Structural Systematics of Rare Earth Complexes. XXII. ('Maximally') Hydrated Rare Earth Iodides

2000 ◽  
Vol 53 (10) ◽  
pp. 867 ◽  
Kevin C. Lim ◽  
Brian W. Skelton ◽  
Allan H. White

Low-temperature (c. 153 K) single-crystal X-ray structure determinations, carried out on trivalent rare earth iodides crystallized from aqueous solution at room temperature, have defined two series of hydrates, LnI3.nH2O. For Ln = La–Ho, a nonahydrate phase (n = 9) is defined, orthorhombic Pmmn, a ~ 11.5, b ~ 8.0, c ~ 8.8 Å, Z = 2, the second phase (n = 10), monoclinic P21/c, Z = 4 being defined for Ln = Er–Lu, a ~ 8.2, b ~ 12.8, c ~ 17.1 Å, β ~ 103.7˚. Neither of these phases is isomorphous with any of those pertinent to the previously studied chloride or bromide (hydrated) arrays, nor, unlike those, does the halide (iodide) in any case enter the coordination sphere of the lanthanoid. The n = 9 phase takes the form [Ln(OH2)9]I3, the nine-coordinate lanthanoid environment stereochemistry being tricapped trigonal-prismatic, while the n = 10 phase is [Ln(OH2)8]I3.2H2O, the eight-coordinate lanthanoid environment being square-antiprismatic.

1999 ◽  
Vol 52 (6) ◽  
pp. 507 ◽  
Lioubov I. Semenova ◽  
Allan H. White

Room-temperature single-crystal X-ray structure determinations are recorded for (hydrated) lanthanoid(III) nitrate/2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine (‘tpy’) (1 : 1) complexes; all are of the form Ln(NO3)3/tpy/H2O(1 : 1 :x), [(tpy)Ln(O2NO)2(OH2)y](NO3)(.z H2O), and form two series of compounds. For Ln = La(-)Gd, the complexes are [(tpy)Ln(O2NO)2(OH2)3](NO3), the lanthanoid atom being ten-coordinate; crystals are triclinic, P 1, a ≈ 11·8, b ≈ 11·3, c ≈ 8·9 Å, α ≈ 75, β 69, γ ≈ 89°, Z = 2 f.u., conventional R on |F| 0·045, 0·062 for No 4513, 2710 independent ‘observed’ (I > 3σ(I)) diffractometer reflections for Ln = La, Gd respectively. For Ln = Tb(-)Lu, a different form is found: monoclinic, P 21/c, a ≈ 8·8, b ≈ 11·5, c ≈ 23·8 Å, β ≈ 111°, Z = 4, R 0·055, 0·037, 0·056 for No 2427, 3079, 1857 for Ln = Tb, Lu, Y respectively, the form of the complex being [(tpy)Ln(O2NO)2(OH2)2](NO3).2H2O, with nine-coordinate lanthanoid. Crystallization of the Ln = La adduct from methanol yields an adduct of La(NO3)3/tpy/MeOH (1 : 1 : 2) [(tpy)La(O2NO)3(HOMe)2] stoichiometry with 11-coordinate lanthanum. Crystals are triclinic, P 1, a 12·361(2), b 12·244(3), c 7·753(2) Å, α 96·56(2), β 103·22(2), γ 91·16(2)°, Z = 2, R 0·037 for No 6597.

1999 ◽  
Vol 52 (6) ◽  
pp. 531 ◽  
Lioubov I. Semenova ◽  
Peter C. Junk ◽  
Brian W. Skelton ◽  
Allan H. White

