Bio-economic evaluation of grazing-management options for beef cattle enterprises during drought episodes in semiarid grasslands of northern Australia

2021 ◽  
Vol 61 (1) ◽  
pp. 72
M. K. Bowen ◽  
F. Chudleigh ◽  
D. Phelps

Context The large inter-annual and decadal rainfall variability that occurs in northern Australian rangelands poses major challenges for the profitable and sustainable management of grazing businesses. Aims An integrated bio-economic modelling framework (GRASP integrated with Breedcow and Dynama (BCD)) was developed to assess the effect of alternative grazing-management options on the profitability and sustainability of a beef cattle enterprise in the central-western Mitchell grasslands of Queensland over a multi-decadal time period. Methods Four grazing-management strategies were simulated over a 36-year period (1982–2017) in the GRASP pasture-growth model, using historic climate records for Longreach in central-western Queensland. Simulated annual stocking rates and steer liveweight-gain predictions from GRASP were integrated with published functions for mortality and conception rates in beef-breeding cattle in northern Australia, and then used to develop dynamic BCD cattle-herd models and discounted cash-flow budgets over the last 30 years of the period (1988–2017), following a 6-year model-equilibration period. The grazing-management strategies differed in the extent to which stocking rates were adjusted each year, from a common starting point in Year 1, in response to changes in the amount of forage available at the end of the summer growing season (May). They ranged from a low flexibility of ‘Safe stocking rate’ (SSR) and ‘Retain core herd’ (RCH) strategies, to a moderate flexibility of ‘Drought responsive’ (DR), to a ‘Fully flexible’ (FF) strategy. The RCH strategy included the following two herd-management scenarios: (1) ‘Retain herd structure’, where a mix of cattle were sold in response to low pasture availability, and (2) ‘Retain core breeders’, where steers were sold before reducing the breeder herd. Herd-management scenarios within the DR and FF strategies examined five and four options respectively, to rebuild cattle numbers and utilise available pasture following herd reductions made in response to drought. Key results Property-level investment returns expressed as the internal rate of return (IRR) were poor for SSR (–0.09%) and the three other strategies when the herd was rebuilt following drought through natural increase alone (RCH, –0.27%; DR, –1.57%; and FF, –4.44%). However, positive IRR were achieved when the DR herd was rebuilt through purchasing a mix of cattle (1.70%), purchasing pregnant cows (1.45%), trading steers (0.50%) or accepting cattle on agistment (0.19%). A positive IRR of 0.70% was also achieved for the FF property when purchasing a mix of cattle to rebuild numbers. However, negative returns were obtained when either trading steers (–2.60%) or agistment (–0.11%) scenarios were applied to the FF property. Strategies that were either inflexible or highly flexible increased the risk of financial losses and business failure. Property-level pasture condition (expressed as the percentage of perennial grasses; %P) was initially 69%P and was maintained under the DR strategy (68%P; average of final 5 years). The SSR strategy increased pasture condition by 25% to 86%P, while the RCH and FF strategies decreased pasture condition by 29% (49%P) and 65% (24%P) respectively. Conclusions In a highly variable and unpredictable climate, managing stocking rates with a moderate degree of flexibility in response to pasture availability (DR) was the most profitable approach and also maintained pasture condition. However, it was essential to economic viability that the property was re-stocked as soon as possible, in line with pasture availability, once good seasonal conditions returned. Implications This bio-economic modelling analysis refines current grazing-management recommendations by providing insights into both the economic and sustainability consequences of stocking-rate flexibility in response to fluctuating pasture supply. Caution should be exercised in recommending either overly conservative safe stocking strategies that are inflexible, or overly flexible stocking strategies, due to the increased risk of very poor outcomes.

