scholarly journals On massive spin-3/2 in the Fradkin-Vasiliev formalism

M V Khabarov ◽  
Yu M Zinoviev
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
A. de Giorgi ◽  
S. Vogl

Abstract The Kaluza-Klein (KK) decomposition of higher-dimensional gravity gives rise to a tower of KK-gravitons in the effective four-dimensional (4D) theory. Such massive spin-2 fields are known to be connected with unitarity issues and easily lead to a breakdown of the effective theory well below the naive scale of the interaction. However, the breakdown of the effective 4D theory is expected to be controlled by the parameters of the 5D theory. Working in a simplified Randall-Sundrum model we study the matrix elements for matter annihilations into massive gravitons. We find that truncating the KK-tower leads to an early breakdown of perturbative unitarity. However, by considering the full tower we obtain a set of sum rules for the couplings between the different KK-fields that restore unitarity up to the scale of the 5D theory. We prove analytically that these are fulfilled in the model under consideration and present numerical tests of their convergence. This work complements earlier studies that focused on graviton self-interactions and yields additional sum rules that are required if matter fields are incorporated into warped extra-dimensions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
Justin R. David ◽  
Jyotirmoy Mukherjee

Abstract We show that the entanglement entropy of D = 4 linearized gravitons across a sphere recently computed by Benedetti and Casini coincides with that obtained using the Kaluza-Klein tower of traceless transverse massive spin-2 fields on S1× AdS3. The mass of the constant mode on S1 saturates the Brietenholer-Freedman bound in AdS3. This condition also ensures that the entanglement entropy of higher spins determined from partition functions on the hyperbolic cylinder coincides with their recent conjecture. Starting from the action of the 2-form on S1× AdS5 and fixing gauge, we evaluate the entanglement entropy across a sphere as well as the dimensions of the corresponding twist operator. We demonstrate that the conformal dimensions of the corresponding twist operator agrees with that obtained using the expectation value of the stress tensor on the replica cone. For conformal p-forms in even dimensions it obeys the expected relations with the coefficients determining the 3-point function of the stress tensor of these fields.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (12) ◽  
Arshia Momeni ◽  
Justinas Rumbutis ◽  
Andrew J. Tolley

Abstract We consider the double copy of massive Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions, whose decoupling limit is a nonlinear sigma model. The latter may be regarded as the leading terms in the low energy effective theory of a heavy Higgs model, in which the Higgs has been integrated out. The obtained double copy effective field theory contains a massive spin-2, massive spin-1 and a massive spin-0 field, and we construct explicitly its interacting Lagrangian up to fourth order in fields. We find that up to this order, the spin-2 self interactions match those of the dRGT massive gravity theory, and that all the interactions are consistent with a Λ3 = (m2MPl)1/3 cutoff. We construct explicitly the Λ3 decoupling limit of this theory and show that it is equivalent to a bi-Galileon extension of the standard Λ3 massive gravity decoupling limit theory. Although it is known that the double copy of a nonlinear sigma model is a special Galileon, the decoupling limit of massive Yang-Mills theory is a more general Galileon theory. This demonstrates that the decoupling limit and double copy procedures do not commute and we clarify why this is the case in terms of the scaling of their kinematic factors.

Universe ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (10) ◽  
pp. 171
Folkert Kuipers ◽  
Xavier Calmet

In this paper, we discuss singularity theorems in quantum gravity using effective field theory methods. To second order in curvature, the effective field theory contains two new degrees of freedom which have important implications for the derivation of these theorems: a massive spin-2 field and a massive spin-0 field. Using an explicit mapping of this theory from the Jordan frame to the Einstein frame, we show that the massive spin-2 field violates the null energy condition, while the massive spin-0 field satisfies the null energy condition, but may violate the strong energy condition. Due to this violation, classical singularity theorems are no longer applicable, indicating that singularities can be avoided, if the leading quantum corrections are taken into account.

2015 ◽  
Vol 93 (4) ◽  
pp. 395-397 ◽  
S. Deser

Filling a much-needed gap, we exhibit the D = 4 Fierz–Pauli massive s = 2 action, and its — manifestly positive — energy, in terms of its 2s + 1 = 5 unconstrained helicity (2, 1, 0) excitations, after reducing and diagonalizing the troublesome helicity-zero sector.

1996 ◽  
Vol 10 (13n14) ◽  
pp. 1695-1705 ◽  
S. Ansoldi ◽  
A. Aurilia ◽  
E. Spallucci

We study a functional field theory of membranes coupled to a rank-three tensor gauge potential. We show that gauge field radiative corrections lead to membrane condensation which turns the gauge field into a massive spin-0 field. This is the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism for membranes. An analogy is also drawn with a type-II superconductor. The ground state of the system consists of a two-phase medium in which the superconducting background condensate is “pierced” by four-dimensional domains, or “bags”, of non-superconducting vacuum. Bags are bounded by membranes whose physical thickness is of the order of the inverse mass acquired by the gauge field.

2006 ◽  
Vol 74 (4) ◽  
Gia Dvali

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (12) ◽  
Ming-Zhi Chung ◽  
Yu-tin Huang ◽  
Jung-Wook Kim

Abstract In this paper, we demonstrate that at leading order in post Minkowskian (PM) expansion, the stress-energy tensor of Kerr-Newman black hole can be recovered to all orders in spin from three sets of minimal coupling: the electric and gravitational minimal coupling for higher-spin particles, and the “minimal coupling” for massive spin-2 decay. These couplings are uniquely defined from kinematic consideration alone. This is shown by extracting the classical piece of the one-loop stress-energy tensor form factor, which we provide a basis that is valid to all orders in spin. The 1 PM stress tensor, and the metric in the harmonic gauge, is then recovered from the classical spin limit of the form factor.

2017 ◽  
Vol 95 (3) ◽  
Taushif Ahmed ◽  
Pulak Banerjee ◽  
Prasanna K. Dhani ◽  
Prakash Mathews ◽  
Narayan Rana ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (34) ◽  
pp. 1845010
Federico R. Urban

We know about Dark Matter (DM) only thanks to Gravity. I will review the idea that this must be the case because DM is nothing else than a manifestation of Gravity itself, in the guise of an additional, massive, spin-2 particle.

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