Room-temperature single-crystal X-ray structure determinations carried out on rare earth bromides crystallized from water at room temperature define three series of hydrates LnBr3.nH2O. For Ln = La, Ce, a heptahydrate phase (n = 7) is defined, triclinic P 1, a ≈ 8·6, b ≈ 9·4, c ≈ 8·3 Å, α ≈ 108, β ≈ 99, γ ≈ 72°, isomorphous with the array described for the ‘early’ (Ln = La-Pr) rare earth chlorides, being binuclear [(H2O)7Ln(-Br)2Ln(OH2)7] Br4, Z = 1 dimer; conventional R on |F| were 0·051, 0·042 for 2323, 3451 independent ‘observed’ (I > 3σ(I)) diffractometer reflections respectively. For Ln = Pr(-)Dy, a hexahydrate phase is defined, monoclinic P 2/n, a ≈ 10·0, b ≈ 6·8, c ≈ 8·2 Å, β ≈ 93·5°, Z = 2 f.u., isomorphous with the array defined for the heavier (Ln = Nd, Lu, Y) rare earth chlorides, being [(H2O)6LnBr2] Br, with R 0·029, 0·034 for No 1590, 1388 respectively. For Ln = Ho(-)Lu, Y, an octahydrate is defined for the first time, monoclinic P 21/n, a ≈ 8·1, b ≈ 16·0, c ≈ 10·1 Å, b ≈ 94·0°, Z = 4 f.u., a new array of the form [Ln(OH2)8] Br3 emerging, with R 0·061, 0·048, 0·042 for No 1191, 2402, 1674 respectively, the metal environment being square antiprismatic.

1999 ◽  
Vol 52 (6) ◽  
pp. 601 ◽  
Cameron J. Kepert ◽  
Peter C. Junk ◽  
Brian W. Skelton ◽  
Allan H. White

Room-temperature single-crystal X-ray studies carried out on trivalent rare earth sulfate hydrates, Ln2(SO4)3.xH2O, crystallized at local ambience suggest the following arrays to be prevalent. For Ln = La, the nonahydrate is found, hexagonal P 63/m, with conventional R on |F| 0·023 for No 1159 ‘observed’ (I >3σ(I)) diffractometer reflections (redetermination). Although for Ln = Ce a similar structure has been previously recorded, we have obtained that adduct as the monoclinic C 2/c, Z = 4, octahydrate, a phase also found for Ln = Lu and diverse representative intermediate lanthanoids: a ≈ 13·6, b ≈ 6·6, c ≈ 18·2 Å, β ≈ 102°; for Ln = Ce (redetermination), Dy, Yb (redetermination), Lu, R was 0·022, 0·035, 0·031, 0·024 for No 3279, 2127, 3008, 3325 respectively. The structures of two lower hydrates adventitiously obtained are also recorded: the pentahydrate for Ln = Ce, monoclinic C 2/c, a 15·741(3), b 9·632(3), c 10·358(3) Å, β 119·72(2)°, Z = 4, R 0·030 for No 3372 (a redetermination), and the trihydrate for Ln = Lu, orthorhombic Cmc21, a 13·527(5), b 18·415(5), c 9·242(7) Å, Z = 8, R 0·040 for No 1743. All structures are infinite polymeric arrays, the lanthanoid atoms being bridged by sulfate ions. Studies are also recorded for the ammonium/trivalent rare earth double sulfate tetrahydrate salts, (NH4)Ln(SO4)2.4H2O, for the (hitherto) extremal members Ln = La, Tb, which are isomorphous with the previously studied Ln = Sm monoclinic P 21/c, Z = 4 array, a ≈ 6·6, b ≈ 19, c ≈ 8·8 Å, β 97°; R 0·035, 0·037 for No 3631, 3337. The array is a two-dimensional polymer, parallel to the ac plane.

1999 ◽  
Vol 52 (6) ◽  
pp. 459 ◽  
Cameron J. Kepert ◽  
Lu Wei-Min ◽  
Peter C. Junk ◽  
Brian W. Skelton ◽  
Allan H. White

