The Public Right of Access – Some Challenges to Sustainable Tourism Development in Scandinavia

2001 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 417-433 ◽  
Bjørn P. Kaltenborn ◽  
Hanne Haaland ◽  
Klas Sandell
Manuel Vong ◽  
Patrícia Pinto ◽  
João Albino Silva

This study examines residents' attitudes towards sustainable tourism development in Timor-Leste, a new country that is also in the initial stages of tourism development. In particular, this study intends to understand whether residents with different roles and responsibilities (ordinary residents and residents as leaders in the public, private sectors, and NGOs) have different attitudes about the development of sustainable tourism. In order to accomplish this goal, the sustainable tourism attitude scale (SUS-TAS) is applied. Results have shown that ‘ordinary residents' as well as residents with leadership responsibilities in the community are very positive and supportive of tourism development. These results are encouraging for the development of tourism in this country and should be considered by the government, private sectors, and NGOs to promote tourism industries as a contribution to the sustainable development of Timor-Leste.

Inovasi ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-20
Porman Juanda Marpomari Mahulae

Penelitian ini adalah sebuah usaha yang dilakukan untuk mengurai masalah yang dihadapi para stakeholder dalam mewujudkan sebuah pengelolaan pariwisata yang berkelanjutan di kawasan Danau Toba. Indikator yang diukur dalam penelitian ini adalah indikator dasar dari 5 (lima) isu utama pengembangan periwisata berkelanjutan yang telah dikembangkan oleh United Nation World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan diperkuat dengan data-data yang bersifat kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran indikator-indikator dasar tersebut dan pendalaman yang dilakukan dengan diskusi-diskusi yang dilakukan dengan para informan penelitian, diketahui bahwa sebenarnya penyelesaian persoalan dasar pengembangan pariwisata berkelanjutan di sebuah destinasi wisata masih menjadi tugas besar bagi para stakeholder kepariwisataan di kawasan tersebut. Berdasarkan jenis permasalahan yang ada, maka terdapat kebutuhan kebijakan pengembangan terkait: 1) peningkatkan perekonomian dengan adanya kegiatan pariwisata; 2) penjaminan kesejahteraan daerah dan masyarakat lokal dengan adanya kegiatan pariwisata; 3) pemenuhan kepuasan pengunjung; 4) pelibatan masyarakat lokal di dalam pengelolaan kepariwisataan; dan 5) penjaminan kelestarian lingkungan hidup.   Kata kunci: pengembangan, pariwisata berkelanjutan, Danau Toba

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 5-16
Baxtiyor Navruz-Zoda ◽  

In a pandemic coronavirus and the global crisis, with the result that be a violation of the technological chain of production processes and services, as a priority task of economic policy is the restoration and sustainable development of tourism based on the search for innovative solutions. Based on the integration of two theories -innovation and sustainable development, the article substantiates the "Innovative model of sustainable development" as an anti-crisis tool for the development of tourism. At the same time, special attention is paid to the characteristics of environmental, social and economic innovations that are widely applied in the field of tourism

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-55
Bharat Prasad Badal

Development in this age of sustainable development is sustainable development itself and tourism development is sustainable development of tourism. The present paper investigates the development of tourism from the socio economic indicators of sustainable tourism of Bhaktapur. Bhaktapur is an open museum and central hub of Tourism. To explore the Economic dimension of Bhaktapur Sustainable Tourism Development through Employment that focuses Number, type and duration of jobs, Gender equity, Business viability, Expenditure, Arrivals, Profitability, and Satisfaction. And to analyze the Social dimension of Bhaktapur Sustainable Tourism Development through Quality of Life that focuses Resident Empowerment, Congestion and crowding, Community attitudes to tourism, Access to amenities, and Changes in crime rate, the study has been conducted. The primary information is based on multiple sources of societal learning like field visits in course of doing researches, observation of various sites, General Household Questionnaire Survey, focus on group discussions, interactive seminars and a number of interactions and interviews with the experts of tourism sector in Bhaktapur. General Household Questionnaire Survey of purposively selected cluster of Dattatraya Square area was conducted on 157 households. Among five clusters Dattatrya Square was purposely selected for the study. Actual spending and length of stay of foreign tourists have been increasing in Nepal. Altogether from socio economic perspective 13 programsare recommended from the study to the local government of Bhaktapur Dattatrya. It needs around265 lakhs and timeline is not more than one year. Five times of these 13 projects and 265 lakhs can double the visitors in coming years.

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