An inter-dependence of flood and drought: disentangling amphibian beta diversity in seasonal floodplains

2017 ◽  
Vol 68 (11) ◽  
pp. 2115 ◽  
Leonardo F. B. Moreira ◽  
Tainá F. Dorado-Rodrigues ◽  
Vanda L. Ferreira ◽  
Christine Strüssmann

Species composition in floodplains is often affected by different structuring factors. Although floods play a key ecological role, habitat selection in the dry periods may blur patterns of biodiversity distribution. Here, we employed a partitioning framework to investigate the contribution of turnover and nestedness to β-diversity patterns in non-arboreal amphibians from southern Pantanal ecoregion. We investigated whether components of β-diversity change by spatial and environmental factors. We sampled grasslands and dense arboreal savannas distributed in 12 sampling sites across rainy and dry seasons, and analysed species dissimilarities using quantitative data. In the savannas, both turnover and nestedness contributed similarly to β diversity. However, we found that β diversity is driven essentially by turnover, in the grasslands. In the rainy season, balanced variation in abundance was more related to altitude and factors that induce spatial patterns, whereas dissimilarities were not related to any explanatory variable during dry season. In the Pantanal ecoregion, amphibian assemblages are influenced by a variety of seasonal constraints on terrestrial movements and biotic interactions. Our findings highlighted the role of guild-specific patterns and indicated that mass effects are important mechanisms creating amphibian community structure in the Pantanal.

Forests ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 1036
Yang Cao ◽  
Yosihiro Natuhara

Anthropogenic disturbances pose significant threats to biodiversity. However, limited information has been acquired regarding the degree of impact human disturbance has on the β-diversity of plant assemblages, especially in threatened ecosystems (e.g., floodplains). In the present study, the effects of anthropogenic disturbance on plant communities of floodplain areas (the Miya River, Mie Prefecture, Japan) were analyzed. The taxonomic and functional β-diversity among different degradation levels were compared, and the differences were assessed by tests for homogeneity in multivariate dispersions. In addition, the effects of non-native species and environmental factors on β-diversity were analyzed. As revealed from the results, anthropogenic disturbance led to taxonomic homogenization at a regional scale. The increase in non-native invasions tended to improve homogenization, whereas at a low degradation level, the occurrence of non-natives species was usually related to taxonomic differentiation. Furthermore, though the increase in non-natives and environmental parameters significantly affected the β-diversity of the floodplain area, environmental factors may be of more crucial importance than biotic interactions in shaping species assemblages in this study. The previously mentioned result is likely to be dependent on the research scale and the extent to which floodplains are disturbed. Given the significant importance of floodplains, the significance of looking at floodplains in the different levels of degradation was highlighted, and both invasion of non-native species and environmental factors should be considered to gain insights into the response of ecosystems to anthropogenic disturbance. The findings of this study suggested that conservation programs in floodplain areas should place more emphasis on the preservation of natural processes and forest resources.

2017 ◽  
Vol 68 (6) ◽  
pp. 1137 ◽  
Tiago Octavio Begot ◽  
Bruno Eleres Soares ◽  
Leandro Juen ◽  
Luciano Fogaça de Assis Montag

The present study analysed the effects of environmental and spatial variables on the structure of fish communities inhabiting rockpools in the Amazon coastal zone to test the hypothesis that environmental characteristics and spatial distribution are the principal factors responsible for community structure. In all, 80 pools were sampled, 40 in the rainy season and 40 in the dry season. The pools were located on five sandy beaches of the Amazon coast. In all, 1303 fish were collected, representing 20 taxa distributed in nine orders and 14 families. The abundance and occurrence of different taxa varied considerably, as did β diversity, ranging from identical to completely different communities. Differences were found in taxa abundance between seasons (rainy and dry) and beach locality. However, for species richness, only differences between seasons were found, showing the effects of spatial and environmental variation in the structure of fish assemblages. This corroborates both spatial and environmental hypotheses of community structure, and reinforces the role of the extreme dynamic conditions, such as tidal range and influence of the rivers that flow into this estuary, in the intertidal zone fish on the Amazon coast.

1990 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-57 ◽  
Bruce A. Menge ◽  
Annette M. Olson

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (14) ◽  
pp. 6919-6928
Pfananani A. Ramulifho ◽  
Stefan H. Foord ◽  
Nick A. Rivers‐Moore

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
Jacopo Giampaoletti ◽  
Frine Cardone ◽  
Giuseppe Corriero ◽  
Maria F. Gravina ◽  
Luisa Nicoletti

