Effects of groundwater level on slope stability of open pit coal mine

2021 ◽  
Eko Santoso ◽  
Rexy Fernando ◽  
M. Zainal Kahfi
2012 ◽  
Vol 256-259 ◽  
pp. 193-197
Chong Xian Liu ◽  
Yong Tao Gao

Based on mining area end slope stability evaluation engineer- ing of Pingshuo East open pit coal mine in Shanxi Province, ac- cording to the status quo of the North Slope of the first mining district of the East open pit coal mine as well as engineering g- eological investigation results, this article selected a represen- tative cross-section of the North Slope,adopted processing fu- nctions of finite element analysis software MIDAS/GTS, and re- spectively analyze slope stability under three conditions of the mining area of the initial excavation,backfilling and disposal,a- nd follow-up excavation.The paper concluded that Initial exca- vation caused slope instability; backfill slope is stable after di- sposal; follow-up excavation has essentially no effect on slope stability. The establishment and analysis are much closer to t- he real situation, objectively reflect the distribution of slope s- tability of the East open pit coal mine, and provide a design for open pit production safety.

Geografie ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 115 (4) ◽  
pp. 377-392 ◽  
Jan Burda ◽  
Vít Vilímek

At the beginning of the 1980s, leveling circuits Z2b 11 and Z2b 3 (later also Z2b 12) were monitored as a means of confirming the hypothesis concerning the Krušné Hory Mountains uplift. Contemporary geodetical monitoring focuses on side slopes formed by Quaternary sediments and Tertiary clystones. The stability of these anthropogenic slopes is implicated by hillside inclination, geological and geomorphological settings as well as climatic factors. The main objective of this study is to geomorphologically interpret the geodetical monitoring of the ČSA open-pit mine’s hazardous side slopes and, in addition, to prove the influence of climatic factors on slope stability.

2013 ◽  
Vol 807-809 ◽  
pp. 2371-2377
Guang Yi Sun ◽  
Xiao Luo

This paper analysis open-pit coal mine slope stability in the first mining with FLAC3D, reveal the mechanism of slope deformation, through analysis the stress and strain nephogram of model ZK8 of the first mining slope, and calculation safety stability coefficient, finally concluding stope slope of the first mining occur slip as circular form under their own gravity. The safety factor of model ZK8 is more than stope slope safety coefficient 1.20, slope is in steady state, obtained the accurate and reliable analysis results of stability.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-21
Jioni Santo Frans ◽  
Muhammad Hafizh Nurfalaq

Rock mass has force equilibrium which can be disturbed due to changes in rock mass conditions, both by naturally as well as human activities. In response, rock masses could have instability to reach new equilibrium and trigger landslides. Unstable slopes will affect the safety, economic and social factors. Groundwater has its own problems in mining management. Pore water pressure can cause uplift force and reduce the strength of the rock mass forming slopes and affect the slope stability. The study area has groundwater level relatively close to surface and causes the slope to be in nearly saturated condition. This research aims to study of the effect of groundwater levels on the stability of coal mine slopes in the study area. The research method includes collecting primary data through field observations to collect related technical data and secondary data collection through literature studies. Slope stability analysis was carried out to obtain recommendations with a minimum Safety Factor of 1.30. The results showed the ground water level has an inverse relationship to Safety Factor value. The recommendation is  depressurisation using drain holes. The target of groundwater level reduction in the mine wall is RL+40 in the sidewall area and RL+65 in the highwall area. Another alternative is is by resloping the overall slope angle of the mine wall in the study area. The mine slope is recommended for layback with an overall slope angle of around 24 °.

S Kramadibrata ◽  
S Saptono ◽  
R Wattimena ◽  
G Simangunsong ◽  
B Sulistianto

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Qingzhong Zhu ◽  
Bo Wang ◽  
Xin Zhao ◽  
Chunchun Liu ◽  
Qing Yu ◽  

The impact of hydraulic fracture from CBM well fracturing on slope stability of the Shengli East No. 2 open-pit coal mine is analyzed by numerical simulation and limit equilibrium methods. The interference effect of coalbed methane (CBM) well fracturing on slope stability of the open-pit coal mine promotes the coordinated development of CBM, and open-pit coal is discussed before and after coal mining. It shows that nearly horizontal fractures are formed in the coal seam due to CBM well fracturing, of which the dynamic facture length and propping fracture length are 137.2 m and 105.2 m, respectively. Moreover, the dynamic fracture height is 137.2 m and propping fracture height is 130.6 m. At the location of perforation, the dynamic fracture width is 0.873 cm and average propping fracture width is 0.111 cm. The CBM well fracturing barely imposed any effect on slope stability before open-pit coal mining. The maximum vertical displacement at the toe of slope induced by fracturing is 0.293 mm. In situations with and without CBM well fracturing, vertical stress distributions in the toe, top, and interior of slope have no obvious difference. There is some extent of vertical stress increase within the interior of slope, which is merely 0.2 MPa higher than that in the condition of initial in situ stress equilibrium. The presence of hydraulic fractures has little effect on the overall displacement of slope during coal mining; and there is no obvious difference between the slope stability during coal mining and the slope stability impacted by fracturing. According to the results of limit equilibrium method and numerical simulation, the overall slope stability coefficient is 1.5–1.97, which accords with the requirements of the Design Code for Open-Pit Mine of Coal Industry (GB50197-2015). Therefore, more attentions should be paid to the ways of excavation and sloping during coal mining, avoiding slope instability caused by excavation.

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