Fire studies in Mallee (Eucalyptus spp.) communities of western New South Wales: spatial and temporal fluxes in soil chemistry and soil biology following prescribed fire

1995 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 398 ◽  
J. C. Noble ◽  
D. J. Tongway ◽  
M. M. Roper ◽  
W. G. Whitford

The effects of prescribed fires on nutrient pools, soil micro-organisms, and vegetation patch dynamics were studied in three semi-arid mallee shrublands in western New South Wales. Repeated sampling of surface soil strata (0–2 and 2–4 cm) was undertaken at strategic times (immediately before and after the fire, after opening autumn rain, mid-season in the winter, and at the end of the spring) in five microsites (inner, middle and outer mallee litter zones, bare soil, and Triodia hummock). These samples were later analysed for pH, electrical conductivity, organic carbon and available nitrogen. The effect of fire on soil micro-organisms in these microsites was also examined by measuring nitrogenase activity and enumerating soil Acari. Carbon and nitrogen levels were consistently higher in the inner mallee microsites whereas bare soil sites provided the lowest values. Significant microsite x soil depth interactions were recorded in two shrubland sites while highly significant (P < 0.001) depth x sampling time interactions were recorded in three sites. The most sensitive soil parameter with respect to microsite was electrical conductivity, particularly in the surface 0–2 cm stratum. Highest values were again recorded from the inner mallee microsites and the lowest from bare soil sites. Nitrogenase activity was highest in soil samples associated with mallee litter and, where litter was removed by fire, activity decreased markedly except in the bare soil samples where activity was higher in the burnt samples. Soil microarthropod populations also declined notably following fire. Mites from the Prostigmata greatly outnumbered those from other suborders, a total of 12 families (15 genera) being enumerated in control sites compared with three families (three genera) only of Cryptostigmata. Nonetheless the most abundant mites were cryptostigmatids (Aphelacarus spp.) found in unburnt hummocks beneath Triodia plants. The ecological and management implications of these spatial and temporal fluxes in soil chemistry and soil biology are discussed in relation to their effects on landscape processes, particularly water and nutrient redistribution.

2001 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 187 ◽  
R. Aldaoud ◽  
W. Guppy ◽  
L. Callinan ◽  
S. F. Flett ◽  
K. A. Wratten ◽  

In 1995–96, a survey of soil samples from subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) paddocks was conducted across Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales and Western Australia, to determine the distribution and the prevalence of races of Phytophthora clandestina (as determined by the development of root rot on differential cultivars), and the association of its occurrence with paddock variables. In all states, there was a weak but significant association between P. clandestina detected in soil samples and subsequent root rot susceptibility of differential cultivars grown in these soil samples. Phytophthora clandestina was found in 38% of the sampled sites, with a significantly lower prevalence in South Australia (27%). There were significant positive associations between P. clandestina detection and increased soil salinity (Western Australia), early growth stages of subterranean clover (Victoria), mature subterranean clover (South Australia), recently sown subterranean clover (South Australia), paddocks with higher subterranean clover content (Victoria), where herbicides were not applied (South Australia), irrigation (New South Wales and Victoria), cattle grazing (South Australia and Victoria), early sampling dates (Victoria and New South Wales), sampling shortly after the autumn break or first irrigation (Victoria), shorter soil storage time (Victoria) and farmer’s perception of root rot being present (Victoria and New South Wales). Only 29% of P. clandestina isolates could be classified under the 5 known races. Some of the unknown races were virulent on cv. Seaton Park LF (most resistant) and others were avirulent on cv. Woogenellup (most susceptible). Race 1 was significantly less prevalent in South Australia than Victoria and race 0 was significantly less prevalent in New South Wales than in South Australia and Western Australia. This study revealed extremely wide variation in the virulence of P. clandestina. The potential importance of the results on programs to breed for resistance to root rot are discussed. in South Australia.

