scholarly journals Internal consistency reliability and construct validity of the Astley-Francis Scale of Attitude toward Theistic Faith Revised among Muslim, Christian, and religiously unaffiliated secondary school students in England

Humeyra Guleryuz Erken ◽  
Leslie J. Francis
2003 ◽  
Vol 92 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-66 ◽  
Mandy Robbins ◽  
Leslie J. Francis ◽  
Amanda Bradford

A sample of 16 male and 30 female undergraduates completed the Greer and Francis Scale of Rejection of Christianity. The data support the internal consistency reliability and construct validity of the scale for this sample.

Retos ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 443-451
José Roberto Arias García ◽  
Beatriz Fernández Díez ◽  
Cristina San Emeterio García

El interés por el estudio de las actitudes de los estudiantes hacia una materia reside en buscar mejorar la enseñanza. Este trabajo da a conocer un instrumento de medida de las actitudes hacia la Expresión Corporal tras un proceso de elaboración y validación. El resultado es un cuestionario estructurado en cuatro factores y 32 ítems dirigido a los estudiantes de Secundaria. El proceso de creación supuso el análisis de la validez de contenido, validez de constructo y fiabilidad. La validez de contenido se llevó a cabo siguiendo la fórmula de Lawshe para analizar la información aportada por un grupo de expertos. La validez de constructo supuso un análisis factorial de los datos extraídos del estudio piloto llevado a cabo. Para determinar la fiabilidad se tuvo en cuenta el cálculo del estadístico alfa de Cronbach. Terminado el proceso de construcción, el resultado es un instrumento de medición de las actitudes hacia la Expresión Corporal de los alumnos de Educación Secundaria. Abstract. The center of interest of studying students’ attitudes towards a subject lies in its possibility to improve the teaching process. This work reveals an instrument to measure attitudes towards Corporal Expression, after a process of elaboration and validation. As a result, we make a questionnarie aimed at Secondary School students and structured into four factors and 32 items known. The building process of the questionnarie consisted of content validity analysis, construct validity, and reliability. Content validity was carried out following the Lawshe formula to analyze the information provided by the group of experts. Construct validity involved a factorial analysis of the data extracted from a pilot study. In order to check reliability, Cronbach alpha statistical calculation was taken into consideration. At the end of this procedure, we obtain an instrument for measuring attitudes towards Corporal Expression in Secondary School Students as the main result.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 639-652
Saralah Sovey ◽  
Kamisah Osman ◽  
Mohd Effendi

<p style="text-align: justify;">Computational thinking (CT) is a method for solving complex problems, but also gives people an inventive inspiration to adapt to our smart and changing society. Globally it has been considered as vital abilities for solving genuine issues successfully and efficiently in the 21st century. Recent studies have revealed that the nurture of CT mainly centered on measuring the technical skill. There is a lack of conceptualization and instruments that cogitate on CT disposition and attitudes. This study attends to these limitations by developing an instrument to measure CT concerning dispositions and attitudes. The instruments' validity and reliability testing were performed with the participation from secondary school students in Malaysia. The internal consistency reliability, standardized residual variance, construct validity and composite reliability were examined. The result revealed that the instrument validity was confirmed after removing items. The reliability and validity of the instrument have been verified. The findings established that all constructs are useful for assessing the disposition of computer science students. The implications for psychometric assessment were evident in terms of giving empirical evidence to corroborate theory-based constructs and also validating items' quality to appropriately represent the measurement.</p>

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