Assessing progress in breeding to improve grain yield, quality and blackleg (Leptosphaeria maculans) resistance in selected Australian canola cultivars (1978–2012)

2016 ◽  
Vol 67 (4) ◽  
pp. 308 ◽  
Trent Potter ◽  
Wayne Burton ◽  
Jan Edwards ◽  
Neil Wratten ◽  
Rod Mailer ◽  

Canola breeding in Australia began in the early 1970s with the first cultivars being released in the late 1970s. Thirty-four non-herbicide-tolerant canola cultivars, released in Australia between 1978 and 2012, were evaluated for improvements in yield, quality, blackleg resistance and adaptation to Australian environments. The cultivars were sown at three sites in 2008 and one site in 2014. In addition, blackleg susceptibility was assessed in two independent blackleg experiments in 2008. Yield improvement averaged 21.8 kg ha–1 year–1 (1.25% year–1) but ranged from 8 to 39.1 kg ha–1 year–1 at the lowest to the highest yielding sites, respectively. Although the yield gain shown by our study was for conventional canola only, the different herbicide-tolerant types are derived by incorporating the herbicide tolerance genes into Australian germplasm and so the rate of genetic gain would be expected to be similar for all herbicide tolerance types. Oil and protein concentrations have increased by 0.09% year–1 and 0.05% year–1, respectively, whereas glucosinolate concentration was reduced to between 7 and 16 μmoles per gram of meal by the mid-1990s. Cultivars released before 2002 all had low to moderate resistance to the blackleg isolates present in the fields during the experimental period but more recent releases had improved survival under heavy blackleg pressure due to the incorporation of additional or different resistance genes. The data suggests that at least 25% of the yield improvement achieved by the breeding programs over 30 years was associated with improved blackleg resistance and the remainder with gains in other aspects of potential grain yield. The private breeding companies in Australia will need to continue to produce cultivars with high yield potential and deploy blackleg resistance genes wisely in order to maintain the yield improvements required to remain competitive in global markets.

2005 ◽  
Vol 62 (4) ◽  
pp. 357-365 ◽  
Giovani Benin ◽  
Fernando Irajá Félix de Carvalho ◽  
Antônio Costa de Oliveira ◽  
Claudir Lorencetti ◽  
Igor Pires Valério ◽  

Several studies have searched for higher efficiency on plant selection in generations bearing high frequency of heterozygotes. This work aims to compare the response of direct selection for grain yield, indirect selection through average grain weight and combined selection for higher yield potential and average grain weight of oat plants (Avena sativa L.), using the honeycomb breeding method. These strategies were applied in the growing seasons of 2001 and 2002 in F3 and F4 populations, respectively, in the crosses UPF 18 CTC 5, OR 2 <FONT FACE=Symbol>´</FONT> UPF 7 and OR 2 <FONT FACE=Symbol>´</FONT> UPF 18. The ten best genetic combinations obtained for each cross and selection strategy were evaluated in greenhouse yield trials. Selection of plants with higher yield and average grain weight might be performed on early generations with high levels of heterozygosis. The direct selection for grain yield and indirect selection for average grain weight enabled to increase the average of characters under selection. However, genotypes obtained through direct selection presented lower average grain weight and those obtained through the indirect selection presented lower yield potential. Selection strategies must be run simultaneously to combine in only one genotype high yield potential and large grain weight, enabling maximum genetic gain for both characters.

2000 ◽  
Vol 80 (4) ◽  
pp. 739-745 ◽  
B. L. Duggan ◽  
D. R. Domitruk ◽  
D. B. Fowler

Crops produced in the semiarid environment of western Canada are subjected to variable and unpredictable periods of drought stress. The objective of this study was to determine the inter-relationships among yield components and grain yield of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L) so that guidelines could be established for the production of cultivars with high yield potential and stability. Five hard red winter wheat genotypes were grown in 15 field trials conducted throughout Saskatchewan from 1989–1991. Although this study included genotypes with widely different yield potential and yield component arrangements, only small differences in grain yield occurred within trials under dryland conditions. High kernel number, through greater tillering, was shown to be an adaptation to low-stress conditions. The ability of winter wheat to produce large numbers of tillers was evident in the spring in all trials; however, this early season potential was not maintained due to extensive tiller die-back. Tiller die-back often meant that high yield potential genotypes became sink limiting with reduced ability to respond to subsequent improvements in growing season weather conditions. As tiller number increased under more favourable crop water conditions genetic limits in kernels spike−1 became more identified with yield potential. It is likely then, that tillering capacity per se is less important in winter wheat than the development of vigorous tillers with numerous large kernels spike−1. For example, the highest yielding genotype under dryland conditions was a breeding line, S86-808, which was able to maintain a greater sink capacity as a result of a higher number of larger kernels spike−1. It appears that without yield component compensation, a cultivar can be unresponsive to improved crop water conditions (stable) or it can have a high mean yield, but it cannot possess both characteristics. Key words: Triticum aestivum L., wheat, drought stress, kernel weight, kernel number, spike density, grain yield

