Time-Series Prediction in Nodal Networks Using Recurrent Neural Networks and a Pairwise-Gated Recurrent Unit Approach

Yanjie Tong ◽  
Iris Tien
1995 ◽  
Vol 06 (02) ◽  
pp. 145-170 ◽  

Dynamical Recurrent Neural Networks (DRNN) (Aussem 1995a) are a class of fully recurrent networks obtained by modeling synapses as autoregressive filters. By virtue of their internal dynamic, these networks approximate the underlying law governing the time series by a system of nonlinear difference equations of internal variables. They therefore provide history-sensitive forecasts without having to be explicitly fed with external memory. The model is trained by a local and recursive error propagation algorithm called temporal-recurrent-backpropagation. The efficiency of the procedure benefits from the exponential decay of the gradient terms backpropagated through the adjoint network. We assess the predictive ability of the DRNN model with meteorological and astronomical time series recorded around the candidate observation sites for the future VLT telescope. The hope is that reliable environmental forecasts provided with the model will allow the modern telescopes to be preset, a few hours in advance, in the most suited instrumental mode. In this perspective, the model is first appraised on precipitation measurements with traditional nonlinear AR and ARMA techniques using feedforward networks. Then we tackle a complex problem, namely the prediction of astronomical seeing, known to be a very erratic time series. A fuzzy coding approach is used to reduce the complexity of the underlying laws governing the seeing. Then, a fuzzy correspondence analysis is carried out to explore the internal relationships in the data. Based on a carefully selected set of meteorological variables at the same time-point, a nonlinear multiple regression, termed nowcasting (Murtagh et al. 1993, 1995), is carried out on the fuzzily coded seeing records. The DRNN is shown to outperform the fuzzy k-nearest neighbors method.

2001 ◽  
Vol 40 (05) ◽  
pp. 386-391 ◽  
H. R. Doyle ◽  
B. Parmanto

Summary Objectives: This paper investigates a version of recurrent neural network with the backpropagation through time (BPTT) algorithm for predicting liver transplant graft failure based on a time series sequence of clinical observations. The objective is to improve upon the current approaches to liver transplant outcome prediction by developing a more complete model that takes into account not only the preoperative risk assessment, but also the early postoperative history. Methods: A 6-fold cross-validation procedure was used to measure the performance of the networks. The data set was divided into a learning set and a test set by maintaining the same proportion of positive and negative cases in the original set. The effects of network complexity on overfitting were investigated by constructing two types of networks with different numbers of hidden units. For each type of network, 10 individual networks were trained on the learning set and used to form a committee. The performance of the networks was measured exhaustively with respect to both the entire training and test sets. Results: The networks were capable of learning the time series problem and achieved good performances of 90% correct classification on the learning set and 78% on the test set. The prediction accuracy increases as more information becomes progressively available after the operation with the daily improvement of 10% on the learning set and 5% on the test set. Conclusions: Recurrent neural networks trained with BPTT algorithm are capable of learning to represent temporal behavior of the time series prediction task. This model is an improvement upon the current model that does not take into account postoperative temporal information.

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