scholarly journals The Fine Structure of the Epithelial Cells of the Mouse Prostate

1960 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 511-513 ◽  
David Brandes ◽  
Adolfo Portela

The fine structure of the epithelial cells of one component of the prostatic complex of the mouse—the ventral lobe—has been investigated by electron microscopy. This organ is composed of small tubules, lined by tall simple cuboidal epithelium, surrounded by smooth muscle and connective tissue. Electron micrographs of the epithelial cells of the ventral lobe show these to be limited by a cell membrane, which appears as a continuous dense line. The nucleus occupies the basal portion of the cell and the nuclear envelope consists of two membranes. The cytoplasmic matrix is of moderately low density. The endoplasmic reticulum consists of elongated, circular, and oval profiles representing the cavities of this system bounded by rough surfaced membranes. The Golgi apparatus appears localized in a region between the apical border and the nucleus, and is composed of the usual elements found in secretory cells (3, 9). At the base of the cells, a basement membrane is visible in close contact with the outer aspect of the cell membrane. A space of varying width, which seems to be occupied by connective tissue, separates the epithelial cells from the surrounding smooth muscle fibers and the blood vessels. Bodies with the appearance of portions of the cytoplasm, mitochondria, or profiles of the endoplasmic reticulum can be seen in the lumina of the acini and on the bases of these pictures and others of the apical region the mechanism of secretion by these cells is discussed. The fine structural organization of these cells is compared with that of another component of the mouse prostate—the coagulating gland.

1960 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 505-509 ◽  
David Brandes ◽  
Adolfo Portela

The fine structure of the epithelial cells of the anterior lobe, or coagulating gland, of the mouse prostate has been investigated by electron microscopy. This organ is composed of small tubules, lined by tall, simple cuboidal epithelium surrounded by connective tissue and smooth muscle. The epithelial cells are limited by a distinct plasma membrane, which covers minute projections of the cytoplasm into the lumen. The cell membranes of adjacent cells are separated by a narrow layer of structureless material of low density. The cavities of the endoplasmic reticulum are greatly dilated, and the cytoplasmic matrix is reduced to narrow strands, in which the various organelles are visible. The content of the cavities of the endoplasmic reticulum appears as structureless material of lesser density than the cytoplasmic matrix. Material which may be interpreted as secretion products can be seen in the lumina of the tubules. The possible nature of the material inside the cisternal spaces and the secretory mechanisms in these cells is discussed.

1964 ◽  
Vol s3-105 (69) ◽  
pp. 7-11

The delicate tubules of the respiratory tree consist of 4 layers: a lining epithelium, a thick mucoid layer containing collagenous filaments, a smooth muscle net, and a coelomic epithelium. The free surfaces of both epithelia have well developed plasmodesms. Amoebocytes are present in all layers and the spherules of one type are considered to be precursors of the mucoid substance; another amoebocyte may be a fibroblast. Perpendicularly oriented smooth muscle fibres, as well as those parallel to each other, are linked by desmosomes ensuring synchronous contraction. Secretory activity is evident in distended cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum of certain epithelial cells and in the vacuoles of the lining epithelium.

1990 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 305 ◽  
J Billen

The morphology and fine structure of the two major sting glands in the primitive Australian bull ant, Myrmecra gulosa, are described. The cells of the glandular epithelium of the tubiform Dufour's gland are characterised by a well developed vesicular smooth endoplasmic reticulum, numerous lamellar inclusions, and microvillar differentiations of the apical cell membrane. The cells of the secretory filaments of the venom gland contain a very extensive granular endoplasmic reticulum and numerous Golgi vesicles. The highly proteinaceous secretion reaches the filament lumen through the intracellular end apparatus. Passage through the convoluted gland probably accompanies the modification or production of additional secretory components, as is suggested by the ultrastructural organisation of the convoluted gland cells. The large venom gland reservoir is lined with squamous epithelial cells and a thick cuticular layer, that protects the ant from self-toxication by the powerful venom. Each sting gland opens separately through the sting, and possesses its own muscular control mechanism that allows independent discharge of secretion.

