Terms of trade and the cost of cotton: the paradox of commercial agriculture in India

Aarti Sethi
2018 ◽  
pp. 78-88
A.G. Shibaev ◽  
S.P. Onishchenko ◽  
Yu.A. Koskinа

The paper is dedicated to a modeling choice of foreign trade goods' of optimal delivery, considering the cost parameters, production capabilities and technological features of the individual units of the transport system. The developed model provides the minimum total costs for carriage of goods from the point of origin to the point of destination (i.e. the case of the term provides for full payment of the transportation costs by the seller – the detailed structured costs in the model lets easily to use it for different terms of transportation costs payment). The model includes the carrying capabilities of different modes of transport that can be used for transportation and capacity of port facilities. The model also provides the choice of the developing of shipping system according to the terms of trade contract as far as it includes the current prices for the goods in point of destination and point of origin.

Sebastián Castillo Castillo

ResumenDesde la implementación del sistema económico neoliberal en Chile, la agroindustria comercial de exportación se ha extendido en zonas limitadas de agua, requiriéndose embalses que han perjudicado a comunidades. Este trabajo se adscribe en la historia ambiental, rama de la disciplina histórica que devela la relación dinámica entre el hombre y el medioambiente que ha sido habitado, explotado y significado. La presente entrega analiza el conflicto entre autoridades estatales y pobladores afectados por procesos de erradicación y relocalización, en el Valle del Elqui durante la construcción del Embalse Puclaro. Este conflicto se evidenció en los contradictorios discursos realizados por autoridades y dirigentes vecinales, en las dispares formas de acción colectiva de los pobladores, y en las compensaciones recibidas y graves problemas que sufrieron los afectados. De esta manera, la investigación demuestra que la agricultura sustentada por embalses, genera efectos negativos e irreversibles sobre comunidades que pagan “el costo del progreso”.Palabras clave: Embalse Puclaro; Valle del Elqui; erradicación forzada; Gualliguaica; La PolvadaAmong authorities, commercial agriculture and local communities: conflicts during the constructionof Puclaro dam (1996-2001)AbstractSince the implementation of the neoliberal economic system in Chile, commercial export agribusiness has spread in limited water areas, requiring dams that have damaged communities. This work is included in the environmental history, a branch of the historical discipline that reveals the dynamic relationship between humans and the environment that has been occupied, exploited and meant. This paper examines the conflict between State authorities and residents affected by eradication and relocation processes at Elqui Valley during the construction of Puclaro Dam. This conflict was evident in the contradictory speeches made by officials and neighborhood leaders, in the disparate forms of collective action of affected people, compensations received and the serious problems suffered by the affected. Thus, research shows that agriculture sustained by dams generates negative and irreversible effects on communities that pay "the cost of progress."Keywords: Puclaro Dam; Elqui Valley; forced eradication; Gualliguaica; La PolvadaEntre as autoridades, a agricultura comercial e as comunidades locais: conflitos durante a construção deembalse Puclaro (1996-2001)ResumoDesde a execução do sistema econômico neoliberal no Chile, a agroindústria comercial de exportação tem-se estendido em áreas limitadas de água, requerendo-se de represas que prejudicam as comunidades. Este trabalho éatribuído na história ambiental, ramo da disciplina histórica que revela a relação dinâmica entre o homem e o meio ambiente que tem sido habitado, explorado e significado. O artigo analisa o conflito entre as autoridades estatais e as populações afetadas pelos processos de erradicação e de recolocação no Vale do Elqui durante a construção da represa Puclaro. Este conflito evidenciou-se nos discursos contraditórios realizados pelas autoridades e dirigentes vicinais, nasformas díspares de ação coletiva dos moradores e nas compensações recebidas e graves problemas que sofreram os afetados. Desta forma, a pesquisa mostra que a agricultura sustentada pela represa, gera efeitos negativos e irreversíveis sobre as comunidades que pagam “o custo do progresso..Palavras-chave: Represa Puclaro; Valle do Elqui: erradicação forçada; Gualliguaica; La Polvada

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
K V Bhanu Murthy ◽  
Ekta Kharbanda

