The Wave-Like Auroral Structure around Auroral Expansion Onset

2011 ◽  
Vol 28 (10) ◽  
pp. 109401 ◽  
Chao-Ling Tang
R. L. McPherron ◽  
M. El‐Alaoui ◽  
R. J. Walker ◽  
Y. Nishimura ◽  
J. M. Weygand

1992 ◽  
Vol 70 (7) ◽  
pp. 488-499 ◽  
T. Oguti

Observations of the October 21, 1989 red aurora from the ground and AKEBONO satellite are reviewed mainly on the topics presented at the workshop on the aurora, held in Solar Terrestrial Environment Laboratory on January 17–18, 1991. Electric-field fluctuations associated with the auroral oval during the observation, together with auroral green-rayed structures embedded in the red veil strongly suggest that some electron acceleration mechanism was operative in the particle precipitation. Therefore this was not a typical stable auroral red (SAR) arc. This red aurora was most likely located at a low-latitude portion of an expansion aurora during an auroral substorm. The geomagnetic conditions at the time of the aurora were quite similar to those during the occurrence of a SAR arc. It occurred during a susbtorm that broke out at the maximum Dst (disturbance with storm time) phase of a magnetic storm, with an auroral expansion initiated from low latitude on a well-expanded auroral oval. The difference in conditions between a typical SAR arc and this red aurora with green-ray structures is to be studied further.

2009 ◽  
Vol 114 (A9) ◽  
pp. n/a-n/a ◽  
Ryuho Kataoka ◽  
Yoshizumi Miyoshi ◽  
Akira Morioka

P. E. Sandholt ◽  
J. Moen ◽  
D. Opsvik ◽  
W. F. Denig ◽  
W. J. Burke

2011 ◽  
Vol 116 (A6) ◽  
pp. n/a-n/a ◽  
K. Ogasawara ◽  
Y. Kasaba ◽  
Y. Nishimura ◽  
T. Hori ◽  
T. Takada ◽  

J. H. Doolittle ◽  
S. B. Mende ◽  
H. U. Frey ◽  
T. J. Rosenberg ◽  
A. T. Weatherwax ◽  

2015 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 505-517 ◽  
A. V. Nikolaev ◽  
V. A. Sergeev ◽  
N. A. Tsyganenko ◽  
M. V. Kubyshkina ◽  
H. Opgenoorth ◽  

Abstract. Substorm current wedge (SCW) formation is associated with global magnetic field reconfiguration during substorm expansion. We combine a two-loop model SCW (SCW2L) with a background magnetic field model to investigate distortion of the ionospheric footpoint pattern in response to changes of different SCW2L parameters. The SCW-related plasma sheet footprint shift results in formation of a pattern resembling an auroral bulge, the poleward expansion of which is controlled primarily by the total current in the region 1 sense current loop (I1). The magnitude of the footprint latitudinal shift may reach ∼ 10° corrected geomagnetic latitude (CGLat) during strong substorms (I1= 2 MA). A strong helical magnetic field around the field-aligned current generates a surge-like region with embedded spiral structures, associated with a westward traveling surge (WTS) at the western end of the SCW. The helical field may also contribute to rotation of the ionospheric projection of narrow plasma streams (auroral streamers). Other parameters, including the total current in the second (region 2 sense) loop, were found to be of secondary importance. Analyzing two consecutive dipolarizations on 17 March 2010, we used magnetic variation data obtained from a dense midlatitude ground network and several magnetospheric spacecraft, as well as the adaptive AM03 model, to specify SCW2L parameters, which allowed us to predict the magnitude of poleward auroral expansion. Auroral observations made during the two substorm activations demonstrate that the SCW2L combined with the AM03 model nicely describes the azimuthal progression and the observed magnitude of the auroral expansion. This finding indicates that the SCW-related distortions are responsible for much of the observed global development of bright auroras.

2009 ◽  
Vol 27 (5) ◽  
pp. 1831-1841 ◽  
J. Liu ◽  
V. Angelopoulos ◽  
H. Frey ◽  
J. McFadden ◽  
D. Larson ◽  

Abstract. We report on THEMIS in-situ and ground-based observations during a substorm between 04:30~04:50 UT on 22 February 2008. The spacecraft (probes) were aligned along the tail between XGSM=−5 RE to −25 RE. The most distant probe P1 (X=−24.5 RE) detected two successive tailward moving bipolar magnetic structures. P2 (X=−18 RE), P3 (X=−11 RE), P4 (X=−10.5 RE) all captured signatures related to the Earthward movement of a magnetic structure. THEMIS ground stations and all-sky imagers also recorded Pi2 pulsations and a sudden brightening in a white-light auroral imager followed by poleward expansion. We perform a detailed timing analysis of probe and ground-based data and reconstruct the time sequence of phenomena during this substorm. The earliest sign of substorm onset was the bipolar perturbation in the northward component of the magnetic field (interpreted as the result of reconnection onset) at P1 at 04:35:16 UT and corresponding magnetic perturbation at P2 at 04:35:14 UT. Auroral onset was seen at or before 04:36:55 UT, consistent with the visual onset of high-latitude magnetic pulsations at around that time. Earthward flows at P3 and P4 seen at ~04:36:03 UT, and dipolarization onset at ~04:36:50 UT, were observed at almost the same time as the ground onset signature, implying that near-Earth dipolarization happened in the aftermath of tail reconnection but not significantly ahead of the auroral intensification. Reconnection in the tail preceded ground onset and near-Earth dipolarization (current disruption) by ~2 min. Two reconnection pulses (the first one weaker than the second one) accompanied by correlative increases of cumulative magnetic flux transfer into the reconnection region were observed. A direct association of the reconnection pulses with two auroral intensifications can be made, suggesting that tail reconnection, like the auroral expansion, advances in steps rather than continuously.

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
pp. 381-387 ◽  
Osuke Saka

Abstract. Transient westward electric fields from the magnetosphere generate equatorward plasma drifts of the order of kilometers per second in the auroral ionosphere. This flow channel extends in north–south directions and is produced in the initial pulse of Pi2 pulsations associated with the field line dipolarization. Drifts in the ionosphere of the order of kilometers per second that accumulated plasmas at the low-latitude end of the flow channel are of such large degree that possible vertical transport effects (including precipitation) along the field lines may be ignored. In this condition, we suggest that plasma compression in the ionosphere initiated the dynamic ionosphere. The dynamic ionosphere includes a nonlinear evolution of the compressed ionospheric plasmas, generation of field-aligned currents to satisfy the quasi-neutrality of the ionosphere, and parallel potentials associated with the excitation of an ion acoustic wave. We will study how the dynamic ionosphere created auroral expansion.

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