Impact of sheep grazing on the soil seed bank of a managed ephemeral wetland: implications for management

2007 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 103 ◽  
Jason Nicol ◽  
Sally Muston ◽  
Paula D'Santos ◽  
Bernard McCarthy ◽  
Sylvia Zukowski

The seed bank is an important mechanism for the persistence of species in ephemeral wetlands, but grazing by domestic stock may change the seed bank and in turn the capacity of the system to recover from disturbance. The sediments of two areas in Thegoa Lagoon (Murray–Darling Basin), one area grazed by sheep when dry and the other ungrazed, were examined. The objective of the study was to determine whether and how the (1) germinable seed bank and (2) final plant communities differ between the grazed and ungrazed areas. The seed banks were subjected to one of the following three water depths: 5 cm above the surface of the water, 5 cm below the surface and 50 cm below the surface. The composition of the seed bank was determined by using the seedling-emergence technique for 12 weeks, with seedlings removed every 2 weeks. The final plant communities were determined at 12 weeks without removing seedlings. The seed bank from the grazed area had a significantly lower seed density (5600 ± 593 seeds m–2) and species richness (7 species) than the ungrazed area (37 683 ± 4492 seeds m–2, 16 species) (ANOVA: F1, 10 = 50.16, P < 0.0001). The floristic composition of the seed bank was also significantly different between the areas (NPMANOVA: F1, 10 = 15.44, P = 0.0032). Glinus lotoides was in higher abundance in the grazed area and Alternanthera denticulata, Persicaria lapathifolium, Polygonum plebium, Typha domingensis and Centipeda cunninghamii in the ungrazed area. Similarly, the final communities derived from the grazed and ungrazed areas were significantly different from each other (NPMANOVA: F1, 10 = 15.53, P = 0.0032). Greater numbers of Centipeda cunninghamii were present in the community from the grazed area and Alternanthera denticulata and Cuscuta campestris were present in larger numbers in the community from the ungrazed area. Water depth also had an impact on germination; no germination occurred in seed banks flooded to 50 cm and one Typha domingensis seedling was observed in a sample flooded to 5 cm. These results showed that grazing reduces the density and species richness of the seed bank and in turn changes the plant communities derived from the seed bank; however, if grazing is removed pest plants such as Cuscuta campestris may require control. In addition, managed drawdown or water-level fluctuations are important in exposing wetland sediments and allowing for species to recruit from the seed bank.

1990 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 261 ◽  
AW Graham ◽  
MS Hopkins

The size and floristic composition of soil seed banks under four adjacent, unlogged and structurally different rainforest types were assessed by exposing 17 surface soil samples (to 40mm depth) to germination-house conditions. The mean size of the seed bank in the undisturbed forest types was 240 seeds m-2 (s.d. 139). Seeds of secondary species dominated the soil seed banks in all forest types, although weed seeds constituted only 0.6-4.0%. Some forest types had characteristic component secondary species in the buried seed bank. Agglomerative classification and multidimensional scaling analysis of quantitative sample data indicated that the parent structural-environmental forest type was the dominant influence in determining composition of the soil seed banks. Comparisons of the seed banks of the intact rainforest with those of nearby disturbed forests showed the former to be 35 to 50% smaller in total size, and lacking in some distinctive secondary species. It was concluded that disturbance, both within and adjacent to rainforest, may influence soil seed bank compositions, and hence future patterns of regeneration.

2011 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 96 ◽  
Ahmet GÖKKUŞ ◽  

The composition and conservation of plant communities is greatly influenced by the soil seed bank. Information on the soil seed banks and the remaining vegetation in these ecosystems is crucial for guiding the restoration efforts. This study examines the size, species richness, diversity, uniformity, and similarity of soil seed banks and aboveground vegetation in 6 different grazing lands including coastal pasture, reseeded pasture, artificial pasture, lowland shrubland, ungrazed pasture, and hillside shrubland. Forty-eight soil samples were taken by cores with a diameter and depth of 10 cm from each of grazing lands in August of 2007. A vegetation survey was conducted using a 0.5 x 0.5-m quadrant in both the spring and fall. Eighty species were observed in soil seed banks and aboveground vegetation. The largest seed bank was observed in reseeded pasture (7,715 seed/m2), while the smallest seed bank was found in coastal pasture (2,755 seed/m2). Coastal pasture also possessed the least amount of aboveground vegetation (131 plants/m2). The most aboveground vegetation was found in ungrazed pasture (155 plants/m2). The most common species in seed banks were annual and perennial grasses in reseeded pasture, annual forbs in artificial pasture and hillside shrubland, and perennial forbs in low shrubland and ungrazed pasture. Species richness, diversity, and uniformity in seed banks were highest in lowland shrubland and lowest in artificial pasture. The seed bank and aboveground vegetation were similar in ungrazed pasture, coastal pasture, reseeded pasture, low shrubland, hillside shrubland and artificial pasture. Shrublands play an important role in species richness and the number of germinated seeds from seed banks of grazing lands in southern Marmara. The results showed that reseeding or a decrease in grazing pressure may improve the condition of grazing lands.