2017 ◽  
Vol 57 (9) ◽  
pp. 1849 ◽  
K. M. Broadfoot ◽  
W. B. Badgery ◽  
G. D. Millar

Assessments of grazing systems are often constrained by the decisions regarding the management of the grazing systems, including stocking rate, and also the seasonal conditions that occur during the assessment period. These constraints have led to sometimes conflicting results about comparisons of grazing management systems. This paper examines 1-, 4- and 20-paddock (1P, 4P and 20P) grazing management systems to determine how the intensity of grazing management on native pastures influences the financial performance of sheep production systems. The performance of the grazing systems, as part of the Orange EverGraze research experiment, was initially examined using the biophysical data over the 4 years of the experiment and then a more detailed analysis over a longer timeframe was undertaken using the AusFarm simulation modelling software. Flexible management strategies to optimise ewe numbers, sale time of lambs, and adjust ewe numbers based on season, were also assessed to determine which management systems are the most profitable and sustainable. There was higher profit for the 20P grazing system than the 1P system during the experiment. However, when stocking rates were held constant at optimum levels and systems were simulated over 40 years, there was no difference between grazing systems. Modelling strategies used to vary stocking rates showed that flexible management options are better based on optimising ewe numbers and the sale time of lambs rather than changing ewe numbers between years. The sustainability of modelled systems was also assessed using frequency of events where the average herbage mass (0.8 t DM/ha) or ground cover (80%) in autumn dropped below levels that are associated with degradation. Degradation events occurred more so with increasing ewe number than lamb sale time. Overall, the most sustainable systems, when considering profitability and environmental issues, had a stocking rate of 4.2 ewes per ha, with lambs sold in February (2 or 18). Higher stocking rates (5.3 ewes/ha) would need to be run for more intensive grazing management to have higher profitability.

2014 ◽  
Vol 54 (12) ◽  
pp. 1988 ◽  
Steven Bray ◽  
Natalie Doran-Browne ◽  
Peter O'Reagain

The beef industry in northern Australia manages ~15 million cattle, grazed on 250 million hectares of grassland and savanna woodland. The large size of the beef industry results in significant quantities of greenhouse gases being emitted to the atmosphere through ruminant livestock enteric methane production. However, livestock emissions are only one component of the carbon cycle in which grazing businesses operate. Livestock grazing also affects carbon stocks and fluxes in pasture, woody vegetation, soil and from fire through the consumption of forage and other landscape impacts. Little knowledge is available on the impact of different grazing management strategies on the ‘net carbon position’ incorporating carbon stocks and greenhouse gas emissions when grazing savanna woodlands. The Wambiana grazing trial in northern Queensland, Australia, provides an opportunity to assess carbon stocks and greenhouse gas emissions (reported as t CO2-e) associated with livestock, pasture, woody vegetation, soil and fire under alternative grazing management strategies (moderate and heavy stocking rate) over a 16-year period. The results indicate that tree biomass and woody vegetation dynamics dominate the carbon stocks and fluxes in grazed savanna woodlands. During the trial, both moderate and heavy stocking rate treatments had a positive net carbon balance, with the moderate stocking rate treatment having a better ‘net carbon position’ (19 t CO2-e per ha) than the heavy stocking rate treatment (9 t CO2-e per ha), primarily due to less livestock emissions and greater pasture biomass and soil C. These results add to the previously published benefits on land condition and economic return of grazing at moderate stocking rates, compared with heavy stocking rates.

J. Hodgson

Recent assessments of the relative importance of stocking rate. stocking policy and grazing management on the output from pastoral systems are used as a starting point to argue the need for objective pasture assessments to aid control of livestock enterprises to meet production targets. Variations in stocking rates, stocking policy and other management practices all provide alternative means of control of pasture conditions which are the major determinants of pasture and animal performance. Understanding of the influence of pasture conditions on systems performance should provide a better basis for management control and for Communication between farmers, extension officers and researchers. Keywords: Stocking rate, pasture condition, pasture cover

