Importance of seed-borne inoculum in the etiology of the Ascochyta blight complex of field peas (Pisum sativum L.) grown in Victoria
Fungi associated with the ascochyta blight complex of field peas were isolated from 436 of 691 seedlots tested. Of the fungi detected, 94.8% of isolates were Mycosphaerella pinodes, 4.2% Phoma medicaginis, and 1.0% Ascochyta pisi. The levels of infestation of seed varied considerably from year to year and between seedlots, depending on the amount of rainfall between flowering and maturity. Within a particular pea-growing region, the level of seed-borne infection was often highest in seed from crops harvested latest. In addition, crops sown early were usually more severely affected by disease than late-sown crops, and this resulted in higher levels of seed infection. There was no correlation between the level of seed infestation by M. pinodes and the severity of ascochyta blight; however, where the level of seed infection was high (>11%) there was a significant reduction in emergence, which caused a reduction in grain yield. It may therefore be possible to use seed with high levels of seed-borne ascochyta blight fungi, provided the seeding rate is increased to compensate for poor emergence.