scholarly journals Research on Bearing Stress Characteristics of Stacking Robot Base under New Engineering Background

2019 ◽  
Vol 1302 ◽  
pp. 032034
Peng Duan ◽  
Yulong Li ◽  
Wenyu Zhou ◽  
Jun Liu
1956 ◽  
Vol 17 (5) ◽  
pp. 786-791
C. B. Larson

Foot Problems NORMALLY the foot functions differently in stance than it does in motion. During stance, static stresses are most important. The foot may be divided at the midtarsal joints into the hindfoot which receives 60 per cent of the weight-bearing stress and the forefoot which receives 40 per cent of the stress. The spring ligament normally transmits the stresses from hindfoot to forefoot. All degrees of foot shape and size may be natural for a particular individual. Similarly, the gait pattern of a child varies considerably within the normal range. The child should be allowed to establish his own normal gait pattern. During the toddling stages the child's shoe soles should be flexible enough to bend at the toe. One should avoid the use of rigid shoes. Some of the conditions which may alter normal stance or gait follow. Simple Foot Strain Long arch strain is due to abnormal stress on the longitudinal ligament. Inflammatory repair of the ligament produces pain which can be demonstrated by finding an area tender to palpation. Some patients have a depressed longitudinal arch or long spring ligament without foot symptoms. A diagnosis of long arch strain cannot be made unless tenderness is present. A tight heel cord may produce foot strain. The foot accommodates to a tight heel cord by pronation of the forefoot. To correct a tight heel cord, the child should stand away from the wall (while facing it) with the heels flat, then lean forward count to 3. Repeat 5 times twice daily. Pronation

2004 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 8 ◽  
A St Clair Gibson ◽  
Ni Lambert ◽  
TD Noakes

Objective. This study examined age-related decrements in athletic performance during running and cycling activities. Design. The age group winning times for males aged between 18 and 70 years competing in the 1999 Argus cycle tour (103 km) and 1999 Comrades running marathon (90 km), South Africa's premier endurance cycling and running events respectively, were examined. Main outcome measures. The relationship between speed (cycling and running respectively) and age was calculated using a 4th order polynomial function. The derivative of each of these functions was determined and then the slope of the function corresponding to each age was calculated. Results. The rate of decline in running speed occurred at an earlier age (~ 32 years) during the running race compared with the cycling tour (~ 55 years). Conclusions. These findings establish a trend that there is ‘accelerated' aging during running which can perhaps be attributed to the increased weight-bearing stress on the muscles during running compared with cycling. SA Sports Medicine Vol.16(2) 2004: 8-11

Neeraj Buch ◽  
Dan G. Zollinger

The results of an in-depth study of factors that affect dowel looseness in jointed concrete pavements are presented. The laboratory investigation revealed the influence of aggregate type (in relation to oxide content), aggregate texture and shape, bearing stress (dowel diameter and crack width), load magnitude, and number of load cycles on the magnitude of dowel looseness and the subsequent loss in load transfer efficiency across saw-cut joints. A discussion is included on the development of an empirical-mechanistic dowel looseness prediction model based on the experimental results. Results of the sensitivity analysis of the dowel looseness prediction model (using laboratory data) are also presented. An associated scope of this research was to develop a relationship between dowel looseness and loss of load transfer efficiency. The sequential use of the dowel looseness prediction model and its relationship to load transfer efficiency allows the design engineer to predict load transfer characteristics of a joint, based on calculated (or measured) dowel looseness. The framework suggested to predict dowel looseness can then be incorporated into a fault prediction model for doweled joints.

L. A. Isaevich ◽  
A. D. Kritsky ◽  
D. M. Ivanickij ◽  
M. I. Sidorenko

The nominal rotational torque on the rolls during asymmetric rolling of a strip of few-leaf springs was calculated. To stabilize the rolling process it was proposed to use a front tension and a minimum value of such tension was computed. Misalignment of the circumferential speeds of the driving and driven rolls are calculated. The design of a composite banded roll with two tabs on the bandage and the two grooves on the shaft are proposed. In addition, the mating surfaces of the shaft and the shroud are made in the form of a Morse cone, which facilitates the repair of the roll and provides a tight contact between the mating surfaces. The test for bearing stress and shear of the tabs on the bandage. The structural strength of banded roll is provided.

2019 ◽  
Vol 110 ◽  
pp. 01022
Ivan Inzhutov ◽  
Sergey Amelchugov ◽  
Rashit Nazirov ◽  
Marina Perkova ◽  
Christina Rudyak ◽  

The topicality of studied subject is based on inappropriate usage of different materials in wooden structures, since using metal joint in wooden construction leads to reduction of construction working life cycle. In this regard, a study of several options for wooden screw carving was conducted in order to determine the most appropriate one (screw). There are several different types of carving, such as: trapezoidal, triangular, rectangular, etc. The most appropriate ones are trapezoidal and triangular-section threads for wooden screws. The effectiveness of a wooden screw thread was determined from the conditions (capacity) of shear fracture and bearing stress. After analyzing the results of calculations of the specific capacity for shear fracture and bearing stress, it can be concluded that the value of specific bearing capacity for shear fracture is less than the value of bearing stress by 1.3%. Therefore, a further comparison of the trapezoidal thread and the triangular cross-section will proceed from the spalling conditions. It has been found that the most effective thread is a triangular cross-section. Based on the results of calculations, a mathematical model has been established that describes the dependence of the carrying capacity on the screw diameter.

2019 ◽  
Vol 85 (7) ◽  
pp. 41-49
Yaroslava V. Sulimina ◽  
Nikolay O. Yakovlev ◽  
Vladimir S. Erasov ◽  
Aleksey Yu. Ampilogov ◽  
Andrey N. Polyakov ◽  

The special features of various bearing deformation measurements for pin-type bearing tests of metallic materials are considered along with their impact on the magnitude of the «bearing elastic modulus» and bearing stress. These bearing test methods are present in ASTM and various institutional standards, though no state standard (GOST, GOST R) is currently available for bearing test method of metallic materials. Analysis of additional deformations which arise in determining the degree of hole bearing deformation is carried out. A set of sources of additional deformations is shown to be characteristic for each test procedure and is attributed to the design features of the device, the site and a way of mounting the extensometer. Additional deformations can be both tensile and compressive. It is shown that the impact of additional deformations on the «bearing elastic modulus» is limited to 14% for different procedures. No difference between the methods is revealed with regard to determination of the strength characteristics. At the same time the dispersion decreases with increase in plastic deformation and for bearing deformation about 4% the variation coefficient for all methods is no more than 1%. Advantages and shortcomings of the bearing test methods which affect the reproducibility of the results are considered. The effect of the specimen geometry on the bearing characteristics is considered. It is shown that increase both in the distance from the edge of the bearing specimen to the center of the hole for 1163T, VT6ch, 30KhGSA alloys and residual bearing deformation up to 6%, increase bearing strength characteristics.

Gerjan van Schaaik

This chapter explains the difference between syllables with primary stress and syllables which receive secondary or tertiary stress. These notions are relevant because words may consist of many syllables, thereby in principle each offering an equal number of candidates for primary stress. In uninflected words primary stress can fall on any syllable; per word there is a fixed syllable bearing stress, but as soon as inflectional elements kick in, this may change. Many inflectional suffixes attract stress and this gives the general impression that the stress position shifts with every addition, but on the other hand, some word stems with non-final stress retain their primary stress position when inflected. This chapter ends by pointing out that for some words the meaning depends on the stress position.

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