1968 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 303-307 ◽  
Sherwin S. Desser ◽  
K. A. Wright

The major features of the cytology of oökinetes, oöcysts, and sporozoites of Leucocytozoon simondi Mathis and Leger as seen in KMnO4-fîxed midguts of Simulium rugglesi and examined in the electron microscope, are related to their appearance in Giemsa-stained light microscope preparations. Thus, blue-staining regions of oökinete and oöcyst and the posterior, darkly stained region of sporozoites correspond to regions of endoplasmic reticulum; light "vacuole-like" regions correspond to accumulations of dense material which were not membrane enclosed; and minute red-stained spots at the anterior tip of sporozoites correspond to paired organelles. The dense material of oökinetes which, in oöcysts, is segregated into developing sporozoites may function as an energy source for sporozoites. The structure and development of these stages is similar to that of Plasmodium spp. The oöcyst of L. simondi develops extracellularly, enclosed by the basal lamina of the midgut with most of its surface surrounded by the basal cell membrane of midgut epithelial cells. This location of the oöcyst may be important in determining the subsequent pattern of development of this species.

1969 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 284-295 ◽  
Allen L. Bell ◽  
David B. Peakall

The ampullate silk gland of the spider, Araneus sericatus, produces the silk fiber for the scaffolding of the web. The fine structure of the various parts of the gland is described. The distal portion of the duct consist of a tube of epithelial cells which appear to secrete a substance which forms the tunica intima of the duct wall. At the proximal end of the duct there is a region of secretory cells. The epithelium of the sac portion contains five morphologically distinct types of granules. The bulk of the synthesis of silk occurs in the tail of the gland, and in this region only a single type of secretory droplet is seen in the epithelium. Protein synthesis can be stimulated by the injection of 1 mg/kg acetylcholine into the body fluids. 10 min after injection, much of the protein stored in the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells has been secreted into the lumen. 20 min after stimulation, the ergastoplasmic sacs form large whorls in the cytoplasm. Protein, similar in electron-opacity to protein found in the lumen, begins to form in that portion of the cytoplasm which is enclosed by the whorls. The limiting membrane of these droplets is formed by ergastoplasmic membranes which lose their ribosomes. No Golgi material has been found in these cells. Protein appears to be manufactured in the cytoplasm of the tail cells in a form which is ready for secretion.

W. David Merryman ◽  
Joshua D. Hutcheson

Connective tissue makes up a large portion of our bodies, with collagen constituting ∼30% of the protein of connective tissue. Any tissue that undergoes fibrosis, either due to a genetic mutation or with age or use, typically falls into the ubiquitous category of ‘connective tissue fibrosis’. There are multiple potential contributors to connective tissue fibrosis; however, two dominate the literature — mechanical stress/strain and cytokines. Both stimuli lead to activation of fibroblast cells to a myofibroblast phenotype, the cellular hallmark of fibrotic disease. The myofibroblast phenotype is indicated by the expression of smooth muscle α-actin (αSMA), which associates with myosin to form actin-myosin contractile elements and generates intracellular force that is transduced to the ECM via cell membrane integrins.

Parasitology ◽  
1969 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 449-459 ◽  
R. E. Howells

The nephridial system of M. expansa has been studied using light and electron microscopy, and a number of histochemical techniques have been used on sections of the worm. The organization of the nephridial system and the fine structure of the flame cells and the nephridial ducts are described. Pores, which connect the nephridial lumen to the intercellular space of the connective tissue, exist at the junction of a flame cell and a nephridial duct. These pores may be considered nephrostomes and the system therefore is not protonephridial as defined by Hyman (1951).The epithelium lining the nephridial ducts has a structure which suggests that it is metabolically active. It is postulated that the beating of the cilia of the flame cells draws fluid into the ducts via the nephrostomes, with absorption and/or secretion of solutes being carried out by the epithelial cells of the duct walls. The function of the nephridial system is discussed.I am grateful to Professor James Brough for the provision of research facilities at the Department of Zoology, University College, Cardiff, andtoDrD. A. Erasmus for much helpful advice during the course of the work. I wish to thank Professors W. Peters and T. Wilson for critically reading the manuscript and Miss M. Williams and Mr T. Davies for expert technical assistance.I also wish to thank the Veterinary Inspector and his staff at the Roath Abattoir, Cardiff, for their kind co-operation and assistance in obtaining material.The work was carried out under the tenure of an S.R.C. research scholarship.

