scholarly journals Educating for digital futures: what the learning strategies of digital media professionals can teach higher education

2014 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 306-315 ◽  
Ruth Bridgstock
Lisa Marie Blaschke ◽  
Svenja Bedenlier

With the ubiquity of the Internet and the pedagogical opportunities that digital media afford for education on all levels, online learning constitutes a form of education that accommodates learners’ individual needs beyond traditional face-to-face instruction, allowing it to occur with the student physically separated from the instructor. Online learning and distance education have entered into the mainstream of educational provision at of most of the 21st century’s higher education institutions. With its consequent focus on the learner and elements of course accessibility and flexibility and learner collaboration, online learning renegotiates the meaning of teaching and learning, positioning students at the heart of the process and requiring new competencies for successful online learners as well as instructors. New teaching and learning strategies, support structures, and services are being developed and implemented and often require system-wide changes within higher education institutions. Drawing on central elements from the field of distance education, both in practice and in its theoretical foundations, online learning makes use of new affordances of a variety of information and communication technologies—ranging from multimedia learning objects to social and collaborative media and entire virtual learning environments. Fundamental learning theories are being revisited and discussed in the context of online learning, leaving room for their further development and application in the digital age.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (15) ◽  
pp. 1740
Elizabeth Martinez-Villarraga ◽  
Isabel Lopez-Cobo ◽  
David Becerra-Alonso ◽  
Francisco Fernández-Navarro

The aim of this work is to characterize the process of constructing mathematical knowledge by higher education students in a distance learning course. This was done as part of an algebra course within engineering degrees in a Colombian university. The study used a Transformative Sequential Design in mixed methods research. The analysis also determined the kinds of mathematical knowledge attained by the students and its relationship to the Colombian social and cultural context. The students acquired declarative, procedural, and conditional knowledge, while the learning strategies were often superficial. In a context where power is distant, students take on a passive approach to learning despite being highly respectful towards the educator. Thus, the educational system has the educator at the center.

Tom H Brown

<p class="Paragraph1"><span lang="EN-US">The paper of Barber, Donnelly &amp; Rizvi (2013): “An avalanche is coming: Higher education and the revolution ahead”  addresses some significant issues in higher education and poses some challenging questions to ODL (Open and Distance Learning) administrators, policy makers and of course to ODL faculty in general.  Barber et al.’s paper does not specifically address the area of teaching and learning theories, strategies and methodologies per se.  In this paper I would therefore like to reflect on the impact that the contemporary changes and challenges that Barber et al. describes, have on teaching and learning approaches and paradigms.  In doing so I draw on earlier work about future learning paradigms and navigationism (Brown, 2006).  We need a fresh approach and new skills to survive the revolution ahead.  We need to rethink our teaching and learning strategies to be able to provide meaningful learning opportunities in the future that lies ahead.</span></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 36
Sajeewan Pratsri ◽  
Prachyanun Nilsook

According to a continuously increasing amount of information in all aspects whether the sources are retrieved from an internal or external organization, a platform should be provided for the automation of whole processes in the collection, storage, and processing of Big Data. The tool for creating Big Data is a Big Data challenge. Furthermore, the security and privacy of Big Data and Big Data analysis in organizations, government agencies, and educational institutions also have an impact on the aspect of designing a Big Data platform for higher education institute (HEi). It is a digital learning platform that is an online instruction and the use of digital media for educational reform including a module provides information on functions of various modules between computers and humans. 1) Big Data architecture is a framework for an architecture of numerous data which consisting of Big Data Infrastructure (BDI), Data Storage (Cloud-based), processing of a computer system that uses all parts of computer resources for optimal efficiency (High-Performance Computing: HPC), a network system to detect the target device network. Thereafter, according to Hadoop&rsquo;s tools and techniques, when Big Data was introduced with Hadoop&#39;s tools and techniques, the benefits of the Big Data platform would provide desired data analysis by retrieving existing information, to illustrate, student information and teaching information that is large amounts of information to adopt for accurate forecasting.

