Pasture Associations and Their Relation to Environment and Agronomy in the Goulburn District

1993 ◽  
Vol 41 (6) ◽  
pp. 627 ◽  
JB Robinson ◽  
DJ Munnich ◽  
PC Simpson ◽  
PW Orchard

Pasture species form a variety of associations inn the cool temperate environment of the tablelands of New South Wales. Data from a survey of 65 paddocks on 34 farms in the Goulburn district of southern New South Wales were analysed using numerical classification methods to identify species associations. Of particular interest were the agronomic and environmental factors associated with the abundance of Danthonia spp. and Microlaena stipoides, which are persistent and useful native perennial grasses. The abundance of Danthonia spp. was negatively correlated with the abundance of exotic sown grasses (many species) and annual grass species (chiefly Vulpia spp.). M. stipoides abundance was similarly correlated with sown grass species, but had no correlation with annual grasses. It had a significant negative correlation with legume species abundance (chiefly Trifolium spp.). Sites with M. stipoides associations (n = 19 sites) had particular clearing and cultivation histories and low pH. Sites (n = 12) with a Danthonia spp. association also had particular clearing and cultivation histories, and occurred predominantly on soils derived from sedimentary parent material (11/12 sites). This association also had significantly higher annual average and total superphosphate usage. Probable mechanisms by which the concurrent environmental and agronomic factors may have determined the observed associations are discussed. It is concluded that the numerical classification system employed here revealed useful species association-site grouping units and contributed significantly to the interpretation of these data.

2000 ◽  
Vol 40 (8) ◽  
pp. 1081 ◽  
D. L. Garden ◽  
P. M. Dowling ◽  
D. A. Eddy ◽  
H. I. Nicol

Results are presented of a survey of pastoral properties on the Central, Southern and Monaro Tablelands of New South Wales carried out during 1991—92. Landholders were interviewed to obtain information on property size, enterprise types, grazing management, tree clearing, fertiliser history and carrying capacity. In addition, familiarity with native grass species, and knowledge of their value were determined. The main grazing enterprises were wool and beef. The most common form of livestock management was continuous grazing. Most properties had been extensively cleared of trees (average cleared area 80%), and there had been a significant amount of disturbance of the original pastures. This varied from 40% of total property area for the Central and Monaro Tablelands to 60% for the Southern Tablelands. The main form of disturbance was cultivation for pasture sowing or fodder cropping. Landholders had used 80% more fertiliser on disturbed areas than on undisturbed areas, with most fertiliser applied on the Southern Tablelands and least on the Monaro Tablelands. The average carrying capacities of undisturbed and disturbed pastures over the tablelands were 4.3 and 7.7 dry sheep equivalents per hectare, respectively. While most landholders were satisfied with the performance of their sown pastures, there was a lack of knowledge of the contribution of native perennial grasses to pasture production. Using survey data, it was estimated that pastures with native grasses as the major components covered a minimum of 1.38 million hectares or 40% of the surveyed area. With such a large contribution to production, there is a need to assist landholders to identify native perennial grasses so that their potential value can be more fully realised.

1979 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 255

The effect of feral goats and sheep on the shrub populations in a semi arid woodland G. Harrington Feral goats have been suggested as a means of counteracting the increase in shrubs in some grazed woodlands in western New South Wales and Queensland. Hopbush and mulga can be destroyed and punty reduced by very heavy goat pressures but the difficulties and expense of such a treatment are prohibitive for extensive areas. Neither mature or seedling budda and turpentine are susceptible to goats although root sprouts after bulldozing budda and wilga can be controlled by heavy goat pressure. Moderate grazing by goats has very little effect on any shrub except young mulga. Goast are not recommended for shrub control in these areas. Effect of fertility level on the yield of some native perennial grasses on the North-West Slopes, New South Wales G.M. Lodge Native grasses have traditionally been regarded as unresponsive to applied fertilizer, and any fertilizer application to the rangelands of northern New South Wales has largely resulted in increased legume yield. In this study some native grass species such as Bothriochloa macra (redgrass), Chbris truncata (windmill grass) and Dichanthium sericeum (bluegrass) were found to be responsive to applications of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur. Information on the response of individual species to varying fertility conditions will allow a greater under. standing of the ecology of rangelands and enable more informed management practices to be used. A survey of the regeneration of some problem shrubs and trees after wildfire in western New South Wales A.D. Wilson and W.E. ~Wulhanz Following extensive wildfires in 1974175 the recovery of several different species of sh~ubs and trees was recorded at a number of sites across western New South Wales. Fire had a considerable effect on the survival of some plant species, but only a minor effect on others. Young trees of white cypress pine (Callitris columellaris) and mulga (Acacia aneura) had a poor recovery rate and hence could be thinned by the use of fire. Narrow-leaved hopbush (Dodonaea attenuata) and punty (Cassia eremophila var. platypoda) suffered severe losses at some sites, but not at others. Large numbers of seedlings emerged after the fires, so it is unlikely that a single fire would have a lasting effect on the density of these shrubs. Other woody plants - yarran (Acacia homalophylla) budda or sandalwood (Eremophila mitchellii) and turpentine or budda bush (E. sturfii) - had only low death rates and would be difficult to control by burning. However, seedlings which had emerged prior to the fires were considerably reduced in number so that burning may have a greater role in keeping country clear of these shrubs than in the eradication of mature stands. These results may not apply under all conditions, but they do provide a guide for further research on burning under controlled conditions as a means of scrub control. SYMPOSIUM ON POPLAR BOX (EUCAL YPTUS POPULNEA) LANDS