Josephine Esaete ◽  
Augustine Bongo ◽  
Thomas Lado ◽  
Tomor Bojoi ◽  
Henry Busulwa

Soil seed banks are important for regeneration of degraded wetlands ecosystems. The Sudd wetlands of Juba city have long been encroached for crop cultivation. Seedling germination was monitored in a greenhouse to establish possible natural regeneration in Mindiari, Rejaf and Roton wetlands in the Sudd. Sixty-four species germinated from the soil seed bank of which 12.5% were dominated by Cyperus difformis and Typha capensis. The findings showed that median wetland species richness in Mindiari was 1.5 (interquartile range = 0.75?3.5), Rejaf 2.5 (interquartile range = 1.0 ? 4.0), Roton 3 (interquartile range = 1.0 ? 5.0) while median Shannon-Wiener diversity was 1.5 (1.14 ?1.73), 1.43 (1.01?1.66), 1.15 (0.98?1.67) for Mindiari, Rejaf and Roton respectively. Both the median seed species richness and diversity were not significantly different among the study wetlands. The median of seed density (56.1) was significantly higher in Roton than in Mindiari (36.7) and Rejaf (29.4) wetlands. The NMDS results showed that species composition of Mindiari and Rejaf was different from Roton. It is concluded that growing crops in wetlands did not influence species richness and diversity but it reduced seed density and altered species composition. Although wetland species were not significantly different in the three-wetland categories, dominance of canopy species belonging to Typhaceae and Cyperaceae indicates that these species are resilient to cultivation and could facilitate natural regeneration of cultivated wetlands edges of the Sudd region in Juba. Further research should examine effect of cultivation duration and flooding regimes on soil seed bank species richness, diversity, and density and composition.

2011 ◽  
Vol 79 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-166 ◽  
Maciej Wódkiewicz ◽  
Anna Justyna Kwiatkowska-Falińska

Forest seed banks mostly studied in managed forests proved to be small, species poor and not reflecting aboveground species composition. Yet studies conducted in undisturbed communities indicate a different seed bank characteristic. Therefore we aimed at describing soil seed bank in an undisturbed forest in a remnant of European lowland temperate forests, the Białowieża Forest. We compared similarity between the herb layer and seed bank, similarity of seed bank between different patches, and dominance structure of species in the herb layer and in the seed bank of two related oak-hornbeam communities. We report relatively high values of Sorensen species similarity index between herb layer and seed bank of both patches. This suggests higher species similarity of the herb layer and soil seed bank in natural, unmanaged forests represented by both plots than in fragmented communities influenced by man. Although there was a set of core seed bank species present at both plots, yielding high Sorensen species similarity index values, considerable differences between plots in seed bank size and dominance structure of species were found, indicating spatial variability of studied seed bank generated by edaphic conditions. Dominance structure of species in the herb layer was not reflected in the underlying seed bank. This stresses, that natural forest regeneration cannot rely only on the seed bank, although some forest species are capable of forming soil seed banks. While forest seed banks may not reflect vegetation composition of past successional stages, they may inform on history and land use of a specific plot.

Ya-Fei Shi ◽  
Zengru Wang ◽  
Bing-Xin Xu ◽  
Jian-Qiang Huo ◽  
Rui Hu ◽  

Soil seed banks may offer great potential for restoring and maintaining desert ecosystems that have been degraded by climate change and anthropogenic disturbance. However, few studies have explored the annual dynamics in the composition and relative abundance of these soil seed banks. We conducted a long-term observational study to assess the effects of environmental factors (meteorology and microtopography) and aboveground vegetation on the soil seed bank of the Tengger Desert, China. The desert seed bank was dominated by annual herbs. We found that more rainfall in the growing season increased the number of seeds in the soil seed bank, and that quadrats at relatively higher elevations had fewer seeds. The species composition had more similarity in the seed bank than in the aboveground vegetation, though the seed bank and aboveground vegetation did change synchronously due to the rapid propagation of annuals. Together, our findings suggest that the combined effects of environmental factors and plant life forms determine the species composition and size of soil seed banks in deserts. Thus, if degraded desert ecosystems are left to regenerate naturally, the lack of shrub and perennial herb seeds could crucially limit their restoration. Human intervention and management may have to be applied to enhance the seed abundance of longer-lived lifeforms in degraded deserts.