Room-temperature single-crystal X-ray structure determinations carried out on ‘maximally’ hydrated rare earth(III) trifluoroacetates, Ln(tfa)3.x H2O, crystallized at room temperature, show the Ln = La, Ce adducts to be isomorphous and monoclinic, P 21/c, a ≈ 11·9, b ≈ 12·8, c ≈ 9·8 8 Å, β ≈ 103·7°, Z = 4; they are trihydrates. The Ln = Pr, Lu (and, implicitly, intermediate Ln) adducts are also monoclinic, P 21/c, Z = 4, and trihydrates, but of a different polymorph, with a ≈ 9·2, b 18·8, c ≈ 9·8 Å, β ≈ 114°. For the four determinations, conventional R values on |F| were 0·038, 0·032, 0·036, and 0·034 for No 2952, 4821, 4544, and 4092 independent ‘observed’ (I > 3σ(I)) diffractometer reflections respectively. The Ln = La, Ce adducts are two-dimensional polymers, the sheets parallel to the bc plane; the other systems are binuclear, the two metal atoms being linked by four bridging carboxylate O-tfa-O′ ligands. In both structural types, the metal atoms are eight-coordinate, but differ in the number of water molecules (2 cf. 3) in the O8 array. Extension of previous studies by single-crystal X-ray methods on the structural characterization of trivalent rare earth trichloroacetates, ‘maximally’ hydrated at local ambience, Ln(tca)3.x H2O, suggests the following arrays to be prevalent. The Ln = La adduct is a pentahydrate, monoclinic, P21/c, a 5·636(7), b 22·454(4), c 16·58(1) Å, β 90·52(8)°, Z = 4 f.u., R 0·035 for No 4154. The compound is a linear polymer along a, successive nine-coordinate La (separated by a) being linked by three O-tca-O′ bridging ligands at the opposite faces of a tricapped trigonal prismatic array, the equatorial sites being filled by water molecules. The Ln = Ce adduct is a trihydrate, monoclinic, P 21/c, a 10·071(2), b 22·973(2), c 20·222(5) Å, b 119·48(2)°, Z= 8 f.u., R 0·050 for No 5019. The array is also linear polymeric, but with successive Ce being linked alternately now by sets of two and then four O-tca-O′ bridging carboxylates along b, the Ln = Ce coordination number being diminished (relative to La) to eight with the coordination of two water molecules to each metal. Ln = Pr, Lu (and, presumptively, intermediate Ln) are dihydrates, triclinic, P 1, a ≈ 11·70, b ≈ 12·8, c ≈ 15·3 Å, α ≈ 71, β ≈ 77·85, γ ≈ 65·5°, Z = 4 f.u., R 0·056, 0·059 for No 5650, 5398. The array is a linear polymer, similar to that of the Ln = Ce adduct but alongside the bridging acetate pair one of the water molecules now bridges, resulting in a stepped Ln 1 array (along c) rather than a quasi-straight one as is found for the Ln = Ce (and La) adduct. Structure determinations are also recorded for rare earth(III) trichloroacetate ethanol trisolvates, Ln(tca)3.3EtOH. Adducts of Ln = La, Yb (and, implicitly, intermediate Ln) are isomorphous, triclinic, P 1, a ≈ 12, b ≈ 11·8, c ≈ 11·4 Å, α ≈ 114, β ≈ 100, γ ≈ 104°, Z = 2 f.u., R 0·056, 0·050 for No 3843, 4171. The complexes are centrosymmetric dimers [(EtOH)3(tca-O)Ln(O-tca-O′)4Ln(O-tca)(HOEt)3], the two metal atoms being linked by four O-tca-O′ bridging carboxylate groups; the metal atoms are eight-coordinate, the other four sites being occupied by four oxygen atoms from unidentate ethanol and carboxylate moieties. Bis(bis(2-pyridyl)aminium) bis(diaquatetrakis(trichloroacetato)lanthanate(III)), 2(dpaH+) [(H2O)2-(tca-O)(tca-O,O′)2La(O-tca-O′)2La(O,O′-tca)2(O-tca)(OH2)2]2-, is triclinic, P 1, a, 13·901(2), b 13·764(3), c 10·073(2) Å, α 104·04(2), β 108·93(2), γ 101·50(2)°, Z = 1 binuclear f.u., R 0·045 for No 4999. The anion is binuclear, the two nine-coordinate lanthanum atoms being linked by a pair of bridging O-carboxylate-O′ groups. The other seven sites of the LaO9 array are occupied by a pair of O,O′ -chelating and one O-unidentate carboxylate groups and a pair of water molecules.

1994 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 385 ◽  
CJ Kepert ◽  
BW Skelton ◽  
AH White

Single-crystal room-temperature X-ray structure determinations of improved precision are reported for certain higher hydrates of the rare earth trichlorides (LnCl3.7H2O, Ln = La, Pr; LnCl3.6H2O, Ln = Nd, Lu) (triclinic, Pī, and monoclinic, P 2/n, forms respectively) in order to define hydrogen-bonding arrays within the two lattices.

