Bactrodesmium betulicola. [Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria].

P. F. Cannon

Abstract A description is provided for Bactrodesmium betulicola. Information on the host range (Betula occidentalis, B. papyrifera, B. pendula, B. pumila, Abies balsamea, Celastrus scandens, Cotoneaster sp. and Hippophae rhamnoides), geographical distribution (Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Saskatchewan, Canada; Russia; Czech Republic; and UK), and dispersal and transmission of the pathogen is presented.


Abstract A new distribution map is provided for Rhagoletis batava Hering. Diptera: Tephritidae. Hosts: sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides). Information is given on the geographical distribution in Europe (Belarus, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, European Russia, Siberia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland) and Asia (Armenia and Kyrgyzstan).

P. F. Cannon

Abstract A description is provided for P. liliacearum. Information on the transmission of the disease caused by the pathogen is included, along with details on geographical distribution (Alberta, Canada; New York and Pennsylvania, USA; Iran; Iraq; Austria; Belgium; Bulgaria; Czech Republic; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Hungary; Italy; Norway; Poland; Romania; mainland and Balearic Islands, Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Ukraine; and England and Scotland, UK) and host range (Ornithogalum species, including O. amphibolum, O. collinum, O. fimbriatum, O. gussonei, O. montanum, O. narbonense, O. nutans, O. orthophyllum subsp. kochii, O. ponticum, O. pyramidale, O. pyrenaicum, O. refractum, O. sigmoideum and O. umbellatum).

C. M. Denchev

Abstract A description is provided for Anthracoidea sempervirentis. Information is included on an ovariicolous smut on Carex species caused by the organism. Details of its transmission, geographical distribution (Shaanxi, China; Austria; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Czech Republic; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Italy; Montenegro; Poland; Republic of Macedonia; Romania; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Switzerland; and Ukraine) and host range (C. austroalpina, C. ferruginea subsp. austroalpina, C. brachystachys, C. bulgarica, C. ferruginea subsp. fimbriata, C. firma, C. kitaibeliana, C. macrolepis, C. mucronata, C. scabrirostris and C. sempervirens).

C. M. Denchev

Abstract A description is provided for Anthracoidea tomentosae. Information is included on an ovariicolous smut of Carex species caused by the organism. Details on its transmission, geographical distribution (Iran; Bulgaria; Czech Republic; Estonia; Germany; Hungary; Lithuania; Poland; Romania; Slovakia; Sweden; and Switzerland) and host range (Carex tomentosa) are presented.

C. M. Denchev

Abstract A description is provided for Anthracoidea pilosae. Information is included on an ovariicolous smut on Carex species caused by the organism. Details of its transmission, geographical distribution (Japan; Ussuri region, Russian Far East; Austria; Czech Republic; Germany; Hungary; Lithuania; Romania; Upper Volga region, Russia; Slovakia; and Switzerland) and host range (Carex pilosa) are presented.

P. F. Cannon

Abstract A description is provided for Atopospora betulina. Information on the host range (Betula chinensis, B. divaricata, B. glandulosa, B. humilis, B. nana, B. occidentalis, B. papyrifera, B. pendula, B. pubescens and B. pumila), geographical distribution (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland, Northwest Territories, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan and Yukon, Canada; Alaska, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, New York, South Dakota, Washington and Wisconsin, USA; China; Mongolia; Russia; Abkhazia; Austria; Belgium; Bosnia; Bulgaria; Czech Republic; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Georgia; Greenland; Iceland; Latvia; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russia; Sweden; Switzerland; Ukraine; and UK), and dispersal and transmission of the pathogen is presented.

P. F. Cannon

Abstract A description is provided for Pseudovalsa lanciformis. Information on the host range (Betula lenta, B. nigra, B. papyrifera, B. pendula, B. populifolia and B. pubescens), geographical distribution (New Brunswick and Ontario, Canada; Georgia, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina and Vermont, USA; Kazakhstan; Russia; New Zealand; Austria; Belgium; Czech Republic; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Greenland; Hungary; Iceland; Italy; Latvia; Lithuania; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Romania; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Ukraine; and UK), and dispersal and transmission of the pathogen is presented.

P. F. Cannon

Abstract A description is provided for Septonema secedens. Information on the host range (Betula pendula, B. alba [B. pubescens], Alnus sp., Ceanothus velutinus, Chamaecyparis nootkatensis, Cornus alba, Pinus sylvestris, Picea sp., Pseudotsuga menziesii and Rosa sp.), geographical distribution (Alaska and Idaho, USA; Kazakhstan; Czech Republic; Denmark; Germany; Netherlands; Russia; Switzerland; and UK), and dispersal and transmission of the pathogen is presented.

О. М. Бедарева ◽  
В. Г. Сильвандер ◽  
Любовь Семёновна Мурачёва ◽  
А. В. Матюха

В статье рассмотрены наиболее крупные площади популяций облепихи (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) на территории районов Калининградской области. Отмечена уникальность облепиховых фитоценозов для региона. Рекомендованы природоохранные мероприятия, направленные на сохранение вида.

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