat, tidak hanya dari kalangan dewasa namun juga anak-anak SD. Media sosial memiliki kebijakan terkait batasan umur yang dilegalkan sebagai pengguna dan anak SD tidak termasuk bagian di dalamnya. Namun data justru menunjukan bahwa anak SD kini menjadi pengguna aktif media sosial dan hal ini berimbas pada munculnya cyberbulling hingga postingan anak SD yang memuat unsur cyberporn. Persoalan ini membawa keprihatinan tersendiri bagi orang tua yang memiliki anak SD selaku pengguna internet dan pemilik akun media sosial. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan peran pengawasan yang dilakukan orangtua terhadap anak pengguna media sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengawasan orangtua masih di tataran preventif tanpa mengkaji lebih mendalam mengenai isi media sosial itu sendiri. Orangtua memposisikan diri sebagai pengawas anak dengan beberapa cara, yaitu: penerapan aturan penggunaan yang ketat, berteman dengan anaknya di media sosial, pembatasan kuota, pendekatan personal dan menggunakan unsur KeTuhanan. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan kajian bagi orangtua dalam mengedukasi anak saat menggunakan internet dan media sosial. Bagi penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat meneliti hubungan pengawasan orangtua serta pihak sekolah dalam meminimalisir dampak buruk internet dan media sosial bagi anak-anak.Kata kunci: Literasi Media, Media Sosial, Anak, Orangtua

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Chaminda Nalaka Wickramasinghe ◽  
Nobaya Ahmad

Internet has been recognized as the world largest knowledge depositary. Therefore, there is overwhelming expectation over the Internet to be influenced the social and technological development of marginalized communities of less developed countries. However there were no published studies that investigate the nature of the innovation systems and the impact of internet on the inventors in developing countries. Therefore, the existing knowledge of how the internet usage of influence on social capital, connectedness, success and subjective well-being of inventive community in developing countries is vague. Present study explores the influence of the internet usage on social capital, community connectedness, inventive achievements and subjective well-being of the grassroots level inventive community of Sri Lanka. Findings suggest that internet has been significantly influenced on the social capital, connectedness and subjective well-being of grassroots level inventors in Sri Lanka. However, internet usage is not significantly influence on the objective inventive achievements of the inventors.

Lisnawita Lisnawita ◽  
Lucky Lhaura Van FC ◽  
Musfawati Musfawati

<p class="Abstract" align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p>Zaman sekarang sangat  mudah mendapatkan informasi, karena setiap orang sudah bisa terhubung dengan internet. Terutama media sosial, Jika informasi yang diterima bagus, maka pengguna akan mendapatkan kualitas informasi yang bagus, akan tetapi jika informasi yang diterima hoax, maka akan berdampak buruk bagi si penggguna media sosial. Setiap orang punya <em>platform </em>sosial media lebih dari satu, seperti <em>youtube,  facebook, whatsapp, instagram,</em> dll. <em>Platform</em> ini yang sering mereka gunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan.</p><p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Menganalisa Pengaruh Media sosial <em>(Instagram)</em><em>(Y)</em><em> </em>terhadap <em>Lifestyle</em> (X1)dan Prestasi mahasiswa(X2) sehingga dapat memberikan informasi mengenai pentingnya dampak penggunaan media sosial bagi mahasiswa dalam merubah pola pikir dan wawasan. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh variable X1 dan X2 secara simultan terhadap variable Y adalah sebesar 40, 5%</p><p class="Abstract"> </p><p class="Abstract">                                                                                                                                                       </p><p class="Abstract"><strong>Kata Kunci</strong>: Instagram, Prestasi akademik, Lifestyle.</p><p><em> </em></p><p class="IndexTerms"> </p><p class="Abstract" align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><pre>       It's effortless to get information these days because everyone can connect to the internet. Mainly social media, If the information received is right, and then the user will get the correct quality information; however, if a hoax can be the news, it will be corrupt for the social media user. Everyone has more than one social media platform, such as YouTube, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. The purpose of this study is to Analyze the Effect of Social Media (Instagram) (Y) on Lifestyle (X1) and Student Achievement (X2) so that it can provide information about the impact of using social media for students in changing mindset and understanding. The results showed that the effect of variables X1 and X2 simultaneously on the Y variable was 40.5%</pre><p> </p>

Grant Blank

By simplifying communication, the Internet is causing significant, broad changes. This chapter describes some effects of the Internet on teaching and research: the use of Web pages in teaching, spread of remote statistical analysis, elimination of journal page constraints, and the impact on activities that benefit from debate and discussion. The chapter ends by pointing out that although the technical implications of an innovation are predictable, the major social implications often do not become apparent for years.

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