scholarly journals The use of Raman spectroscopy and methods of quantum chemistry for assessing the relative concentration of triglycerides of oleic and linoleic acids in a mixture of olive oil and sunflower seed oil

2019 ◽  
Vol 1400 ◽  
pp. 066021
K V Berezin ◽  
K N Dvoretsky ◽  
M L Chernavina ◽  
A V Novoselova ◽  
V V Nechaev ◽  
1992 ◽  
Vol 68 (1) ◽  
pp. 175-182 ◽  
M. C. Ballesta ◽  
M. Mañas ◽  
E. Martinez-Victoria ◽  
I. Seiquer ◽  
J. R. Huertas ◽  

The effects of adaptation to dietary fat of different degrees of unsaturation (olive oil and sunflower oil) on bile secretion were studied in dogs at rest and after food intake. The animals were prepared with a bidirectional biliary cannula and a duodenal cannula to provide bile return. The two experimental groups were fed on diets containing 150 g fat/kg in the form of either olive oil (O) or sunflower-seed oil (S). The flow-rate under resting conditions and the patterns of response to food were similar in both experimental groups, although postprandial hypersection were significantly greater in volume and more prolonged in group O. No appreciable differences in concentration and output of biliary cholesterol or phospholipids were noted between the two groups. In contrast, the concentration and output of bile acids differed significantly both at rest and after food: concentration and output of bile acids were greater at rest in group S. However, after food intake, these responses were increased only in group O. The results suggest that the type of dietary fat affects biliary response to food, probably through differences in the contribution of the gall bladder in the two experimental groups.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 78-82
Lilis Khotijah ◽  
Tuti Suryati ◽  
M Fandi

The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of graded levels of sunflower seed oil (SSO) supplementation on lamb five-month-old carcass characteristics and commercial cuts.   Used 18 local male lambs, weaned, aged about 2 months, weight (10.21 ± 2.29 kg).  Experimental design used group random design. Each group of sheep get a complete ration with a different level of sunflower seed oil (SSO), namely (P0) = 0% SSO (control); (P1) = 4% SSO; (P2) = 6% SSO.  After animal five old age or 90 days feeding, randomly selected tree animals from each group were slaughtered The measured parameters include, weight slaughter, carcasses composition (meats, bones, fats), and commercial cuts of  carcasses (leg, loin, shoulder, breast, neck, shank, flank, rack).  The observation showed that the parameters are not affected by the treatment.    It can be concluded that the addition of 6% sunflower oil in a complete ration keeping the characteristics and commercial cut of local lamb. 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