1977 ◽  
Vol 199 (1135) ◽  
pp. 321-326 ◽  

Choroid plexuses from early (30–60 days gestation) and late (125 days) sheep foetuses were examined by various ultrastructural techniques in order to investigate possible explanations for the greater penetration of protein and non-electrolytes from blood into cerebrospinal fluid (c. s. f.), which occurs in the early foetus in contrast to later stages. The greater penetration occurs despite the presence of well-formed tight junctions between the epithelial cells and the development of some of the characteristic ion gradients between c. s. f. and plasma. A tubulocisternal system of endoplasmic reticulum appears to connect the basolateral and the apical cell surfaces in the early but not in the late foetuses. Several types of connection between the endoplasmic reticulum and the cell membrane were present in the early foetuses; these may account for some of the different permeability properties of the immature choroid plexus.

1971 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-34 ◽  
Gordon R. Campbell ◽  
Yasuo Uehara ◽  
Gerda Mark ◽  
Geoffrey Burnstock

The fine structure of smooth muscle cells of the embryo chicken gizzard cultured in monolayer was studied by phase-contrast optics and electron microscopy. The smooth muscle cells were irregular in shape, but tended to be elongate. The nucleus usually contained prominent nucleoli and was large in relation to the cell body. When fixed with glutaraldehyde, three different types of filaments were noted in the cytoplasm: thick (150–250 A in diameter) and thin (30–80 A in diameter) myofilaments, many of which were arranged in small bundles throughout the cytoplasm and which were usually associated with dark bodies; and filaments with a diameter of 80–110 A which were randomly orientated and are not regarded as myofilaments. Some of the aggregated ribosomes were helically arranged. Mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, and dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum were prominent. In contrast to in vivo muscle cells, micropinocytotic vesicles along the cell membrane were rare and dense areas were usually confined to cell membrane infoldings. These cells are compared to in vivo embryonic smooth muscle and adult muscle after treatment with estrogen. Monolayers of cultured smooth muscle will be of particular value in relating ultrastructural features to functional observations on the same cells.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 98-107
N. N. Shevlyuk ◽  
M. F. Ryskulov

In mammals, the adnexal sex glands are represented by seminal vesicles, the prostate gland, urethral and bulbourethral glands, as well as glands that coagulate sperm and ampullary glands. The secret of the accessory genital glands increases the volume of the ejaculate (the share of secretions of these glands accounts for about 95% of the volume of ejaculate) promotes sperm, causes increased contraction of smooth muscle cells in the walls of the female genital tract.The purpose of this review is to analyze the morphofunctional organization of seminal vesicles and bulbourethral glands of mammalian animals and humans.The presence or absence of seminal vesicles is a species-specific feature. Among mammals, seminal vesicles are well developed in some rodents, insectivores, a number of domestic animals (cattle, pigs), and primates. These glands are absent in cloacae, marsupials, some carnivores, a number of insectivores, artiodactyls. Bulbourethral glands are well developed in rodents, bats, primates, and some ungulates.In the wall of the seminal vesicles, the mucous, muscular and outer membranes are isolated. The epithelium of the secretory parts is pseudomultitial, the interstitium is represented by loose fibrous connective tissue and a significant number of smooth muscle cells. In the wall of the bulbourethral glands, the mucosa and adventitial membrane are isolated. The secretory end sections of the bulbourethral glands are lined with a single-layer single-row epithelium, glandular cells produce a mucosal or mixed secret. The seminal vesicles and bulbourethral glands are androgen-dependent glands. In species with a seasonal pattern of reproduction, their morphofunctional characteristics undergo significant changes during the circannual rhythm of reproduction.The epithelium of seminal vesicles and bulbourethral glands is very sensitive to the action of various adverse factors (heavy metal compounds, organic xenobiotics, electromagnetic radiation, ultrasound, etc.). When exposed to various negative factors in the adnexal glands, a complex of changes occurs (edema of connective tissue and epithelium, decreased secretory activity of epithelial cells, desynchronization of the secretory cycle, desquamation of glandular epithelial cells, proliferation of interstitial connective tissue).There is a lack of information on many aspects of the characteristics of the adnexal glands of the male reproductive system, primarily on the morphology and physiology of the adnexal glands of animals in natural ecosystems, on the ultrastructural and immunohistochemical characteristics of these glands, as well as on the mechanisms of regulation of morphofunctional rearrangements of the adnexal glands during seasonal reproduction rhythms, in the conditions of adaptation to various negative influences.

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