The purpose of this paper is to examine the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem in the context of India which is one of the central results of Heckscher-Ohlin theory. This theorem provides a definite way of analysing the effect of change in the prices of goods on the prices of factors of production due to tariffs. Since the theorem has been couched in terms of increasing tariffs however, the paper attempts to look for obverse of this theorem by emphasising on a certain issue. Since tariffs are declining, then it is argued that import-substituting industries would suffer at the cost of export-promoting industries. The study deals with three variables-Factor Price Ratio (FPR), Terms of Trade (TOT) and Wholesale Price Index (WPI) covering period 1992-2010. Year has been taken as the exogenous variable. The methodology has been developed for the construction of semi-log and multiple regression models to analyse the impact of Terms of Trade on Factor Price Ratio. The paper shows that Stolper-Samuelson Theorem does not hold good in the case of India and it is the Wholesale Price Index which actually shows a favourable impact on FPR.

2013 ◽  
Vol 35 ◽  
pp. 689-700 ◽  
Alexandre Dmitriev ◽  
Ivan Roberts

1972 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 298-315 ◽  
Scott M. Eddie

Protection of a domestic manufacturing industry to encourage its expansion through import substitution is equivalent (in the absence of equal protection for agriculture) to a “tax” on agriculture to support the development of the industrial sector. To call this policy of biasing the intersectoral terms of trade to favor industry a typical strategy of underdeveloped countries would be, if anything, to understate its universality. The arguments for and against such a strategy are well known, and an approximation of the benefits to the industrial sector can be gleaned from the national accounts of many countries. What remains hidden in the accounts, however, is the cost to the agricultural sector as a result of its being forced to trade at less favorable terms of trade than those provided by the world market. The purpose of this paper is to work out a simple methodology for measuring this cost and then to attempt an estimate of the cost in a particular case.

2010 ◽  
Vol 15 (S1) ◽  
pp. 10-41 ◽  
Yiting Li ◽  
Guillaume Rocheteau

We study counterfeiting of currency in a search-theoretic model of monetary exchange. In contrast to Nosal and Wallace [Journal of Monetary Economics 54, 229–246 (2007)], we establish that counterfeiting does not pose a threat to the existence of a monetary equilibrium; i.e., a monetary equilibrium exists irrespective of the cost of producing counterfeits, or the ease with which genuine money can be authenticated. However, the possibility of counterfeiting fiat money can affect its value, velocity, output, and welfare, even if no counterfeiting occurs in equilibrium. We provide two extensions of the model under which the threat of counterfeiting can materialize: counterfeits can circulate across periods, and sellers set terms of trade in some matches. Policies that make the currency more costly to counterfeit or easier to recognize raise the value of money and society's welfare, but the latter policy does not always decrease counterfeiting.

2021 ◽  
Anil Arya ◽  
Brian Mittendorf ◽  
Ram N.V. Ramanan

When a firm's input supplier can acquire and misreport private information to gain an edge in negotiations, we show that the firm can blunt the supplier's informational advantage by permitting inefficiencies in its own internal production. Specifically, we establish that a modest increase in the cost of the input(s) a firm makes internally credibly commits it to be more aggressive in negotiations with a supplier for the input(s) the firm buys. Recognizing that its potential information rents will be limited, the supplier, in turn, becomes less aggressive in information acquisition. The paper fully characterizes the equilibrium - the firm's investments, the supplier's information acquisition and reporting decisions, and the terms of trade - to demonstrate that often-maligned internal bloat can be an endogenous facilitator of efficient outsourcing.

James F. Mancuso

IBM PC compatible computers are widely used in microscopy for applications ranging from control to image acquisition and analysis. The choice of IBM-PC based systems over competing computer platforms can be based on technical merit alone or on a number of factors relating to economics, availability of peripherals, management dictum, or simple personal preference.IBM-PC got a strong “head start” by first dominating clerical, document processing and financial applications. The use of these computers spilled into the laboratory where the DOS based IBM-PC replaced mini-computers. Compared to minicomputer, the PC provided a more for cost-effective platform for applications in numerical analysis, engineering and design, instrument control, image acquisition and image processing. In addition, the sitewide use of a common PC platform could reduce the cost of training and support services relative to cases where many different computer platforms were used. This could be especially true for the microscopists who must use computers in both the laboratory and the office.

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