1999 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
pp. 563 ◽  
Tamara R. Read ◽  
Sean M. Bellairs

The germination responses to plant-derived smoke of seeds of 20 native grass species from New South Wales, Australia, were tested under laboratory conditions. The species belonged to 14 genera including Bothriochloa, Chloris, Cymbopogon, Danthonia, Dichanthium, Digitaria, Eragrostis, Eriochloa, Microlaena, Panicum, Paspalidium, Poa, Stipa and Themeda. The interaction between smoke and husk-imposed dormancy was examined by removing the floral structures surrounding the seeds, when sufficient seeds were available. Smoke was shown to be an important environmental stimulus for breaking the dormancy of native grasses; however, the response differed considerably between different genera and between species of the same genus. For almost half of the species, smoke significantly increased the germination percentage. Panicum decompositum showed the greatest response, with germination increasing from 7.7 to 63.1% when smoke was applied. Panicum effusum had no germination in the absence of smoke, but 16.7% germination when smoke was applied. Stipa scabra subsp. scabra had germination significantly reduced by smoke from 30.2 to 19.9%. Five species had their germination rate, but not the final germination percentage, affected by smoke, and a third of the species were unaffected by smoke. For five of the species, Chloris ventricosa, Dichanthium sericeum, Panicum decompositum, Poa labillardieri and Stipa scabra subsp. falcata, this is the first report of a smoke-stimulated germination response. For those species with germination promoted by smoke, retention of the covering structures did not prevent smoke stimulation of germination. Sowing smoke-treated husked seeds is likely to be preferable as it would still promote greater germination, whereas dehusking seeds can result in the seeds being more susceptible to desiccation and fungal attack in the field. It is suggested that other grassland communities that respond to pyric conditions may also contain species that respond to smoke.

1975 ◽  
Vol 15 (77) ◽  
pp. 795 ◽  
JA Thompson

A range of temperate annual and perennial legumes, naturalized or commonly sown in the area, was examined at three field sites in low fertility soils derived from granite on the south western slopes of the New England Region, New South Wales. They were compared over a four year period in terms of their persistence, dry matter and nitrogen production and their compatibility with associated temperate perennial grasses, The response of sown grass to nitrogen fertilizer application was also examined in the absence of legume. Ten legumes were examined at one site and six of these at the other two sites. In general, nitrogen yields were ranked similarly to total dry matter yields of all treatments, including grasses in the absence of legume. However, the legumes were ranked differently in terms of productivity of the legume component and productivity of associated grass. At all sites lucerne gave the highest yields of total dry matter and of legume and the lowest yield and persistence of associated grass-comparable to grass growing in the absence of legume or applied nitrogen. Subterranean clover was ranked second or third in total dry matter yield, depending on site, but provided the highest yield of associated grasscomparable to grass receiving high levels of applied nitrogen. Under this legume soil nitrogen levels tended to be highest. Rose clover, sown at one site only, yielded more legume dry matter than subterranean clover but grass yield was comparable to that with lucerne. The results suggest that subterranean clover is the superior legume for successful mixed sowings although inclusion of white clover could be justified. Lucerne appears to be best sown as a pure sward.

