Training preservice general education teachers in response to intervention: A survey of teacher educators throughout the United States

2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-145 ◽  
Laura E. Vollmer ◽  
Maribeth Gettinger ◽  
John C. Begeny
2012 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-64 ◽  
Judith R. Harrison ◽  
Kimberly Vannest ◽  
John Davis ◽  
Cecil Reynolds

The majority of incidence and prevalence studies on childhood behavioral problems report the occurrence of mental health disorders under diagnostic categories. A few studies report prevalence of specific behavior problems identified through direct observation, teacher surveys, or analyses of office discipline referrals. However, each possesses limitations that may be informed by data that report the occurrence of specific behavior problems at the classroom level. The rapidly increasing use of multitiered models of prevention and intervention will benefit from data of prevalence of problem behaviors. The purpose of this study was to identify the “most common” problem behaviors in classrooms in the United States as reported by teachers on a broadband rating scale with a demographically representative sample of 3,600 children and adolescents. Results indicate 17 common problem behaviors of children and adolescents, each in four behavioral domains. Interesting findings include behaviors associated with anxiety, learning problems, and distractibility as the most commonly addressed by teachers in the classroom as opposed to the most frequently addressed by administrators, such as aggression. Implications are discussed for policy makers, teacher educators, administrators, and teachers.

2017 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
pp. 225-242 ◽  
K. Alisa Lowrey ◽  
Aleksandra Hollingshead ◽  
Kathy Howery ◽  
John B. Bishop

Voices of practitioners are often missing in research studies. This project focused on examining general education teachers’ stories as they relate to implementation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework and inclusion of students with moderate to severe intellectual disability. Seven general education teachers from Canada and the United States participated in this study. Narrative inquiry was utilized as a method of data gathering and analysis. Four themes emerged: designing for learner variability, talking about inclusion, teaming fosters success, and differing descriptions of UDL. Discussion of implications to research and practice is included.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-87
Susan Wiksten

This article reports on empirical research findings from a case study of teacher education in Finland and the United States. A sociological perspective was deployed for investigating how the concept of sustainability was addressed in two teacher education programs. One of the programs was located in Finland and the other in the US. The study was carried out in 2015 and 2016. Seventeen semi-structured, open-ended, audio-recorded interviews form the core of the research materials. A thematic analysis of interviews was conducted for identifying articulations related to sustainability in subject-matter specialized teacher preparation. Findings from this study contribute to research on teacher preparation. Notably, by articulating how context-specific culture and social norms contribute to local models of teacher education. Findings from this study indicate that teacher training practices in Finland have encouraged students to articulate sustainability in relation to critical thinking, whereas in the US, sustainability has been articulated in relation to social justice. The key point supported by the evidence is that sustainability was by teachers and teacher educators conceptualized as being about the popularization of knowledge about ecology and biodiversity. The kind of communication that was by teachers and teacher educators described as effective for popularizing knowledge about scientific phenomena were forms of teaching that expanded on content-specific knowledge by connecting it to ethical and civic frameworks of the societies in which students live.

PMLA ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 126 (2) ◽  
pp. 460-466
Amy Hollywood

In October 2006, the Harvard University task force on general education issued a preliminary report describing and justifying a new program of general education for Harvard College. Contending that “[g]eneral education is the public face of liberal education,” the task force enumerated what a person liberally educated in the twenty-first-century United States should know—or, perhaps better, know how to think about in reasoned and nuanced ways (Preliminary Report 3). The report called for seven semester-long courses in “five broad areas of inquiry and experience”: Cultural Traditions and Cultural Change, The Ethical Life, The United States and the World, Reason and Faith, and Science and Technology. In addition, the task force suggested that students be required to take three semester-long courses that “develop critical skills”: writing and oral communication, foreign language, and analytic reasoning (6). Not surprisingly, “Reason and Faith” generated some of the most heated discussion—and it was the first suggested requirement dropped by the task force, replaced in December 2006 by a new category, “What It Means to Be a Human Being.” By the time of the final report, this too was gone, replaced by “Culture and Belief,” an area of inquiry that may include the study of religion but is broader in scope than what was initially proposed (Report of the Task Force 11–12).

The authors perceive that institutionalized racial hierarchies are the greatest barrier to educational equity in the United States. While P-12 teachers may express the desire to make their classrooms spaces of joy, creativity, and intellectual brilliance, it is primarily through intentional skills development that teachers succeed. The authors assert the need for greater investments by school districts and teacher education programs in professional development for in-service P-12 teachers that further empower them and, in turn, their students, to contribute to the dismantling of racism in the U.S. Teacher educators, administrators and policy makers need to position themselves as cultivators and supporters of P-12 teachers in ways that encourage and sustain their antiracist advocacy and equity work in their teaching.

Education ◽  
2013 ◽  
Amy Eppolito ◽  
Kathryn White ◽  
Janette Klingner

Response to intervention (RTI) is a comprehensive, systematic approach to teaching and learning designed to monitor academic and behavioral progress for all students, provide early interventions of increasing intensity to struggling learners, and potentially identify learners with more significant learning disabilities. The model is implemented with multitiered instruction, intervention, and assessment. The key components of the RTI model include (1) high-quality instruction matched to the needs of students, (2) evidence-based interventions of increasing intensity, (3) ongoing progress monitoring, and (4) data-driven decision making. Components of the model, such as data-driven decision making and multitiered instruction, have been studied for the past few decades, but the model as an integrated whole has been developed more recently. One catalyst for increased research and interest in RTI has been a change in federal legislation in the United States. The most recent reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) in 2004 permits the RTI model to be implemented as an alternative means to identify students with learning disabilities (LDs). These amendments to IDEA stipulate that the RTI process may be used to determine if a child is responding to research-based instruction and intervention as part of the special education evaluation process. Although driven by special education policy, RTI has been lauded as an instructional model that can improve general education overall and for special populations. However, critiques of the model argue that it has been implemented with limited research, resources, and funding and may not be valid for identifying LDs. Some experts question the psychometric validity of the model and promote using multiple forms of assessment, including more traditional standardized psycho-educational tests, in combination with RTI when evaluating students for possible LDs.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 443-460 ◽  
Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan ◽  
Lesley Coia ◽  
Monica Taylor ◽  
Anastasia P. Samaras

We are teacher educators working in South Africa and the United States. Collectively we explored and extended our understanding of methodological inventiveness in self- study research through an artful process we have named "virtual polyvocal research jamming." We make explicit our extemporary, dialogic process, showing how we imagined and played with artful research practices: rich pictures, poetry, oral performance, and dance. Through collective analysis of our process and products, we share our learning about methodological inventiveness, highlighting how nding imaginative ways to express and make sense of insights can deepen and extend shared re ection, analysis, and communication in educational inquiry.

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