The Social Impacts of Electronic Mail in Organizations: A case study of electronic power games using communication genres

2002 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-188 ◽  
Nicolas B. Ducheneaut
2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 265-284 ◽  
Matti Christersson ◽  
Christopher Heywood ◽  
Peggie Rothe

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the social impacts of short-distance office relocation that also involved a new way of working, as perceived by employees during a relocation process. Relocation is any process of moving business premises and can consist of (often) significant change in locality, building change, workplace change and ways of working. This case study was not influenced by the effect of locality change making it hence a short-distance relocation. Design/methodology/approach The social impacts are analysed based on the perceptions of approximately 15 per cent (nine employees) of the case organization across the relocation process – two months before, one week before and four months after the move. The qualitative data collection is conducted by semi-structured interviews, supplemented by diaries and participatory action research. Findings Before the relocation, the subject organization’s old premises were considered inadequate. Still, employees had concerns during the process about the new open office environment including the adoption of new ways of working. Some employees did experience resistance towards the change, although the amount of engagement possibilities was deemed sufficient and engagement recognized as an important part of the process. After the relocation, adaptation was considered easier than originally anticipated and experiences of improved inter-team collaboration were reported by most while others experienced just the opposite, pointing out to emerging individual differences. Research limitations/implications The limitations of this study arise mainly from the ability to statistically generalize on the basis of a single case study which this paper represents. Furthermore, since the last interviews were made four months after the move, all post-occupancy implications were possibly not yet fully experienced. Originality/value The paper provides information on the social impacts of organizational relocation process, as it identifies individual employee perceptions during a relocation process where locality change is minimal. Moreover, the threefold research approach across the relocation process enables the appearance of possible time-dependent development of adaptation to change in employee perceptions and these perceptions to be analysed in more detail.

Norhan Sayed ◽  
Mohamed Abdel Hamid ◽  
Karim El-Dash

Quality of Infrastructure became indispensable to the innovation-driven development. Poor infrastructure quality means more extra costs for operation and maintenance, in addition to un-studied impacts on the surrounding environment and society. To eliminate the bad impacts and the extra costs, sustainability must be applied in all infrastructure projects. Sustainability represents one of the latest degree subjects that have various trials to connect the social science with the engineering and the environmental science with the future technology. The objective of this research is to provide an integrated sustainable evaluation system (ISES) for quantifying all impacts of road projects. The proposed evaluation system took into consideration the different phases of project including construction phase and operational phase. The different impacts of road projects were divided into three main classifications; the project economic costs to include costs of project construction and operation; the environmental impacts; and the social impacts. Furthermore, a real case study was discussed to validate the research methodology, where it was concluded that the environmental and social impacts have the main impact on project decision and according to the ISES value, the case study road has a sustainable impact on the surrounding environment and society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-70
Ayu Indira Hasugian

AbstrakDesa Siruar Parmaksian Tobasa di salah satu desa yang berada di daerah Toba mengalami perubahan sosial akibat dampak negatif berdirinya PT TPL. Dampak yang diberikan mengarah kepada kaum perempuan/ibu sehingga mengakibatkan aktivitas sehari-hari perempuan/ibu menjadi terkendala. Dampak ini terjadi di setiap harinya, sehingga akan sangat berdampak buruk bagi hubungan antara perempuan dan alam. Melihat kasus tersebut peneliti ingin melakukan penelitian terhadap kondisi  yang dialami kaum perempuan/ibu tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisa dampak sosial akibat pabrik kertas di Desa Siruar Parmaksian Tobasa kepada para perempuan dengan menggunakan paradigma Ekofeminis yang di tawarkan oleh McFague dan Warren, dan dikaji dalam bentuk studi kasus. Metode penelitian yang peneliti pakai adalah Metode Studi Kasus dari Teori E.P Gintings. Ada beberapa isu yang muncul dari kasus atau masalah ini, diantaranya : dampak sosial, dampak kerusakan alam terhadap kehidupan para perempuan, dan paradigma baru relasi perempuan dan alam atau rekonstruksi paradigma. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui Bagaimana dampak sosial akibat pabrik kertas terhadap masyarakat yang berada di lingkungan  Industri Kertas di Desa Siruar Parmaksian Tobasa yang mengarah kepada perempuan yang terdampak dan Bagaimana upaya-upaya yang dilakukan kaum perempuan/ibu di desa siruar untuk mempertahankan tanah/wilayahnya yang telah di rusak oleh perusahaan tersebut?. Hasil Analisis menunjukkan bahwa  paradigma Ekofeminis sudah menerapkan paradigma dengan istilah “Konstruksionisme”, yang disebut dengan istilah metafora dunia sebagai tubuh Allah, artinya dunia harus dipahami sebagai satu kesatuan organik, tubuh Tuhan dan bisa menanamkan sikap yang menghargai dunia.Kata Kunci: dampak sosial, paradigma ekofeminis AbstractThe village of Siruar Parm testimony Tobasa in a village in the Toba area experienced social changes due to the negative impact of the establishment of PT TPL. The impact that is given is directed at women / mothers so that it causes the daily activities of women / mothers to be constrained. This impact occurs every day, so it will have a very bad impact on the relationship between women and nature. Seeing this case, the researchers wanted to conduct research on the conditions experienced by these women / mothers. The purpose of this study is to analyze the social impacts of the paper mill in Siruar Parm testimony Tobasa on women using the Ecofemist paradigm offered by McFague and Warren, and study it in the form of a case study. The research method that researchers use is the Case Study Method of E.P Gintings Theory. There are several issues that arise from this case or problem, including: social impacts, the impact of natural destruction on women's lives, and a new paradigm of relations between women and nature or paradigm reconstruction. This is done to find out how the social impact of the paper mill on the community living in the Paper Industry in Siruar Parm testimony Tobasa Village which leads to affected women and how the efforts made by women / mothers in Siruar Village to defend their has been damaged by the company ?. The results of the analysis show that the Ecofemist paradigm has applied a paradigm with the term "Constructionism", which is called the metaphor of the world as the body of God, meaning that the world must be understood as an organic unit, the body of God and can instill an attitude of respect for the world. Keywords: social impact, eco-feminist paradigm