1999 ◽  
Vol 52 (6) ◽  
pp. 519 ◽  
Lioubov I. Semenova ◽  
Alexander N. Sobolev ◽  
Brian W. Skelton ◽  
Allan H. White

Room-temperature single-crystal X-ray structure determinations of the 1 : 3 adducts of the trivalent lanthanoid perchlorates with 2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine (‘tpy’) as crystallized from acetonitrile are recorded. The Ln = La complex is the only one of its structural type, being modelled as La(ClO4)3/tpy/MeCN/H2O (1 : 3 : 2 :2/3), trigonal P 3c1, Z = 6, a 13·063(7), c 53·04(4) Å, recorded on an interim basis, with conventional R on |F| 0·081 for No 2889 ‘observed’ (I >3σ(I)) reflections. For Ln = Ce, (Pr, Sm,) Eu and, by presumption, other intermediate members, a monosolvate is found, monoclinic P 21/n, a ≈ 9·3, b ≈ 21·1, c ≈ 24·7 Å, β ≈ 91°, Z = 4, R being 0·045, (0·060, 0·049,) 0·047 for No 4420, (4199, 3931,) 3713. The Ln = Eu adduct has also been obtained unsolvated in a form representative of Ln = Eu, Lu and, by presumption, intermediate members, as well as Y, which is monoclinic C 2/c, Z = 4, R being 0·051, 0·044, 0·061 for No 4386, 4407, 3713. All monoclinic systems are of the form [Ln(tpy)3] (ClO4)3(.S), Ln being nine-coordinate, and in the case of the C 2/c phase lying on a crystallographic 2 axis. The Ln = La adduct was modelled with three independent cations, all with crystallographic 3 symmetry, two with their coordination number augmented by the approach of solvent along the 3 axis.

1999 ◽  
Vol 52 (6) ◽  
pp. 551 ◽  
Lioubov I. Semenova ◽  
Brian W. Skelton ◽  
Allan H. White

Room-temperature single-crystal X-ray structure determinations are recorded for a number of adducts of hydrated lanthanoid(III) chlorides with 2,2′-bipyridine, ‘bpy’, crystallized from water/ethanol solutions, which contain mononuclear arrays with 1 : 1 Ln/bpy stoichiometry. Extended isomorphous series have been defined pertinent to the heavy end of the Ln series: crystals of LnCl3/bpy/H2O (1 : 1 : 6) ([(bpy)Ln(OH2)6]Cl3), seemingly inclusive of (at least) the range Ln = Ho(-)Lu and Y, are monoclinic, P 21/n, a ≈ 14·2, b ≈ 7·7, c ≈ 17·4 Å, β ≈ 91°, Z = 4, with an eight-coordinate LnN2O6 array; conventional R values on |F| were 0·043, 0·029, 0·057 for No 2435, 3120, 1846 independent ‘observed’ (I > 3σ(I)) diffractometer reflections (Ln = Ho, Lu, Y). Crystals of LnCl3/bpy/H2O (1 : 1·5 : 8) ([(bpy)Ln(OH2)6]Cl3.½bpy.2H2O), seemingly encompassing (at least) the range Ln = Er(-)Lu and Y, are triclinic, P 1, a ≈ 11·7, b ≈ 11·0, c ≈ 10·1 Å, α ≈ 85·8, β ≈ 74·7, γ ≈ 79·5°, Z = 2, R 0·038, 0·033, 0·048 for No 3897, 4377, 3130, and contain similar [(bpy)Ln(OH2)6]3+ cations as does HoCl3/bpy/H2O (1 : 2 : 7), [(bpy)Ho(OH2)6]Cl3.bpy.H2O, orthorhombic, Pbca, a 18·02(2), b 20·06(2), c 15·051(9) Å, Z = 8, R 0·057 for No 3009. By contrast, only sporadic, diverse and unrelated forms are thus far defined among the lighter Ln: EuCl3/bpy/H2O(1 : 1 : 5) ([(bpy)Eu(OH2)4Cl2]Cl.H2O), triclinic, P 1, a 11·506(7), b 11·098(5), c 6·974(8) Å, α 77·35(7), b 85·1(1), γ 89·54(4)°, Z = 2, R 0·063 for No 4633, also contains a mononuclear [(N,N′-bidentate)Ln(unidentate)6] array. PrCl3/bpy/H2O(1 : 1 : 3)(× 4) is a remarkable compound, being 2[(bpy)Pr(OH2)3Cl3] [(bpy)(H2O)2Cl2Pr(µ-Cl)2PrCl2(OH2)2(bpy)].2H2O, triclinic, P 1, a 13·490(4), b 11·121(2), c 10·162(1) Å, α 96·06(1), β 90·08(2), γ 96·43(2)°, Z = 2 f.u., R 0·045 for No 4127, with a mononuclear species of PrCl3/bpy/H2O (1 : 1 : 3) stoichiometry and a binuclear species of 1 : 1 : 2 stoichiometry. A binuclear ethanol solvated array has been characterized for LaCl3/bpy/EtOH (1 : 1 : 2) [(bpy)(EtOH)2Cl2La(µ-Cl)2LaCl2(HOEt)2(bpy)], with eight-coordinate lanthanum; this complex is triclinic, P 1, a 11·426(8), b 10·673(7), c 10·453(7) Å, α 109·60(5), β 113·10(5), γ 105·80(5)°, Z = 1 dimer, R 0·046 for No 2786.

