Comparison of gas- and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for trace analysis of anilines in groundwater
2003 ◽
Vol 41
pp. 284-288
2005 ◽
Vol 1079
pp. 136-145
1983 ◽
Vol 271
pp. 61-70
1998 ◽
Vol 823
pp. 97-107
2011 ◽
Vol 402
pp. 175-186
2015 ◽
Vol 1405
pp. 49-71
2012 ◽
Vol 70
pp. 169-177
2011 ◽
Vol 879
pp. 2519-2526
Trace analysis of explosives by thermospray high-performance liquid chromatography—mass spectrometry
1986 ◽
Vol 354
pp. 393-405