Bryozoan assemblages of three mesophotic habitats, recently found in the Adriatic and Ionian Seas, were investigated in terms of species composition and diversity, colonial growth forms, and species ecological affinity, with the purposes to analyze variations and similarities between the different bioconstructions and to compare the mesophotic assemblages with those of other benthic habitats. Bryozoans came from three sites off the Apulian coast: Monopoli, 30–55-m depth, where scleractinians are dominant; Otranto, 45–64-m depth; and Santa Maria di Leuca, 45–70-m depth, where the bivalve Neopycnodonte cochlear is the main bioconstructor. A total number of 50 species of bryozoans were recorded, accounting for about 10% of the total number of Mediterranean species. Only few species were shared between the three sites, whereas a considerable pool of species was characteristic of each site. The β-diversity and Sörensen similarity analyses highlighted the highest similarity between the two southern sites, Otranto and Santa Maria di Leuca, with respect to the northern site of Monopoli, in agreement with the hydrological pattern of the area. The encrusting zoarial type was the most abundant in each site, and few species with erect, celleporiform and petraliform colonies were found. The Sörensen similarity, based on data of zoarial forms composition, revealed values considerably higher than those based on species composition, thus highlighting the similar ecological role played by the bryozoans in all the sites. Moreover, significant differences between the mesophotic bryozoan assemblages and those of other benthic Mediterranean habitats were highlighted, showing higher affinity with the coralligenous and detritic sciaphilic habitats. The relevant ecological role of bryozoans as binders in the bioconstructions of the Mediterranean mesophotic zone has been exhibited.

2020 ◽  
Vol 99 (4) ◽  
pp. 379-383
Vasily N. Afonyushkin ◽  
N. A. Donchenko ◽  
Ju. N. Kozlova ◽  
N. A. Davidova ◽  
V. Yu. Koptev ◽  

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a widely represented species of bacteria possessing of a pathogenic potential. This infectious agent is causing wound infections, fibrotic cystitis, fibrosing pneumonia, bacterial sepsis, etc. The microorganism is highly resistant to antiseptics, disinfectants, immune system responses of the body. The responses of a quorum sense of this kind of bacteria ensure the inclusion of many pathogenicity factors. The analysis of the scientific literature made it possible to formulate four questions concerning the role of biofilms for the adaptation of P. aeruginosa to adverse environmental factors: Is another person appears to be predominantly of a source an etiological agent or the source of P. aeruginosa infection in the environment? Does the formation of biofilms influence on the antibiotic resistance? How the antagonistic activity of microorganisms is realized in biofilm form? What is the main function of biofilms in the functioning of bacteria? A hypothesis has been put forward the effect of biofilms on the increase of antibiotic resistance of bacteria and, in particular, P. aeruginosa to be secondary in charcter. It is more likely a biofilmboth to fulfill the function of storing nutrients and provide topical competition in the face of food scarcity. In connection with the incompatibility of the molecular radii of most antibiotics and pores in biofilm, biofilm is doubtful to be capable of performing a barrier function for protecting against antibiotics. However, with respect to antibodies and immunocompetent cells, the barrier function is beyond doubt. The biofilm is more likely to fulfill the function of storing nutrients and providing topical competition in conditions of scarcity of food resources.

2010 ◽  
Vol 151 (28) ◽  
pp. 1132-1136 ◽  
István Tornai

A krónikus vírushepatitisek jelentik ma a legismertebb okokat a hepatocellularis carcinoma (HCC) kialakulásában. A krónikus B- és C-vírus-hepatitis a májrákok körülbelül 40-50%-át okozza. A nyugati típusú társadalmakban a HCC előfordulása folyamatosan növekvő tendenciát mutat. Az alkohol számít a környezeti tényezők közül a legfontosabbnak, bár az alkoholfogyasztás a legtöbb országban csökken. Ez aláhúzza az egyéb környezeti tényezők fontosságát is. Az elfogyasztott alkoholmennyiséggel egyenes arányban növekszik a cirrhosis és a következményes HCC gyakorisága nőkben és férfiakban egyaránt. A kémiai anyagok közül a legismertebb a Kínában és Afrikában elterjedt aflatoxin, amely a gabonaféléket szennyező mycotoxin. Hasonló területeken endémiás, mint a hepatitis B-vírus, együtt szinergista hatást fejtenek ki. A dohányzás is egyértelműen bizonyított hepatocarcinogen hatással rendelkezik. Ez is jelentősen fokozódik, ha alkoholfogyasztással vagy vírushepatitisszel társul. Társadalmilag talán a legfontosabb az elhízás, a következményes nem alkoholos zsírmáj, illetve steatohepatitis és a 2-es típusú cukorbetegség, amelyek prevalenciája egyre fokozódik. Feltehetően ezek állnak a növekvő HCC-gyakoriság hátterében. Az inzulinrezisztencia és az oxidatív stressz képezik a legfontosabb patogenetikai lépéseket a májsejtkárosodásban. További fontos rizikótényező az orális fogamzásgátlók elterjedt használata. Egyes foglalkozások esetén a tartós szervesoldószer-expozíció is növeli a HCC rizikóját. Védelmet jelenthetnek az antioxidánsok, a szelén, a gyógyszerek közül a statinok és a feketekávé-fogyasztás.

2001 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
pp. 11
A. O. Zhydenko ◽  
V. V. Kryvopysha

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