1993 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 329-347 ◽  
Susan J. Warr ◽  
Ken Thompson ◽  
Martin Kent

The article highlights a comparatively neglected area of biogeographical research - seed banks and the distribution of seeds in the soil. The article reviews some of the relevant literature on seed banks and the methods for their study. Attention is focused on aspects of seed banks of particular relevance to biogeographers, with detailed examples drawn from seed bank studies in both temperate and tropical environments. In the review of the seed bank literature, the topics covered include the seed banks of successional communities and the size of seed banks in different vegetation types. The species composition of seed banks in different plant communities is discussed, particularly the degree of correlation between the species composition of seed banks and associated ground flora. The relationships between seed persistence, depth of burial in the soil and soil properties, such as moisture and pH, are explored. Seed bank heterogeneity is examined and a number of studies which have attempted to describe and measure the spatial variability of seed banks are summarized. Ways of classifying seed banks in terms of seed bank strategies are explained. The role of seed banks in conservation is discussed, for example in restoration projects, where preferred species have been lost from the vegetation but survive in the seed bank. The relevance of seed banks for the conservation of rare species and in landscape management is considered. Lastly, the contribution of seed banks to the recovery of vegetation following disturbance in various plant communities is discussed. In the review of seed bank sampling techniques, the subjects considered include methods of sample collection, the sampling intensity required for reliable estimates of seed density, a consideration of the relative merits of random and systematic sample distribution, as well as the importance of the timing of sampling. Various methods for the estimation of seed numbers in samples are appraised; these either involve extraction of seeds from the soil, followed by seed identification or enumeration by germination and seedling identification. Problems of analysing seed bank data are considered and several useful techniques for data analysis are suggested. Finally, the article draws attention to areas of future seed bank research for biogeographers and plant ecologists.

Bothalia ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-258 ◽  
M. J. S. Kellerman ◽  
M. W. Van Rooyen

Seasonal variation in seed bank size and species composition of five selected habitat types within the Tembe Elephant Park. South Africa, was investigated. At three-month intervals, soil samples were randomly collected from five different habitat types: a, Licuati forest; b, Licuati thicket; c, a bare or sparsely vegetated zone surrounding the forest edge, referred to as the forest/grassland ecotone; d, grassland; and e, open woodland. Most species in the seed bank flora were either grasses, sedges, or forbs, with hardly any evidence of woody species. The Licuati forest and thicket soils produced the lowest seed densities in all seasons.  Licuati forest and grassland seed banks showed a two-fold seasonal variation in size, those of the Licuati thicket and woodland a three-fold variation in size, whereas the forest/grassland ecotone maintained a relatively large seed bank all year round. The woodland seed bank had the highest species richness, whereas the Licuati forest and thicket soils were poor in species. Generally, it was found that the greatest correspondence in species composition was between the Licuati forest and thicket, as well as the forest/grassland ecotone and grassland seed bank floras.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 256-265 ◽  
José Djalma de Souza ◽  
Bruno Ayron de Souza Aguiar ◽  
Danielle Melo dos Santos ◽  
Vanessa Kelly Rodrigues de Araujo ◽  
Júlia Arruda Simões ◽  

Abstract Aims In dry tropical forests, herbaceous species may have dormancy mechanisms and form persistent and transient seed banks in the soil. Evolutionarily acquired, these mechanisms are efficient for the establishment and survival of these herbs, especially in forests with unpredictable climates, such as the Caatinga. Thus, our objective was to verify whether the studied herbaceous species adopt the physical dormancy mechanism and how these natural barriers are overcome, to understand the temporal dynamics existing in the soil seed bank from a Brazilian dry tropical forest. Methods Seeds of five native herbaceous species from the Caatinga forests were selected and submitted to pre-germinative treatments for verifying the presence of physical dormancy. We collected soil samples in the rainy and dry seasons for four consecutive years and monitored the emergence of the selected herbaceous in the greenhouse. We verified the differences in germination and seed bank emergence in the soil by generalized linear models. Important Findings The presence and absence of physical dormancy were observed in seeds from Caatinga herbaceous species. We found intraspecific and interspecific differences in the herbaceous emergence from soil seed banks between years and climatic seasons. In perennial herbs, consecutive lack of emergence between seasons and years was frequent, which suggests a direct relationship with the mechanism of physical dormancy and the environmental conditions necessary to overcome integument barriers. In these species, seed dimorphism and dormancy may confer additional advantages to their survival. Moreover, presenting intermediate levels of physical dormancy in an annual species may be an evolutionary adjustment to rainfall unpredictability. In contrast, we found that the annual herb without dormancy is more sensitive to seasonal and interannual climate changes, as evidenced by the increase and significant reduction of its emergence in the soil seed bank. These differences acquired evolutionarily are advantageous for the establishment of herbaceous populations, mainly in semiarid regions with an unpredictable climate.

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