EAD em FOCO ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Angélica Monteiro ◽  
Rita Manuela Barros

O nosso trabalho pretende descrever o processo de desenho e implementação de objetos de aprendizagem orientados para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de resolução de problemas, numa escola superior do ensino politécnico português. Com a apresentação de um caso prático, demonstramos a utilização de um objeto de aprendizagem elaborado no âmbito de uma unidade curricular de Informática e Sistemas de Informação de um curso de licenciatura na área da Saúde, cuja metodologia de implementação se baseou na Problem Based Learning. Enquadrados num modelo de ensino-aprendizagem sustentado na participação ativa dos estudantes e orientado para a resolução de problemas por meio das TIC, o recurso ao método dos 3E permitiu o desenvolvimento de objetos de aprendizagem diversificados e consonantes com o processamento diferencial de informação dos estudantes, garantindo os resultados de aprendizagem definidos.Palavras-chave: Tecnologias da informação e da comunicação, Metodologias de ensino, Objetos de aprendizagem, Ensino superior.? The Information and Communication Technologies and the Development of Problem Based Learning Strategies on Higher Education in the Health AreaAbstractOur work aims to describe the process of design and implementation of Learning Objects to develop strategies for solving problems in a higher education Portuguese institution. We demonstrate a case study prepared under a "Computer and Information Systems" curricular unit of a health course, whose implementation methodology relied in Problem Based Learning. Framed in a model of teaching and learning supported the active participation of students and oriented towards problem solving through ICT, the use of the method of 3E allowed the development of Learning Objects and in line with the students' different information processes, ensuring the settled outcomes. Keywords: Information and communication technology, Teaching methodology, Learning objects, Higher education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 351-370
Sufirmansyah Sufirmansyah

