Buried Continuous and Segmented Pipelines Subjected to Longitudinal Permanent Ground Deformation

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 04019036 ◽  
Brad P. Wham ◽  
Craig A. Davis
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 781-790
M. Rizwan Akram ◽  
Ali Yesilyurt ◽  
A.Can. Zulfikar ◽  
F. Göktepe

Research on buried gas pipelines (BGPs) has taken an important consideration due to their failures in recent earthquakes. In permanent ground deformation (PGD) hazards, seismic faults are considered as one of the major causes of BGPs failure due to accumulation of impermissible tensile strains. In current research, four steel pipes such as X-42, X-52, X-60, and X-70 grades crossing through strike-slip, normal and reverse seismic faults have been investigated. Firstly, failure of BGPs due to change in soil-pipe parameters have been analyzed. Later, effects of seismic fault parameters such as change in dip angle and angle between pipe and fault plane are evaluated. Additionally, effects due to changing pipe class levels are also examined. The results of current study reveal that BGPs can resist until earthquake moment magnitude of 7.0 but fails above this limit under the assumed geotechnical properties of current study. In addition, strike-slip fault can trigger early damage in BGPs than normal and reverse faults. In the last stage, an early warning system is proposed based on the current procedure. 

1995 ◽  
Vol 121 (5) ◽  
pp. 443-451 ◽  
Michael J. O'Rourke ◽  
Xuejie Liu ◽  
Raul Flores-Berrones

R. S. Rod Read ◽  
Moness Rizkalla

Geohazards are threats of a geological, geotechnical, hydrological or seismic/tectonic nature that can potentially damage pipelines and other infrastructure. Depending on the physiographic setting of a particular pipeline, a broad range of geohazards may be possible along the pipeline route. However, only a limited number of geohazards such as landslides, fault displacement, mining-induced subsidence, liquefaction-induced lateral spreading, and hydrological scour, which can result in permanent ground deformation or exposure of the pipeline to direct impact, typically represent credible threats to pipeline integrity. Identifying potential geohazard occurrences and estimating the likely severity of each occurrence in relation to pipeline integrity is an integral part of geohazard management, and overall risk management of pipelines. Methods for identifying and assessing the potential likelihood and severity of geohazards vary significantly, from purely expert judgment-based approaches relying largely on visual observations of geomorphology to analytically-intense methods incorporating phenomenological or mechanistic models and data from monitoring and field characterization. Each of these methods can be used to assess hazard and risk associated with specific geohazards in terms of qualitative, semi-quantitative, or quantitative expressions as long as uncertainty and assumptions are understood and communicated as part of the assessment. Engineering judgment is highlighted as an essential component to varying degrees of each geohazard assessment approach.

2003 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 1s-11s ◽  
Thomas D. O’Rourke ◽  
Masanori HAMADA

Douglas G. Honegger

In 1997, a research project was initiated by Southern California Gas Company, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, with support from Tokyo Gas, Osaka Gas, and Toho Gas, to investigate the cause of natural gas pipeline damage during the 1994 Northridge earthquake. As part of this research activity, extensive field and laboratory investigations were performed on a 1925 gas pipeline that suffered several girth weld failures in Potrero Canyon, a remote and unpopulated area just north of the Santa Susana Mountains. The pipeline is operated by the Southern California Gas Company, one of the principle sponsors of the gas utility research project. The investigations into the performance of the pipeline were largely prompted by questions regarding the cause of pipeline damage. Although ground cracking and sand boils were observed in Potrero Canyon following the Northridge earthquake, there were no clear signs of permanent ground deformation near the locations of pipeline damage. Pipeline damage, consisting predominantly of girth weld tensile failure and two instances of buckling of the pipe wall, indicated that significant relative pipe-soil deformation might have occurred. Field investigations were unable to identify surface evidence of permanent ground deformation near the locations of pipeline damage and attention focused on the possibility that the damage could have been caused by wave propagation. This focus was based on the assertions of past researchers that pipelines with poor-quality oxyacetylene girth welds are susceptible to damage from wave propagation. The detailed investigation of The pipeline has concluded that wave propagation was not a significant factor in the pipeline damage and raises questions regarding wave propagation effects as a causative mechanism for pipeline damage in past earthquakes. A simple analytical model of the transient ground deformation that may have occurred in the vicinity of the pipeline damage was found to provide insight into the cause of the ground cracking observed at the margins of Potrero Canyon, approximate magnitudes of differential ground displacements that may have occurred during the earthquake, and the reasons for the spatial distribution of pipeline damage. This model is proposed as the basis for identifying locations where similar earthquake effects can be identified in future hazard assessment studies.

Dougal B. Townsend ◽  
John G. Begg ◽  
Russ J. Van Dissen ◽  
David A. Rhoades ◽  
Wendy S. A. Saunders ◽  

Ground deformation can contribute significantly to losses in major earthquakes. Areas that suffer permanent ground deformation in addition to strong ground shaking typically sustain greater levels of damage and loss than areas suffering strong ground-shaking alone. The lower Hutt Valley of the Wellington region, New Zealand, is adjacent to the active Wellington Fault. The long-term signal of vertical deformation there is subsidence, and the most likely driver of this is rupture of the Wellington Fault. In 1855 the Mw ~8.2 Wairarapa Earthquake resulted in uplift of the lower Hutt Valley area and created an expectation that future earthquakes would do the same. However, sediments beneath the lower Hutt Valley floor up to c. 220 thousand years old provide data that when combined with the international sea level curve demonstrate cumulative net subsidence of up to c. 155 m during that period. Recent refinement of rupture parameters for the Wellington Fault (and other faults in the region), based on new field data, has spurred us to reassess estimates of vertical deformation in the Hutt Valley that would result from rupture of the Wellington Fault. Using a logic tree framework, we calculate subsidence for an “average” Wellington Fault event of ~1.9 m near Petone, ~1.7m near Lower Hutt City, ~1.4 m near Seaview, and ~0 m in the Taita area. Such a distribution of vertical deformation would result in large areas of Alicetown-Petone and Moera-Seaview subsiding below sea level. We also calculate and present “minimum” and “maximum” credible subsidence values, which are approximately half and twice the mean values, respectively. This ground deformation hazard certainly has societal implications, and we are working with local and regional councils to develop a range of mitigation strategies.

2014 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-222 ◽  
Miroslav Nastev

Although earthquakes have been recognised as major natural hazards with the potential to cause loss of life, property damage, and social and economic disruption in Canada, most risk and emergency managers still lack the necessary tools and guidance to adequately undertake rigorous risk assessments. Recently, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) has adopted Hazus, a standardized best-practice methodology developed by the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for estimating potential losses from common natural hazards, such as earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes. Hazus combines science, engineering knowledge, and mathematical modelling with geographic information systems technology to estimate physical damage and economic and social losses. Besides the ground shaking, the earthquake model considers landslide, liquefaction, and fault rupture susceptibilities. Depending on the severity of the resulting transient ground motion and permanent ground deformation, five potential damage states (none, slight, moderate, extensive, complete) are employed to estimate the amount of structural damage and consequent economic and social losses. This note reports some of the typical features of the recently adapted Hazus earthquake model, with an emphasis on the considerations of earthquake-induced hazards, and overviews the ongoing activities and potential challenges in implementing this model in Canada.

2020 ◽  
pp. 183-204
Gregory C. Sarvanis ◽  
Spyros A. Karamanos ◽  
Polynikis Vazouras ◽  
Panos Dakoulas ◽  
Kyriaki A. Georgiadi-Stefanidi

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