scholarly journals Effect of P + Sr + RE Ternary Compound Modification on Microstructure of Eutectic Al-13wt%Si Alloy

2021 ◽  
Vol 2101 (1) ◽  
pp. 012069
Shibin Liu ◽  
Jing Wang ◽  
Jianwei Xu ◽  
Xiangcai Meng

Abstract Used Al-13wt%Si alloy was as raw material, the influence mechanism of Al-Sr, Al-P and Al-RE ternary compound modifier was studied by casting technology. The effects of P, Sr and RE modification on Al-13wt% Si were studied by metallographic microscope, scanning electron microscope and X-ray. The effects of the addition order and amount of modifier on the microstructure of Al-13wt% Si were investigated The results show that compared with a single modifier, P + RE + Sr ternary composite modifier has more obvious modification effect on eutectic silicon in Al-13%Si alloy: the microstructure of different morphology can be obtained by using different amount and order of adding modifier. When the amount and order of modifier are 0.5wt%Sr, 0.7wt%P, 1.5wt%RE,the eutectic silicon with small size and uniform distribution can be obtained. Eutectic silicon consists of 70 μm, the slender lamella is refined to 5 μm.

2012 ◽  
Vol 620 ◽  
pp. 384-388
Sharifah Aishah Syed Salim ◽  
Julie Juliewatty Mohamed ◽  
Zainal Arifin Ahmad ◽  
Zainal Arifin Ahmad

Numerous methods have been used to produce high purity TiC. There is no previous study has been reported on the formation using single elemental powders of Titanium (Ti) and Carbon (C) with addition Nickel (Ni) by tungsten inert gas (TIG) weld method. In this work, TiC was synthesized via TIG method by arc melting elemental powder mixture of Ti and C at ~5 second (s) and 80 ampere (A). The effect Ni contents on TiC formation was investigated. The mixed raw material was ball milled for 24 hours followed by synthesis via TIG method. The arced samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning electron microscope (SEM). It was revealed, that small amount of Ni additive to the metal powder allows the production of dense and tough TiC.

2007 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-150 ◽  
G.P. Vassilev ◽  
K.I. Lilova ◽  
J.C. Gachon

Phase equilibria were studied in the system Ni-Sn-Bi. Special attention has been paid to the identification of the recently found ternary phase. For this purpose samples were synthesized using intimately mixed powders. After annealing and quenching, all alloys were analyzed by scanning electron microscope and by X-ray diffraction. The results give evidences about the existence of a ternary compound with approximate formula Ni6Sn2Bi to Ni7Sn2Bi. Overlapping of some neighboring diffraction peaks of this phase with NiBi and Ni3Sn_LT is the reason for the difficulties related to the X-ray diffraction identification of the ternary phase.

2018 ◽  
Vol 163 ◽  
pp. 05008
Anna Skawińska

This paper presents the results of the studies carried out in the model systems and concerning the tobermorite synthesis with an addition of metahalloysite. Quartz sand and quicklime were the main raw material constituents. The mixtures in the form of slurries underwent hydrothermal treatment with an addition of metahalloysite (5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 30%) for 4 hours and 12 hours. The resultant composites were analysed for their phase composition using X-ray powder diffraction. The microstructure was examined using the Scanning Electron Microscope. Tobermorite was the principle reaction product. When 30% metahalloysite was added to the mixture containing CaO and SiO2, the formation of katoite was found.

Dewi Elok Rahmawati ◽  
Lilik Miftahul Khoiroh ◽  
Rachmawati Ningsih ◽  
Febi Yusniyanti ◽  
Wariatus Solawati ◽  

<p class="02abstracttext"><span lang="PT-BR">Iron lathe waste powder has the potential as a raw material in the synthesis of hematite pigments. Hematite pigments have many advantages, one of which is anti-swelling properties that can maintain the dimensions of wood. Hematite pigment synthesis was carried out using the precipitation-sonication method. The precipitation stage uses an ammonium hydroxide solution as a precipitating agent. Stages of sonication using the PEG-6000 template were performed at different times were 30, 45, and 90 minutes then calcined at 750 ° C for 3 hours. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), color reader, and scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive <br /> X-Ray (SEM-EDX). The result confirmed that a ferrihydrite phase obtained after the precipitation process and transform into hematite after the calcination process with the highest degree of crystallinity for 90-minute sonication. From a color reader, the brightness and redness degrees decrease with increasing time. Scanning electron microscope results illustrated that the morphology was not uniform with the particle size getting smaller with increasing sonication time. The EDX results show that hematite pigments still contain impurities such as carbon. The swelling test indicated that the highest stability in hematite-pigmented wood increased as increasing in the weight of pigment.</span></p>

2012 ◽  
Vol 538-541 ◽  
pp. 302-305
Ran Yang Zhang ◽  
Gang Yao Zhao ◽  
Yue Chen

Surface composite layer was fabricated on the cast steel matrix using the evaporative pattern casting (EPC) technology. The pre-coating with WC and Cr-Fe particles as raw reinforcements was reacted with matrix and formed the composite layer. Then, the microstructure and hardness of surface composite layer were investigated by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Olympus Microscope (OM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDAX) and Rockwell Apparatus. The results show that the composite layer can be divided into transitive layer and penetrated layer, and the component analysis shows that the microstructure distribution of the penetrated layer is homogeneous.