This article examines the actualization of andragogical learning strategies for higher education in disruption era. Disruption era as an effect of globalization demands optimal integrity of an individual so that they can live their lives well. College students as adult learners are expected to be able to interpret and work around so that the learning they do can run effectively for their future. The library research qualitative approach is chosen in order to compile various relevant references related to andragogical learning strategies in a holistic manner. Based on studies from several references, it can be concluded that andragogy is very relevant to the needs of college students as adult learners. Desire to learn, ability to learn, means to learn, and need to learn become the consideration of the relevance of the concept of andragogy to the needs of college students. On the other hand, the principle of andragogy is also very synergistic with the development of learning independence from a learner. The development of a very rapid disruption era led to changes in learning patterns, from teacher centered to student centered. The andragogical learning process must consider the learner's needs and some aspects of individuality as uniqueness and potential that must be developed. The assumptions that underlie andagoogical learning strategies in tertiary institutions are that students must understand their learning orientation, have a responsible self-concept, learn their life experiences, realize their readiness to learn, learn in concrete, and strengthen their intrinsic motivation. The actualization of andragogical learning strategies can be maximized by studying the learning process contextually, increasing participation in learning, and utilizing the advancement of science and technology. The internet must be optimized as a learning aid so that college students can understand the current conditions of the environment that they will face in the real world. Thus, the demands of the disruption era can be overcome through the actualization of andragogical learning strategies. تبحث هذه المقالة في تفعيل استراتيجيات التعلم الاندروجرافية للتعليم العالي في عصر الاضطراب. إن عصر الاضطراب كأثر للعولمة يتطلب سلامة مثالية للفرد حتى يتمكنوا من عيش حياتهم بشكل جيد. من المتوقع أن يتمكن الطلاب والمتعلمون فى الجامعة من التأويل والعمل حتى يتمكنوا من التعلم بفعالية من أجل مستقبلهم. يتم اختيار نهج نوعية البحث المكتبية من أجل تجميع مختلف المراجع ذات الصلة المتعلقة باستراتيجيات التعلم الاندروجرافية andragogical بطريقة شاملة. استنادًا إلى دراسات من عدة مراجع ، يمكن استنتاج أن الاندروجرافية وثيقة الصلة باحتياجات الطلاب كمتعلمين بالغين. الرغبة في التعلم ، والقدرة على التعلم ، ووسائل التعلم ، والحاجة إلى التعلم تصبح النظر في أهمية مفهوم الاندروجرافية andragogy لاحتياجات الطلاب. من ناحية أخرى ، فإن مبدأ الاندروجرافية هو أيضا تآزري للغاية مع تطوير استقلالية التعلم من المتعلم. أدى تطور عصر سريع للغاية من الاضطراب إلى تغييرات في أنماط التعلم ، من المعلم الذي يركز على الطلاب. يجب أن تؤخذ عملية التعلم الاندروجرافية بعين الاعتبار عن احتياجات المتعلم وبعض جوانب الفردية كالتفرد والإمكانات التي يجب تطويرها. إن الافتراضات التي تكمن وراء استراتيجيات التعلم الاندروجرافية في مؤسسات التعليم العالي هي أن الطلاب يجب أن يفهموا توجههم التعلمي ، وأن يكون لديهم مفهوم ذاتي عن المسؤول ، وأن يتعلموا خبرات حياتهم ، وأن يدركوا استعدادهم للتعلم ، والتعلم بشكل ملموس ، وتعزيز دافعهم الداخلي. يمكن تعظيم الاستفادة من استراتيجيات التعلم الاندروجرافية من خلال دراسة عملية التعلم في السياق ، وزيادة المشاركة في التعلم ، والاستفادة من تقدم العلوم والتكنولوجيا. يجب تحسين الإنترنت كمساعدات تعليمية حتى يتمكن الطلاب من فهم الظروف الحالية للبيئة التي سيواجهونها في العالم الحقيقي. وبالتالي ، يمكن التغلب على متطلبات عصر الاضطراب من خلال تفعيل استراتيجيات التعلم الاندروجرافية. Artikel ini mengkaji aktualisasi strategi pembelajaran andragogis bagi pendidikan tinggi di era disrupsi. Era disrupsi sebagai efek globalisasi menuntut integritas optimal dari seorang individu agar mereka dapat menjalani kehidupan dengan baik. Mahasiswa sebagai pembelajar dewasa diharapkan mampu memaknai sekaligus menyiasati agar pembelajaran yang mereka lakukan dapat berjalan secara efektif demi masa depan mereka. Pendekatan kualitatif berjenis library research dipilih dalam rangka merangkai berbagai referensi yang relevan terkait dengan strategi pembelajaran andragogis secara holistik. Berdasarkan kajian dari beberapa referensi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa andragogi sangat relevan dengan kebutuhan mahasiswa sebagai pembelajar dewasa. Desire to learn, ability to learn, means to learn, serta need to learn menjadi pertimbangan relevansi konsep andragogi dengan kebutuhan mahasiswa. Di sisi lain, prinsip andragogi juga sangat sinergis dengan pengembangan kemandirian belajar dari seorang pembelajar. Perkembangan era disrupsi yang sangat pesat mendorong perubahan pola pembelajaran, dari teacher centered menju student centered. Proses pembelajaran andragogis harus mempertimbangkan kebutuhan pembelajar serta beberapa aspek individualitasnya sebagai keunikan dan potensi yang harus dikembangkan. Asumsi yang mendasari strategi pembelajaran andragoogis di perguruan tinggi diantaranaya yaitu mahasiswa harus memahami orientasi belajarnya, memiliki konsep diri yang bertanggung jawab, mempelajari pengalaman hidupnya, menyadari kesiapan belajarnya, belajar secara konkret, serta menguatkan motivasi intrinsiknya. Adapun aktualisasi strategi pembelajaran andragogis dapat dimaksimalkan dengan cara mengkaji proses pembelajaran secara kontekstual, meningkatkan partisipasi dalam pembelajaran, serta memanfaatkan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Internet harus dioptimalkan sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran agar mahasiswa dapat memahami kondisi terkini dari lingkungan yang ia akan hadapi di dunia nyata. Dengan demikian, tuntutan era disrupsi dapat diatasi melalui aktualisasi strategi pembelajaran andragogis.

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