1979 ◽  
Vol 19 (97) ◽  
pp. 140 ◽  
EJ Bowen ◽  
KG Rickert

At Gayndah, south-eastern Queensland, a native Heteropogon contortus pasture, sown to fine-stem stylo (Stylosanthes guianensis var. intermedia), and invaded by red natal grass (Rhynchelytrum repens), was grazed by weaner steers from June 1 in three treatments : heavy and light put-and-take grazing for five years from 1971, and set-stocked at 1.37 animals ha-1 for two years from 1974. Weight gains in the put-and-take treatments were not significantly different. The mean annual liveweight gain was 167 kg animal-1 at a mean equivalent stocking rate of 1.47 animals ha-1. Over the same period unsown native pasture, cleared of timber, gave a gain of 62 kg animal-1 at 0.62 animals ha-1. In all seasons except summer, weight gains declined linearly with stocking rate and in 1972-73, with a mean equivalent stocking rate of 2.66 animals ha-1, the annual gain was almost halved. When equivalent stocking rates were 0.9, 0.9, 1.8 and 1.2 animals ha-1 in winter, spring, summer and autumn, the respective gains were 4, 73, 65 and 45 kg animal-1. The set-stocked treatment had a mean annual gain of 147 kg animal-1. At another site 116 km north-west of Gayndah, two paddocks of Heteropogon contortus and fine-stem stylo were set-stocked with weaners over four years. One paddock had four applications of superphosphate of 250 kg ha-1. The mean annual liveweight gains were significantly different, being 154 and 143 kg animal-1 in the fertilized and unfertilized paddocks at mean stocking rates of 0.83 and 0.74 animals ha-1, respectively. In a grazing protection experiment the density of fine-stem stylo declined exponentially with an accumulation of pasture dry matter in spring and summer. Heavy continuous grazing, an annual hay cut and an accidental fire all increased the density of fine-stem stylo. Management options to maintain the density of fine-stem stylo and the relative importance of the legume and grass to animal production are discussed.

1963 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-166 ◽  
C. P. McMeekan ◽  
M. J. Walshe

1. A large-scale grazing management study comparing rotational grazing and continuous grazing with dairy cows at two stocking rates over four complete production seasons is described.2. The four treatments were: (i) controlled grazing, light stocking rate; (ii) controlled grazing, heavy stocking rate; (iii) uncontrolled grazing, light stocking rate; (iv) uncontrolled grazing, heavy stocking rate.Each treatment involved 40 cows for a first 2-year phase and 42 cows for the following 2 years. Each herd had a normal age distribution pattern and seven 2-year-old first lactation heifers (17% of total herd) were introduced each year to maintain this pattern.3. Stocking rate was the more important factor affecting the efficiency of pasture utilization as measured by per acre output of milk and butterfat. In general, high stocking was associated with higher outputs per acre despite lower yields per animal.4. Grazing method was of less importance. In general, controlled rotational grazing was superior to uncontrolled continuous grazing, both per animal and per acre, but the average influence even of these extremes of management was only half that of stocking rate.5. Significant interactions between stocking rate and grazing method existed. Under continuous grazing a point was reached where production per acre declined to the vanishing point with increased stocking rate due to excessive depression of per cow yield: this point was not reached under rotational grazing at the same high stocking levels.6. The results suggest that optimum stocking rate under rotational grazing occurs at a level some 5–10% higher than under continuous grazing. A depression of 10–12% in per cow yield, compared with more lenient grazing, corresponds with optimum stocking level irrespective of the grazing system. This estimate is suggested as a guide line in applying the principles involved.