Soil Research ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 35 (5) ◽  
pp. 1165 ◽  
Bernd G. Lottermoser

Total heavy metal concentrations [cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), copper(Cu), iron (Fe), mangnese (Mn), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn)]were determined in surface soil samples from Port Macquarie, New South Wales,Australia. Composite topsoil samples (0–10 cm depth) had mean values(per kg) of 13 mg Co, 1020 mg Cr, 59 mg Cu, 136·7 g Fe, 719 mg Mn, 149mg Ni, 20 mg Pb, and 47 mg Zn. The topsoils were generally characterised by alow pH (3·8–5·2) and a mineralogy dominated by haematite,magnetite, quartz, and kaolinite. Chromium was predominantly present in thetopsoils as Cr3+ in microcrystalline chromite(FeCr2O4) and, to a lesser degree,in kaolinite and haematite. Differences in Cr soil concentrations with depthwere due to variations in the relative abundance of the various soilcomponents, rather than Cr3+ mobility within the soilprofile. The elevated heavy metal concentrations are the result of soildevelopment over metal-rich bedrock (serpentinite matrix melange) andassociated enrichment of relatively immobile elements (Cr, Fe, Ni) in theresidual soil profile. The ANZECC and NH&MRC (Australian and New ZealandEnvironment and Conservation Council and National Health & MedicalResearch Council) environmental investigation limits were exceeded for100% of the sample sites for Cr, 47% for Cu, 61% for Mn,and 58% for Ni.

Soil Research ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 47 (7) ◽  
pp. 742 ◽  
M. R. Hart ◽  
P. S. Cornish

Soil testing for plant-available phosphorus (P) in Australia is most commonly conducted using alkaline sodium bicarbonate extraction (Olsen or Colwell tests), followed by a colourimetric assay to measure the concentration of P in solution. Analysis by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectroscopy has become increasingly popular internationally for other soil P tests, especially Mehlich 3, due to its efficiency and ability to measure multiple elements in the one extract. The use of ICP in place of colourimetry has been used in some Australian laboratories for bicarbonate-extractable P. However, the method is known to measure forms of P (organic) that are not measured by the colourimetric assay. This study presents data comparing soil Colwell P measured by the 2 methods for 714 soil samples from pastoral sites in south-east New South Wales. Measurement by ICP consistently yielded significantly higher P concentrations than the colourimetric method (ICP-P = 1.122Col-P + 57.0, r2 = 0.95, P < 0.001). Differences between the 2 techniques were more marked in 0–20 mm than 0–100 mm depth soil samples, and in soils with greater clay contents, suggesting that the difference was related to soil organic matter, and thereby organic P contents. Relative differences were greatest in soils with lower P concentrations, i.e. within the agronomic optimum range of most interest to farmers. ICP analysis cannot be directly correlated with colourimetrically measured P in bicarbonate extracts, and would need to be developed and calibrated as a separate, new soil P test.

1988 ◽  
Vol 15 (5) ◽  
pp. 473 ◽  
JC Mcilroy ◽  
EJ Gifford ◽  
SM Carpenter

Meat baits injected with '1080' poison (sodium monofluoroacetate) according to the method recommended by the Department of Agriculture, New South Wales, Australia, for preparing baits for poisoning compaigns against wild dogs (Canis f. familiaris) and dingoes (C. f. dingo), began to lose their toxicity from the moment of preparation onwards, particularly after different rainfall treatments and when inhabited by calliphorid larvae. The main or most likely reasons for the loss of fluoroacetate were consumption by maggots (mainly larvae of Calliphora augur and C. stygia plus some C. hilli and C. tibialis) and their subsequent disappearance from the baits, leaching by rainfall, defluorination of the fluoroacetate by micro-organisms, and leakage from the baits after injection and during their decomposition. During this study the baits remained toxic to dogs, despite different rainfall treatments, for over 32 days during winter when maggots were absent, and for 6-31 days during summer, when they were present. Under the same conditions the baits contained an LD50 for an average-sized tiger quoll (Dasyurus maculatus) for 4-15 days and 2-4 days, respectively.