1981 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 121 ◽  
GM Lodge

Emergence and survival of the seedlings of warm-season native perennial grasses Aristida ramosa R.Br., Bothriochloa macra (Steud.) S . T. Blake, Dichanthium sericeum (R.Br.) Camus, Sporobolus elongatus R.Br., Eragvostis leptostachya Steud. and Chloris truncata R.Br. and the cool-season species Stipa variabilis Hughes and Danthonia linkii Kunth were studied in both native pastures and sown monospecific plots on the north- west slopes of New South Wales. The most favourable period for the successful emergence and establishment of warm-season grasses was from mid summer to early autumn. Cool-season native perennial grasses established best from seedlings that appeared from mid autumn to late winter. Few seedlings were observed to germinate in spring, probably as a result of large variations in temperature, low minimum temperatures or intra and interspecific competition. Seedlings growing in native pasture spent long periods in the vegetative phase compared to the early flowering of seedlings in the sown plots. In the pasture studied only two seedlings flowered over 700 days after emergence, and many others after persisting for up to 2 years died without producing seed. These findings indicate that the seedlings in these native pastures were under considerable stress and that the adult populations of the species examined were relatively stable and little recruitment occurred.

2004 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 315 ◽  
K. L. McDougall ◽  
G. T. Wright

A popular walking track in Kosciuszko National Park, New South Wales, passes through areas of feldmark vegetation, a windswept community of sparse dwarf shrubs, cushion plants and herbs. The prevailing westerly winds in this area prune the windward edges of the dominant Epacris gunnii shrubs. Layering on the protected side effectively means that the shrubs slowly move across the ridgetops. Twenty-five transects were placed perpendicular to the track in a patch of feldmark north of Mt Kosciuszko. The density of selected species and the total number of species were recorded in quadrats placed in the track centre, track edges and feldmark vegetation at 5 and 10 m from both sides of the track to determine whether the track has interrupted feldmark processes and affected species abundance. The abundance of all species and the number of species per quadrat was lowest in the track centre. Three species (including E. gunnii) were found to be less abundant on the leeward edge of the track than on the windward edge, suggesting that the track has indirectly interfered with feldmark processes. Two of the species were as abundant on track edges as at 5 and 10 m from the track. The area of affected vegetation is currently very small and it may take decades before the effect is obvious to people using the track. Management options for reducing or eliminating the impact are discussed.

2003 ◽  
Vol 43 (8) ◽  
pp. 977 ◽  
J. F. Graham ◽  
B. R. Cullen ◽  
G. M. Lodge ◽  
M. H. Andrew ◽  
B. P. Christy ◽  

The effects of various grazing management systems on sown, naturalised, and native pastures were studied at 6 different locations in the temperate high rainfall zone (HRZ, >600 mm rainfall/year) of southern Australia, as part of the Sustainable Grazing Systems (SGS) Program. The treatments examined had different pasture species and fertiliser management, with grazing method ranging from set stocking (continuous grazing) to rotation with rests based on pre- and post-grazing herbage mass or season and plant phenology. Sites were located at: Albany, Western Australia; Manilla, Barraba, Nundle, New South Wales; (grazed by wethers); and Carcoar, New South Wales; Maindample, Ruffy, north-east Victoria; Vasey, western Victoria; (grazed by ewes and lambs).Grazing method significantly (P<0.001) influenced stocking rate (expressed as dry sheep equivalents (DSE)/ha), but effects were not consistent across sites. At Vasey the stocking rate of the rotation treatments ranged from 5 to 23% higher than the set stocked treatments depending upon year. For all sites, significant factors (P<0.001) affecting stocking rate were soil Olsen P, soil pH, grazing management (resting), legume percent, and an index of growing season effectiveness. Although total annual rainfall had a significant effect (P<0.002) in an initial analysis, its influence became non-significant (P>0.05), when a growing season index (P<0.001) was used. Non-significant (P>0.05) factors included solar radiation, annual average temperature, fertiliser applied in the current year, and average annual perennial and broadleaf percent composition. The implications of these data for productivity and sustainability (as assessed by perenniality and water use) were encouraging. Generally, there were positive relationships between increased stocking rate and the probability of achieving a zero mm soil water surplus in winter, and between increased productivity and the proportion of perennial grass species where extremes of treatments were compared at each site. The results indicate that stocking rate can be increased without jeopardising sustainability, that grazing management can bring about more sustainable pastures, that there is scope to increase productivity particularly through increasing soil fertility, and growing season length can be used to predict potential carrying capacity. These are positive outcomes that graziers in the HRZ of southern Australia can use to enhance productivity (thus profitability) and sustainability.