2020 ◽  
pp. 82-89
Paweł Iwański ◽  
Bartłomiej Igliński ◽  
Grzegorz Piechota

The article presents carbonization as a method of waste management from the brine sodium-lime method. It was compared with the previously obtained results for the lye-sodium one. Within it, the fltration and washing times were contrasted for treated and non-carbonised samples. For this aim potentiometric titration analysis was used to determine the precipitation's basic components and by-product brine. Scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive X-ray spectrum and diffractographic analysis were used for morphology analysis what allowed to determine the tested samples' composition. It was found that despite significant differences in the time of washing and filtration, the time of these processes is shortened after the suspension has been exposed to carbon dioxide. In both cases the composition allows the waste brine to be recycled to the purifcation processes and the mixture of calcium and magnesium compounds become alternative raw material. It turned out that in both methods it is possible to utilize the suspension formed.

2014 ◽  
Vol 988 ◽  
pp. 89-92 ◽  
Ran Tao ◽  
Yu Tao Zhao ◽  
Zhi Hong Jia ◽  
Liang Xu

In this paper, high pure α-Al2O3 powder is prepared through active hydrolysis by using high pure aluminum as raw material . Using X-ray diffractometer, scanning electron microscope, laser particle size analyzer and ICP-OES to research the phase transitions, organizational structure, particle size distribution and the purity of the α-Al2O3 powder. The results show that: the high pure α-Al2O3 powder have micrometer level of the size, good dispersion and purity of 5N under atomization, hydrolysis reaction and calcination at 1200°C for three hours.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 95
Nur Hidayati ◽  
Wahib Khoiruddin ◽  
Isnadiah Endang Mastuti ◽  
Wahyu Devi Satna Pambudi

Gliserol adalah produk samping yang dihasilkan dari proses pembuatan biodiesel. Karena peningkatan produksi biodiesel, utilisasi gliserol yang melimpah menjadi asetin berpeluang dilakukan karena manfaat asetin sebagai sumber bahan baku untuk material lainnya yang bernilai lebih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat katalis grafena oksida dari multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) dengan menggunakan metode hummers termodifikasi. Karakterisasi katalis GO dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji X-Rays Diffraction (XRD) dan Scanning Electron Microscope-Energi Dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX). Aktivitas katalitik pada asetilasi gliserol menunjukkan konversi yang tinggi mencapai 94% pada suhu 110°C dalam 2 jam reaksi dengan menggunakan katalis 3% berat. Kata kunci: Asetilasi, Gliserol, Grafena Oksida, Metode Hummers Termodifikasi AbstractGlycerol is a by-product of biodiesel production. Due to the increase in biodiesel production, the utilization of abundant glycerol into acetin has the opportunity to be carried out because of the benefits of acetin as a source of raw material for other materials of higher value. This study aims to prepare graphene oxide catalysts from multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) using the modified Hummers method. The characterizations of GO catalyst were assessed using X-Rays Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscope-Energi Dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX). The catalytic activity of glycerol acetylation showed a high conversion reaching 94% at 110°C in 2 hours of reaction using a 3% by weight catalyst.

W. Brünger

Reconstructive tomography is a new technique in diagnostic radiology for imaging cross-sectional planes of the human body /1/. A collimated beam of X-rays is scanned through a thin slice of the body and the transmitted intensity is recorded by a detector giving a linear shadow graph or projection (see fig. 1). Many of these projections at different angles are used to reconstruct the body-layer, usually with the aid of a computer. The picture element size of present tomographic scanners is approximately 1.1 mm2.Micro tomography can be realized using the very fine X-ray source generated by the focused electron beam of a scanning electron microscope (see fig. 2). The translation of the X-ray source is done by a line scan of the electron beam on a polished target surface /2/. Projections at different angles are produced by rotating the object.During the registration of a single scan the electron beam is deflected in one direction only, while both deflections are operating in the display tube.

Marc H. Peeters ◽  
Max T. Otten

Over the past decades, the combination of energy-dispersive analysis of X-rays and scanning electron microscopy has proved to be a powerful tool for fast and reliable elemental characterization of a large variety of specimens. The technique has evolved rapidly from a purely qualitative characterization method to a reliable quantitative way of analysis. In the last 5 years, an increasing need for automation is observed, whereby energy-dispersive analysers control the beam and stage movement of the scanning electron microscope in order to collect digital X-ray images and perform unattended point analysis over multiple locations.The Philips High-speed Analysis of X-rays system (PHAX-Scan) makes use of the high performance dual-processor structure of the EDAX PV9900 analyser and the databus structure of the Philips series 500 scanning electron microscope to provide a highly automated, user-friendly and extremely fast microanalysis system. The software that runs on the hardware described above was specifically designed to provide the ultimate attainable speed on the system.

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