2002 ◽  
Vol 42 (7) ◽  
pp. 909 ◽  
J. D. Croft ◽  
P. J. S. Fleming ◽  
R. van de Ven

Although there have been a number of studies that have examined the effects of rabbits on pasture, the relationship between rabbit density and pasture degradation caused by rabbits has never been quantified. An experiment was conducted at Cowra, New South Wales, from October 1984 to October 1987, to determine the impact various densities of rabbits have on pasture composition, indices of pasture biomass and ground cover. Using plots set stocked with the equivalent of 8 sheep/ha (the district average) and 4 densities of rabbits as treatments, 0,�24, 48 and 72 rabbits/ha, the consequences of rabbit grazing were investigated.Pasture composition changed with season, year and rabbit density. Cumulative effects were also evident. Rabbits severely depleted improved pastures of legumes (subterranean clover particularly), with grass cover increasing proportionate to rabbit density. In the final year of the experiment, the rabbit-free treatment had 31% legumes and 25.2% grasses, whereas the highest rabbit density treatment had 6.2% legumes and 47.4% grasses. Indices of pasture biomass were highest in the zero rabbits/ha treatment and lowest in the 72 rabbits/ha treatment. More bare soil was exposed in the highest rabbit density treatment. Once seasonal and year effects were accounted for, the relationship between rabbit density and percentage damage was positive.

1989 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 893 ◽  
PS Cornish ◽  
VQ Nguyen

High electrical conductivity (EC) in the soil solution or hydroponic medium is thought to increase the concentration of total soluble solids (TSS) and thereby improve the flavour of tomato fruit. We used trickle irrigation in 2 field experiments (1988, 1989) to apply KC1 at rates up to 4.4 t/ha to tomatoes to raise soil solution EC and examine the effects on TSS and other components of fruit quality, as well as yield. The KCl was subject to leaching in both years and EC varied widely despite regular additions of KCl. Where a high EC was achieved in 1988 (3.9 mS/cm) there was no effect on fruit firmness or TSS, but titratable acids (TA) increased from 7.25 to 8.0 m.e./100 mL. In 1989, high EC (>7mS/cm) resulted in a small increase in TSS (0.3%) in 1 of 6 harvests but significant (P<0.05) increases in TA in 4 harvests. Yield was unaffected (P>0.05). We conclude that irrigation with salinised water is unlikely to be an effective means of raising the TSS of tomatoes grown on freely draining soils in the high rainfall environment of coastal New South Wales.

1984 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 217-222 ◽  
J.A. Thompson ◽  
L.G. Gemell ◽  
R.J. Roughley ◽  
J. Evans ◽  
P.J. Nicholls

1994 ◽  
Vol 34 (8) ◽  
pp. 1197 ◽  
GG Johns

Legume groundcovers have been promoted for controlling soil erosion in hillside banana plantations in northern New South Wales. An experiment was conducted at Alstonville to determine the effect of an Arachis pintoi (Pinto peanut) groundcover on banana productivity. The Arachis groundcover was slow to establish in the first year, but thereafter grew vigorously. While standing dry matter of groundcover was reduced at closer banana plant spacings, it was always more than adequate to control erosion. After 5.5 years many soil chemical parameters had been significantly affected by the presence of groundcover. Organic carbon concentrations to 30 cm depth were 5.6% greater on the groundcover plots (3.94 v. 3.71%), and total nitrogen was 8.5% greater (0.42 v. 0.39%). Other increases were exchangeable potassium 52%, calcium 26%, magnesium 43%, sodium 23%, electrical conductivity 24%, and pH 0.13 units. Banana leaf nutrient concentrations were not affected. Banana plants with groundcover produced 9% fewer bunches than their bare soil counterparts, with 4% fewer fingers per bunch. By the end of the experiment, fingers on the groundcover treatment were 9% lighter; consequently, the weight of marketable fruit (i.e. >120 g/finger) per bunch was reduced by 31% in the final year. The presence of groundcover reduced total fruit production over the whole trial by 16% and marketable fruit by 19%. In the last year of the experiment, total fruit production was reduced by 25%, and marketable fruit production by 40%. Over the whole trial, banana plants with groundcover produced 22% fewer suckers than the bare soil controls, with most of the effect occurring in the first 2 years. Soil temperatures at 20 cm under groundcover were as much as 0.7�C cooler than the controls in October-January, but similar for the rest of the year. This effect possibly contributed to decreased yields. Although the experiment was irrigated, the irrigation was possibly inadequate for the groundcover treatment, and competition for water between the Arachis and banana plants may also have been responsible for part of the yield depression. Rats fed on the buried Arachis seed each winter.

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