119 Effect of deacetylase inhibitors on kinematic parameters of stallion sperm

2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 296
L. Aguiar ◽  
C. Pinto
1980 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 630-645 ◽  
Gerald Zimmermann ◽  
J.A. Scott Kelso ◽  
Larry Lander

High speed cinefluorography was used to track articulatory movements preceding and following full-mouth tooth extraction and alveoloplasty in two subjects. Films also were made of a control subject on two separate days. The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of dramatically altering the structural dimensions of the oral cavity on the kinematic parameters of speech. The results showed that the experimental subjects performed differently pre and postoperatively though the changes were in different directions for the two subjects. Differences in both means and variabilities of kinematic parameters were larger between days for the experimental (operated) subjects than for the control subject. The results for the Control subject also showed significant differences in the mean values of kinematic variables between days though these day-to-day differences could not account for the effects found pre- and postoperatively. The results of the kinematic analysis, particularly the finding that transition time was most stable over the experimental conditions for the operated subjects, are used to speculate about the coordination of normal speech.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 442-450 ◽  
Carlota Torrents ◽  
Marta Castañer ◽  
Ferran Reverter ◽  
Gaspar Morey ◽  
Toni Jofre

Ivelin Kostov

In the work brought some experimental data of kinematic parameters of movement of cars forced idle, as the software product was used to diagnose 900 ATS, which recorded kinematic parameters of vehicle. On the basis of the conducted experimental research results are shown tabulated and analysed.

Physiotherapy ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
Natalia Uścinowicz ◽  
Wojciech Seidel ◽  
Paweł Zostawa ◽  
Sebastian Klich

AbstractThe recent Olympic Games in London incited much interest in the competition of disabled athletes. Various people connected with swimming, including coaches and athletes, have speculated about the fairness of competitions of disabled athletes. A constant problem are the subjective methods of classification in disabled sport. Originally, athletes with disabilities were classified according to medical diagnosis. Due to the injustice which still affects the competitors, functional classification was created shortly after. In the present review, the authors show the anomalies in the structure of the classification. The presented discovery led to the suggestion to introduce objective methods, thanks to which it would be no longer necessary to rely on the subjective assessment of the classifier. According to the authors, while using objective methods does not completely rule out the possibility of fraud by disabled athletes in the classification process, it would certainly reduce their incidence. Some of the objective methods useful for the classification of disabled athletes are: posturography, evaluation of the muscle parameters, electrogoniometric assessment, surface electromyography, and analysis of kinematic parameters. These methods have provide objective evaluation in the diagnostic sense but only if they are used in tandem. The authors demonstrate the undeniable benefits of using objective methods. Unfortunately, there are not only advantages of such solution, there also several drawbacks to be found. The conclusion of the article is the statement by the authors that it is right to use objective methods which allow to further the most important rule in sport: fair-play.

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 (3) ◽  
pp. 271-282

The general characteristics of planetary systems are described. Well-known heat sources of evolution are considered. A new type of heat source, variations of kinematic parameters in a dynamical system, is proposed. The inconsistency of the perovskite-post-perovskite heat model is proved. Calculations of inertia moments relative to the D boundary on the Earth are given. The 9 times difference allows us to claim that the sliding of the upper layers at the Earth's rotation speed variations emit heat by viscous friction.This heat is the basis of mantle convection and lithospheric plate tectonics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 85 (778) ◽  
pp. 1027-1036
Kanako TAKEDA ◽  
Ami OGAWA ◽  
Akira MITA

2011 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-39 ◽  
Ruibo HE ◽  
Yingjun ZHAO ◽  
Fengling HAN ◽  
Shunian YANG ◽  
Shuzi YANG

2018 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
pp. 230-240
D. P. Markov

Railway bogie is the basic element that determines the force, kinematic, power and other parameters of the rolling stock, and its movement in the railway track has not been studied enough. Classical calculation of the kinematic and dynamic parameters of the bogie's motion with the determination of the position of its center of rotation, the instantaneous axes of rotation of wheelsets, the magnitudes and directions of all forces present a difficult problem even in quasi-static theory. The paper shows a simplified method that allows one to explain, within the limits of one article, the main kinematic and force parameters of the bogie movement (installation angles, clearance between the wheel flanges and side surfaces of the rails), wear and contact damage to the wheels and rails. Tribology of the railway bogie is an important part of transport tribology, the foundation of the theory of wheel-rail tribosystem, without which it is impossible to understand the mechanisms of catastrophic wear, derailments, contact fatigue, cohesion of wheels and rails. In the article basic questions are considered, without which it is impossible to analyze the movement of the bogie: physical foundations of wheel movement along the rail, types of relative motion of contacting bodies, tribological characteristics linking the force and kinematic parameters of the bogie. Kinematics and dynamics of a two-wheeled bogie-rail bicycle are analyzed instead of a single wheel and a wheelset, which makes it clearer and easier to explain how and what forces act on the bogie and how they affect on its position in the rail track. To calculate the motion parameters of a four-wheeled bogie, it is represented as two two-wheeled, moving each on its own rail. Connections between them are replaced by moments with respect to the point of contact between the flange of the guide wheel and the rail. This approach made it possible to give an approximate estimation of the main kinematic and force parameters of the motion of an ideal bogie (without axes skewing) in curves, to understand how the corners of the bogie installation and the gaps between the flanges of the wheels and rails vary when moving with different speeds, how wear and contact injuries arise and to give recommendations for their assessment and elimination.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 1885
José Néstor Caamaño ◽  
Carolina Tamargo ◽  
Inmaculada Parrilla ◽  
Felipe Martínez-Pastor ◽  
Lorena Padilla ◽  

Genetic resource banks (GRB) preserve the genetic material of endangered, valuable individuals or genetically relevant breeds. Semen cryopreservation is a crucial technique to reach these goals. Thus, we aimed to assess the sperm parameters of semen doses from the native pig breed Gochu Asturcelta stored at the GRB of Principado de Asturias (GRB-PA, Gijón, Spain), focusing on intrinsic and extrinsic (boar, season) factors. Two straws per boar (n = 18, 8–71 months of age) were thawed, pooled, and assessed after 30 and 150 min at 37 °C by CASA (computer-assisted sperm analysis system; motility and kinematic parameters) and flow cytometry (viability, acrosomal status, mitochondrial activity, apoptosis, reactive oxygen species, and chromatin status). The effects of age, incubation, and season on post-thawing quality were determined using linear mixed-effects models. Parameters were on the range for commercial boar breeds, with chromatin status (SCSA: fragmentation and immaturity) being excellent. Incubation decreased sperm quality and functionality. The boar age did not have a significant effect (p > 0.05), but the between-boar variability was significant (p < 0.001). The season significantly affected many parameters (motility, kinematics, viability, acrosomal status, mitochondrial activity), especially after 150 min of incubation. In general, samples collected in spring and summer showed higher quality post-thawing, the lowest in winter. In conclusion, the sperm doses from the Gochu Asturcelta breed stored at the GRB-PA showed excellent chromatin status and acceptable characteristics after thawing. Therefore, boar and seasonal variability in this autochthonous breed could be relevant for cryobank management.

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