1999 ◽  
Vol 52 (6) ◽  
pp. 571 ◽  
Lioubov I. Semenova ◽  
Allan H. White

Room-temperature single-crystal X-ray structure determinations are recorded for a number of adducts of hydrated lanthanoid(III) trichlorides with 2,2′-bipyridine (‘bpy’) and 1,10-phenanthroline (‘phen’), crystallized from water, methanol or ethanol solutions, containing mononuclear arrays with 1 : 2 Ln/bpy or phen stoichiometry. LaCl3/phen/H2O(1 : 3 : 9), [(phen)2La(OH2)5]Cl3.phen.4H2O, although of overall 1 : 3 LaCl3/phen stoichiometry, has a lattice phen; it is orthorhombic, Pnna, a 19·947(7), b 16·457(5), c 12·213(2) Å, Z = 4; conventional R on |F| was 0·030 for No 2567 ‘observed’ (I >3σ(I)) diffractometer reflections. LaCl3/phen/H2O/MeOH (1 : 2 : 6 : 1), [(phen)2La(OH2)5]Cl3.H2O.MeOH, is triclinic, P 1, a 19·060(3), b 9·252(3), c 8·994(3) Å, α 69·33(3), β 86·81(2), γ 89·66(2)°, Z = 2, R 0·037 for No 5452. LaCl3/bpy/H2O (1 : 2 : 6), [(bpy)2La(OH2)4Cl]Cl2.2H2O, is monoclinic, P 21/c, a 19·389(3), b 9·071(1), c 16·873(2) Å, β 114·10(1)°, Z = 4, R 0·029 for No 4699. All three of these complexes have a nine-coordinate [(N,N′-bidentate)2La(unidentate)5] coordination environment with quasi-2 symmetry; that of the remaining compounds following is eight-coordinate [(N,N′-bidentate)2Ln(unidentate)4]. LuCl3/phen/H2O (1 : 2 : 6), [(phen)2Lu(OH2)4]Cl3.2H2O, is monoclinic, C 2/c, a 11·045(7), b 17·660(6), c 14·474(9) Å, β 92·82(5)°, Z = 4, R 0·042 for No 1695, the Lu lying on a crystallographic 2 -axis. Crystals of LnCl3/phen/H2O(1 : 2 : 4), [(phen)2Ln(OH2)3Cl]Cl2.H2O (Ln = Dy, Er, Y), are triclinic, P 1, a≈ 12·6, b ≈ 10·5, c ≈ 10·4 Å, α ≈ 93·3, β ≈ 109·3, γ ≈ 96·8°, Z = 2, R 0·030, 0·040, 0·052 for No 4221, 5100, 2690 respectively. PrCl3/bpy/H2O/EtOH (1 : 2 : 1 : 0·5), [(bpy)2Pr(OH2)Cl3].½EtOH, is triclinic, P 1, a 13·331(3), b 10·734(2), c 9·758(2) Å, α 63·67(2), β 78·99(2), γ 71·24(2)°, Z = 2, R 0·033 for No 4596, while [(bpy)2Pr(OH2)2Cl2]Cl is monoclinic, C 2/c, a 15·921(15), b 11·314(8), c 14·114(8) Å, β 116·70(6)°, Z = 4, R 0·041 for No 2269. ErCl3/bpy/H2O(1 : 2 : 2 (also)), [(bpy)2Er(OH2)2Cl2]Cl, is cubic, I 23, a 26·032(4) Å, Z = 24, R 0·066 for No 1644. Crystals of LnCl3/phen/H2O/MeOH (1 : 2 : 1 : 1), [(phen)2Ln(OH2)Cl3].MeOH (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Eu), are monoclinic, P 21/a, a ≈ 13·2, b ≈ 10·7, c ≈ 18·5 Å, β ≈ 102·1°, Z = 4, R 0·054, 0·032, 0·040, 0·054 for No 2872, 4792, 3179, 2847 respectively. LnCl3/bpy/H2O/EtOH (1 : 2 : 1 : 1), [(bpy)2Ln(OH2)Cl3].EtOH (Ln = Nd, Eu), are triclinic, P 1, a ≈ 11·3, b ≈ 10·9, c ≈ 10·4 Å, α ≈ 75·5, β ≈ 89·8, γ ≈ 78·0°, Z = 2, R 0·044, 0·056 for No 4979, 3596 respectively. LaCl3/bpy/EtOH (1 : 2 : 0·5) is binuclear [(bpy)2Cl2La(µ-Cl)2LaCl2(bpy)2].EtOH, monoclinic, P 21/c, a 9·6878(2), b 17·5696(3), c 16·1341(2) Å, β 123·10(1)°, Z = 2, R 0·033 for No 4256. A totally unsolvated array is found for YbCl3/bpy (1 : 2), [(bpy)2YbCl3], monoclinic, P 21/c, a 15·065(8), b 8·598(4), c 16·92(1) Å, β 112·46(5)°, Z = 4, R 0·032 for No 3548, in which, alone, the metal atom is seven-coordinate.