2010 ◽  
Vol 58 (Supplement 1) ◽  
pp. 115-120 ◽  
S. Bencze ◽  
K. Balla ◽  
B. Varga ◽  
O. Veisz

A long-term experiment was started in 2005 in the Agricultural Research Institute to monitor the effects of extreme climatic events on the grain yield, quality and disease resistance of cereals. The yield was poor in 2007 due to the long dry period from autumn till spring, while it was high in 2006 and 2008 when there was more precipitation. The grain quality was the highest in 2007, however, despite the extreme weather events. Fungicide treatment generally resulted in higher yield potential and better grain quality in every year.

2010 ◽  
Vol 58 (3) ◽  
pp. 253-258 ◽  
S. Szél ◽  
E. Széll ◽  
G. Pálfay ◽  
M. Gazdagné Torma

The Duo-System technology, which is basically a combination of the Focus Ultra herbicide and cycloxydim-tolerant maize hybrids, is spreading as a tool for weed control in maize crops. The Cereal Research Non-Profit Co. Ltd. commenced the breeding of cycloxydim-tolerant maize (CTM) hybrids based on know-how from BASF. CTM hybrids were created by crossing the CTM inbred lines developed in the initial phase of the programme. The herbicide tolerance of the hybrids was tested in dose rate trials with Focus Ultra in 2008 and 2009. The agronomic value of the novel CTM hybrids was tested in performance trials in 2009. CTM hybrids with high yield potential have been selected as a result of the breeding programme.

2001 ◽  
Vol 81 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-27 ◽  
C. A. Grant ◽  
K. R. Brown ◽  
G. J. Racz ◽  
L. D. Bailey

Effective fertilizer management is critical to maintain economic production and protect long-term environmental quality. Field studies were conducted over 4 yr at two locations in southwestern Manitoba to determine the effect of source, timing and placement of N on grain yield and N recovery of durum wheat (Triticum durum L. ‘Sceptre’) under reduced-tillage (RT) and conventional-tillage (CT) management. The effect of N management on durum grain yield and N recovery differed with soil type and tillage system. On the clay loam (CL) soil, lower yields with fall- as compared with spring-banded N were more frequent under RT than CT. Lower yields occurred more frequently with fall-applied as compared with spring-applied urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) than when urea or NH3 was the N source. On the drier fine sandy loam (FSL) soil, fall applications of N generally produced similar to higher grain yield than did spring applications. Differences among fertilizer sources and tillage systems were much less frequent with spring than fall applications of N. Where differences occurred, durum grain yields were higher with in-soil than surface applications of urea or UAN. In-soil applications of urea and UAN increased durum grain yield as compared with surface applications more frequently under RT than CT on the CL soil where yield potential was high, whereas increases on the FSL were as common under CT as under RT. On soils with a high yield potential, enhanced immobilisation and/or volatilisation of surface-applied N may reduce grain yield by reducing available N, particularly under RT. Selection of a suitable source-timing and placement combination to optimise crop yield may be more important under RT than CT. Key words: Conservation tillage, direct seeding, placement

Avinash Kumar ◽  
Ashutosh Kumar ◽  
N. K. Singh ◽  
Rajesh Kumar ◽  
S. K. Singh ◽  

In the present investigation, 10 parents and their 45 crosses (half diallel) along with 2 standard checks (Rajendra Nilam and Rajendra Mahsuri-1) were evaluated during Kharif, 2018 in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 3 replications at Rice Farm Section, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University (RPCAU), Pusa, Bihar. The objective of this study was to identify promising rice genotypes having desirable combination of morphological traits along with high grain iron and zinc content and high grain yield potential. The results of variability parameters indicated that ample amount of genetic variability was present for all the studied traits. Most of the traits showed high heritability coupled with high genetic advance indicating fruitfulness of selection for improvement of these traits. One genotype (P2×P7) with high grain iron (16.10 ppm) and grain zinc (26.40 ppm) content along with high yield (43.12 g/plant) was identified. Genotypes with high grain iron coupled with high grain yield (P7×P9, P8×P9, P5×P7 and P5×P9) and high  grain zinc content coupled with high grain yield (P4×P7, P9×P10, P8×P9 and P5×P7) were also identified. These promising genotypes identified can be used further in breeding programmes to obtain superior segregants with high grain micronutrient content and high grain yield.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 175
Jaenudin Kartahadimaja ◽  
Eka Erlinda Syuriani