2001 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 159 ◽  
D. T. Vere ◽  
R. E. Jones ◽  
M. H. Campbell

Pastures are the basis of most forms of agricultural production on the New South Wales central and southern tablelands. Pastures occupy the bulk of the region's landmass and pasture-based livestock production annually contributes more than three-quarters of the regional gross value of rural production. Throughout the region, there is substantial variation in pasture composition, ranging from high quality introduced perennial grasses and legumes to pastures comprising mainly low quality native species. This paper examines the economics of the main categories of temperate pastures over a range of soil fertility-rainfall environments on the south-eastern tablelands areas of New South Wales. Using a linear programming model and discounted development budgets, the results demonstrate the strong influence of the environment on the economics of the individual pasture systems. The highest economic returns in both the short and longer-terms were to the introduced perennial grass pastures in most of the environments. Pastures based on introduced legumes and the high quality native species also generated sound economic returns, although there are recognised problems with the persistence of the legume pastures. Over time, the returns to the better quality native pastures compare favourably with the introduced legumes and are better suited to acidic soils than the perennial grasses. Low quality native species produced relatively poor economic returns in all environments and unfortunately, are the main pasture type in the region's less favourable environments.

2003 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 357 ◽  
W. S. Semple ◽  
I. A. Cole ◽  
T. B. Koen

Thirty perennial grass accessions were evaluated for emergence, growth and persistence at 6 severely salinised seepage scalds on the western slopes of New South Wales. Warm-season accessions were sown or planted in spring 1996 and 1997, and cool-season types in autumn 1996 and 1997. Control species, tall wheat grass (Thinopyrum ponticum) and puccinellia (Puccinellia ciliata) were sown in spring and autumn. Plants were monitored over 2 growing seasons. None of the accessions, including the controls, performed well at all sites. Of the accessions established from seed, tall wheat grass was the most reliable in terms of the number of successful establishments but its growth potential was only achieved at a few sites. Some warm-season species (Panicum coloratum, Chloris gayana and Cynodon dactylon) approached their growth potential at some sites but overall rates of establishment were very low. The performance of puccinellia appeared to be adversely affected by low pH. It was concluded that on severely scalded sites, vegetative propagation of stoloniferous–rhizomatous plants, e.g. Pennisetum clandestinum, Paspalum vaginatum and C. gayana, may be the best option.

2008 ◽  
Vol 48 (4) ◽  
pp. 553 ◽  
S. P. Boschma ◽  
G. M. Lodge ◽  
S. Harden

Two adjacent sites (a naturalised pasture and a previously cropped area) with differing potentials for salinity/sodicity and waterlogging near Tamworth, New South Wales were sown with temperate perennial grasses and legumes, temperate annual legumes and tropical perennial grasses to assess their herbage mass and persistence from 2003 to 2006. Plots were either grazed or mown seasonally. Days to flower in the establishment year and seedling regeneration were assessed each year for the annual legumes. In May 2003, salinity levels at soil depths >0.6 m were as high as 8 and 12 dS/m at the naturalised pasture and previously cropped sites, respectively, but generally were >5 and >3 dS/m at a soil depth of 0–0.10 m for these sites in 2004–05. With below average rainfall, no waterlogging was observed at the previously cropped site and only short-term waterlogging of a few days duration occurred at the naturalised pasture site. Under these conditions Puccinellia ciliata cv. Menemen did not establish or perform well, but Thinopyrum ponticum (cvv. Dundas and Tyrrell) was productive and persistent compared with Phalaris aquatica. At both sites, Digitaria eriantha cv. Premier and Chloris gayana cv. Katambora were the best tropical grasses, while the performance of Bothriochloa bladhii subsp. glabra cv. Swann was good at the previously cropped site and Panicum coloratum subsp. makarikariense cv. Bambatsi was best at the naturalised pasture site. At both sites, Medicago sativa had the highest herbage mass and persistence, with cv. Aquarius being superior to cv. Salado after 3 years. Compared with M. sativa, the herbage mass and persistence of Trifolium fragiferum was low. Of the annual legumes, M. polymorpha cv. Scimitar and Melilotus sulcatus had the highest herbage mass.

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