1967 ◽  
Vol 7 (28) ◽  
pp. 434
WR McManus

Concentrations of total nitrogen and total volatile fatty acids in the rumen fluid of sheep grazing improved pastures were measured for ten months in a dry year on the southern tablelands of New South Wales, and the concentrations of nitrogen and volatile fatty acids (V.F.A.) were related to season, wool production, and grazing management. The observations were made during two long-term grazing management experiments. In the first experiment four groups of breeding Merino ewes grazed a Wimmera ryegrass-subterranean clover (Lolium rigidum Gaud.-Trifolium subterraneum L.) pasture. A deferred grazing system (autumn saving) of pasture management was compared with continuous grazing at stocking rate treatments equivalent to 7.0 and 3.5 ewes to the acre. In the second experiment two groups of Merino weaners grazed a Phalaris tuberosa-subterranean clover pasture at a stocking rate equivalent to 8.6 sheep to the acre. One group received a hay supplement, the other did not. In both experiments nitrogen values were low between late autumn and mid-winter and again between late spring and summer, and high in early autumn and again in spring (P<0.05). The low levels were about 55 per cent of peak autumn and spring levels in (experiment 1) and 60 per cent of peak autumn and spring levels in (experiment 2). Total V.F.A. did not vary significantly between seasons in either experiment. At the higher stocking rate the ewes had lower levels of rumen total nitrogen than at the lower stocking rate. V.F.A. did not vary consistently between stocking rates. At both stocking rates ewes on the autumn saving system of grazing management had more nitrogen in the rumen fluid during late pregnancy and early lactation than did those on the continuous grazing system (P<0.001). After the ewes had access to the saved pasture, autumn saving resulted in a higher concentration of volatile fatty acids than continuous grazing (P< 0.05). Although feeding a hay supplement benefited the weaners the concentrations of total nitrogen in the rumen fluid of the two groups of sheep were similar. There was a fairly consistent tendency for the group receiving hay to have lower concentrations of volatile fatty acids in their rumen fluid. Possible reasons for these effects are discussed.

2020 ◽  
Mouna Feki ◽  
Giovanni Ravazzani ◽  
Tommaso Caloiero ◽  
Gaetano Pellicone

&lt;p&gt;Forests ecosystems provide several ecosystem services among which the regulation of the hydrological cycle. These ecosystems are exposed to different forms of disturbances induced by human activities, management strategies, and climate change. The objective of INNOMED project, for the Italian case study, is to understand the response of forest to different silvicultural practices under climate change conditions. The study site is the the Bonis catchment located in the mountain area of Sila Greca (39&amp;#176;25&amp;#8217;15&amp;#8217;&amp;#8217;N, 16&amp;#176;12&amp;#8217;38&amp;#8217;&amp;#8217;W), in the Calabria region (southern Italy). This small catchment has a surface of 1.39 km&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; and a mean elevation of 1131 m above sea level. Almost 93% of the total area is covered by forest stand, dominated by about 50-year-old Calabrian pine (Pinus laricio Poiret) forests. In order to simulate the response of the catchment to different climate and management scenarios, FEST-WB distributed hydrological model was used. Within the framework of this project, FEST-FOREST module has been implemented in order to consider vegetation dynamics interactions with the hydrological response of the watershed. Since 1986, the basin was monitored through the installation of different instruments. Rainfall was measured by three rain gauges (with a tipping bucket) together with temperature that were measured at three different meteorological stations. In May 2003, a tower for measurement of eddy fluxes was installed at an altitude of 1100 m a.s.l, on a 54 years old plantation of Laricio pine which allowed monitoring of other parameters. Runoff was measured at the outlet of the catchment using a gauging structure. These data were used for the calibration and validation of the model before being implemented for future scenarios simulations. The results of these simulations delivered the potential impacts and the vulnerability of the Bonis catchment to different scenarios. These outcomes provide for the stakeholders a scientifically based and solid information for a sustainable management of the catchment.&lt;/p&gt;

2017 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 267-278 ◽  
Marcia DeLonge ◽  
Andrea Basche