Reduced productive rice fields to non-paddy fields, most possible extension of the nationalrice cultivation area to the suboptimal lands reaching ± 91.9 million ha. Technologypackages that can be applied include the use of new improved rice varieties through theassembling of varieties that have high yield potential, resistant to suboptimal soil stress. Theobjective of the research is to produce new superior rice varieties that are available invarious environments. The study used a split-plot design, as the main plot is an environmentconsisting of rice paddies and gogo, as a subplot is the genotype of rice. The treatment ineach environment is prepared using the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). Thetreatment consisted of 10 new rice strains and four varieties as a comparison. Variablesobserved (1) plant height; (2) the maximum number of shoots; (3) number of productiveshoots; (4) long panicle; (5) the number of grains per panicle; (6) the amount of graincontent of each panicle; (7) the number of empty grains per panicle; (8) weight of 1000grains of grain; (9) grain yield of each clump; (10) grain yield per hectare. Data wereanalyzed by variance if there was a difference between mean, median treatment, followed byLsd test at 5% level. The adaptability and yield stability of each strain was determined basedon the value of the coefficient of diversity (KK) (Francis and Kenneberg, 1978) in Syukur etal., (2012). The results showed that seven new rice strains had adaptations both planted asupland rice and lowland rice, namely strains B3, B4, F2, F3, H1, H4, and L2.

2019 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 239-252 ◽  
Adriana Derejko ◽  
Marcin Studnicki

SummaryTriticale (Triticosecale Wittmack) is obtained through the crossing of wheat (Triticum ssp.) and rye (Secale cereale L.) and is characterized by high yield potential, good health and grain value, and high tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress. Poland is a very important region for progress in triticale breeding, since it is home to most cultivars, and numerous genetic studies on triticale have been carried out. Despite the tremendous interest in triticale among both breeders and researchers, there are no studies assessing the adaptation of cultivars to environmental conditions across growing seasons. This study was conducted to investigate the influence of cultivar, management, location and growing season on grain yield. At the same time, this approach provides a new way to determine whether there is any dependency between the eight seasons, and to find the cause of the yield response to environmental conditions in a given growing season.

2020 ◽  
Achmad Amzeri ◽  

The phenotypic analysis of new candidate varieties at multiple locations could provide information on the stability of their genotypes. We evaluated the stability of 11 maize hybrid candidates in five districts in East Java Province, Indonesia. Maize hybrids with high yield potential and early maturity traits derived from a diallel cross were planted in a randomized complete block design with two checks (Srikandi Kuning and BISI-2) as a single factor with four replicates. The observed traits were grain yield per hectare and harvest age. The effects of environment, genotype, and genotype × environment interaction on yield were highly significant (P < 0.01). KTM-1, KTM-2, KTM-4, KTM-5, and KTM-6 showed higher average grain yield per hectare than the checks (Srikandi Kuning = 8.49 ton ha−1 and BISI-2 = 7.32 ton ha−1) at five different locations. The average harvest age of 11 candidates was less than 100 days. KTM-4 and KTM-5 had production yields that were higher than the average yield of all genotypes in all environments (Yi > 7.78 tons ha−1) and were considered stable on the basis of three stability parameters, i.e., Finlay–Wilkinson, Eberhart–Russell, and additive main effect multiplicative interaction (AMMI). KTM-2 had the highest yield among all tested genotypes (9.33 ton ha−1) and was considered as stable on the basis of AMMI but not on the basis of Finlay–Wilkinson and Eberhart–Russell. KTM-1 performed well only in Pamekasan, whereas KTM-6 performed well only in Sampang. Thus, these two genotypes could be targeted for these specific locations.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 2048
Priya Lal Biswas ◽  
Ujjal Kumar Nath ◽  
Sharmistha Ghosal ◽  
Gayatri Goswami ◽  
Md. Shalim Uddin ◽  

Bacterial blight (BB) is caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and is one of the most important diseases in rice. It results in significantly reduced productivity throughout all rice-growing regions of the world. Four BB resistance genes have been reported; however, introgression of a single gene into rice has not been able to sufficiently protect rice against BB infection. Pyramiding of effective BB resistance genes (i.e., Xa genes) into background varieties is a potential approach to controlling BB infection. In this study, combinations of four BB resistance genes, Xa4, xa5, xa13, and Xa21, were pyramided into populations. The populations were derived from crossing Ciherang (a widespread Indonesian rice variety) with IRBB60 (resistance to BB). Promising recombinants from the F6 generation were identified by scoring the phenotype against three virulent bacterial strains, C5, P6, and V, which cause widespread BB infection in most rice-growing countries. Pyramiding of genes for BB resistance in 265 recombinant introgressed lines (RILs) were confirmed through marker-assisted selection (MAS) of the F5 and F6 generations using gene-specific primers. Of these 265 RILs, 11, 34 and 45 lines had four, three, or two BB resistance genes, respectively. The RILs had pyramiding of two or three resistance genes, with the Xa4 resistance gene showing broad spectrum resistance against Xoo races with higher agronomic performance compared to their donor and recipients parents. The developed BB-resistant RILs have high yield potential to be further developed for cultivation or as sources of BB resistance donor material for varietal improvement in other rice lines.

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