scholarly journals Parsec-Scale Synchrotron Emission from Hydrodynamic Relativistic Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei

1995 ◽  
Vol 449 (1) ◽  
J. L. Gómez, ◽  
J. Ma. Martí, ◽  
A. P. Marscher, ◽  
J. Ma. Ibáñez, ◽  
J. M. Marcaide
2019 ◽  
Vol 488 (1) ◽  
pp. 224-233 ◽  
A V Chernoglazov ◽  
V S Beskin ◽  
V I Pariev

ABSTRACT In this first paper from forthcoming series of works devoted to radio image of relativistic jets from active galactic nuclei the role of internal structure of a flow is discussed. We determine the radial profiles of all physical values for reasonable Michel magnetization parameter σM and ambient pressure Pext. Maps of Doppler boosting factor δ and observed directions of linear polarization of synchrotron emission are also constructed.

Universe ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (7) ◽  
pp. 99
Gustavo Romero ◽  
Eduardo Gutiérrez

The generation of relativistic jets in active sources such as blazars is a complex problem with many aspects, most of them still not fully understood. Relativistic jets are likely produced by the accretion of matter and magnetic fields onto spinning black holes. Ergospheric dragging effects launch a Poynting-dominated outflow in the polar directions of these systems. Observations with very high resolution of the jet in the nearby radio galaxy M87 and evidence of extremely fast variability in the non-thermal radiation of several other objects indicate that charged particles produce synchrotron emission and gamma rays very close to the base of the jet. How these particles are injected into the magnetically shielded outflow is a mystery. Here we explore the effects of various processes in the hot accretion inflow close to the black hole that might result in the copious production of neutral particles which, through annihilation and decay in the jet’s funnel, might load the outflow with mass and charged particles on scales of a few Schwarzschild radii.

Galaxies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 42
Claudia M. Raiteri ◽  
Massimo Villata

Active galactic nuclei come in many varieties. A minority of them are radio-loud, and exhibit two opposite prominent plasma jets extending from the proximity of the supermassive black hole up to megaparsec distances. When one of the relativistic jets is oriented closely to the line of sight, its emission is Doppler beamed and these objects show extreme variability properties at all wavelengths. These are called “blazars”. The unpredictable blazar variability, occurring on a continuous range of time-scales, from minutes to years, is most effectively investigated in a multi-wavelength context. Ground-based and space observations together contribute to give us a comprehensive picture of the blazar emission properties from the radio to the γ-ray band. Moreover, in recent years, a lot of effort has been devoted to the observation and analysis of the blazar polarimetric radio and optical behaviour, showing strong variability of both the polarisation degree and angle. The Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) Collaboration, involving many tens of astronomers all around the globe, has been monitoring several blazars since 1997. The results of the corresponding data analysis have contributed to the understanding of the blazar phenomenon, particularly stressing the viability of a geometrical interpretation of the blazar variability. We review here the most significant polarimetric results achieved in the WEBT studies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (S356) ◽  
pp. 375-375
Sarah White

AbstractLow-frequency radio emission allows powerful active galactic nuclei (AGN) to be selected in a way that is unaffected by dust obscuration and orientation of the jet axis. It also reveals past activity (e.g. radio lobes) that may not be evident at higher frequencies. Currently, there are too few “radio-loud” galaxies for robust studies in terms of redshift-evolution and/or environment. Hence our use of new observations from the Murchison Widefield Array (the SKA-Low precursor), over the southern sky, to construct the GLEAM 4-Jy Sample (1,860 sources at S151MHz > 4 Jy). This sample is dominated by AGN and is 10 times larger than the heavily relied-upon 3CRR sample (173 sources at S178MHz > 10 Jy) of the northern hemisphere. In order to understand how AGN influence their surroundings and the way galaxies evolve, we first need to correctly identify the galaxy hosting the radio emission. This has now been completed for the GLEAM 4-Jy Sample – through repeated visual inspection and extensive checks against the literature – forming a valuable, legacy dataset for investigating relativistic jets and their interplay with the environment.

Geoffrey Bicknell ◽  
Mohammad Nawaz ◽  
Alexander Wagner ◽  
Masayuki Umemura ◽  
Brian McNamara ◽  

2015 ◽  
Vol 447 (3) ◽  
pp. 2726-2737 ◽  
E. E. Nokhrina ◽  
V. S. Beskin ◽  
Y. Y. Kovalev ◽  
A. A. Zheltoukhov

1990 ◽  
Vol 115 ◽  
pp. 262-273
Julian H. Krolik

AbstractHigh-resolution X-ray spectroscopy has the potential to reveal a number of interesting features of active galactic nuclei, primarily, though not exclusively, through the measurement of absorption lines. After a brief review of the principal problems of AGN research, selected potential high-resolution observations are discussed with a view toward assessing their scientific value and the degree of resolution they will require. Two classes of observations pertaining directly to AGNs are discussed: Fe Kα spectroscopy relevant to the dynamical and thermal character of the emission line zones; and measurement of resonance line absorption by highly-ionized species in BL Lac objects, which should tell us about entrainment of interstellar material by relativistic jets. A third class of potentially important observations uses AGNs as background light sources in order to directly measure the distance to clusters of galaxies.

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