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 4018 ◽  
Youliang Huang ◽  
Wensheng Lin ◽  
Shan Li ◽  
Yan Ning

Dam projects are inevitably accompanied by massive displacement and resettlement, which imposes intricate social impacts on the host community. This study aims to investigate the social impacts of dam-induced displacement and resettlement in China through a comparative case study where both the control and experimental groups were investigated. Data were collected through a mix of questionnaire-survey, archival files, and face-to-face interviews. The results show that dam-induced displacement and resettlement was conducive to improving residence conditions and facilitating the acceptance of rural cooperative medical insurance. But it had negative impacts on employment, income level and income resource, and overall well-being. Implications for theory and for practice are provided in the end.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1877-1886
D.C. Richards ◽  
Phillip D. Stevenson ◽  
Christopher A. Mattson ◽  
John L. Salmon

AbstractEngineered products have economic, environmental, and social impacts, which comprise the major dimensions of sustainability. This paper seeks to determine the interaction between design parameters when the social impacts are incorporated into the design process. Social impact evaluation is increasing in importance similar to what has happened with environmental impact consideration in recent years in the design of engineered products. Concurrently, research into new airship design has increased, however airships have yet to be reintroduced at a large scale and for a range of applications in society. Although airships have the potential for positive environmental and economic impacts, the social impacts are still rarely considered. This paper presents a case study of the hypothetical introduction of airships in the Amazon to help local farmers transport their produce to market. It explores the design space in terms of the airship's social impacts connected to the design parameters. The social impacts are found to be dependent not only on the social factors and airship design parameters, but also on the farmer-airship system, suggesting that socio-technical systems design will benefit from integrated social impact metric analysis.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (12) ◽  
pp. e0244605
Natalie Gollan ◽  
Kate Barclay

Managing Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) is about managing human behaviours, but decision-making processes have traditionally focussed on ecological aspects, treating social aspects as secondary. It is now becoming more evident that an equal focus on the ecological and social aspects is required. Without the collection of information about social aspect such as impacts and sharing this as well as ecological information with communities, MPAs are at higher risk of opposition and social acceptability problems. This paper explores the development of a wellbeing framework to understand the social aspects, including the impacts of MPAs on the wellbeing of local communities. This research investigates two case study MPAs: Cape Byron and Port Stephens-Great Lakes Marine Parks in New South Wales, Australia. The MPAs are multiple-use and were implemented in 2006 and 2007, respectively. The research began with a review of the literature, followed by fieldwork, including semi-structured qualitative interviews with community members. Through thematic coding of the interview transcripts in light of the literature on assessing the social impacts of MPAs, a community wellbeing framework of domains and associated attributes was developed to investigate social impacts. Our analysis shows; first, local perspectives are crucial to understanding social impacts. Second, understanding social impacts gives insight into the nature of trade-offs that occur in decision-making regarding MPAs. Third, the intangible social impacts experienced by local communities are just as significant as the tangible ones for understanding how MPAs operate. Fourth, governance impacts have been the most influential factor affecting the social acceptability of the case study parks. We argue that failure to address negative social impacts can undermine the legitimacy of MPAs. We propose that the framework will support policymakers to work towards more effective, equitable and socially sustainable MPAs by employing much-needed monitoring of human dimensions of conservation interventions at the community level to shape adaptive management.

2018 ◽  
Vol 233 ◽  
pp. 186-210 ◽  
Gerald Roche ◽  
Yudru Tsomu

AbstractChina is facing a language endangerment crisis, with half of its languages decreasing in number of speakers. This article contributes to the understanding of language endangerment in China with a case study of the Gochang language, which is spoken by about 10,000 Tibetans in western Sichuan. We describe Gochang as an “invisible” language – one that is overlooked by the state's ethnic and linguistic policies and thus is more vulnerable to the social transformations wrought by statist development. Using UNESCO's language vitality and endangerment framework to assess the endangerment of Gochang, we conclude that the language is “definitely endangered.” Our comparison of Gochang with other “invisible” languages in China shows that most are in a similar predicament, suggesting that China's language endangerment crisis is likely to continue unless these languages receive formal recognition or local governments take advantage of ambiguities in the policy framework to support them. The social impacts of a continuing, deepening language endangerment crisis in China are as yet unknown.

10.1068/a396 ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 323-341 ◽  
Phil Hubbard

Now a recognised phenomenon in many British cities, studentification is the process by which specific neighbourhoods become dominated by student residential occupation. Outlining the causes and consequences of this process, this paper suggests that studentification raises important questions about community cohesiveness and that intervention may be required by local authorities if social and cultural conflicts are to be avoided. Detailing the social impacts of studentification in Loughborough, a market town in the English East Midlands, the paper accordingly considers recent housing policies designed to prevent the formation of exclusive ‘student ghettos’. The paper concludes by suggesting that the type of ‘threshold analysis’ utilised in Loughborough may well spread students more thinly across a city, but that the relationship between students and the wider community requires other forms of regulation if town–university tensions are to be effectively managed. Throughout, comparison is made between the Loughborough and other UK university towns where the challenges and opportunities associated with studentification have been differently addressed.

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