Op weg Naar een Diagnostische Toets Leesvaardigheid Engels

2003 ◽  
Vol 69 ◽  
pp. 105-115
Anke Hulsker

Foreign-language reading occupies a major place in Dutch secondary education and the diagnosis of specific reading comprehension problems is important to help students improve their reading. Therefore, it is interesting to see if and how these problems can be identified by means of a diagnostic test. On the basis of a literature study, seven factors were hypothesised to contribute to FL reading comprehension problems: vocabulary knowledge, syntax knowledge, understanding explicit information, understanding implicit information, understanding relations and structure, world knowledge and monitoring skills. These factors were tested in an experimental diagnostic test that was administered to 449 students, together with a general test of FL reading comprehension. The results show that linguistic factors such as vocabulary knowledge and syntax knowledge are strongly related to FL reading comprehension, whereas non-linguistic factors such as world knowledge and monitoring skills are only weakly related. The study also shows that individual students' reading problems are due to different combinations of factors.

Folios ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 127-138
Sergio Alonso Lopera Medina

This article reports the effects of the integration of dictionary use and the reading strategy approach in a foreign language reading comprehension course. A case study was used as a research method, and three instruments helped gather data: a reading comprehension test, field notes, and an interview. Fifteen undergraduate students from a public university in Medellin, Colombia, participated in the study. Improvement in reading, metacognitive awareness, and selective use of dictionary were found as part of positive effects. In contrast, tiredness appears to be as the negative effect. Conclusions suggest that both the reading strategy approach and the selective use of dictionary are a good combination to integrate into a foreign language reading course.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (49) ◽  
pp. 91-105
Maja Stanojević Gocić ◽  

Reading is regarded as a cognitive process of meaning construction, or an interactive process that comprises low-level processes of word recognition and high-level processing of ideas. Schema theory implies the meaning of а text is not embedded in the text itself; it is actually created in an active manner through interaction between the reader and the text, in which readers use their world knowledge to decode text meaning. Accordingly, readers bring their ideas, experience and previously gained knowledge into reading comprehension processes. The attainment of specific reading goals, including main idea comprehension and extracting specific information from the text, requires the employment of various reading strategies. In that sense, strategic behavior is deployed by proficient readers; it enables them to facilitate and improve text comprehension, which is the ultimate aim of the reading skill. 10 ESP students of the College of Applied Professional Studies in Vranje took part in this research as respondents. After completing their reading comprehension assignments, students reported on those tasks by virtue of think-aloud protocols. This type of research may provide an insight into specific problems students encounter during text processing activities, as well as strategies they employ to resolve them, which would facilitate the evaluation of reading performance and progress monitoring. The results imply that strategic training would enable ESP students to efficiently attain both general and specific reading goals.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 5

La lectura ha sido y es una tarea demandada para los aprendices de segundas lenguas. Igualmente, el aprendizaje de vocabulario juega un papel vital en el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera y numerosos investigadores han establecido la correlación entre conocimiento del vocabulario y la comprensión lectora. Sin embargo, la investigación sobre la amplitud y la profundidad en el conocimiento del vocabulario de aprendices de inglés como lengua extranjera (EFL – English as a Foreign Language) y sus interacciones mutuas es inadecuada. De manera similar, este artículo intenta revisar las relaciones entre el conocimiento del vocabulario de alumnado EFL y su comprensión lectora, así como analizar si la amplitud y la profundidad de dicho conocimiento de vocabulario están correlacionadas. Habiendo revisado numerosos estudios al respecto, encontramos que al tiempo que la profundidad y la amplitud en el conocimiento del vocabulario tienen papeles esenciales en la comprensión lectora de los aprendices EFL, la profundidad juega un papel más esencial, si cabe. También encontramos que la profundidad y la amplitud en el conocimiento del vocabulario están correlacionadas de manera positiva, es decir, aquel alumnado que mostraba un amplio conocimiento en el número de palabras, también mostraba un conocimiento más profundo de esas palabras.

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