2013 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 272
P. Ramos-Ibeas ◽  
E. Pericuesta ◽  
R. Fernandez-Gonzalez ◽  
M. A. Ramirez ◽  
A. Gutierrez-Adan

Successful mammalian fertilization requires gametes with an intact structure and functionality. Although it is well known that epididymal functions are sperm maturation, sustenance, transport, and storage, there is controversial information about its role in sperm quality control, and it has been suggested that some regions of the rat epididymis are able to phagocytize germ cells. Our objective was to analyse whether different segments of the mouse epididymal epithelium act as a selection barrier for abnormal spermatogenic cells by removing immature cells from the lumen by phagocytosis. To detect the presence of immature germ cells along the epididymis, transgenic mice expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein under a Deleted in Azoospermia-Like (mDazl) promoter were generated. The transgenic animals express specifically enhanced green fluorescent protein in spermatogonias, spermatocytes, and spermatids; thus, immature spermatogenic cells can be easily identified by fluorescence microscopy. Colchicine, a microtubule disruptor that leads to severe alterations in the architecture of the seminiferous tubules, was administered in the rete testis to induce the release of immature germ cells into the epididymis. Mice were killed daily, from Day 1 to 8 post-administration, and epididymides were collected and observed under a fluorescence stereoscope to determine the transit of immature germ cells along the epididymis. Epididymides from control mice without colchicine administration were also collected. Fluorescent immature germ cells were present in the caput epididymis 24 h after colchicine administration, and they progressed through the corpus and cauda, leaving the epididymis 7 days after colchicine administration. After fluorescence observation, epididymides were fixed, sectioned, and stained with hematoxylin solution. Immature germ cells and phagosomes were not observed in control epididymides. By contrast, the presence of phagosomes in the principal cells of the epididymal epithelium containing immature germ cells in different degrees of degradation was observed by light microscopy in mice injected with colchicine. Phagocytosis was observed along the epididymis following the main wave of fluorescent immature cells. Thus, when immature cells had reached the corpus epididymis, phagocytosis was detected in several segments of the caput epididymis. Later, once the immature cells had arrived to the cauda epididymis or had abandoned the epididymis, phagocytosis was observed in the corpus and cauda epididymis. The presence of phagosomes was observed in all epididymal tubules within a phagocytosis area. In conclusion, we demonstrated that the epididymal epithelium is engaged in sperm quality control by clearing immature germ cells after a massive shedding into the epididymal lumen, and that this phenomenon is not restricted to a specific segment of the epididymis.

2013 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 293-302
Katsumi Toda ◽  
Yoshihiro Hayashi ◽  
Atsuko Yamashita ◽  
Masaru Okabe ◽  
Masafumi Ono ◽  

2006 ◽  
Vol 14 (21) ◽  
pp. 9815 ◽  
Alberto Diaspro ◽  
Silke Krol ◽  
Barbara Campanini ◽  
Fabio Cannone ◽  
Giuseppe Chirico

Viruses ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 632
Yingyun Cai ◽  
Shuiqing Yu ◽  
Ying Fang ◽  
Laura Bollinger ◽  
Yanhua Li ◽  

Simian hemorrhagic fever virus (SHFV) causes acute, lethal disease in macaques. We developed a single-plasmid cDNA-launch infectious clone of SHFV (rSHFV) and modified the clone to rescue an enhanced green fluorescent protein-expressing rSHFV-eGFP that can be used for rapid and quantitative detection of infection. SHFV has a narrow cell tropism in vitro, with only the grivet MA-104 cell line and a few other grivet cell lines being susceptible to virion entry and permissive to infection. Using rSHFV-eGFP, we demonstrate that one cricetid rodent cell line and three ape cell lines also fully support SHFV replication, whereas 55 human cell lines, 11 bat cell lines, and three rodent cells do not. Interestingly, some human and other mammalian cell lines apparently resistant to SHFV infection are permissive after transfection with the rSHFV-eGFP cDNA-launch plasmid. To further demonstrate the investigative potential of the infectious clone system, we introduced stop codons into eight viral open reading frames (ORFs). This approach suggested that at least one ORF, ORF 2b’, is dispensable for SHFV in vitro replication. Our proof-of-principle experiments indicated that rSHFV-eGFP is a useful tool for illuminating the understudied molecular biology of SHFV.

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