AbstractThe potential to improve soils to help farmers and ranchers adapt to and mitigate climate change has generated significant enthusiasm. Within this discussion, grasslands have surfaced as being particularly important, due to their geographic range, their capacity to store substantial quantities of carbon relative to cultivated croplands and their potential role in mitigating droughts and floods. However, leveraging grasslands for climate change mitigation and adaptation will require a better understanding of how farmers and ranchers who rely on them for their livelihoods can improve management and related outcomes. To investigate opportunities for such improvements, we conducted a meta-analysis of field experiments that investigated how soil water infiltration rates are affected by a range of management options: adding complexity to grazing patterns, reducing stocking rates or extended rest from grazing. Further, to explore the relationships between observed changes in soil water infiltration and soil carbon, we identified papers that reported data on both metrics. We found that in 81.9% of all cases, responses of infiltration rates to identified management treatments (response ratios) were above zero, with infiltration rates increasing by 59.3 ± 7.3%. Mean response ratios from unique management categories were not significantly different, although the effect of extended rest (67.9 ± 8.5%, n = 140 from 31 experiments) was slightly higher than from reducing stocking rates (42.0 ± 10.8%; n = 63 from 17 experiments) or adding complexity (34.0 ± 14.1%, n = 17 from 11 experiments). We did not find a significant effect of several other variables, including treatment duration, mean annual precipitation or soil texture; however, analysis of aridity indices suggested that grazing management may have a slightly larger effect in more humid environments. Within our database, we found that 42% of complexity studies, 41% of stocking rate studies and 29% of extended rest studies also reported at least some measure of soil carbon. Within the subset of cases where both infiltration rates and carbon were reported, response ratios were largely positive for both variables (at least 64% of cases had positive mean response ratios in all management categories). Overall, our findings reveal that a variety of management strategies have the potential to improve soil water infiltration rates, with possible benefits for soil carbon as well. However, we identified a shortage of well-replicated and detailed experiments in all grazing management categories, and call for additional research of both soil water and soil carbon properties for these critical agroecosystems.

1970 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 63-70
NR Devkota ◽  
MR Kolachhapati

A study of the representing rangelands of Taplejung district was carried out during summer of 2009 to estimate the herbage mass yield of different slope categories, and to calculate the carrying capacity (CC) of the representing rangelands based on 60 days re-growth period so that optimum number of livestock unit (LU) per unit area would be possible to allow for grazing. The findings revealed that plain slope had higher herbage mass produced, but was comparatively over-grazed as revealed by higher stocking rate. Existing carrying capacity reasonably supports the grazers, but irrespective of the quality herbage. In deed there was a lower CC for higher slope area with higher CC for plain slope. Nevertheless, the CC values for different slope categories indicated that rangelands in Taplejung district has wider scope of improvement, both for herbage mass productivity, and grazing management through precise stocking rates to match with the prevailing carrying capacity. A major challenge, however, lies to convince herders about the benefits of reducing stocking rates and improving production efficiencies, with the increased income and less degradation of the present available rangelands. Detail study on herbage mass production based on total herbage mass harvest days of a year along with stocking rate for the respective period would be important to consider in generating concrete and site specific information. Key words: herbage mass; carrying capacity; stocking rate; rangelands; herders; Taplejung district DOI: 10.3126/njst.v11i0.4125Nepal Journal of Science and Technology 11 (2010) 63-70

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-14 ◽  
D. H. Cobon ◽  
R. Darbyshire ◽  
J. Crean ◽  
S. Kodur ◽  
M. Simpson ◽  

AbstractSeasonal climate forecasts (SCFs) provide opportunities for pastoralists to align production decisions to climatic conditions, as SCFs offer economic value by increasing certainty about future climatic states at decision-making time. Insufficient evidence about the economic value of SCFs was identified as a major factor limiting adoption of SCFs in Australia and abroad. This study examines the value of SCFs to beef production system management in northern Australia by adopting a theoretical probabilistic climate forecast system. Stocking rate decisions in October, before the onset of the wet season, were identified by industry as a key climate sensitive decision. The analysis considered SCF value across economic drivers (steer price in October) and environmental drivers (October pasture availability). A range in forecast value was found ($0–$14 per head) dependent on pasture availability, beef price, and SCF skill. Skillful forecasts of future climate conditions offered little value with medium or high pasture availability, as in these circumstances pastures were rarely overutilized. In contrast, low pasture availability provided conditions for alternative optimal stocking rates and for SCFs to be valuable. Optimal stocking rates under low pasture availability varied the most with climate state (i.e., wet or dry), indicating that producers have more to gain from a skillful SCF at these times. Although the level of pasture availability in October was the major determinant of stocking rate decisions, beef price settings were also found to be important. This analysis provides insights into the potential value of SCFs to extensive beef enterprises and can be used by pastoralists to evaluate the cost benefit of using a SCF in annual management.

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