1996 ◽  
Vol 49 (9) ◽  
pp. 1005 ◽  
DL Kepert ◽  
LI Semenova ◽  
AN Sobolev ◽  
AH White

Room-temperature single-crystal X-ray structure determinations of the title compounds, namely, [(ONO2)3Lu(N,N'-bidentate)2], N,N'-bidentate = 'bpy' = 2,2'-bipyridine or 'phen' = 1,10-phenan-throline, are recorded. The complexes are isomorphous with their previously studied lanthanum analogues, being orthorhombic, Pbcn, a 16.517(3), b 9.111(3), c 15.080(3) Ǻ, Z = 4 f.u., and monoclinic, C2/c, a 11.186(7), b 17.785(13), c 12.972(10) Ǻ, β 100.27(5)°, Z = 4 f.u., with R (on |F|) being 0.046 and 0.045 for 1339 and 2097 independent 'observed' (I > 3σ(I)) reflections respectively. The stereochemistries about the metal atoms are also similar, Lu(O2)3(N2)2, the metal atom in each case lying on a crystallographic twofold axis, which also passes through the axis of one of the bidentate nitrate groups; the latter, unlike their counterparts in the La/bpy complexes are not disordered.

1994 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 391 ◽  
CJ Kepert ◽  
BW Skeleton ◽  
AH White

The room-temperature single-crystal X-ray structural characterization of the title compound (tpyH2)2[Tb(OH2)8]Cl7.~2⅓H2O is recorded. Crystals are triclinic, Pī , a 17.063(5), b 16.243(3), c 7.878(3) Ǻ, α 84.78(2), β 84.39(3), γ 87.81(2)°, Z = 2 formula units; 3167 'observed' diffractometer reflections were refined by full-matrix least-squares procedures to a residual of 0.057. Notable features of interest of the compound are the 'chelation' of chloride ions by the terpyridinium cations , and the existence of a free [Tb(OH2)8]2+ cation in the presence of an abundance of chloride ions.

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